wmu-cedes · 2 months
Lima Bean Meetup || Codcedes
WHO: Cody Tolentino @wmucody & Mercedes Jones @wmu-cedes
DATE: February 26
SUMMARY: Cody and Mercedes meet up for a chat at the Lima Bean. Pain ensues.
Mercedes had been a mess over the entirety of the weekend. She thought that things with Cody were going to even out eventually, especially after their last conversation. However, learning that he had gone to a family function with Frannie had cut Mercedes in a way she hadn't been expecting and it had all but ruined her weekend. However, she was determined to try and make their friendship work, even if it meant she would have to draw some firm lines in the sand. Despite her complex feelings with him, Mercedes had agreed to meet him at the Lima Bean for coffee. She waited just inside the doors for her friend, hands stuffed in the pockets of her soft wool cardigan, rocking slightly in her vans. When he stepped through the doors she felt her heart constrict slightly, but she schooled her features with a bright grin. "Hey boo."
Cody slowly trekked through the university courtyard. He thought the hangover from the weekend would have been long gone by now but it was sticking around with relentless condition. His black sunglasses balanced on the bridge of his nose, his beige jumper hood sitting on the brim of his black hat. If someone drew a visual representation of a hangover it would look exactly like him.
He finally reached the doors of the Lima Bean. Finally. The walk from his dorm seemed like it took forever. His eyes met Mercedes. Taking off his glasses, his heavy eyes offered a warm gaze. He knew had overstepped his own boundaries at the weekend, and was expecting a conversation to arise out of it.
"Hi, Cedes," Cody greeted. His voice raspy. "You been waiting long?"
Her stomach did a flip at the raspy greeting, knowing that it was no doubt the hangover that was still plaguing him that was causing his tone to change, as opposed to any sort of feelings on his side. "Nope, I've been here for like 5 seconds. I was gonna get us our drinks, but I didn't need you coming at me for paying when you said it would be your treat." She joked, stepping in the direction of the line.
"How you feeling?"
Cody ruffled inside his pockets, sliding in his sunglasses while removing his wallet at the same time. "Yeah, you're right I woulda came for you," he teased back. "Big time". He removed the hood from his head. "Yeah, I've been better. Do I look fucked? Be honest?" He asked, tilting his head to look at her through glazed eyes.
A chuckle escaped her and she shook her head. "Big time - huge." She mocked.
Her brown eyes assessed him for a moment, takin in the colour of his skin and the hat that still sat atop his head. "You don't look fucked but you definitely look like you're recovering from a few drinks." Mercedes paused then and patted his arm gently. "The Fabrays go hard, huh?"
Cody laughed softly, nodding his head at Mercedes' answer. He was recovering alright, and the lack of sleep during the night didn't help. His body kept jumping every so often, a result of the sugary cocktails probably. "A little too hard. Drank me under the table".
Cody stepped forward in front of the barista, slightly bumping into Mercedes as they joked. "I'll have a small oat milk latte, with a large cup of iced water, please? And she'll have?" He paused, offering Mercedes the floor to order for herself.
Her brows rose at the idea of anyone drinking Cody under the table, it sounded like a fun time but also really bad for ones liver. Instead of focusing on that, her thoughts were jarred when her friend bumped into her and began to order. "I'll take a small caramel macchiato please and thank you." She ordered, nudging Cody lightly with her elbow as a sign of thanks.
He smiled gracefully towards the barista as Mercedes ordered, tapping his card at the card machine when prompted.
"So, what else did you do with your weekend? That wasn't accompanying Sam to find a sexy suit," Cody questioned, walking over to the waiting area. His slight jealousy was masked with a smile. Really, he had no right to be jealous. Especially when he had just spent a full weekend getting to know Frannie on a more serious level; however, the initial thought of Mercedes going to a ball and then suit shopping with some other guy did ruffle a few of his feathers more than he liked to admit.
She gave a passing glance to the barista who was already busy taking someone elses order before following Cody to the waiting area. "Other than helping Sam find a killer suit I literally did homework and worked. I have absolutely zero life lately and it's boring as hell." She replied with a sigh, idly playing with the ring on her thumb. She had also spent a good chunk of the weekend crying and sad, but Cody didn't need to know that just yet.
"Thanks again for the coffee, I owe you." As she said it, their order was placed on the counter and she thanked the barista before grabbing his coffee and iced water and handing it to him, and then grabbing hers. The cup was warm, and she held it close to her. "You wanna sit at a table or in some chairs?"
Cody shook his head. "You don't owe me anything, girl" he replied, a soft smile plastered on his face. "Thanks". He took his drinks from Mercedes after shoving his wallet back into his pocket, looking around Lima Bean to see what space looked cosiest.
"Chairs," He insisted, his need to get comfy slowly taking over his body. His hands held a small shake in them. He hadn't drank enough water in his recovery and it showed. Leading the way, Cody felt a little apprehensive. He knew a conversation was drawing in about his actions at the weekend, however he had small hope that it could be forgotten about without conversing. He picked out two chairs sitting idle in the corner. Slumping down on the chair, he first took a drink of the iced water. The first drop refreshed his mouth which held a level of roughness from the weekend.
Mercedes let out a small nod, "Chairs it is." She followed him slowly, watching as he made his way to choose his spot. He looked rough, and a small part of her felt bad for what she wanted to bring up, but if she didn't, Mercedes woudl feel worse. It was one thing for him to set boundaries, it was another for him to follow them, and if their friendship was going to survive whatever the hell was going on, they both needed to be strict about it.
She sunk down into the chair opposite him with a sigh and took a sip of her coffee, wincing at the heat of it. "If you need another one of those i'll go get you one, " she began, putting her coffee down on the table between them. "But uh, I won't lie I'm a little surprised you're here and wanted to hang out."
He placed the iced water cup on the table, keeping the warm coffee close to him before cradling it with two hands. The heat made every thing feel alright. It stopped the overwhelming urge of wanting to heave.
"Surprised? I get that we had some sort of a tiff at the weekend," Cody replied, a confused tone in this voice. His head cocked slightly, wanting to understand Mercedes more. "I wouldn't have thought it would meant we couldn't hang out?"
Her brow cocked and she shook her head slowly, "I meant because of the hangover, Cods." she replied, shifting a little in her seat. "I figured you probably went hard with Frannie, so I didn't think you'd wanna do this today." She paused then, smoothing down the fabric of her cardigan.
"Although I'd be lying if i didn't want to bring up that tiff" Guilt hammered through her, causing her stomach to begin to sour. "I'm not sure what's going on with you two, and quite frankly it's none of my damn business... But the texting like that has to stop."
His mouth fell open. "Oh," Cody said quietly. He repositioned himself, feeling slightly awkward at him landing himself in it. His body slid down the seat ever so slightly, his right leg balancing over his left. "Nah, I get you. It was my fault," Cody admitted. Their friendship just rekindled and it felt like he was the one to cause all the drama in the short period of time that they had re-entered each other's lives. "I never meant any harm by it at all".
"I know you didn't, you never do." She muttered the last part to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to self soothe. "It's just hard. One day we're having an intense hookup in your room, the next we're not talking, then we're friends... Then I find out you're at a family thing with another girl and you're flirting with me? It's confusing." She let out, biting down on her bottom lip as she resisted letting slip her true feelings.
Cody sat up as he listened to Mercedes, leaning his body forward to show his engagement within the conversation. His eyebrows furrowed. "I know it's hard, Cedes, like I feel it. It's taking a bit of time to adjust to". He examined her facial expression, unable to tell how exactly she was feeling. "I take full blame for the flirting when I was away with Frannie. In my defence, like, me and Frannie were flirting with other people still. I know it runs a lot depper with us, and I just overstepped the line again."
She eyed him warily. She had so many questions, so many things she wanted to just fling at him to see where they'd land and what he'd say. Although, given how aloof he usually was about his feelings, Mercedes doubted that she'd get the reaction she really desired. She nodded slowly and reached for her coffee, taking a health sip despite the sting. "This isn't my business but... Are you and Frannie gonna start dating? I only ask cause hanging out with her family for a weekend is kinda intense." There was a vulnerability to her voice that made her wince a little.
Cody mirrored Mercedes' movements, taking a small sip of his piping hot coffee, hovering it close to his body in hope it would start to regulate his own body's temperature into a normal cycle. He shook his head at the question, his left hand curling round his neck soothing it nervously. "I'm not actually too sure, Cedes. Dating isn't exactly my forte but I did enjoy the weekend with her". He chose his words carefully, aware of their past together and not wanting to cause any unnecessary pain.
Mercedes looked at him and let out a small breath, it wasn't a yes, but it wasn't exactly a no either. "I'm glad you did, babe." Her heart was hammering away in her chest and she felt stupid. Stupid for letting him get to her again after they stopped talking, and stupid for caring that he was even maybe attempting something more with someone else. "You gonna be coherent enough to go to your afternoon classes today?" When in doubt, she would deflect. It had worked for her most of her life.
He picked up in the change of tone, even if it was ever so subtle. Their previously strong friendship allowed Cody to pick up on all of Mercedes' idiosyncrasies. His psychology classes also gave him a foot forward in reading a situation; however, he didn't want to poke the bear. Especially when he was trying to get back in her good books. "Ah, I'm sure I'll be fine," Cody answered, a hopeful tone in his voice as it was raised an octave higher, learning back in his chair to provide neutral body language to the situation. He couldn't shake the tension in the air. There was something not right with Mercedes but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He watched Mercedes as he swallowed more of his coffee.
The tension between them was palpable. So much so that she could practically see it. She wanted to be frustrated, to question him, to take care of him because of his stupid hang over. She was torn, and Mercedes hated it. "If you're not, don't push yourself. You don't need to get worse." She replied, offering him a tight lipped smile. She had class in 45 minutes and while Mercedes wanted to sit and enjoy an actual conversation with Cody that wasn't filled with anxiety or angst, she couldn't. She glanced at the watch on her wrist and then to her coffee and let out a small sigh, beginning to rise. "Cody, im sorry I can't do this. Not right now. I need, hell I don't know what I need. I just know I can't do this - I have to go."
A look of confusion swept across his face as Mercedes began to stand up. "Cedes," he vocalised, standing up with her. "What do you mean you can't do this? Do you mean you can't be friends with me?" The question fell out his mouth, his defensiveness shining through in his tone. His hand reached out to comfort her, but he stopped himself in his tracks and dropped it back to his side, filling his pockets with his twitching fingers. He had a habit of flicking the nails on his hands with his thumbs, a way to keep him grounded. Especially in an agitating situation which he felt he had no control over. "Talk to me".
Mercedes was idly aware that there were other people around them, their gazes popping over due to the abrupt chance in body language. She sucked in a breath, willing the tears that threatened to prickle at her eyes back. "That's not what I meant, Cody." She breathed. Being friends with Cody, even if it was painful was something she couldn't give up. It hurt too much when they weren't talking for her to give him up completely. "I could never fully stop being friends with you, I need you in my life too much for that." She took another breath, ignoring the way her hands were shaking. "I just need some time to figure out where I'm at because your non platonic feelings for me might be gone but imma be straight up I'm struggling." A sudden wave of nausea hit her and she closed her eyes, for someone who wanted to go into acting she was really shit at hiding her emotions. "I just need to take some time to figure my shit out, I'm not saying this to guilt you, I'm not saying this to throw a wrench in anything that may or may not be happening for you and Frannie because I know where I stand with you. I just can't keep pushing shit down. So like give me a few days okay?"
Cody stood speechless while his face spoke a thousand words. Mercedes speech drew water to the brims of his eyelids. It killed him to see her like this, to know that he made her feel in a way that wasn't amazing. For the first time in his life he was left without anything to say. He wanted to tell her that he couldn't go a few days without speaking to her, but that was the most selfish thing he could do right now in Mercedes plead for space. He noticed the way Mercedes was shaking. It reminded him of the time he walked away. How he had shattered their reality all because he couldn't let his guard down. And here they were, in another situation. Even though Mercedes wasn't abandoning him fully, the unsettling fear of losing her suffocated the depths of his soul. "Yeah," he finally replied in a softness that he never thought was possible. "Anything you need".
She had prepared for him to walk away. For him to tell her she needed to not involve him in figuring herself out but he didn't. He didn't walk away this time. Her eyelids opened and despite the slight blur to her gaze she looked at him and smiled softly, blinking away hot tears. "Thank you babe, I'll message you in a few days okay?" It wasnt like she could put a time line on her thoughts but she could at least not leave him in limbo. The fact that he had reconciled told her that he at least valued her friendship. Despite knowing better, she reached forward and lightly squeezed his upper arm, and letting out a shaky breath. "Please take care of yourself." Her words were quick as she turned and headed out the door, feeling like her heart was in her stomach. She wouldn't be going to class today.
Cody forced the corners of his lips to curl. A fake smile was presented as he nodded his head. His eyes followed Mercedes as she exited the Lima Bean. A tear fell from his right eye but Cody wiped it away before it reached the middle of his cheek. He stood there. Lifeless. Thoughtless. After a few seconds he gulped hard as he sat back down in the chair, staring at where Mercedes had just been sitting across from him. He couldn't fight off the immense feeling of shame. Maybe he was wrong for rekindling with Mercedes? Has he only caused more harm? She was better off without him. The floods of harmful thoughts drowned out the sound of the crowded coffee shop. His eyes still focused on the other seat as the memories of their relationship projected throughout his head. They always walked a very thin line between platonic and romance, often dancing hand in hand over the blurriness. This time felt different though.
Mercedes said she only needed a few days; however, there was a daunting feeling within Cody that he had pushed her too far this time.
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riointhedark · 21 days
Prompt 004 - A Gift to the Dark
A gift to a god was one thing, a gift to a being that is considered primordial was another. What could he give him? What would be enough? What could a mortal give to someone who was considered one of the first rulers of the gods? Rio looked at the looming statue of his godly patronage and left the temple. He needed time to think about what he was going to offer to him.
Rio had a second father with a title that would be impossible to live up to. He could never reach that level or even a fraction of it. He sighed as he walked along the shore. Sleepless nights were nothing to him. Insomnia was something that had kept him company since he was a small child. He sat up in his bed looking over at the nightstand holding his phone. The light cut through the darkness of the room that had been his for just over a week now. He sighed it was only 3am at least another two hours before he knew his body would allow him to drift to sleep.
His footsteps crunched on the dirt path as he walked not sure where he was going and just letting the night lead him somewhere. When he looked up and saw the doors of the temple he turned away. He didn't feel ready to enter it was still all too much. Rio let his body move back to his cabin and sat on the steps. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it. A simple piece of obsidian. It wasn't much but neither was he. He couldn't give something extraordinary cause it would feel like he hadn't lived up to it yet. It would feel forced and fake. He pushed the doors open, moved to the base of the statue, and kneeled. Through the window he could see day was about the break the tension of the horizon. The moon hung low and night was the darkest it was going to be. Rio turned the rock in his pocket and placed it between the feet of his father before looking up at his face.
"Dear Dad, not sure what to say here since he never met before but hey." he paused. Rio wasn't sure if this was something that he should be doing and wanted to walk away. He stopped himself took a deep breath and kept going. "There isn't much that I can give or that I have done. And I won't promise to live up to your name, but I won't let this defeat me. I won't be swallowed by the darkness I'll thrive in it." Wasn't much of a prayer but he didn't know what else to add to it. He stood from his spot an gave the god one last look. "Talk to you later i guess.'' Rio turned to leave and yawned as the sun started to rise.
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colemonroe · 1 year
WHERE: Tonopah Medical Center; January 1, 2023- 3:15AM WITH: @shepdecker
Cole Monroe wasn’t delusional. He knew who he was– or, more accurately, he knew what he was. He was an outlaw– a criminal, and a killer. And he was alright with that. Cole had long since accepted his lot in life and rarely lingered on the thought of it for any longer than he had to. But as he stood in the doorway of his half-brother’s hospital room, he couldn’t help but feel it battering into him like a rogue wave. The scene in front of him was so wrong. Shepherd Decker was a good man. Though they may have stood on opposite sides of the law for as long as either of them could remember, that didn’t distract from the truth and Cole knew that. How was Shep the one confined to a bed, hooked up to all sorts of machines and drips, while he was walking around unscathed?
Swallowing hard, Cole leaned into the doorway, trying to appear casual in his stance, but the truth was that he needed the support to help keep his balance. There was so much he didn’t know about the man in front of him, about his own brother. But what Cole did know was what mattered most– Shepherd Decker was a man of virtue. He believed in something bigger than himself– that had been evident to Cole from the very beginning and he admired Shep for that. How could he not? There was one central, recurring fact that none of them could deny– Shep was the very best of them. Cole wasn’t so blinded by the reaper he wore on his back that he couldn’t see that. 
And he deserved better.
During his conversation with Sawyer, he’d made a vow– he’d find the responsible party and hold them accountable. It was what he knew, after all. If there was a wrong, Cole Monroe righted it. If blood needed to be spilled, he’d gladly wield the knife. It was just who he was. But for a half a heartbeat, as he stepped into Shepherd’s room, he wasn’t thinking about retribution. He was thinking about kindness, patience, and goodness– all qualities that Shepherd Decker possessed and exemplified in his daily life. All qualities Cole wished more people had– including himself. 
“Y’know, all my life I wanted an older brother,” Cole started, moving deeper into the hospital room. “Someone to look up to, someone to emulate– someone to pave the way,” he paused, eyeing the monitors on the wall and all the numbers within them that he couldn’t decode. He’d never understand what half of them meant, but they told him all he really needed to know– his brother was still alive, still fighting, which meant there was still time. Time for Shep to make things work with Madison, time to spend with his son…and time for Cole to learn from Shepherd’s noble example– because Cole would never stop trying to be better than he was, he’d never reach a point where he felt that there was nothing more for him to learn. And who better to learn from than a man who’d lived an extraordinary life surrounded by people who loved him and looked up to him?
“I don’t regret what I am,” he continued, scrubbing a hand across his mouth as he tore his eyes away from the monitors and finally dared himself to look directly at Shepherd. He looked so pale, so subdued compared to the image of unyielding strength Cole was used to. No doubt he’d lost so much blood from the incident, and his body was under so much strain from the trauma and yet here he was, still a force to be reckoned with because he’d survived. In spite of what the shooter had desired, Shep was still here. Blowing out a shaky breath, Cole shook his head, “But I can’t help but wonder who I woulda been if I’d grown up trippin’ over your heels, tryna follow in your footsteps.”
It wasn’t lost on Cole that he’d have been a great many things if he’d always had Shep there to guide him. “I woulda been a better man, I know that,” he murmured, nodding firmly because he felt it in the deepest parts of who he was. He’d have been better– more like Shepherd. But…Cole was who he was– there was no other way that he could be. The reaper was so ingrained into who he was, he couldn’t begin to imagine what his life would look like without it. “But this is what ya get outta your little brother,” he chuckled, despite the way warmth began to pool at the corners of his eyes as his hands reached up to grip the collar of the cut he was wearing, “the outlaw.”
Cole wasn’t a good man– not even close by his own estimation, but maybe that was the point. Maybe it was the outlaw that his brother needed right now. He could be that for Shep. Cole could be however twisted and sinister he needed to be in order to make this right. He could be ruthless, cold, and unforgiving– he’d lived well over half of his life perfecting what that meant. He’d never been afraid of being a monster, not if it meant protecting those he loved. And so for Shepherd…Cole could be anything he needed to be.  “I can’t promise ya that I’m ever gonna be someone you’ll be proud of,” Cole murmured as he drew to a stop at his brother’s bedside. Reaching down, he scooped one of Shepherd’s hands into his own as emotions he hadn’t expected to feel and tears he hadn’t expected to shed blurred his vision. “But I can promise ya one thing.” Pinching his eyes shut for a moment, Cole took a breath, composing himself. He did his best to shove down the brunt of what he was feeling– none of it would help Shepherd now. In its place, he let his anger take hold– he let that rage he was so used to feeling make a home in the deepest parts of himself and fuel him. Giving his brother’s hand a firm squeeze, Cole opened his eyes and glanced down at him, features twisting into a scowl, “I’m gonna find who did this and I’m gonna burn down every goddamn thing that they love.”
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nathanccrane · 11 months
TASK 004: under the surface… who are you?
➥ What is your character's relationship like with their parents?
December, 1994.
New York was different from home. The skyline stretched out across the horizon in a sparkling array of high-rise buildings that reached for the heavens, and it seemed to go on forever, unfolding further and further the longer Nate looked. It wasn’t as ancient or grey as London, still grubby but in a way that wasn’t quite the same. It was more modern. More awake. Alien. 
Maybe it was because he’d never seen London in this way, leaning over the balustrade of a penthouse balcony, freshly fifteen and carefree… or supposedly carefree anyway. Maybe if he’d had the chance to see London like this it wouldn’t all feel so foreign. Somehow he doubted it though.
“Quite a sight, isn’t it?”
Jack’s footsteps were loud behind him, the squeak of the balcony door announcing his arrival in what could only be a deliberate fashion, as though he didn’t want Nate to feel that he was sneaking up on him. He’d been doing that all week, being loud. Nate wasn’t sure what to make of it. He couldn’t tell if it was Jack being considerate or simply Jack being American.
“S’alright, I s’pose,” he mumbled, taking a sullen drag of his cigarette and watching the wispy smoke unfurl in the air.
Jack didn’t say anything about the smoking, just pulled out his own pack and lit one up. It was one of the things that had earned Nate’s grudging respect for him, the fact that he never pretended to have any authority over them. He left that to their mother, aware that as far as the kids were concerned he was an imposter. An imposter replacing the devil, but an imposter all the same.
“I chose this apartment for the view. Coming out here never gets old. Good place to think.”
Nate’s dismissive grunt didn’t deter the man. It never seemed to. It didn’t matter how unimpressed, irritating, or destructive any of them got, their new step-father didn’t bat an eyelash. Another strange piece to add to the puzzle that was Jack Crane, like the way that, despite his penchant for loudness, he was never loud without warning. He made no sudden movements around them, no unexpected noises. Maybe their mum had warned him not to, but Nate supposed he might’ve learned it by himself when he’d accidentally opened the door too hard a few months ago and the kids all scattered like a grenade had been launched into their midst. They couldn’t help it. It was a reflex. Too many memories of that same kind of slam, only it was a drunk, angry George lumbering through the doorway with a mean glint in his eye rather than a polite businessman wearing a  freshly pressed suit and a warm smile.
Nate’s hand shook slightly as he took the next drag, the phantom feeling of warm blood seeping between his fingers. If Jack noticed, he didn’t mention it. 
“You’re going to like it here.”
That deserved a reaction.
Nate huffed. “Oh yeah? Is that a threat?”
Jack smiled fondly. “Just an observation.”
He couldn’t work him out, this bizarre man who’d strolled so nonchalantly into their lives and swept their mother off her feet. Tall and handsome in the clean cut way that men in catalogues were, Jack was an anomaly. He’d had no place in their grime-covered little world back in Islington and he knew it, yet instead of just leaving he’d scooped them all up and taken them with him.
“Gonna kick us out if we don’t?”
It was satisfying to see him look taken aback for once. Nate suppressed a smug smile and returned his gaze to one of the buildings in the distance. He wondered how long they’d taken to construct it. Years maybe. Jack might’ve watched it go up. 
“Of course not. Why would I?”
Nate shrugged. It was bitterly cold outside. Too cold to be out on the balcony, really. Too cold for this particular conversation. They could go inside and resume their well established routine of Jack determinedly attempting to connect while he threw up more walls between them, that would be fine, but New York would still feel too little like home and Nate would still be getting too little sleep. He was getting sick of building walls, if he was honest. 
He’d chewed at a hangnail on his thumb and stayed put, thinking hard about what to say next. After a long, heavy silence, he finally sighed.
“Why us?”
Jack turned slightly, leaning his side against the balustrade to look at him with a frown. 
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“My mum. Why’d you choose my mum?” 
In the beginning, he hadn’t questioned it. Sally was Jack’s secretary. She was pretty, blonde, and younger than him. It was the ultimate cliche, a surprise to none of the McAdams kids, but according to everything they knew it shouldn’t have been anything more. A man like Jack, the charming, old money type, could’ve had anyone he wanted. He could build his own family with some picture perfect socialite who wore pearls and grew up taking elocution lessons and would turn a blind eye to copious affairs for the sake of a carefully crafted reputation. And yet…
“Because I love her.”
Obviously. Everybody loved Sally Byrne. That didn’t mean it made sense. 
“Well yeah,” he scoffed. “But it means you’re stuck with us.”
“Struggling to see the problem here, Nate.”
They stared at one another for a moment. Jack’s gaze was almost defiant in the face of teenage disbelief. 
Being with Sally Byrne meant putting up with six troubled, raucous kids, right off the back of their father’s death. And one of them had been the one to kill him. Nate had been the one to kill him. Any normal adult would be disturbed by that, but Jack had been the one to help pay his legal fees and get him off instead.
“You will,” he muttered darkly.
It was Jack’s turn to suppress a smile. “Is that a threat?”
Nate didn’t say anything. The problem was that part of Nathan wanted to like him. Another part already did. It made him uncomfortable. Adults that weren’t his mother weren’t to be trusted, they were too quick to judge and even quicker to hand out punishments. Whatever novelty Jack saw in them would wear off soon, he was sure of it. One day Freddie would steal an expensive bottle of scotch and crash a car, or the twins would break some precious family heirloom, or he’d overhear Nate screaming in the middle of the night and that would be it. He’d send them packing, right back to where they belonged. Back to Islington. Back into their father’s debts. Back to the gutter.
“Look, kid-”
That was another thing he did, calling Nate ‘kid’, but it never came off in the patronising way it did from other people. It was affectionate if anything. He didn’t know what to do with it.
“I know you’ve had a rough time of it, well… that’s an understatement, and I know you guys’ probably don’t believe me when I tell you this is your life now, you’re safe here, but you have my word that I’m going to do everything it takes to prove it to you. You just have to give me that chance.”
What was he supposed to say to that? He shrugged again, unwilling to make any more eye contact when he wasn’t sure what kind of emotions were playing out on his face. He’d learned early on in life that letting people know what you were thinking made you an easy target. 
“Yeah, well. People make empty promises all the time, don’t they?”
Jack made a noise like he was considering this.
“I suppose I’ll just have to keep my word then, won’t I.”
When Nate didn’t respond, Jack turned his gaze to the view too. The hustle and bustle of Manhattan below drifted up towards them, cars honking and distant music playing. At least that hadn’t changed. Nate didn’t think he could stand living somewhere quiet.
Apparently Jack couldn’t stand being in quiet of any sort because he broke their silence again, words halting and uncertain, like he wasn’t sure what sort of reaction he’d get.
“Listen…I’ve been talking to your mother about it and, well, I’ve got a few friends here and there who owe me some favours… a couple of them are in the legal system. If you like, we can get your name changed officially.”
Nate looked at him sharply, eyes narrowing. “Thought we already agreed to Crane.”
Their mum had proposed it a few weeks before the wedding, marking the fresh start with all of them shedding the McAdam name. There hadn’t been much of a fuss about it, Freddie was the only one who’d ever really managed to get along with George anyway. 
“Of course,” Jack said smoothly. “But I’m talking about your first name. We could make ‘Nathan’ legal if you like, along with… other things. Make sure you’re addressed the way you want on the necessary documents, your passport and the like.”
Until recently, he hadn’t even owned a passport. The idea of it, a document that could let you go wherever you wanted, was exciting at first. It’d gotten less so when he’d flipped it open and seen a name not used since he was six and ‘Sex: F’ stamped on the page. After that he hadn’t opened it unless it was absolutely necessary. 
“Didn’t think that was legal.”
“Some rules are meant to be broken, my friend.”
He was just trying to get on Nate’s good side and they both knew it. Unfortunately, it seemed to be working. He returned his gaze to the skyline. It had doubled in size yet again. Another sigh left him. Everything in this city was so vast, so unknown, and he’d been offered the possibility to search through it all, uncover any mysteries he wanted, completely unbound. He could never have imagined the freedoms that Jack Crane offered. They sounded too good to be true.
“Thought it would be different here.”
“How do you mean?”
“Dunno. Thought there would be more forks.”
“More… forks.”
He could feel Jack’s confusion from here, knew his eyebrow was probably slanting upwards in that annoying way of his. He was always doing that, raising his eyebrow. Nate had tried to copy it in the mirror, but he’d yet to succeed. 
“Yeah, like on TV. Rich people with their posh forks. All those weird little ones for different fucking courses. And furniture you ain’t allowed to sit on. Like at museums.”
It was probably the most Nate had ever said to him all in one go and Jack took a moment to catch up, the cogs in his brain whirring almost audibly, but he recovered admirably.
“Yes, well I never did see much point in having furniture you couldn’t use,” he said. “Seems a little redundant.”
“Why?” Nate asked, a little abruptly. 
“Um, well, chairs that aren't sat on are a little useless-”
“No. Not that. Why d’you…” he waved his free hand frustratedly. “Why d’you care what it says on my passport?”
Maybe it was a shame thing. Maybe he realised that Nate’s stubbornness and the support of his siblings couldn’t be waived, so he’d just decided it was better to play along and cover it up as best he could so people didn’t know that one of his new wife’s children was, as his father had loved to describe him, ‘a fucking freak’.
There was a pause. He could tell Jack was choosing his words carefully. 
“There are a lot of reasons. For one, all of your siblings have their real names on theirs, so it's only fair really, isn't it? And I love your mother a lot, like I said before. What's important to you is important to her, so it's important to me too. I want you to understand that I have your back, Nate. Even if you don't believe me. You haven't always been afforded the dignity and respect you deserve, but it doesn't have to be that way anymore. I want to give you the chance to be free of all that, to become the man you want to be. And if we have to break some rules to make sure you can get there then it's a worthwhile sacrifice.”
To anyone else it would’ve been a sweet speech, well received and maybe even applauded. Not to Nate though. He snorted loudly, choking on a lung full of smoke and smacking himself on the chest.
“As if,” he coughed, rolling his eyes.
“What? You don't believe me? Shocking,” Jack replied dryly, almost amused.
“You might believe what you're saying, but that just makes you a fucking idiot. Doesn't matter what my passport says, does it? Won't change the fact that I'm all-” He gestured to himself. “We don't belong here, me and my family. We're not posh like you, even if you don't have all the forks.”
It was true, he knew it to be. When they'd first arrived just over a week ago, the first thing Nate had noticed was that the pretty blue and gold wallpaper of the apartment wasn't peeling. There were no noisy neighbours whose staircase shared a wall with theirs screaming and banging at all times of the night. The hot water ran with good pressure and consistent heat, and they didn't have to share bathwater. The kids even had their own rooms, all of which were too large and too quiet at night. He'd missed the sounds of Ivy muttering in her sleep just across the room, the dark silence daunting, and apparently she'd felt the same because she'd come creeping through the door every night since they'd moved in. 
“Smells weird here,” she'd told him the first night, as they snuck outside to smoke. “Ain't nothing like home.”
Nate had always wanted his own room before. Turned out it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. None of it was. Having money was one thing, sure, but then there were all these unspoken rules that seemed to come with it. Rules about the way you should talk and move, who you should know and who you should snub, and the things you ate. What the fuck even were truffles anyway?
Declan had picked up on it all well enough so far. At least, he'd managed to navigate the brief few introductions Jack had made for them to his friends since coming into their lives, but he had always been quieter and more unassuming, and he wasn't here to teach the rest of them. He was back in England looking after his son. 
As far as Nathan was concerned, it wouldn't be long before they were the laughing stock of Jack's social circle, which meant they’d be the laughing stock of all their little brats too. He'd seen the brochures for the school they were supposed to attend, pages and pages of snooty looking kids in ties and blazers. They’d stick out like sore thumbs amongst them all. Freddie wouldn’t even be there to back him up. He’d begged off, old enough to do what he wanted.
“Funny. I didn’t think you were the type that cared what other people thought,” Jack mused. “Anyway, who’s to say you don’t belong?”
“Common fucking sense, that’s who.”
He’d thought anything would be better than being back home, back in that house where the memory of his dad haunted the walls, but now…
What the fuck were they even doing here?
“Ah, well. Perhaps common sense should meet Nathan Crane. It might change its mind.”
Nathan Crane. It did have a certain ring to it.
“Fine. We can change my name. Whatever.”
“Good. Great. I’ll make the call.” 
Jack grinned, wide and unabashed. He stubbed out his cigarette, dropping the butt into an empty plant pot, and rubbed his hands together. “Right. I’m going outside before I freeze to death. Good talk, champ.”
When he clapped him on the shoulder, Nate didn’t flinch.
As he watched his step-father slip back inside, he made a mental wager with himself. He’d give it half a year before the idiot went running for the hills and sent them all packing in the wake of it. Until then, well… he might as well make the most of it.
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a-simple-paranoiac · 5 months
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xmythandmagicx · 8 months
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bandersonrps · 1 year
Almost is Never Enough [Part 2] | Self Para
TAGGING: Blaine Anderson and Eli, with mentions of Kurt Hummel.
LOCATION: Blaine’s apartment.
NOTES: A continuation of Part 1.
Only the sound of their breathing could be heard as silence descended between them, almost like a calm before the storm. Blaine could see the disbelief, anger, and hurt behind Eli’s eyes, staring down at him like he had just committed an unforgivable, traitorous act, which, he probably did, but it was now or never and he would much rather do this in person than over a call or a text. The silence between them seemed to last forever - so long that Blaine had begun to wonder if he should start first, but then a defeated sigh finally sounded across the room, and Eli’s expression was one of concede as he looked over at Blaine, shaking his head before saying, “So much for pretending to be missing just to fly all the way here to surprise you. For once, the joke’s on me, and it’s not very funny.” 
Blaine’s chest was so tight he could barely draw in a full breath. He didn’t know what to say to that. Eli’s words reminded him of two things - the fact that Eli actually flew all the way here for him despite not liking the hustle and bustle of the city life, and just the idea of Eli putting in extra effort to make Blaine happy all because of that one phone call that they had on that fateful day, right before Blaine entered the coffee shop. Eli had been trying his best for Blaine while Blaine had been shamelessly spending most of his free time with Kurt - singing, snuggling, and even sleeping on his bed.
“I’m so sorry.” Blaine murmured, his throat closing up on him as his feelings of guilt flared. He wished he didn’t have to hurt anybody. He wished there was a better way to do this. He had been trying so desperately to do things the right way, but ironically enough, people still wound up getting hurt because of his own, foolish actions, and he hated that. 
“I don’t want to hear that.”
“Okay.” Blaine answered quietly, watching as Eli slowly walked over to his couch, leaning against the back of it before turning his gaze to Blaine again. 
“I kinda saw this coming, actually.”
Upon hearing that, Blaine’s head shot up from where he was still standing, giving Eli an incredulous look. 
“You did?”
“But...ho- what do you mean?”
“You think you’re so good at hiding things, but you’re like, the easiest person to read.” 
Blaine’s mouth opened and closed several times as he tried to deny, to deflect, but he just couldn’t get the words out. Throughout the time that they were together, Blaine had never intentionally kept things from Eli or lied about them before. Sure, there were things he didn’t mention, things he swept under the rug for fear of being judged or worse, ignored, but he had never once considered that as him ‘hiding’ things on purpose. Was it not a normal thing to only want to show the best version of yourself in front of someone you cared about? 
“I don’t understand.”
“You like me, Blaine, but you don’t really love me.”
Blaine’s heart jolted painfully in his chest at the bluntness and trueness of it all, feeling, for the very first time, that Eli was really looking at him. He had bared his body to Eli before and they had had sex countless of times, but never had he felt so naked and transparent in front of him like he did now. 
“I was the one who chased after you, so of course you said yes. And when I asked you to be my boyfriend, you said yes again. First date, first kiss, first time, sex and more sex - yes, and yes, and yes. I think you spent more time being a yes-man than an actual boyfriend. ...And I know you think that loving someone means saying yes and making them happy, but Blaine, you can’t call that a relationship if only one of us is happy.” 
“But I am happy. I was happy.” Blaine insisted, feeling completely blindsided by the way this conversation was going. He was fully expecting Eli to be furious at him; to yell and throw things and maybe punch him in the face. He wanted him to be. He didn’t want this, whatever this was, because he wouldn’t be able to make his guilt go away with this. He should be heavily reprimanded and punished, like the way he exiled himself to Dalton after Sadie Hawkins. 
“Maybe you were, but not enough for you to stay in Ohio with me, apparently. You still came here without me, and hey, what do you know, that was the one and only time you had told me ‘no’, now that i think about it.”  
“I always thought that you were going to come over eventually.” Blaine countered, stubbornly. 
“You know I would never, and I think that a small part of you were okay with that. So what does that tell you?”
“I don’t-” 
“Let me just ask you this. If that someone you met had to move away and go somewhere else, would you still stay here?”
“No.” The answer slipped out of Blaine’s mouth before he even realized it and soon enough, a flush crept up his face as he blinked, looking like he had been caught red-handed. 
“And there’s your answer. Mine too, actually.”
After a long moment of silence, Blaine finally pressed his lips together and nodded, knowing that Eli was right and the more they tried to hash it out, the worse it could get. 
“I’m still sorry for hurting you.”
“Hey, I’m not going to lie and say this doesn’t hurt like hell, because it does. But...I still care about you, Blaine, so it’s okay that we don’t work out. It’s okay to go for what you want.”
“Thank you.” Blaine murmured, feeling tears stinging at his eyes as he moved forward to give Eli a grateful hug, pausing just for a moment to press one final kiss to his ex-boyfriend’s cheek before pulling away. 
“Can I still crash for the night, though? I kinda have nowhere else to go.”
“Yeah, sure. Of course.” Blaine said with a nod of his head. Kicking Eli out just seemed like such a heartless thing to do, especially when he was the reason why Eli was even here in the first place. 
“Your someone wouldn’t mind?”
“I...don’t think so. He’s really kind, so I’m sure he’ll understand.” Blaine answered, biting down on his lip to keep his smile from getting too wide. 
“Okay, nevermind. Forget I asked.”
"Right, sorry.” Still biting his lip to stop himself from grinning, Blaine walked towards the window and looked out, his stomach doing a little flip as he noticed that the lights over at Kurt’s place were on. He could go over there right now and let Kurt know that he and Eli were finally done, but that didn’t seem right nor appropriate given that he had just broken up. Perhaps he should wait for the next day to tell Kurt, Blaine thought to himself as he closed the curtains. 
Just one more day. 
0 notes
reverieact · 1 month
¡Atención! Las situaciones que digan "mi personaje" se refiere al personaje de quien envía el escenario. Por ejemplo: Mi personaje es Samuel Jeong, y quiero enviarle la situación #001 a Maximiliam Steele, quiere decir que Samuel es quien encontrará a Maximiliam admirando la misma pieza de arte. Si desean invertir las acciones, siéntanse libres de especificarlo en los ask o hablarlo previamente con los usuarios para la comodidad de todos.
#001. Mi personaje y el tuyo se encuentran admirando la misma pieza de arte. (aquí pueden encontrar inspiración en lo que está en el museo.) #002. Ambos personajes están en la tienda de regalos cuando la luz se va por unos instantes, provocando que mi personaje se choque contra un estante de lápices. #003. Mi personaje y el tuyo son invitades a probar la cabina de fotos con la temática del museo. #004. Mi personaje se encuentra al tuyo en la cafetería del museo tomando un descanso.
#005. Mi personaje pone su canción favorita en los audífonos de prueba sin saber que también estaban conectados a los de tu personaje. #006. Nuestros personajes se encuentran solos en la sala de ensayos con todos los instrumentos a su disposición. #007. Nuestros personajes huyen de un grupo de música escocesa que no dejan de tocar la misma canción. #008. Nuestros personajes son invitados a una exposición de "sonidos del mundo" donde está en exposición música de todos los países.
#009. Nuestros personajes son invitados a una actividad maquillaje donde el mío debe pintar el rostro del tuyo como el de un animal. #010. Mi personaje le pide al tuyo que le tome una fotografía mientras posa en una exposición de selfies donde su rostro encaja en el cuerpo de una cebra. (Puede ser otro animal.) #011. Nuestros personajes están escuchando una charla guiada sobre paleontología. #012. Nuestros personajes han sido invitados a presenciar un taller de títeres infantil sobre insectos.
#013. Paseando por la exposición "Berna en la década de 1920", mi personaje se detiene frente a la misma fotografía que el tuyo. #014. Nuestros personajes han sido invitados a un taller de manualidad para crear tocados y corbatines de papel. #015. Mi personaje pisa al tuyo accidentalmente mientras ambos participan en las clases de la bailarina Malou Meyenhofer, sobre aprender conceptos básicos de la danza de 1920. #016. Nuestros personajes son invitados a participar en un taller donde se visten con ropa de 1920 y les toman fotografías.
#017. En un paseo de la exposición: "Ciudad Natal: Buscando pistas de Mitholz", mi personaje descubre al tuyo detenido frente a la maqueta del pueblo, antes de la explosión. #018. Mi personaje le muestra al tuyo una pulsera/llavero que creó con cuerda de escalada en el taller "Tienda al aire libre". #019. Mi personaje decide acompañar al tuyo en los cuencos de fuego, para conseguir un poco de calor. #020. Mi personaje se está probando unos lentes antiguos de ski, que encontró en la exposición interactiva "Recuerdos perdidos y encontrados N°3".
#021. Nuestros personajes crean bolsas de té con un sin fin de hierbas finamente seleccionadas por expertos de bern. #022. En la localidad noches de mariposas en flor, mi personaje se sienta con el tuyo para compartir una bebida, bocadillo y un rato agradable entre las vegetación del jardín botánico. #023. Mi personaje descubre al tuyo en el invernadero repleto de plantas ornamentales y medicinales. #024. Mi personaje se detiene junto al tuyo, mientras ven las luces colgantes en las instalaciones del parque botánico.
#025. Mi personaje no ha dejado de quejarse por subir escaleras, el tuyo va detrás del mío. #026. Nuestros personajes creen haber escuchado sonidos provenientes del tope del reloj. #027. Nuestros personajes disfrutan el concierto de piano que hay en las afueras del reloj #028. Mi personaje invita al tuyo a una competencia de estampas, en cada local de comida dan una estampa por plato consumida y se puede hacer en pares.
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durancodes · 2 months
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Skin 004: Wicked Hearts
No disponible — Skin avanzada
Hay cosas que van dentro del paquete de skin avanzada que no fueron utilizados en esta skin, jeje. Agradezco a la administración de @love-is-wicked que me hayan dado total libertad a la hora de hacer el diseño y la paciencia a la hora de responder las miles de preguntas que les hacía jajaja
A pesar de todos los contratiempos (?) Debo decir que estoy muy a gusto con el trabajo que hice para este foro. Fue en cierto tiempo record, pero se logró.
Sólo quiero mencionar que yo sólo hice la skin. Se me encargó este trabajo y lo hice, así que, pediré que no me metan en el problema.
El gráfico de la portada es el único que se le proporcionó al foro de mi parte. El resto de imágenes fueron editadas por ellos mismos.
Agradezco a cada uno de los tutoriales de astucias entregados tanto por @necromancercoding como asistencia de foroactivo, @mrd-design y Monomer.
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Master List
[7/142 total completed]
[1/31 complete]
Sakamaki Family
Karlheinz Sakamaki [wip]
Richard Sakamaki [wip]
Cordelia [wip]
Beatrix [wip]
Christa [wip]
Ririe (Shuu) Sakamaki [wip]
Reiji Sakamaki [wip]
Ayato Sakamaki [wip]
Kanato Sakamaki [wip]
Laito Sakamki [wip]
Subaru Sakamaki [wip]
Mukami Family
Ruki Mukami [wip]
Emilio (Kou) Mukami[wip]
Edgar (Yuma) Mukami [wip]
Azusa Mukami [wip]
Tsukinami Family
Giesbach [wip]
Krone [wip]
Felzein [completed]
Menae [wip]
Carla [wip]
Shin [wip]
Komori Family
Seiji Komori [wip]
Yui Komori [wip]
Other Characters
Burai [wip]
Zweig [wip]
Elberth [wip]
Yuuri [wip]
Count Walter [wip]
Reine de Aji [wip]
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Daibolik Lovers Media
[4/104 complete]
Games [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
Drama CDs [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Limited V Edition
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS More Character Song
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
015. DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Songs
017. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood
018. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene
019. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition
022. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
023. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die
024. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Bloodl
Manga [wip]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Fan-made Manga
Anime [completion in progress]
Diabolik Lovers (2013 • 2 seasons)
Official art/Merchandise
???. Chaos League Jewelry [complete]
???. Bloody Banquet (2024) [complete]
???. Merry Christmas (2014) [complete]
Music [wip]
001. BAD HOWLING-惡意共鳴-
002. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Scream
003. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST III-
004. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST Ⅱ-
005. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST-
006. Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Soundtrack CD
007. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
008. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.10 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
009. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
010. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.3 Ruki Mukami (character CD)
011. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.4 Kou Mukami (character CD)
012. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
013. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
014. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.7 Yuma Mukami (character CD)
015. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.8 Azusa Mukami (character CD)
016. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.9 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
017. Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD Original Soundtrack+Drama
018. Diabolik Lovers Original Soundtrack
019. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
020. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
021. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
022. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.4 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
023. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.5 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
024. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
025. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.1 Ayato VS Subaru
026. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.2 Ruki VS Azusa
027. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.3 Carla VS Shin
028. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.4 Reiji VS Kanato
029. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.5 Kou VS Yuma
030. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.6 Shu VS Laito
031. Diabolik Lovers Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
032. Diabolik Lovers Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
034. Diabolik Lovers Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
035. Diabolik Lovers Vol.4 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
036. Diabolik Lovers Vol.5 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
037. Fanatic of Night
038. Guilty×Guilty!!!
039. Kindan no 666
040. Kyūai Labyrinth
041. Midnight Pleasure
044. Unlimited Blood
Other [wip]
001. Official Tweets
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Voiced Interviews
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[2/7 complete]
Locations [wip]
Races [completed]
Endzeit [wip]
Fact/Vocabulary sheet [wip]
Timeline [wip]
Game guide
Richters writings
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lostoneshq · 23 days
Aproveitem e usem esse post para comentar "sou fulano" ou "procuro fulano" para ajudar na hora de acharem os blogs uns dos outros. Qualquer problema, me contatem!
001: Cassandra Santiago e Sasha Vaughan
002: Pollyana Laurent e Baptista de la Rue
003: Maria Luiza Cheng e Lee Taeoh
004: Bruno de Carvalho e Dove Jiyeon Song
005: Avalon Briarwood e Renee Murray
006: Julieta Chesapeake e Valentina Santiago
007: Helena Williams e Robert Jones
008: Asli Aksoy e Mary Anne Evans
009: Song Hana e Jeremiah Dawson
010: Seray Demirci e Caitlyn Parker
011: Reyna de Angelis e Pinky Yontararak
012: Roderick Winslow e Madison Chamberlain
013: Hayden Scott e Chloe Waldron
014: Elyna Guerrero e Antalya Ersoy
015: Ewan Bach e Lilian Vassilieva
016: Jordan Roderick e Solange de Marches
017: Xiong Mei e James Darling
018: Heathcliff Thatcher e Szymon Anker
019: Camden Doyle e Leyla Sarikaya
020: Kim Seoyeon e Mifune Ahma
021: Park Baelfire e Héléne Salazar
022: Mai Seo e Diana Peterson
023: Loren Hawkins e Verona Hermann
024: Kim Hongkyu e Oliver Lovell
025: Elsie Bonavich e Coralie Wong
026: Madeline Bailey e Brianna Bourque
027: Killian Pierce e Bridget Odessa
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mattivray · 3 months
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⠀ ⠀  ⋆ ⠀ ✶ ⠀ ⠀  𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ╱ composições originais de matilda ray rosenthal . ੭
         𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. matilda sempre foi conectada a escrita. ela sempre adorou a ideia de ter diários e escrever tudo o que podia sobre o mundo neles. para uns blogs, para outros amigos a quem nem sempre se devia contar tudo ― para ela papel reciclado, canetas coloridas e post-its com notas de rodapé que a maioria das vezes incluía pensamentos súbitos. por um período, na adolescência, ela se conectou com a música ( através de um clube de coral no ensino médio ) e arriscou postar alguns vídeos online, cantando covers de artistas que admirava, mas ela nunca aparecia em tela. era apenas a voz, colagens de imagens temáticas e um nome falso: ella, tal qual fitzgerald, uma das favoritas de sua mãe. a coragem de assumir a paixão por cantar veio do acampamento ― e da influência de um grupo de semideuses que, junto com ela, formavam o ungodly hour, uma banda no maior estilo fundo de garagem, atração nas festinhas clandestinas do acampamento e certamente #1 para quem adora se reconhecer nas dores de cotovelo, corações partidos e mentes voláteis dos outros.
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         𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝘆 : a tracklist de canções a seguir são tomadas de artistas reais e utilizadas dentro da dinâmica do jogo como canções originais de matilda, com possíveis colaborações de membros da banda. caso haja alguma composição que corresponda com a de fcs utilizados no rpg e o mesmo pretenda usar para desenvolvimento próprio basta entrar em contato para comunicar.
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         💔 : 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 .
          001. love is embarrassing 🅴 ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) a música tem como inspiração uma das primeiras relações amorosas de mattie, no mundo mortal, no ensino médio; de fragmentos recolhidos do diário e mais algumas desilusões amorosas ao longo do caminho, a canção surgiu, durante um dos ensaios da banda.
         002. lacy ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) inicialmente se tratava de uma poesia, até ela encontrar os acordes certos e transformar numa canção que ainda não mostrou para ninguém. a música tem com inspiração a adoração platônica que matilda desenvolveu por giselle voight ( @vcight ).
         003. baby ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) a canção não chegou a ser concluída, mas foi escrita entre uma e outra, após o término entre matilda e gabriel ertois. houveram fases de reações referente ao ocorrido e no momento em que escreveu esses versos ela ainda estava dividida entre a mágoa e a culpabilidade direcionada a gabe ( @ertois ).
         004. rock bottom ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal & gabriel ertois ) após encontrar algum termo de paz e confortabilidade após o término, matilda e gabriel retornaram a ser o que eram antes, amigos; e para além disso, parceiros de arte. ela apareceu com parte da música escrita e mostrou para ele, que complementou com alguns versos e transforaram em algo do qual era é totalmente apaixonada desde então.
         005. bad idea, right? 🅴 ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) inicialmente era para ser uma brincadeira. era uma noite qualquer e mattie estava contando seus segredos para uma das amigas, como o fato de ter chegado ao ponto de ter recaídas com o ex namorado. a amiga disse "você deveria escrever sobre isso!" e ela imaginou why not ? talvez realizar que haviam mais pessoas que tropeçam em más ideias fosse reconfortante.
         006. amelie ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) assim como lacy, essa canção não necessariamente ganhou vida como uma canção. matilda apenas começou a escrever fragmentos dela logo em seguida ao primeiro encontro que teve com aurora elysius, num verão do acampamento. elas compartilharam todo o verão juntas, até o verão acabar e tudo desaparecer no seguinte. ela finalizou o que havia começado a escrever, para tentar externalizar a confusão que sentiu com aquilo. ( @stcnecoldd ).
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         🪞 : 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 .
         007. mess it up ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) numa sessão de reflexões, a música surgiu, entre pensamentos de sua própria culpa em relação ao que deu errado na última relação séria que teve.
         008. all american b 🅴 ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal & willhelmina parrish ) chame de sessão de descarrego, mas quando mattie começou a compor essa, ela estava em sua energia mais raivosa possível. juntou com mina para complementar a veia caótica do que queria expressar, sobre as expectativas e a personificação feminina que observava, fosse dentro ou fora do acampamento ( @willeminas ).
         009. jealousy, jealousy ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) pegue uma garota insegura e uma escola preparatória cheia de mortais fúteis e que acreditam que o ápice dos anos de escola são resumidos em dar voltas em carros caros e ficar de amassos com o cara do time de futebol debaixo da arquibancada. mattie nunca sentiu que pertencia e por certo tempo aquilo a encheu de inveja, por querer pertencer, ser normal; ou anormal, para os padrões básicos do ensino médio e não do tipo "meu pai é um deus olimpiano". ela escreveu essa música depois de levar um pé na bunda ao convidar um cara para o baile.
         010. brutal 🅴 ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) hormônios, aflição e a divisão entre passar nas provas e não ser perseguida por um monstro aos dezessete anos. mattie uniu tudo o que havia de mais angsty nessa fase e pôs num papel ― e até que se orgulha disso.
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         ❤️‍🩹 : 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 .
         011. i wish ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) uma carta aberta sobre o luto que enfrentou com a perda da mãe, quando precisou ser cuidada pelos avós, os guardiões legais dela após o falecimento da mãe.
         012. willow ٫ ໋ ( composição de matilda rosenthal ) mattie escreveu essa com as madrinhas em mente, a conexão que viu entre elas, as mulheres do pensionato em rhode island, que eram as melhores amigas de sua mãe e ajudaram em sua criação.
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misshcrror · 3 months
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DISCLAIMER: Todas as conexões (exceto 06!) estão abertas a qualquer gênero. Fique à vontade para escolher e me chamar ou comentar aqui se alguma te interessar! Essas são apenas ideias iniciais e quero desenvolver muito mais coisas, então todas são passiveis de mudanças e/ou usar a conexão apenas de inspiração para alguma outra ideia. Se quiser saber mais sobre ela, só checar aqui.
001: Quando Yasemin chegou ao acampamento, não esperava encontrar um rosto conhecido ali no meio, mas pareceu funcionar já que pelos meses seguintes antes de ser reclamada por seu pai, Bishop era quem se sentia a vontade para dialogar o pouco que fosse e até os dias de hoje mantém uma amizade muito próxima. (com: @apavorantes)
002: Foi MUSE quem ajudou a garota a se enturmar e passaram a treinar juntos já que era uma das únicas pessoas que não tinham medo de acabar caindo no descontrole do poder de Yasemin de ilusões, então a ajudou com treinos, hábito que perdura até os dias de hoje.
003: (Filhes de Hefesto) Foi Kaito que providenciou as modificações na arma de Yasemin para que se transformasse numa pulseira de espinhos e ela pudesse caminhar com ela a todo momento, mas Yasemin não a usa com proteção por alguns issues e Kaito vive se preocupando com ela por essa razão. (com: @kaitoflames.)
004: Yasemin nem sempre foi vaidosa, pelo contrario, andava aos trapos. Só depois de conhecer MUSE é que passou a deixar de ser simplista e investir em seu estilo. Gosta de roupas, maquiagens, mas não tem paciência em combinações ou fazer tudo. Então é MUSE que ajuda e tem o trabalho de mudar isso e desabrochar Yas para uma versão melhor.
005: Yasemin assume o papel de mentora para MUSE, orientando-a na manipulação de ilusões e ajudando-a a desenvolver habilidades que vão além do que elu imaginava que tinha, mas Yas é muito exigente então MUSE precisa lidar com uma mentora muito casca grossa. (A preferência aqui é por alguém que tenha poderes que se encaixem em ilusões também!)
006: MUSE foi a garota afetada pelo poder de ilusão da Yasemin quando foi reclamada como filha de Deimos, sofrendo com um ataque de pânico bem feio que a levou ao coma por uns dias. Hoje em dia elas possuem uma relação carregada de bastante tensão entre arrependimentos e puro pavor de aproximação. (Necessário o mínimo de 14 anos no acampamento)
007: Toda idiota precisa de alguém ainda mais idiota. É por isso que Eloi e Yasemin fecharam uma parceria diferente. Amigues, se defendem como ninguém e mais do que isso: vivem aprontando por ai. (com: @maximeloi)
008: Colegas que veem passando mais tempo fazendo competições bobas entre si do que trabalhando em alguma tarefa do acampamento, já virou uma rotina entre MUSE e Yasemin. Nem que seja para competir em quem colhe mais morangos.
009: Sasha não possui absolutamente nada em comum com Yasemin, e jamais seria visto andando com ela, mas depois de uma crise da garota ao se lembrar de seu passado, foi Sasha que lhe acolheu e se tornaram confidentes desde então. (com: @littlfrcak)
010: Yasemin (vocal e guitarra), Hwon (baixo elétrico) e Styx (bateria) se uniram para um bem maior: formar uma banda no acampamento, a Tartarus Tragedy, com o objetivo de entreter e divertir um pouco a galera com apresentações diferentes quando tudo parece mais chato ou entediante na colina meio-sangue. Maior entretenimento nas festas! Enquanto isso James adorar falar por ai que é o produtor da banda, mas na verdade tá mais para um trambiqueiro. (com: @styxch, @hwoness, @jamesherr)
011: Yasemin e MUSE se odeiam, ou pelo menos é o que todo mundo pensa já que estão sempre brigando e implicando um com o outro por pura implicância. Mas a verdade é que sempre que um precisa do outro, viram parceires. (@alekseii)
012: Yasemin tem a motivação necessária para aprimorar suas habilidades e principalmente seu poder, mas para isso também precisa de uma cobaia e MUSE aceitou esse papel mesmo sabendo que irá enfrentar seus piores medos nas ilusões criadas por Yas. (com: @thxverenlim)
013: Yasemin e MUSE compartilham um respeito mútuo devido à afinidade com o pânico e a escuridão/vida isolada. Estão frequentemente compartilhando conhecimentos ou jogando papo fora justamente por compreenderem as dificuldades que passam.
014: Yasemin, Maxime e MUSE saíram juntos na primeira missão dela, e apesar de serem total desconhecidos, conseguiram completa-la e foi a partir dessa aliança que hoje são muito amigos e formaram uma parceria estratégica. (com: @maximeloi)
015: Yas odeia aulas teóricas, sempre gosta de estar na ativa e querendo um grande desafio já que quase nunca sente medo, mas ela precisa manter os estudos, então Quiron achou que Candace seria alguém ideal para ajudar nos estudos dela. O problema é que Yas não tem a menor paciência e Candace não parece estar a fim de ensinar. (com: @eroscandy)
016: A relação entre Yasemin e Joseph não é totalmente clara. Ora parecem só amigos e parceiros de treinos, ora estão flertando e se provocando sem qualquer limite. O problema é que nunca evolui para algo mais sério por causa de Yas e seu problema em se relacionar com pessoas. (com: @d4rkwater)
017: Uma dinâmica de amor e ódio se desenvolve entre Yasemin e MUSE, que gosta das suas brincadeiras travessas e que causam pânico nos demais, mas muitas vezes se encontra como alvo de suas ilusões assustadoras. Pura relação de morde e assopra.
018: A personalidade de Yasemin frequentemente colide com a intensidade de Tadeu. Nunca se deram bem e suas diferenças geram uma rivalidade nas competições do acampamento e sempre que estão perto pode ter certeza que o caos está instaurado. Após uma missão falhar, eles se odeiam ainda mais. (com: @amaechigaze)
019. Yasemin acabou tomando gosto por música muito cedo e Andrea foi responsável por isso, principalmente ensinando ela com seus primeiros acordes na guitarra. Até hoje seguem na mesma vibe tocando juntes. (com: @andrearicci)
020. MUSE e Yas não se suportam, mas pelo bem da convivência social, MUSE e ela se forçam a se dar bem e tentam trabalhar juntes. Pode ser um objetivo comum e foram forçades a deixar o ódio de lado.
021. (TURKISH FCs!) Yasemin tenta manter suas origens turcas mais vivas do que nunca, principalmente por nunca ter voltado a Turquia desde que chegou ao acampamento. Como não tem contato com a família, é com essas pessoas que assume de manter as origens e tradições vivas junto consigo. (com: @leaozinho)
022. MUSE é alguém do passado que Yas nunca esperou ver por pelo acampamento. Por não querer contato com seu passado no orfanto, Yasemin escolhe ignorar a presença de MUSE como se elu não existisse.
023. Evelyn e Yasemin saíram numa missão arriscada e quando o terceiro membro da equipe decidiu abandonar tudo e ir viver a vida longe do acampamento, Evelyn e Yas tiveram que mentir sobre a morte delu. (com: @evewintrs)
024. MUSE odeia Yasemin com tudo de si porque acredita fielmente que ela é uma figura maligna por conta de seu poder de criar ilusões horríveis nos outros e vive tentando fazer a cabeça de outros para odiar ela também.
025. Yasemin não gosta de usar seus poderes, na verdade, se sente limitada por mexer com algo muito sensível nas pessoas, mas MUSE quer a todo custo que ela use sua habilidade em alguém por algum motivo! (A discutir)
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&.   ━━  𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐒.
aquela amizade que só se dá bem quando a leva para beber pois ela não tem muito costume.
se conheceram após uma punição e só se dão bem quando estão em perigo.
influência positiva (com: @juncyoon)
influência negativa, uma pior que ela mesma.
ex-ficantes que se agora se odeiam. (com @deathpoiscn)
alguma amizade que envolva paixão por cinema! (com: @christiebae.)
algum mentor que teve anteriormente e agora tem ressentimentos/odeia.
ex (melhores) amigues.
pessoas que já caíram nas pegadinhas e/ou manipulações do poder de yasemin. relação a combinar.
parceires de missões & treinos.
pretty little lies mais conhecido como possuem um segredo juntes, mas vivem com medo de que a outra parte denuncie.
irmãos, filhotes de deimos!!!!!!!!
Então quem puder e quiser me chamar aqui ou no discord (#goghostt) ou passar o user para eu chamar, vou ficar agradecida! E lembrando que apesar das cnn aqui, estou aberta a criar outras específicas também. <3
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doverobbie · 3 months
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CONEXÕES PROCURADAS . Abaixo do read more, você encontrará uma lista de conexões que estou procurando para desenvolver para a Dove.
Obs.: Por ser bissexual, nenhuma delas possui gênero definido.
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001 . HOLD ON TIGHT : baby , you and me are a twisted fantasy
O famoso morde e assopra. Desde que se conheceram, tem uma dinâmica constante de flertes e provocações, que faz com que não deem o primeiro passo por puro orgulho. Mesmo que não vá confessar em voz alta, Dove morre de ciúmes de MUSE A.
002 . I GOT YOU :  we'll never fall apart even million miles apart
Se tem alguém que entende Dove, essa pessoa é MUSE B. Estão juntos desde o começo e sabem que jamais abandonarão um ao outro. Os piores segredos da Robbie é MUSE B que guarda.
Fechado para @maximeloi e @pips-plants
003 . ALREADY GONE :  we were always meant to say goodbye
O primeiro e único amor de Dove. MUSE C aconteceu não muito tempo atrás, então até hoje a mulher queria algo a mais. Terminaram provavelmente por algum ciúmes bobo por parte da Robbie, já que é a pessoa com muitas emoções que borbulham o tempo todo pela intensidade do próprio poder.
Fechado para @andrvna
004 . DAYDREAMIN' : i'm daydreamin' with my chin in the palm of my hands
Por muito tempo, Dove bloqueou qualquer memória da infância quando tinha cerca de 8 anos. Ninguém pode culpá-la já que são poucos que lembram claramente dessa época da vida. A verdade é que, recentemente, olhando para o rosto de MUSE D, a filha de Apolo percebeu o porquê era tão familiar: costumava comunicar-se com o outro semideus em seus sonhos. Não sabe exatamente se o outro lembra, mas a verdade é que cada vez mais tem os flashbacks de memórias que nem se recordava.
Fechado para @stcnecoldd
005 . TOLERATE IT : lay the table with the fancy shit and watch you tolerate it
Mesmo que seja muito orgulhosa para admitir, Dove queria muito a aprovação de MUSE E. Faz tudo o que o outro desejava, estudando e ansiando para que sejam amigos finalmente. Independente dos seus esforços, a filha de Apolo jamais conseguiu conquistar a tão desejada amizade.
006 . AUGUST : i can see us lost in the memory
MUSE F, um amigo super próximo dela e muito propenso ao caos, e Dove fizeram uma aposta, porque a filha de Apolo estava muito mal depois que terminou com MUSE C (mesmo depois de algum tempo) e precisava novamente entrar nos eixos. Aqui é aquele plot clichê que fazem uma aposta para Dove conquistar MUSE G. O que não esperava é que a Robbie começasse a enxergar em MUSE G alguém que realmente poderia gostar se não tivesse dado tudo errado e agora MUSE G começasse a odiar Dove depois que descobriu tudo.
MUSE F para @psylcve
007 . JAR OF HEARTS : runnin' 'round leaving scars , collecting your jar of hearts
MUSE H é a pessoa que faz parte de um dos traumas de Dove que faz com que ela chore para curar as pessoas. Os dois foram em uma missão juntos, mas alguém acabou morrendo no processo. Como é uma pessoa muito orgulhosa para admitir, Dove começou a colocar a culpa em MUSE H, mesmo que não esteja diretamente ligado à morte do campista que gostava muito.
Fechado para @d4rkwater
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ursupadvra · 23 days
STARTER CALL: abaixo alguns starters para desenvolver com úrsula no evento. as sentenças foram alteradas com base no desenvolvimento da personagem, mas espero que curtam!
001: nado com as sereias. você acha que iam mesmo deixar úrsula chegar perto de atlantia? a questão aqui, é que ela estava usando muse como camuflagem e bam! foram os dois barrados.
002: um dia de pirata. foi sutil, mas enquanto muse parecia se divertir com a possibilidade de ser jogado da prancha, úrsula enfeitiçou a corda, fazendo com que o pulo virasse um salto de bungee jump.  (muse pode ser o que sofrerá com as cordas ou quem viu ela enfeitiçando, justificar!)
003: duelos. muse e úrsula formam uma dupla, mas eis que para a bruxa do mar, é mais que diversão! é uma disputa de vida ou morte (propenso a personagens que tenham habilidades mágicas)
004: socialização. úrsula está dando brindes para aqueles que quiserem ganhar um autografo! na vez de muse, a bruxa do mar disponibiliza uma concha que revela grandes tragédias a respeito de quem a segura.
005: aventuras literárias! caos, tristeza...úrsula escolhe o livro da pequena sereia e leva muse consigo em um passeio sobre a própria história, mas a cena que eles assistem, é um grande musical de vanessa da água.
006: fonte dos desejos. úrsula em puro tédio, deseja que a pessoa mais perto perca a voz...muse é a pessoa mais perto e precisa lidar com o divertimento da bruxa do mar. (diga fonte ao contrário e a bruxa perderá a voz).
007: caça ao tesouro. a bruxa do mar misturou um dos seus mapas enfeitiçados com os da brincadeira, fazendo com que muse acabe ganhando mãos (tentáculos) de polvo por um período curto de tempo.
extra: para um starter aleatório, digite BRUXA DO MAR ( FECHADO ).
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sagemortimer · 4 months
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Atenção para as conexões procuradas de Sage Mortimer . Nenhuma das conexões abaixo possuem gênero definido , então fiquem a vontade para demonstrar interesse por qualquer uma !
001 . THE (UN)HOLY TRINITY : atualmente aberto para interesses .
MUSE A e MUSE B eram bem próximos de Sage quando eram mais novos. Costumavam sair em missões juntos, eram como unha e carne, mas aí MUSE B e Sage começaram a namorar, depois veio o término e nunca mais tiveram aquele vínculo que tinham antes.
002 . THE RIVER : atualmente aberto para interesses (caçadoras de ártemis) .
MUSE C é uma caçadora e Sage sabia disso desde o começo, mas isso não impediu que sentisse certo interesse amoroso na pessoa. É claro que nunca fez nada sobre isso, mas sempre pense em um grande "e se".
003 . HOME : atualmente aberto para interesses .
MUSE D é aquela pessoa que representa o conforto para Sage. A conexão que tiveram foi quase automática e, sempre que estão juntos, a mulher é invadida por uma calmaria, quase como se o tempo ficasse mais lento.
004 . NOW THAT WE DON'T TALK : atualmente aberto para interesses .
MUSE E era um amigo bem próximo de Sage, isso até discutirem feio a respeito de algo que a mulher fez que não era muito legal. Agora, vivem se estranhando pelos cantos e não fazem mais questão da companhia um do outro.
005 . BRILHA LINDA FLOR : atualmente aberto para interesses .
MUSE F se machucou gravemente um dia e Sage, como parte dos curandeiros, já pegou o violão e mandou um Do I Wanna Know?. Eles são bem amigos, só que MUSE F estava meio alucinando e, a partir daquele momento, jurou que Sage estava se confessando para ele. Por conta disso, MUSE F fica tentando evitar a mulher.
006 . TOLERATE IT : atualmente aberto para interesses .
Sage faz de tudo para agradar MUSE G, que, na verdade, nem liga tanto assim para ela. Por conta disso, muitas vezes dá presentes caros (que, é claro, vem do dinheiro que a mãe manda esperando que a filha um dia volte para a casa) e faz de tudo para ser querida por MUSE G.
OUTROS REQUERIDOS : ficante, friends with benefits, inimigos, rivais, má influência, boa influência, opostos que se atraem (amizade ou romântico)
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