#or..is it?
Cozy wooden chairs are currently bare of customers during this time of day—when afternoon soon crumples into dusk. 
Hello. The person typing these words is called Quill. Please allow me to indulge in the sin of pride for a moment. Above is my favourite line from last night’s chapter of HKU. I would like to quickly analysis/demonstrate why for two reasons. 1) It would relate to weekly assignments for my writing class in which my professor does not know that my submissions of self reflection are actually just renamed works of disgusting, childish, fanfiction about Zelda characters, for I am also a sinner in sloth. 2) I want to.
The following analysis has a pretentious rating of 16.8:
My current venture in Ao3 has one goal: to experiment and write with voice. Perspective. Narration. I have a bit of an obsession with unreliable narrators, irresponsible personalities. Put simply: I love lying.
I’ve sort of grown accustomed to my experiment with the blog--html, colors, asks, tags, codes. I can’t say I’m satisfied, but I can say I’m happy. I did it because I was bored of Ao3, but now time passed and the pattern switches.
Of course, I am still going to continue the original tumblr blog style updates as we are so very close to my favourite part of the story, and if I had to wait another 2 years to get the Ao3 chapters up to speed before I can share the ending, I might frankly kill myself. That Masterlist takes a good 30 seconds to load for me on my Lenovo Legion 5 Nvidia Geforce RTX 32gb AMD Ryzen 5000 series 7 and iphone 5. I shiver at the thought of doing all the work again, and then twice over.
Anyhow: Voice. It’s the constant, the bread and butter of HKU. Long have I dabbled between the realms of writing with intricate, sentimental description, and writing like a loser pissboy. Even now, the certain voice that I concoct for “Quill,” is not how I talk in real life. Of course this choice of style is forced in order to attempt to exude an aura of mystery and intelligence, but it’s not something I truly say “on da casual.” In fact, I’d say this voice of Quill is how I normally think. In real life I talk something more similar to Asivus Hartell. I look at the world of Breath of the Wild, and think to myself how it is a world of splendor and grief, a testament to the act of creation and growth despite life’s repeated tragedies, despite life’s repeated deaths. I think it is a masterpiece that sits in a corner of my soul forever. Outloud, I say: noice. And now you know why I am forever stuck in insatiable madness.
Therefore, I not only write and read sentences in my head, but I like to say them outloud, as is the case for:
Cozy wooden chairs are currently bare of customers during this time of day—when afternoon soon crumples into dusk.
It is very important to me that a sentence feels nice to say. In middle school, I was bored by Shakespeare, but now I understand his obsession with rhythm, syllables, and meter. Don’t you think this is a nice/noice sentence? Perhaps it seems a bit forced at times, particularly in the middle of it, but I like the slight disruption it gives.
There is a heartbeat present in the natural emphasis of the words: CO-zy, WOOD-en, CHAIRS-are. I try to highlight it further with the alliteration: cozy, chairs, currently, customers.
The meter is not perfect, “currently” shakes up the rhythm by an odd number of syllables so it forces a sort hiccup or inverse in the pattern. And “during this time of day” loses the alliteration of “c” that I’ve set up, trailing off the momentum. The reason? I just like the way it sounds, I like the way it transitions.
When AFT-er-NOON soon CRUM-ples IN-to DUSK. A perfect iambic pentameter. My bestie. My beloved, even. It’s a description that I like, even without the meter, but is further enjoyable(at least in my opinion) when juxtaposed with the different weird meter/alliteration in the chairs part of the sentence. It’s two different types of word-feel(there’s probably a word for that) that merge together through the shared interest in the time of day.
It’s also a sentence that I think has decent voice. It’s not something Siv would say, or Zelda or Link. It’s very flowery, passionate or pretentious depending on who you ask, perfect for something like Arcadius or ???(depending on who you ask). I never care about meter when writing for Siv, I pretty much just talk out loud about the topic ‘til it sounds good and then I write it down and edit.
This? I write out the single, favourite sentence first, and then I make a scene as an excuse to use it.
As thank you for reading this, here is another of said “excuse sentences” as I’ll call them. I am finishing up editing its accompanied scene in an update coming sooner than you think.
And they had a long, constructive dialogue much like that between a jellyfish and a ghost—bereft in true transparency.
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