#oof this is a bit long but ogh
kiwikipedia · 1 year
Hello hi for your superpower how do you think lancer li shuwen would think of qin liangyu or qin shi huang?
For both there is respect, like anyone, he respects his ancestors and the figures he probably learned about during his youth.
For Qin Liangyu specifically, Li Shuwen remains respectful around her to start though certainly his interest is sparked due to the fact that they're both Chinese Lancers. He's interested in how she fights and what style she uses, and while she has a similar outlook, she's definitely not as studious as he is when it comes to observing his spearmanship.
As servants who are both Chinese and lancers, they walk in a few of the same circles, as for any Chinese holiday the Chinese Servants try and meet up to maintain that cultural bond and the Lancers are sometimes rounded up for "Class bonding", so they would end up getting closer. I wouldn't say that they are friends like he is with Yan Qing and Jing Ke, but he's definitely put her in the same category as Xaunzang, Nezha, Chen Gong, and Lu Bu of "Fun to interact with". When prompted, he'd state that she seems like an "elder sister who has her head on straight" and he respects her flexibility, especially if they're fighting together. Qin Liangyu's perspective on Li Shuwen is that he's wild and blunt but not in a bad way. She was certainly put off with how he's the type who does things as he pleases more often than not, but she's able to adapt and actually thinks it's interesting when he does something a bit more unpredictable in a fight that forces her to change how she thinks and perceives the tide of battle.
(Assassin Li is more or less similar, we know that he doesn't have memories of LB3 and has to be told about it, but he's respectful to start and ends up treating her a bit like a niece. He calls her a "respectable young woman who is humble and trustworthy" when asked. She thinks he's a much calmer man and respects him as an elder despite their birth years being so far apart.)
For Qin Shi Huang specifically, it's very different. Again, there's that respect factor at first, though Li Shuwen isn't extremely interested in the former Emperor. He lived under ~ three in his lifetime, so it's not like its a big wow and shock factor like it would be if, lets say, someone in modern-day America met royalty for the first time. They're not close, but he'll show respect to Qin Shi Huang when needed. He does respect the Emperor's fighting prowess, though was mildly put off when he learned about LB3. Fundamentally, their ideals don't exactly align, and he thinks it's really fucking weird that his Elder LB Self was essentially kept like a pet. He doesn't avoid Qin Shi Huang, but they're not friends, and he doesn't go out of his way to find him if he can help it. Qin Shi Huang on the other hand seems mildly interested but only because they remember Li Shuwen's Lostbelt life, but their interest is primarily elsewhere in Chaldea.
(Assassin Li is also respectful and reserved, and a bit warier than Lancer Li Shuwen about the whole Lostbelt 3 Thing but eventually that settles down and it's fine. Qin Shi Huang is more interested than Li Shuwen is on both accounts, but Assassin Li is more likely to talk or listen longer than Lancer Li is.)
All in all: Li Shuwen isn't exactly all that close with either, but as they all walk in the same cultural circle of being Chinese, they are at least respectful and cordial to one another. He's closer to Qin Liangyu than Qin Shi Huang as a Lancer, neutral on both fronts as an Assassin.
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