scardnbroken · 4 years
🖌️ + Liza or Daisy?? ( i both dread and eagerly await the answer for this )
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Send 🖌️+ Character Name To Find Out What Kind of Tattoos My Muse Would Give Yours
Poor Liza is going to end up with this one but tattooed on her left side hip.
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Daisy though gets a bit more of an interesting tattoo which he’d do on her right shoulder.
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[credit to the tattooist that did this because I can’t find them when I looked for them :S ]
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@rebxrn​  || the witcher sentences 
❝ go. on your own or at the end of a rope, your choice. ❞ ( from Mickey )
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           deep breaths in  .  deep breaths out  .  he’ll consider himself lucky she’s actually giving him the option  .  blue eyes are sad and full of empathy and concern  .  not that he feels she cares  .  not anymore at least  .  sometimes paul still sees the young girl he met all those years ago  .  the former apostle takes a step back knowing that there are those that still depend on him  ,  so he’ll go but not before expressing his thoughts just as he always has  .  surely she knows this by now  .  he puts his gloved hands up and takes one more step back  .  ❝  i’m going  .  but  all those talks we had  .   after everything  .   what happened to you  ??  ❞  you weren’t always this way  . . . 
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poisonpicked-a · 4 years
@rebxrn continued from here 
fictitioussouls  asked: 3. to shower with my muse or 4. to take a hot bath with my muse (for Winter and Michael)
[ MEME | ACCEPTING | @poisonpicked ]
There is a sincere rarity in the moments in which Michael is soft with anyone. Even the times when he isn’t inflicting harm or pain with but a gaze, it’s difficult to see anything but sinister intent behind his actions.
It’d be hard to recognize the man now as a single finger trails down Winter’s shoulder, tracing the shape. Steam still floats up from the water surrounding them and the last living Langdon seems too content. Shorter blonde hair is wetted and slicked back from his face, head lolled to the side as his fingers memorize the curves of her body.
“Will you stay tonight?” The silence is broken with his soft words, the vulnerability in his tone not something that comes often. He’s almost embarrassed by himself and there’s a brief moment where he considers trying to take back the statement, to seem less desperate. His fingers stall on her arm, reflecting his own doubt.
“Do you want me to?” Winter’s voice comes back just as soft as his, unable to help herself from leaning back against him, though her eyes remained fixed forward. She was relaxed, more than she has been in a while, but she can feel the first tendrils of worry beginning to seep into her as the realization that she had been with Michael all day finally dawns on her — and now he wanted her to stay the night. 
She almost doesn’t voice her concern, but she can feel the doubt, probably brought on by that rare vulnerability he just showed. Taking a deep breath, she gently puts her hand over his. 
“I haven’t spoken to Kai today since I left and he hasn’t...texted or called me or anything to figure out where I am, so I don’t know-” She pauses briefly, then finally nods, as if finally deciding on some internal debate she was having with herself. Kai scared her, sure, terrified her even, but... she already wanted out and away from him and things like this were necessary steps she needed to take. “I want to stay. I’ll just need to text him and make something up so he doesn’t come looking for me.” She glances over her shoulder at him finally. “Okay?” 
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withinpeace · 4 years
💚 - friendship ( we already discussed this a bit but since Emma is more officially on this blog her and Jesus 😭 )
YEP WE DISCUSSED IT. And jesus needs more friends anyway! so i’m here for it! 
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victoriousfeeling · 4 years
'Whisper in my muses ear what you want to do with them...' Look I'm not saying Liza wants to handcuff Jason to their bed and tease the fuck out of him but she might want to do exactly that
It’s Sinday! Whisper in my muses ear what you want to do with them... - accepting
And my muse will indicate whether they are keen or not.
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A shiver runs down his spine and Jason lets out a little, breathy laugh. After how long has it been, Liza is full of surprises, still. It takes but a second and Jason's mind is already running amok, fantasizing about what it would be like to feel the rope (Handcuffs? Zip ties?) cut into the skin of his wrists as Liza's soft, perfectly manicured hand runs down his stomach, all the way to his-
"For real?" he asks, faux nonchalant, one hand going to rest on the small of her back. He's trying to downplay the impact of her words but he's sure his heated cheeks and suddenly too tight jeans are giving him off. "Okay, let's do it!"
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7. Bloody Wings (Collaboration with Xiejra) by Ekstrak https://ift.tt/2ISPKp1
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evilsxiyan · 6 years
'Let's mash it up' (hope I'm fine for sending this in friend)
He’s a MASSIVE bara man. He’d look like SSJ3 Broly hair-wise but with a big bang and he’d be radiating big evil dick energy. Like a green with the black outline. He’d wear the mask it’d be broken so much there would be only half of it on his jaw
He’d be shirtless, wearing Broly’s necklace, boots, and wrist bands, but the jewels would be red or something. He’d have Cumber’s baggy dark nevy pants with the bottoms being tattered. He’d have the scar on his cheek of course. He’d be wearing the red skirt thingy Broly has too. 
 He’d honestly would just look like Cumber cosplaying Broly sdfghgf. 
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daiikonn · 6 years
✔ (it can Broly or my oc, it doesn't matter)
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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fictitioussouls · 4 years
Friendly reminder that I love Envy with my whole heart and if you aren’t following any of her blogs ( @blooddippedwing @starlitherald @rebxrn @hisark @eagleeyedx @ofpetalsandblood @brxkenbadge ) you’re missing out
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pastelbittxn · 4 years
rebxrn = pastelbittxn
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pros: i feel like paul is SUPER soft with his lovers so it's probably a nice intimate time cons: paul, sweetheart, I am sorry but you know that hair probably gets in the way at least once or twice, it's just so luscious
pros and cons of having sex with paul. 
he’s definitely very attentive and caring and just overall SOFT . but you KNOW that hair gets in the way but thats where the bun comes into play but we all know it probably doesn’t stay up very long. lol 
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blooddippedwing · 4 years
Mun & Muse Comparison
✚ M U N  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ✚
Name: Envy ( pen name ) Nicknames: En, Env, Queen, Queenie Wishlist Nickname: I don’t think I have any, Enny might be cute? Height: 5′4′’ Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde Ethnicity: Caucasian Lives in: Texas Relationship Status: Single Character(s) Most Identifies with: I assume this means one of mine, I honestly think I relate most to Liza or Daisy on @rebxrn Hobbies: Writing, video games, editing (videos) Special talent(s): Writing Warning/disclaimer: I am incredibly bisexual and incredibly stupid Struggling With: BPD, social anxiety, depression, insomnia
✚ M U S E  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ✚
Name: Olivia Seed Nicknames: Olive ( Reed ), Ollie, Liv, Livvy, Stabby Stab Stab ( Lili ) Wishlist Nickname: Someone please call her ‘that bitch with the machete’ just once Height: 5′5′’ Eye Color: Green ( left ) Blue ( right ) Hair Color: Dark brown Ethnicity: Caucasian Lives in: New Eden Relationship Status: Dating/Crushing in multiple verses Classification: ? Not sure what this means tbh Special talent(s): Melee combat Warning/disclaimer: Will most definitely try to kill you at least once Struggling With: Rage, always rage
In conclusion: Same | Close as heck | Almost |  Ehh...? | Not Really | Nope | In a Galaxy Far Far Away
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kotopiu · 4 years
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cruciatusxxcervus · 6 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better!
Tagged by: Stolen from @rebxrn-legxnd (I might have been tagged earlier, though? I’m so sorry I can’t remember!)
Name: Cheyenne
Nickname: Kirin, Denali, Eris, Outlaw, Outtie, whatever you wanna call me.
Height: 5' 0″
Nationality: Native American (Chickasaw)/ Irish/ Black Dutch
Favorite Fruit: Pineapple, and Coconut. Coconut counts as fruit, right?
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Smell: Campfires, toasted marshmallows, mahogany teakwood 
Favorite Color(s): Pale grayish-blue. I’m not sure if it has a name. 
Favorite Animal: Spotted Hyena, sable antelope, African wild dog, sugar glider, raccoon, and gray wolf.
Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: Coffee, though lately I’ve been trying to drink more tea.
Average Hours of Sleep: 4-5 on weekdays, roughly 10 on weekends
Dogs or Cats: Dogs, even though I currently spoil two cats.
Dream Trip: I’d like to go back to Yellowstone, see the Great Tetons, Alaska, and go back to Belize, explore the jungles and help in villages in other countries in  Central America, South America, and Africa.
When my blog was created: This one was made in 2018 of January, though I’ve been on this hellsite since 2010. 
# of Followers: Irrelevant
Random Fact: Been working as a researcher for years now. Used to work in a genetics lab for 3 years, and now am in ecological research for about a year. 
Favorite Food: Lamb Tikka Masala with Basmati rice and naan, and gyros with lots of feta and tzatziki sauce. 
Favorite TV show(s): The Office, The Incredible Dr. Pol, Ghost Adventures.
Favorite Movie(s): Brother Bear, Balto, and Maleficent
Favorite Vine: This one, I relate to this on a deep level. I also love Christine Slydeko’s and Elijah’s vines. 
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Female
Favorite Book Series: I sadly don’t have one. 
Favorite Videogame(s): Paper Mario, Paper Mario: Thousand-Year Door, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Skyrim.
Favorite Subject: Conservation Biology
Favorite Fandoms: The Dragonball Z fandom, and the furry fandom. Both have their weird and bad stuff, but so does every fandom. There is a lot of good stuff n both fandoms too. 
Favorite Superhero: Does Steve Irwin count? He counts, yes. 
Guys or Girls: Both
Celebrity Crush: None
Last time I cried: Over a week ago.. I think
Hair Color: Super dark brown with purple, blue, and teal ombre’ and streaks.
Eye Color: Gray-blue with yellow rings
What Should I Be Doing: Editing my research proposal, doing my annotated bibliography, and... There are other things but I can’t remember. 
Tagging: Whoever wants to do this~
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what’s my rep in the rpc? 
ily for THIS!! i’m glad i seem to be able to brighten so many peoples’ days!! YOU ARE JUST AS WONDERFULLY TALENTED AND UGH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. 
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