#or that my teerh are shifting
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Mentioned how my smile was my favourite physical quality and something I genuinely like abt myself. 3 weeks later. Constant tooth sentivity and tenderness. Dentist said "lol idk, ur x rays are clear. Maybe root canal if it doesn't go away??? Jk come back in 3 weeks, that'll be 150$"
And like OF FUCKIN COURSE I open my big stupid mouth and say ONE (1) MILDLY vain thing and it's like. Oh??? Remember all ur dental trauma as a kid and all the procedures that went poorly and all the crying???? But at least you have a nice smile right??? Jk, how about we DO IT ALL AGAIN and ALSO probably fuck up the one physical trait you don't hate abt urself AND it costs a billion dollars
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girlhorse · 21 days
i have a permanent brace from when i was a kid on my bottom teerh...and um maybe. a year or more ago now i noticed one of my teeth wasnt glued to it anymore and ive done nothing about it. its definitely ummmm started to shift lol
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