#radicalrascals || gabriel luis herrán
etxrnaleclipse · 4 months
Cont. from @radicalrascals || Steven and Gabriel (x)
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Steven slowly walked forwards, however jumped back behind a wall when he heard the gunshot, the bullet pinging off a nearby wooden doorframe and sending splinters of wood flying around. When the heavily accented voice shouted out at him, he clenched his jaw; his understanding of Spanish was very limited, but he knew that whatever the man had yelled at him would not have been pleasant.
"Can't do that. Sorry." Steven replied, slowly rounding the corner and aiming his gun once more. "Just come out slowly, hands where I can see them, and we can talk about this."
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
A starter because I cannot wait || @radicalrascals || Steven and Gabriel Diego
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It had been a rather long day for Steven and really, all he had wanted to do was go home and sleep, but his team had other ideas. It was Geri's birthday and alcohol was apparently the only way to celebrate, and so the detective found himself dragged down to the local bar for some celebratory drinks. He was sat on a stool alone, nursing the near-empty glass from his first drink as he glancing to the clock behind the bar, wondering when would be too soon to make his excuses and leave. He was about to get up when he felt a presence next to him, causing him to turn and see a dark haired stranger.
"Oh, you can have this seat if you want." Steven said, a small smile on his lips. "I'm about to head off."
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etxrnaleclipse · 2 months
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((Well.... @radicalrascals and I can't deny that we've kinda created a bit of a web when it comes to our muses....))
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
Cont. from @radicalrascals || Gabriel and Theo (x)
Somewhere nearby, Theo could hear a commotion of some kind, and had he been all there, he would have likely gone into fight mode. But his weapon was discarded somewhere nearby, his body weak and tired, mind spinning and vision fuzzy. He could just about tell that he had not been hit in a lethal spot, however that was hardly a reassurance, as he knew that without help, he would bleed out soon enough. So when he heard footsteps approaching and found himself no longer alone, all he could do was hope.
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Hand on his wound, he tried to look up at the stranger and nodded slightly, understanding that no matter how much he wanted to shout out, it would only cause him more grief.
"He... He ran that way." He motioned towards the end of the alley to his left, every fiber of his being wanting to stand and chase down the filho da puta who did this.
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etxrnaleclipse · 2 months
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Reunion After Physical Trauma @radicalrascals said: “I’ll still be here when you wake up.” (Diego to Steven)
Everything was fucked up. He shouldn't have come out alone, he knew that much. While he had not always gone wrong, there had been enough occurrences where it had that the detective should have known to wait until his partner was there. But he had not wanted to ruin the new happiness that Eve had found, not wanting to interrupt her evening, so he had chased down the lead on his own. It was to do with Diego... Or whatever his real name actually was, and aside from Eve, there was no one else he could trust with this situation. So he followed the trail by himself and in typical Carlisle fashion, it had gone horribly wrong. Somewhere along the way, somewhere during the fight, there had been blood and pain and he had no real time to figure out where it was coming from.
Laying on the cold ground, Steven's head was spinning and he could hear the sounds of a scuffle as well as shouting, before he felt hands on him. Instinct kicked in and he began to struggle, fists flying as someone tried to tell him to stop, to no avail. It was only the tiniest sharp sting to his neck that caused his limbs to stop flying, vision beginning to quickly blur.
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"What... What did you do?" he mumbled, feeling Gabriel's hands holding onto his shoulders, the voice he once found comforting only serving to worry him as he slipped away into the embrace.
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
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etxrnaleclipse · 18 days
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A Few Various Sentences @radicalrascals said: ❝ i wouldn’t find the need to tell you ‘i told you so’ if you weren’t so allergic to admitting i’m right. ❞ (Gabriel to Iain)
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Iain allowed himself to offer the most dramatic eye roll ever witnessed as he looked over at the other man, pushing away from the wall he had been leaning on.
"Yeah, sure. Except you're never right, Gabe. You just like to think you're right all the time, it's cute. Besides, even if you are right, you think I'd stroke your ego like that?" He scoffed at the thought.
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etxrnaleclipse · 18 days
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀 👀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 @radicalrascals said: [INJURY]: sender gently tends to receiver's wounds, which leads to them kissing ((Gabriel for Steven))
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Blood sticking to cotton, Steven winced as he pulled the shirt from his shoulders to reveal the gash on his bicep. There had been a scuffle when some stupid kids tried to evade arrest, and one of them had been carrying a large kitchen knife. Oh, how his parents must be so proud... Sitting as still as he could, he allowed Diego to clean the wound carefully, appreciating the tenderness with which he used.
"I'm sorry." he began, breaking the silence. "I know you don't like having to do stuff like this. I'd do it myself, but I know I'd fuck it up." He gave a small chuckle, glancing over towards his partner as he watched him work. Silence captured them once again, and he remained that way until the wound was properly cleaned and dressed, turning fully to face the other man. "Thank you for looking after me. I don't know what I'd do without you." With a soft smile on his lips, Steven leaned in and pressed a brief, tender kiss to Diego's lips, pulling back to meet his gaze. But there was something in the air, something between them in that moment that caused his breath to become caught in his throat, and the two men leaned in once more, lips meeting in a much more needy manner. Steven's hands cupped Diego's cheeks, desperation in the kiss that overtook his entire body. He was grateful for what this man did for him, and he wanted to show it.
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etxrnaleclipse · 20 days
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Starters for Dark and Toxic Ships @radicalrascals said: ❛ Kiss me. Kill me. Do something. ❜ (Gabriel to Steven)
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Steven stood with his gun aimed, hands trembling as their fist-fight came to an end. The flash of lightning from outside the window briefly illuminated the room, showing two bloodied and bruised faces, two sets of eyes sharing the same look of pain within. He knew what he should do, knew what the detective should do. But what should Steven, the man who still felt the linger of the other's touch on his skin, do? The man who still dreamt about the memories of them together most nights. The man who had sought refuge at the bottom of a bottle since learning about the betrayal.
But now, as he stood there, firearm pointed in Gabriel's face with the safety off, he just... couldn't do it. He couldn't. The thought of pulling the trigger, no matter how much this man had hurt him, was just unfathomable. So, in a moment of confusion and fear, he dropped his weapon and rushed at Gabriel, hands coming up to cup the other's face as he pressed a crushing kiss to his lips.
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 month
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Sexual Tension Prompts @radicalrascals said: [ PHONE ] : while on the phone with receiver, sender flirts teasingly during the call. | (Diego/Gabriel for Steven)
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"I'm really sorry that I had to cancel tonight. Work has just been kicking my ass and I don't want to keep you hanging around waiting for me." Steven explained, hating that he had to change their plans for the night. He was appreciative of the understanding that he received from his partner, but it made him mad that his work was once again getting in the way of his personal life. It had never been a thing for him before meeting Diego, he would just bury himself in what he had to do but now he had a reason to go home on time, a reason to actually take breaks on a weekend.
He was about to offer another apology when he heard the other man beginning to speak, flirtatious words about his plans for when Steven eventually did make it home, and the detective felt his pulse increase. "I, uh..." There was a pause as he cleared his throat, suddenly glad that he was alone in the office as his cheeks flushed bright pink. "You keep that up, I won't be hanging around here and I really need to get this done... I have a feeling that's the idea though." There was a light tone in his voice, but he was trying his hardest to hide just how much Diego's words were getting to him. Hand coming up, he loosened his tie and undid the top button of his shirt. "I'll try to be back as quickly as I can because I really want to see all of that for real."
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etxrnaleclipse · 2 months
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Crime Themed Sentence @radicalrascals said: ❛ if you’re doing it to help someone, doesn’t that make it okay? ❜ (Gabriel to Steven)
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"Diego, that's not-" Steven trailed off, eyes squeezed shut as he tried to calm himself down. He hated the way that the man's false name came so easily off his lips, despite it being a lie. "I can't trust you anymore. I can't trust your motives for anything you do. You might think you're doing something to help someone, but all I see is manipulation. You're trying so hard to do or say the right things so that I stop being hurt but the reality is... God, I just can't stop feeling the pain of what you did."
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etxrnaleclipse · 2 months
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Darker Vibes @radicalrascals said: ❛ the fucked up thing is that it isn’t enough to just love you. ❜ (Gabriel to Steven)
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Steven wasn't entirely sure what to say to that. The truth was, he didn't even know what to think or feel. His whole world had been turned upside down with the reality of who the man he fell in love with actually was, and he wasn't ready to confront that pain. He had buried himself into his work, so much so that Eve had said he would probably work himself into an early grave, but at least it kept his mind off Diego Gabriel. But now that he had been cornered, the two of them alone in the dimly lit parking lot, Steven wanted nothing more than to run away.
"You shouldn't love me. Just like I shouldn't love you... Everything about this is wrong, you lied to me the whole time we were together. You let me believe that I was safe around you when..." He trailed off, recalling the moment he had found out that the criminal who had held him at gun point, who had fled the scene leading Steven on a chase resulting in a car crash had been this man himself. "I can't do this."
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etxrnaleclipse · 4 months
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A Quiet Love prompts @radicalrascals said: "I thought i could lose everything and be totally fine with it. But then you came along. And now I see how wrong I was." [Gabriel to Steven]
The moment was quiet, peaceful given the situation that the two of them found themselves in. Of all the awful things that could have happened in his life, through work or his family connections, the idea that it could very well be a natural disaster of this kind that ended his life early was never something that crossed his mind. But there they were, trapped together beneath the rubble of the hotel they had been staying in, injured and alone and with no chance of help.
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"Diego..." Steven's voice trembled as emotions ran heavily through his aching body. It was dark, only the torch of his cell phone lighting his partner's face as tears welled up in his eyes. "We'll get out of here... We will." He had no idea how, he didn't even believe himself, but he needed to find hope for them.
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