arjunasearth · 1 month
Happy 420 day fellas <3 In case you haven't heard, Weed has been legalized here in germany on April 1st, which makes me extremely happy as I am living in the most conservative state here with the most strict rules, not even kidding (and they still tryin everything to restrict). But IT HAS HAPPENED AND IT IS HAPPENING. You cant get criminalized anymore here in germany which has been a BIG deal esp because all of the teens that literally had to go to prision (!!!) because of simply owning cannabis. The prohibition went on for like 60-80 years and here in Bavaria it feels like 100 years tbh. I cannot even properly express how released I really am. The paranoia and fear that the gvnment has been building up for decades is slowely fading on a collective level. PEACE. It's a historical time for me esp because I grew up in germany. It feels like so much stagnant energy is being released now. Released. The last people who would do ANY harm at all are stoners. They never did. They never will.
Peace. Peace for humanity. Babylon shall fall. It is falling. Love is always winning.Ganja our medication.
Reloveution happening inna di country <3 And abroad
Only love will save us. Only LOVE will end war, hate, aggression, injustice.
Always have, always will.
That's the universal law.
Blessings y'all <3
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