#or. yanno. switch your ao3 'don't show me this' tags around
faeriekit · 1 year
"Well, this is fanon, when canon is actually—" That's great and all, but if it's a widely held belief in the fanbase with a lot of support, it's probably because the fans took the narrative to its natural conclusion where the writers wanted to gloss over something they didn't want to get into.
Or maybe it was narratively more interesting.
Or perhaps it just won The Rule Of Cool.
But really, if you're going to complain how fans play fast and loose with canon events, I think you may have more fun doing archival fanwork on the wikis. I promise you that you're not missing out on anything if the fans are having fun doing whatever. Pinky promise. Canon is still there for you. But I wanna make this character purr and glow in the dark okay
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