doodles-from-dj · 4 years
maybe some doodles of @possessionplan? they love it when you draw their au, so,,
I don't believe I've ever drawn this au? But sure!
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This was fun to draw! I'm not very familiar with the blog so I just stuck with drawing Hosuh and the Amazon doll. I'll look into it more when I get the chance!
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mspaint-ran · 4 years
can we get some doodles based of of @possessionplan please?
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possessionplan · 4 years
He can hear things. Things he can hear. Movement, footsteps advancing, falling behind. “Hello. . .? Hello?” He asked, voice quiet--meek, like a mouse. 
“Daniel!” His face, covered in the rainbow colored ichor as a smile grinned even wider. “I missed you. . .!” “Hosuh, they think you’re in the doll. They say-” “They aren’t wrong, you know. Just. . .not right.” Patting the other on the head as he gave him a wink. “Maybe you can help me, Daniel?” “How? How can I help. . .?”
Hosuh opens his mouth to speak, but his voice doesn’t come out. Just the sound of. . . Jay and Stephen arguing? He wakes up. His vision is blurry, and everything around him seems muffled. “Stephen, we can’t go looking for him yet! We need a plan-”
“Who said we were going to be looking for him? I’m going, alone.”
“You’re just going to get yourself killed! Think about this rationally, if we all go together, and with an actual plan, we might actually not die-”
“I caused this mess, got it? I’ll fix it. I’ll go alone so you don’t have to die, okay? Just. . . take care of Daniel and everyone else or I’ll eat your knees.”
“You can’t risk yourself. We need to wait. Just, please, make a plan at least.” He was tired of the arguments. He didn’t want Stephen to go on this suicide mission, if only the purple haired friend could be smarter.
“I don’t matter. Do you wanna know who matters? You and everyone else, you got that?” A weak attempt of a laugh before looking over to Daniel. How long had he been up? “What. . . what day is it?” “It’s Sunday. You slept for a while.” Stephen muttered, ruffling the other’s hair. “I’m gonna head out. Keep Hosuh and everyone else close, Jay. I’ll be back.”
In an attempt to keep Stephen from leaving, the blonde grabbed onto his arm, tight, he was serious. “Stop. You’re not going anywhere.”
“Let go, Jay.” A wheeze of a laugh. Why was he laughing? This wasn’t funny, was it? Was all this stress funny? Ann’s been sobbing her eyes out, Daniel’s been in a semi-coma, Jay’s practically delirious with no sleep, Hosuh’s still in a doll, and Stephen is LAUGHING? Perhaps he was delirious, too, huh? “I don’t want to feel guilty anymore. If I sacrifice myself. . . I won’t feel shitty anymore.” 
“Where are you going?” Daniel asked, pulling himself into a sitting position. His leg was in a splint, now, and strangely, it didn’t hurt anymore. Nothing hurt as much as losing someone he cared about.
“I’m going to find Hosuh’s body-”
“He’s not going anywhere, Dan.” He doesn’t break eye contact with Stephen, glaring at him. “Don’t be fucking stupid.”
“I’m not going anywhere, you say? Ha, like I’ll ever listen to this bullshit. I’m leaving, and you aren’t going to tell me to do otherwise.” Pulling his arm back, Stephen began to trot to the door. Staring, thinking, then he begins to follow Stephen. He can’t go alone, and Ann can watch Daniel. Maybe. He’s silent. Glancing at Daniel, who looks back in confusion. “He’s going, isn’t he, Jay. . .?” Daniel tries to stand up, only to make some sort of whine, falling back onto the couch. “Fuck. I can’t get up. . .”
“Ice Dan’s leg. Make sure Ann’s okay. Feed Jocat. I’ll be back, promise.”
Sighing, he gives up. Knowing he can’t stop Stephen. “Fine. Be safe. If you don’t come back alive, I’m killing you in the afterlife.” Turning, he’s still angry, but he keeps quiet. Tending to Daniel’s leg, making sure he’s in no pain. But he felt useless, not being able to help everyone.
The door slams behind Stephen, the last bit of noise available before an audible screech escapes Daniel’s lips. The green haired man began to thrash about, remembering what had happened the last he’d been awake. He remembered what happened to Hosuh, he remembered that Hosuh is still in his body, corrupted by a stupid doll that Stephen gave him. “FUCK.”
“Calm down. You’re going to reopen your wound.” Jay had to stay calm himself, he didn’t want to end up like Daniel. He only just noticed that Jocat and Hosuh- well, the doll that held Hosuh’s soul, were sitting in the corner of the room. Huh. They were here the entire time? He hoped they were okay. 
Jo was curled up beside the doll, snoring all the while. It appears that the brunette had also been sleeping for quite a while now, but at least he’s comfortable.
“You know what’s funny, Jay? I had a dream, and Hosuh came to me in it. He’s still in his body. Still in his body, and he needs help.” Jolting upwards, grabbing Jay by the collar. “Stephen’s got this, he’ll get Hosuh out.”
“Woah, careful. You’re gonna hurt yourself.” How would he free Hosuh, giving the situation? He shouldn't have let him go alone. 
“No! Either let me get up or leave!” Daniel hisses, tugging harder on the blonde’s collar, eyes frenzied, afraid, angry, tearfilled. “Let me get up, Jay.”
Staring, having no change in visible emotion. “Fine. Do what you want. Whatever.”
Pulling away from Daniel, eyes seemingly closed again. “I’m going to go check on Ann.”
Finally attempting to stand up again, Daniel winces, biting onto his lip to prevent from screaming. His wounds may have closed and clotted, but. . . The pain was still there, but not.
“I’m going to pee. You better not stop me, Jay, like you do everyone else!” Sarcasm was in that sentence, for sure. 
“Okay. Whatever.”
Repeating himself, before leaving the room. He didn’t like to show when he was upset, or angry, but, being exhausted, it made it difficult to hide. Ann lay on the floor of the guest room, bundled up in an assortment of blankets, scooping ice cream into her mouth. She felt horrible, Bellboy and what he did to Jocat flooding her mind constantly. A dry sob escapes chapped lips.
Quiet, she didn’t even notice he was there. Jay slowly approached the bundle of grief, hesitant. “Ann. . . ? Are you feeling any better?”
“Jay. . .? Is Jocat okay?” The bubblegum haired girl asked, attempting to sit up. “Please tell me he’s okay. . .?”
“Well, he’s sleeping right now, but he’s still. . . A puppet. But other than that, he’s just fine!-” Try to be optimistic, he thought, he had to stay happy for the others. 
Nodding. “Sorry, I’m just. . . really messed up about all this.” Holding up the half-eaten tub of ice cream to Jay. “Want some. . .?”
At least she’s not crying anymore. “Ah- no, I’m good. Are you gonna be okay alone? I need to keep an eye on Daniel.”
“Yeah, I’ll be good. Also, you wanna might check up on Hosuh and Jocat. They. . .They’ve been inseparable since Bellbo--. . .” A sob. Dammit, why can’t she keep her cool? Why does she have to cry each time that name falls from her mouth? “Bellboy.” A swift movement, and he hugs Ann. He wasn’t used to doing nice things for others, and hugs were uncommon from him. “It. . . it’ll be okay.”
“Thank you, Jay. . . But, the question is, are you okay? You haven’t slept since Wednesday.” Clinging onto the blonde, never letting go. She couldn’t--she couldn’t help it. It felt nice to be embraced by someone. She knew it was unusual for him to act this way, but. . . “Why don’t you get some rest? I can try to hold down the fort.”
He had to admit, he was tired. But he couldn’t sleep now, not with everything that’s happening. Stephen left, now he had to keep everyone else safe. . “I’ll be fine. I have to be.” Mumbling, before slowly releasing Ann. He couldn’t hold the hug for long without being uncomfortable. 
“Okay, if you’re sure. . .” Inching away from him, now, to take a huge scoop of the frozen treat and stuff it into her mouth. Waving him off.
Taking a deep breath, then standing. He leaves, now to go check on the two, who were dollified.
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naes-snippit · 4 years
how are you guys liking possessionplan so far. . .?? pleasetellmeyoulikeitplease
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incognitoplan · 4 years
I wanna write a danplan au kinda thing like this one, but I’m too scared of being judged. Got any tips on how to start out?
Sure! Let’s get basics.
Characters: Who will the au include/not include? Will this au be in the first or third person? How many main characters will the au have? Settings: The settings of the au is completely important. To give an example, let’s use my old au, Possessionplan. The setting was Hosuh’s home, which was used throughout the entire au--garage and all.
Personalities: AUs might have characters act a different way--but, use their original designs for inspiration!
Other: It helps to write the au with friends, or people who’d like to do something similar! Feel free to ask @naes-snippit ( me ) if you need anymore help!!
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possessionplan · 4 years
“Hey, buddy? You still feeling down?” Stephen asked, placing a hand on Jay’s shoulder. 
“. . . Jocat’s been turned into a doll, what do YOU think?”
“. . .oooooookay, so not in the best mood. Got it. Buuuuuuut, do you wanna feel better?”
“Where the hell is this going, Stephen.” “I snuck a gummy from Daniel! Try it!” Placing the blue gummy into Jay’s hands. “Eh, what the hell.” Jay pops the item into his mouth. He chews it for a good five seconds, then swallows it.
“Weeeeeeeeell?” “I don’t feel any different.” “Oh.”
A moment of silence, then Jay just starts smiling. No words, just smiles. Stephen smiles with him, and when he starts to giggle to himself, he giggles too. “Heheh, weird. .” “Do you like it?” 
Nodding, quite rapidly at that. “It tastes good.” “That’s good! Hey, everybody should have one, huh?” “Hell yeah! We should get Daniel to have one! He’s soooo grumpy.” “Mhm! But first, we need to sneak the pack away from him for him to eat one.” “YES.” “Pfft, you’re being too loud!” More giggles. Man, everything was so funny to Jay now. Is this how Stephen’s feeling, too?
Footsteps are heard, getting closer to the room they were in. The two went silent for a moment, until the footsteps left. Then, the giggling started up again. “What if we gave some to Jocat? That’ll be fuuuuun. .”
Stephen stares at the ground for a moment, zoning out, then grins. “I would give him one, but his mouth’s all frowny on purpose, right?” “That doesn’t make sense! Hahahaha. . .” “Why are you laughing? Am I a spider-clown?” “Yup!”
“Hey. You know what we should do?” “What? Tell me!-”
Stephen giggles for a moment, before speaking again. “We should prank Daniel! Then maybe he’ll be nicer!”
Jay’s mouth turns into a little o. “THAT IS A GREAT IDEA!!” “Shush, shush! The green bean’ll hear us!” “Ooooooh yeah. HEY DANIEL-” “Nooooo! Wait-” Daniel turns around, eyes on the two. “What is it? I’m trying to find my round trip tickets so Stephen can leave.”
“SANDWICH.” “What?”
“Murder sandwich.” “Jay, did Stephen give you one of those stupid gummies?” “Uh-huh! Did you like our prank?!” “That wasn’t a prank. That was you shouting something very random. . .looks like I need to buy tickets for BOTH of you to go.”
“Nahhhhhh. We live here now!”
“No, no you do not. Please just- go lay down or something.” Jay slinks over to Daniel, rather quickly, wrapping his arms around him. “Aw, cmon, Mean Green! Just let us staaaay?”
. . . “Get off of me.” 
“Stephen get the stuff hurry-”
Picking Daniel’s pockets  for the gummies and stuffing one into Daniel’s mouth. “Chew it all up, big guy! Like you MEAN it.”
“AH-” Spitting the gummy out and pushing both his drugged friends away. “Awwwwwww, c’mon Danny-boy! Have a little fun with us!” “No. We need to be serious right now. Not ‘happy.’ And. . .Danny-boy?” “Yup! Sorry Mr. Kale, that’s your new name, now.” “Jay, Stephen. No. Please go to bed.” “NO. I’LL EAT YOUR ANGLES, YOU TRIANGLE PINEAPPLE BANANA SMOOTHIE.” “Jay- that doesn’t make sense. . .” At this point, Jay and Stephen were laughing their asses off.
A very sad-looking Jocat walks in, holding the doll in his arms, like how you would hold a baby. “Meow?” 
“H e says ‘wh at s ha pp eni ng?’ “
Stephen and Jay immediately turn their heads to the two, grins spreading on their faces. “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty! We have a treat for yoooooooou!” “Meow?” “H e a sked me i f you’r e s till drugge d. I d on’t t h ink I n eed to a nswer. . .”
“Meow, meow.” “I k now, bu t-” “HAPPY KITTY TIME!” Jay pulls out a pair of scissors and practically jumps Jocat, who hisses at him as he tries to cut the string off of his lips. “HAPPY KITTY!” “MEOW.” “H e sa yys ‘L e T go o o  or h e’ll h u rt yo u’. . .”
Jocat, in a hit of desperation, scratches Jay with his fingernails, which were surprisingly sharp.
Jay recoiled, rolling off of Jo after.
In revenge, Stephen pounces at Jocat, snatching the scissors from Jay and slicing at the strings. “Meow! MEOW!”
“Gu ys. . . may b e yo u shoul d’n t do tha t. . .” The strings are cut. 
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naes-snippit · 4 years
My AUs in order--
By The Way: Can You Survive Stephen Disease ( to be made shortly. )
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possessionplan · 4 years
Dearest followers of Possessionplan:
thank you.
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naes-snippit · 4 years
we just added a new part to possession plan!!
also, if you haven’t yet, follow @possessionplan, @incognitoplan and @elementalplan !! 
also, also, thank you for eighty followers!!
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naes-snippit · 4 years
hey!! you!! do you like creepy aus??
follow @possessionplan for some creepy shit!!
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