#produce was terrible anyway’ and Edwin was like ‘and I’m sure she’d love to eat fish??? seven days a week????’
exhaustedwerewolf · 2 years
I had a dream about A Restless Truth, which was,,, something. From Edwin’s PoV, predictably.
Edwin, Robin, and Maud had just boarded the boat to America (though the hall they were in was very Titanic, which didn’t precisely bode well) when another passenger boarded, a very pale young woman with black eyes, in this ridiculous bonnet thing. She was having a conniption about some print with extreme sentimental value she’d supposedly brought on board having been left behind. Edwin, being close to a whole stack of prints, (don’t ask why all the passenger’s prints were stacked together) saw one that matched the description and pulled it out- it was of two swans in St James’- he handed it to her and she was transparently delighted at this meet-cute and warmed to him immediately. As everyone got introduced, Maud took it upon herself to invite swan-woman to dinner with them, who was now staring at Edwin with open infatuation, to his absolute horror, before Robin pointed out they were obliged to meet their parents for dinner (quite truthfully, in this dream, so they were certainly alive and also on the ship for some reason— Robin was reluctant and most certainly not abandoning Edwin out of amusement, although he definitely found this ill-advised infatuation slightly hilarious) which of course left Edwin and swan-woman with a dinner date he could improvise no polite excuse for before she left with her servants to go and find her cabin, warbling a folk song about a girl who fell in love at first sight. I wish I could explain her energy. It was slightly horror-movie but too earnest to be genuinely unsettling. I then woke up, and I’m torn between disappointment at not finding out what transpired at dinner and relief, because, again, I was in Edwin’s shoes for this.
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