#people it was NOT: cole. giggs. cantona. ruud. sherringham.
player1064 · 2 months
M & U for the fanfic ask meme pleaseeee 🤲🏻
I see what u did there...... gotta hand it to u... 👹
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
oh my god SO many. like. I'm so deep in the carraville brainrot that everything I see or hear or read I'm like 'this is so them' - for example today I started watching a show on itv called "g'wed" and its about a teen scouser befriending a posh kid who's just moved to his school and. well. yknow. it FITS.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
oooooh idk.... obviously this is the Gary Neville Blog so all my thoughts are aimed at him.... obviously it'd be fun to write some roy/wrighty but actually just yesterday when i was watching old matches to make that video I was thinking like 'roy/(other player i CANT REMEMBER WHICH ONE) real'. its annoying me now that I can't remember ahdjfkgksh.... who wouldve been scoring a lot of goals in the late 90s/early 00s.....
for Gary I loooove his dynamic with Ruud (he LOVES big strong men!!) but I'm not sure I'd be able to capture it tbh.... its also hard to pick anyone to write fic about him with during his playing days bc like. becks is Right There. and then in retirement days. jamie is Right There. yknow?
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