#r6s icarus
shegetsburned · 9 months
For the smash or pass ask, maybe Val or Kentaro? Or other oc of mine <3
tysm for the ask, ice! I’d be more than happy to answer for your two babies ♡
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇 -> Gorgon
SMASH SMASH SMASH. I mean. smash. She has to be one of the coolest operator Luna knows. And the tattoos, the hair 😫 Can’t deny that Valerie is hot.
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇 -> Icarus
She’d definitely hesitate but still a smash. Hesitation only because of his wise and philosophical side, otherwise, man do be sexy.
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faunawoodsart · 2 years
Same Dialect? Same Dialect.
R6S Oc Icarus belongs to @lethal-justice
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Nav sat at Icarus's little bar, her head propped up on one of her hands. Icarus was wiping down a glass and looked over at her. "Oh I didn't notice you there! Would you like something to drink Elizabeth?" "Can you make me an Aunt Roberta?" Icarus looked shocked. "You sure? That's extremely strong..." Nav looked over at him and gave him a weak smile. "The stronger the better."
"Oh alright, just be careful..."
Icarus started to make her drink. After he was done he passed the drink over to her. Nav grabbed it and took a large swig from it.
"So Elizabeth... Is there a reason you came here today? I mean, we don't talk to each other too often."
Nav, this time, took a sip of her drink. "You speak Japanese right?"
Icarus looked confused at her very sudden question. "Uh... Yeah?"
Nav looked relieved as she drank the last little bit of her drink and then passed him the glass.
In Japanese: "Oh good. I just..." Nav looked around to make sure no one else was in the room, "I just don't want anyone else to hear this heh..."
In Japanese: " That's understandable. I guess that is the best thing about knowing more than one language." He let out a chuckle. "It's like you have your own little secret code with others. So... What do you need to get off your chest?"
In Japanese: Nav laughed. " Ah yeah... Just work... I feel like I get no help around here when it comes to my SMD."
In Japanese: " Do you ask for help?"
Nav sat still for a second. Her cheeks turned red and she let out an awkward chuckle.
In Japanese: "So there's your issue Nav!" Icarus let out a hardy laugh "Echo told me that you had a slight ego when it came to your SMD but I didn't know it was this bad."
Nav put her head on the table. Clearly embarrassed.
In Japanese: "Oh shut it." Nav mumbled. After she heard him stop laughing, she lifted her head again. "Hey, Icarus I have another question."
In Japanese: "Ask away miss ego."
In Japanese: "Thanks... Are you from Hokkaido?"
Icarus looked shocked. How did she know? Wait...
In Japanese: " I can only speak in standard and Hokkaido dialect, but mostly Hokkaido dialect. I ask that cause I was able to understand every word you say." She chuckled
In Japanese: "Yeah! Oh wow, I didn't even realize that till you said that."
Both of them laughed at the coincidence. Maybe they had to do this more often.
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unbindingkerberos · 9 months
For the smash and pass ask game: Gorgon and/or Icarus in Siege and CoD, up to you!
Henry "Babel" Adler | R6
SMASH - Henry is flattered by this man suaveness and is enthralled by his handsome charm. Might get into a couple of drinks if its a means to meet Kentaro.
PASS - Henry admires Val-- from her inventions to her prowess in battle. But he sees her as a friend, nothing more.
Henry "Babel" Adler | COD MW
SMASH - Henry is obssesed with anything and anyone 141 related. He might see Val as a means to get closer to 141, so when he is handed an opportunity he'll gladly take it.
Amarice "Patriot" Locke | R6
PASS - Once considered it, perhaps to blow some steam. But she goes against it-- her heart only belongs to Marcus baby.
PASS - Age gap is one thing, the other is that Amarice genuinely is uncomfortable around Val since she reminds her of her younger self.
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infinitewhore · 2 years
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unbindingkerberos · 1 year
Pouring Your Heart Out
Featuring: Amarice "Patriot" Locke and @poisonedtruth 's Kentaro "Icarus" Hawkins
Words: 948
Author's Note: First time I've wrote a fic with someone else's OC. Sorry if it feels too ooc TvT.
Tags: @unpetitoiseau @children-of-epiales @chadillacboseman @shegetsburned @infinitewhore @linoleum-ice
The door opens and Amarice's ears are greeted by the lively rhythm of jazz. She bites her lower lip as she examines the area, noting the huge contrast of the stark, sterile facility to the warm, homely tones of the bar. It was a sight and Amarice nodded in approval to some of the furniture. She compliments the taste of furniture and eyes the intricate details of the flooring and ceiling. 
A spectacled man, presumably the bartender, polishes the mahogany counter with graceful and precise movements. She looks around and realises that she and the bartender were the only ones around. Guess nobody is in the mood for celebrating. For good reason. Amarice approaches the counter, pulling a stool for her to sit and dropping her duffle bag right next to her. The man stops the chore and glances up to meet her tired gaze, a smile on his lips.
"I believe you're the new operator, right?" Amarice nods quietly. "I'm here to celebrate." She looks behind the bartender, the lined liquor catching her eyes. "Have any recommendations?" The man lights up. "Just a moment." He returns with a bottle of champagne and a fluke-- lute-- flute glass (a glass is glass!). Setting the glass on top of the coaster, the man pours the beverage; the goldenrod liquid filling the glass to the brim. Amarice gives him a meek smile, before downing the liquid with one gulp.
Her tongue had never been graced with such delectable flavors. She had been so used to the rough and bitter texture of beer and the intense warmth of whisky, that her palate was overwhelmed by the smoothness of the champagne. 
"Do you want a refill?" Amarice shakes her hand. "No.." Her fingers tap the surface of the mahogany countertop. "Do you mind if I stay here for a while?" The bartender chuckles, that smile still plastered on his face. "Sure, I see no problem with that." 
Amarice watches the man do various chores with little interest. She returns her gaze at the empty flute glass, her reflection staring back at her. I look like shit. She wraps her fingers around the neck, tilting the glass in various angles-- her reflection warping. She lets out a heavy sigh.
"Do you feel like the world just picks someone to hate on for no reason?"
The man had just finished adding a glass to the rack when she asked. He turns, face confused. "What do you mean?" Amarice shrugs, setting down the glass. "I've joined the military to avenge my dead brother and sisters who were killed during a White Mask operation--" She still remembers their faces-- devoid of a life that once shone in bright eyes. How pale their bodies were and how her mother wailed as their coffins were lowered to the ground --"but most importantly, I've joined to make sure no one's brothers or sisters, mothers or fathers or children die-- to make the world a better place."
She clenches her fists. "But all I get in return is a dead son, a divorce and the death of my friend." They're tight now-- painfully tight her fists are. "And now," her voice croaks, "now Henry too." Tears sting her eyes as she keeps them at bay. She remembered how hesitant she felt when Henry brought it up-- joining the military. She voiced out her concerns-- her fears. But she let him. How could she? She should've done more. Amarice feels even more guilty considering she made him like this. They fed on each other's self pity and Amarice projected all her anguish onto him.
(With wide eyes, Henry made no move to resist as Amarice latched her hands on his shoulders-- shaking the boy. "Promise me!" She spat, the stench of alcohol ever present on her breath, "promise you'll never show kindness to people who don't deserve them! They deserve to die, child! If you wanna live in this world without any evil in it, you gotta snuff it out! No matter the cost!" 
She cries harder.
"Promise me… Nat… I can't lose you again…"
She feels a warmth on top of her hand and she gasps. "Don't worry, ma'am." Henry lifts his eyes to meet her. 
"I promise.")
A tear falls to her cheek.
"Am I going to lose another son?" 
It was deathly silent as a tense ambience began building up. The jazz music made no effect nor changed and did little to no help to lighten up the mood. "Did everything I've ever done mattered?" She feels a hand on her shoulder. "You carry a heavy burden with you-- the weight of the world seemingly on your shoulders." Amarice meets the comforting eyes of the bartender, a warmthness that Amarice can't quite describe. "But it doesn't have to be that way. You could ask someone to help you carry it." Amarice scoffs, breaking eye contact, gritting her teeth. She had opened enough wounds already from this conversation and to ask someone to "help her carry the weight" is something she cannot allow. She doesn't want to become a burden; an additional weight to their list of problems. After all, they'd leave. They all do.
She suddenly stands and reaches to collect her duffle bag. "Thank you for the drink." She turns to leave-- "My door is always open if you want to talk.." Amarice stops in her tracks. His insistence is annoying yet admirable. She's close to the door, she could just leave right away and forget that the conversation happened. But for some reason… 
"I'll be seeing you around--"
"I'll be seeing you around, Kentaro." 
And she leaves not even bothering to say her name back.
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