#post was delayed because my cat demanded cuddles and he is the lord of the house
Inquiring minds want to know, what are your thoughts on "Quest for Camelot"?
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It is very... blah.
You can tell production was troubled with the varying quality of animation. Also according to some of the animators that worked on it, the writers originally wanted the film to be PG-13 but the company wanted them to go toe to toe with the success of the Disney Renaissance so dialing down everything was an executive order.
For more concept art, check out this link HERE because you can tell this was taken care of by a lot of talented artists.
The best animated characters in terms of technique and utilizing the primary principles of animation were Ruber, the Griffin (who had tHE BEST VOICE), and the two headed dragon. Shout out to animators Alexander Williams, Bob Tyler, and Dan Wagner respectively. And another shout out the effects animators that did the smoke (especially during Ruber's number). You can tell they spent the time making sure they looked right. There were a couple moments with Ruber's physicality that made him almost too cartoonish (EX: eyebrows that wiggle like radio waves and no you will never NOT see it the same) and going back to the rushed production timeline, some of the male characters and even Kayley are off model in longer sequences.
I'll stick with Ruber for a moment more because I wanted to point out that this was Gary Oldman's first time doing voice over for animation. You can tell- he is far better in Planet 51 and Kung Fu Panda 2. I'll give him credit though because voice acting IS hard but the best comparison I can give to describe him is the one my friend gave while we were watching: a leafblower that has a low speed or a HIGH SPEEEEEEED. When he gets intimidating, it is effective but when he goes ham, it's ham. Also his song has NO rhythm to it.
The film has some creative ideas but it never really capitalized on them. It also has horrible timing for the musical numbers sans the first one and about half of them aren't very good. Most of the details involving Ruber's plan are rushed and there's a waste of some AWESOME talent in the movie (you get SIR JOHN GIELGUD to play MERLIN and he is in it for like 3 minutes?!?)
Also unpopular opinion: the main character should have been Garrett because Kayley is [redacted] useless. Also just remove Devon and Cornwall. And the chicken thing.
P.S. It was mindblowing to find the abridged audiobook on YouTube and it's the voice of the Sultan from "Aladdin" doing half the voices.
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