#q!cellbit is sooo fucked up and complex
locoier · 6 months
okay but cellbit’s whole “im not going crazy, im finally just letting myself feel again” (paraphrased) thing is so. good. as someone with several extremely hard to live with mental disorders (which im not going to talk about here. this is a minecraft youtube sideblog), that sort of mindset is 100% realistic. its like— when you do start slipping and hitting those extremes and acting irrationally, everyone is telling you you’re sick but you feel normal and like yourself for the first time in eternity. you feel so alive because there are no boundaries as to what you can and cant do and youre free to ruin everything as you please. cellbit’s character work is absolutely phenomenal and i cannot wait to see where he goes from here.
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demodraws0606 · 5 months
As a q!BBH fan myself, sooo many of his fans suffer from a victim complex it's wild.
Like everytime q!BBH receives any sort of consequences people immediatly forget anything this man could've possibly done (or sometimes it's literally just a joke) to deserve people's animosity.
I see so many people be like "ahahah q!BBH's morals are fucked up yeeeaah" but then as soon as other characters start disliking him for it people immediatly jump to "ohnoooo he is so tragic, he doesnt deserve it people are so mean to him".
When like I'm sorry ever since Purgatory the instances of people being mean to him were either jokes or completely justified.
I'm already seeing people push blame on q!Tina when he literally attempted to manipulated her and threw her girlfriend under the bus when it came to the Cellbit situation.
Also did you all forget that q!BBH was willing to kill everybody on the island for the eggs ?
People also seem to have forgotten how q!BBH immediatly took advantage of q!Pac's kindness to lie to him but I suppose manipulation isn't as bad as "being really mean to someone"
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