#please i have so much to catch up on still šŸ˜­ GAH
oflgtfol Ā· 1 year
*venom voice* 2099, spiderverse, venomverseā€¦. So many comics, so little time
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evenmyhivemindisempty Ā· 2 months
for the ask game: 001 favorite character (sandman), character you felt the writers screwed up (any media), 002 gabby/pierce, calliope/corinthian [eyes emoji]
Oooh for favorite Sandman character, definitely the Corinthian! Heā€™s just - heā€™s everything! Heā€™s queer, heā€™s a fuck up, heā€™s weird, heā€™s *trying*, heā€™s constantly looking to partner up with other people to help him overthrow his boss, heā€™s manipulative but not necessarily *good* at it. I love that he loves life, and loves humanity in his own way. Heā€™s a nightmare, so his love is nightmarish and monstrous, but heā€™s so capable of having fun and there is something tragic about him being punished for being true to his nature. Iā€™m not sure heā€™s really capable of being any way other than what he is, and I adore that for him.
I especially love him contrasted against the collectors - theyā€™re all so full of resentment and spite, theyā€™ve all invented narratives where theyā€™re justified in killing their victims, and the Corinthian doesnā€™t need that at all! He doesnā€™t hate his victims! Heā€™s a monster, he doesnā€™t need to justify what heā€™s doing. His speech to them was kind of hilarious in that it sort of missed the mark about why *they* kill - most of them arenā€™t really killing to kill at all! And when they speculate on the reasons for his name, and he kinda demurs?? Because itā€™s just his name! Itā€™s not some badass moniker he came up with for himself like the rest of them. It is literally just his name.
Character I felt the writers screwed upā€¦ urgh, not to drag myself back into the OFMD fandom (yikes), but as someone who binged season 1 and was hella excited where season 2 would take the storyā€¦ I gotta say Ed Teach. I wonā€™t get too far down this rabbit hole, but needless to say, if you choose to write your co-protagonist and romantic lead as an abusive monster, thatā€™s fine, but please actually follow-through, donā€™t just hand-wave it all away when it starts to headbutt against the ā€œsunshine friendship&romanceā€ plot you wanna tell
when or if I started shipping it: Not until I saw that deleted scene a few months ago!! God, Iā€™m still feral over it. That he calls her by a nickname - that there was clearly a friendship between them, if not more ā€“ and it makes so much sense with how hyped up heā€™s acting right after her death, like heā€™s keeping himself going on willpower and Ritalin, and the way he looks so solemn when heā€™s telling Caliban people donā€™t change?? GAH. Itā€™s a ship I didnā€™t think about for YEARS but has grabbed me right by the throat.
my thoughts: That I love it. That I want it. That thereā€™s an entire movie about Gabby and Pierceā€™s relationship we only catch glimpses of the tail-end of, and Iā€™ll never stop screaming about that.
What makes me happy about them: That they were friends!! Sheā€™s a nurse and he was the Reaver commander, but he *knew* her well enough to know that she loved comic books (like him!) Theyā€™re very different people ā€“ she doesnā€™t strike me as someone that would be drawn in to his posturing, and heā€™s hinted at being kinda nerdy and quiet at points in the movie where heā€™s not fronting, and I love the implication that she saw a side of him he doesnā€™t normally show to people.
What makes me sad about them: yā€™know itā€™s a tough call, but probably the part where she gets killed either by him or his Reavers on his command šŸ˜­ although it does add a deliciously tragic edge to it too
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: that thereā€™s not more of it!
Things I look for in fanfic: assuming there was more fanfic of the two of them, Iā€™d probably look for fanfics that explored Pierce beingā€¦ maybe not *softer*, but more vulnerable with Gabby, but without making him OOC (I like my boy with his off-putting, nasty streak!) Them being drawn in to the aspects of each other that they donā€™t feel as comfortable showing is *chefā€™s kiss*
My kinks: ooh definitely femdom, CNC (i can see them switching roles for that one), pegging, and MFM threesomes with a ā€œforced biā€ roleplay element, light bondage
Who Iā€™d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:Ā Probably Logan!
My happily ever after for them: Gabby was just faking being dead and digs Pierce out of the ground šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Always in love with endings where Pierce gets to be her extra good guard dog
when or if I started shipping it: A while back (maybe a year ago now?) a friend of mine in a server drew a gorgeous piece of Calliope/Corinthian art (the one I attached to the tumblr post linking to my story, with their permission), and I was hooked after that!
my thoughts: Corinthian deserves a better master than Dream tbh, and I love him with an actual goddess who understands some part of his whole personhood situation. Someone who respects him as an individual, but also understands that if he doesnā€™t have someone holding his own leash pretty tightly (and giving him plenty of enrichment and affection), heā€™s gonna go off and do *sooo* many murders because thatā€™s just who he is. And I love Calliope getting to indulge in some messy sex after her ordeal, with someone that just adores her for *her* and not that sheā€™s a muse
What makes me happy about them: that their needs have the capability to balance out pretty well!! That I can see Calliope as someone who can survive and thrive with the Corinthian, and I think the Corinthian would be better off under her, too.
What makes me sad about them: when i remember they probably have met before, in happier times when Orpheus was still alive, and weā€™ll likely never see it šŸ˜­ did Calliope like Dreamā€™s favorite nightmare?? Did she pamper him like a treasured pet? Was he jealous of her for her closeness to Dream? Did he adore having someone around that treated him with a softer touch?
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: again, that thereā€™s just not really fanfic for them! šŸ˜­
Things I look for in fanfic: (assuming there was more to choose from!) really anything exploring the power dynamics between a nightmare with daddy issues and a goddess thatā€™s spent the last 70 years imprisoned. I donā€™t think they could ever be regular boyfriend/girlfriend, free of power imbalance, but thatā€™s what I adore about it
My kinks: femdom, Calliope as a masochistic dom, CNC with Calliope as the ā€œvictimā€ (specifically love her reclaiming herself and her sexuality & reconciling some of her trauma through some CNC), gentle domme, primal play, orgasm control/denial
Who Iā€™d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:Ā honestly, I just love giving Call the Corinthian. Iā€™m not sure I really ship her with anyone else - although Calliope/Destruction tickles something in my brain too. And for Corinthian, definitely Rose
My happily ever after for them: she gets to keep the Corinthian and heā€™s her pampered and very enriched monster šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ
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adonis-koo Ā· 2 years
I'm normally too shy to send asks, even anonymously, and this is the first time I've ever spent so much time on one but girl... I. Am. SCREAMING!!! AHHH HOW CAN HE BE LIKE THIS??? šŸ˜ šŸ˜  MC has EVERY right to be livid!!! The anguish I felt when I was reading how Taehyung was reacting to MC šŸ˜¢ GAH, OF ONLY HE KNEW HOW MC REACTED WHEN SHE FIRST HEARD OF THE NEWS šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
I remember seeing an excerpt you shared with us a while back showing JK on his knees asking MC for forgiveness and I really thought we were finally going to see that when things were getting heated. I'm not sure if you've completely scrapped the idea because I do remember you saying that you had to rewrite the whole chapter but honestly the direction you took with the chapter was definitely the better option otherwise it just would have been too easy šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Maybe we get to see grovelling JK in a future update??? And it would probably feel SO much sweeter when he finally gets on his knees for her ahskdkfkjsh I'm so excited to see it!!
Missy, you did such a spectacular job on this chapter like you always do, I even had the guts to finally send an ask showing my love and support for you šŸ’•šŸ˜Š The fact that you went and rewrote the whole chapter as opposed to posting it when you felt it wasn't good enough (it will always be good enough for us) just shows how much heart and soul you put into your works.
While I'm still here (so sorry for the long ass ask šŸ˜‚), the next time you stumble upon a rude anon pestering you for updates, you just take your sweet time and take even longer to post the next one šŸ˜‰. Pamper yourself with the things you enjoy and, I know it's easier said than done, try not to let those haters get to you. They probably have nothing better to do with in their than to just sit there and harass writers for updates. Anyone who tries to make you feel obligated to post new chapters on demand are FAKE, your true fans will know and accept that art such as yours will always take a lot of time to finish šŸ˜¤. Us real ones will always be here waiting PATIENTLY and APPRECIATIVELY for the updates that you so generously take time out of your day to grace us with. Best of luck to you working on your book and, just remember, you owe us readers nothing when it is you who provides us with so much šŸ’•.
From, a shy but passionately appreciative, anon šŸ˜Š.
Awwwh I canā€™t thank you enough for taking the time to write me such a sweet message I canā€™t thank you enough for all the kind words!
As for your question that exerpt while it unfortunately got sacked from the chapter, it is definitely not gone permanently! Just pushed further back because I couldnā€™t have Jungkook groveling so soon! I really wanted the push-pull dynamic between them both to still be lingering. So having him cave so fast just didnā€™t feel right to do! Doesnā€™t mean he wonā€™t be soon though šŸ¤­ so youā€™re definitely right, it will be much sweeter when we get to it! ļæ¼
Iā€™m also happy to see someone sticking up for my girl MC haha I feel like she doesnā€™t catch much of a break with the readers šŸ¤£ because while Jungkook is definitely valid on some things I feel also feel like MC is also valid on other things. Like what she did was unjustifiably stupid, she had the right to know what was going on, and an even bigger right to be mad as hell about it when she did find out! Even more so at her husband (who had good reason but this ainā€™t about him rn šŸ’€)
Once again I canā€™t thank you enough for your kind words and encouragement along with understanding! After an unfortunate incident at work last week Iā€™m definitely beginning to have a whole new level of gratitude towards people who are kind and chose to be kind to me. Take care anon and please donā€™t ever hesitate to send more asks if you feel inclined too I would love to hear from you again!! šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ–¤
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