#pumpkin meulin real
badlydrawnmeulin · 9 months
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Day 22 2
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rogue-of-light · 2 years
real!!! (j)
also this is random; what do you think the dancestors would order at starbucks? (hj) -KPA
gosh making think of starbucks /j
alright time to open google bc i dont drink coffee /j
Damara: Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade Rufioh: Pumpkin Spice Crème Mituna: gonna say whatever sounds funniest in the moment. right now i think Iced Passion Tango sounds wild Kankri: Gonna say Iced White Chocolate Mocha. He also doesn't like bitter flavoring for the most part so like. type of guy you have to go "you want some coffee with that creamer?" Meulin: projecting and saying she just gets a vanilla bean frappe Porrim: she feels like a London Fog kinda gal Latula: i have no idea what this is but Dragon Drink Aranea: "whatever has the most caffeine in it. Add three more shots then after." Horuss: Hot Chocolate! Plain and simple Kruloz: Matcha Tea Latte Cronus: Cinnimon Dolce Latte Meenah: no idea what Pink Drink is but it sounds like she'd get it
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Halloween Costumes for Humanstuck AU?
OK Rapidfire before this becomes too irrelevant:
Aradia: Either Mareep or Lup from the adventure zone. If we’re going for more generic, maybe a banshee
Tavros: He’d either do a group thing with Aradia (Tauros maybe) or do professor X from X-men
Sollux: Doesn’t dress up for halloween. If it’s required he wears a striped shirt and 2 eyepatches and says he’s a pirate like that one flash. somehow this doesn’t go poorly too often.
Nepeta: Any anime catgirl.
Terezi: Either a group thing with whoever Nepeta does, an Ace Attorney (or maybe fire emblem) character, or a group thing with Vriska
Vriska: Either a pirate, her current DnD character, or a vogue elf from TAZ so she can jokingly aggress Aradia.
Equius: Centaur, Horse, Maid, or a gundam.
Eridan: Equius’s unused gundam costume, Tuxedo Mask (so he can annoy Nepeta), or his DnD character but with much lower production value than Vriska.
Feferi: Mermaid most years, occasionally spices it up with a pirate to match Sollux.
Damara: The edgy murder girl from a currently popular anime, or occasionally an Ampharos if Aradia bothers her enough.
Rufioh: Gets talked into being the ass half of Horuss’s horse costume every year.
Mituna: Megaman
Meulin: Does the sunny optimistic protagonist girl of whatever anime Damara does by pure coincidence.
Latula: Currently popular video game waifu (ie D.Va, the robot girl from Nier Automata, Bowsette). Also has a pokemon trainer costume for group stuff with anyone who cosplays pokemon.
Aranea: Muffet from Undertale
Horuss: The front half of the horse costume. It’s like, upsettingly well made.
Cronus: Greaser. Every. Year.
Meenah: Claims she’s too cool for a costume, gets annoyed when nobody asks her to do a group costume with them, disrupts half the groups costume plans for something of her own design.
And as a special bonus, some non-trolls:
Caliborn: Jason. At least one of the weapons he carries ends up being real and nobody’s sure if it’s intentional.
Calliope: Either also one of the pokemon, or a popular character. Previous cosplays include group stuff with one of the anime people, Palutena from Kid Icarus, the two stark girls from GoT, etc)
Jasprose: Cheshire cat every year, it’s like a semi-ironic thing at this point
Davepeta: It varies so much there’s no real pattern except that they cosplay Frisk from Undertale every other year.
WV: Iron Man Mayors don’t wear costumes for halloween.
PM: Just puts on some dog ears and has WQ do basic makeup, calls it a day.
WQ: Any Fairy Godmother/Good witch from fairy tales
WK: Doesn’t dress up but wears a harlequin hat.
BQ: Period wear (ie flapper dress) or fairy tale villainess (ie Maleficent)
BK: The burger king A zombie under BQ’s control, or a vampire
HB: Rambo or The Terminator
CD: Pumpkin or some kind of rodent character (Hammond/wrecking ball, teemo, etc)
SS:  Ernie Doesn’t dress up for halloween
DD: Bert  Doesn’t dress up for halloween
Ms. Paint: A werewolf
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ticktockstuck · 6 years
The Shipbeast To-Do (Edited 7-14-19)
I’ve been quiet on this front for a bit but I wanted to give y’all some sense of what my shipbeast to-do list actually looks like and where your suggestions actually are on it. I break it up into three basic categories thusly:
Concept Stage
This is the lowest part of the process, ships down here are in consideration but I haven’t figured out what they are just yet or how they might fit into the greater TTS-verse. If a ship ends up not really inspiring me that much or I just can’t work with it, it might drop out of consideration altogether. My to-do list here is thus:
Fefnep/Octopuss (Feferi / Nepeta)
English Muffin (Jake / Jane)
Pumpkin Patch (Dirk / Jake)
Portula (Latula / Porrim)
Rydas & Ninjettes (Kurloz / Meulin)
Design Stage
At this point I have a solid lock on what a ship is going to be but I need to iron out its look and/or anchor it into the lore. A ship being here means it’s developed enough to be safely in-canon and won’t get dropped out but it’s still some ways to going public. Ships on this list are:
Galora (Galekh / Tagora)
Hemocircle (Aradia / Feferi)
Katnep (Karkat / Nepeta)
PB&J (Gamzee / Tavros)
Pornus (Porrim / Cronus) (Requested)
Rodeo Clown/Yeehonk (Chahut / Skylla)
Rosemary (Rose / Kanaya)
Spacetime (Dave / Jade)
Spidermoth (Kanaya / Vriska)
Vaporworm (Charun / Cirava)
Final Art Stage
The backstory’s been fleshed out and the general design’s locked down, all that’s left is the process of drawing it, inking it, coloring it, and writing it up. Ships all the way up here are:
Chixhut (Chixie / Chahut)
Grimdorks (John / Rose)
Iron Maiden (Aradia / Equius)
Lyndata (Lynera / Ardata)
What your requests do is help speed a ship through the concept stage to it’s solidified state quicker and it lets me prune through my options so I know which ones to focus on first. I’m still accepting additions but hopefully this gives some insight into what I’ve got going for me already. Bear in mind also that the “real life finds a way to get in my way” asterisk point is still in effect.
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