#oughghghgghghhg i have to write for him oufhhhggh
lunarmoves · 6 months
Hi hi Miss Shayyy!! 1 and 22 for the fanfic writer asks? 💕
MISS ZEEE HELLO!!!!! ily ty for dropping by <3
1. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
hmmmm... smthn new.... does writing for the dca fandom count LMFAOOO. idk i'd never juggled with the sort of creepy tropes that come with sunmoon before. like... they are scary DSFHKF. i used to write creepy things with mha back on my other blog, but nothing like with fnaf, so getting to mess around with creepy sun or glitched moon was very interesting! 10/10 would do again.
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
OUUUGHHHH hang on. i need to think.... okokok i think it's probably gotta be this scene i wrote for chapter two of love from the other side (the god/apocalypse au i told u abt):
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I JUST. GAHHH. GOD ECLIPSE GGGAHHHHHHHHH. hes taken over my brain. this scene.... this scene goes so crazy... now all i gotta do is finish it KHSDFJKSF
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