#rereading some of my older fics it's super obvious to me how similar a lot of them are
hockeynoses · 2 years
Cinnamon Toast Crunch: A B/rad M/archand snz fic
600 words of sickfic fluff. Very mild B/rad / P/atrice. 😘
Note: I wrote this back in January and I guess it never got posted here!
“Cereal, really?” Patrice asks, glancing at the bowl in Brad’s hands as he shuffles back over to the couch. “I offered to make you soup earlier…that would probably feel better on your throat.”
Brad sniffs. “I dnow, but this just sounds better right dow.” His large nose, already noticeable, is made more so by the fact that it’s pink along the tip and the nostrils, having been rubbed raw by tissues all day. Brad sits down on the couch, setting his bowl on the coffee table. Today has been a really sneezy day and he’s seemingly unable to even go for a couple minutes without sneezing.
Patrice watches as Brad grabs the box of tissues off the coffee table and sets it back by his side on the couch, pulling out a couple fresh tissues as he does so. He stares into the middle-distance as his eyes glaze over, waiting. His breath hitches a bit. “Haa-…oh combe ond…” his eyebrows draw together in frustration, his hands steepling the tissues over his nose. “ha…haESSHHHuh!” He leans forward with the force of it, waiting to see if more will come. “I – heh….AETSCHHH! Ugh. Oh by god.” A tired groan, followed by a long blow. After, he tosses the tissues aside and grabs his cereal.
“So…” Patrice ventures, “What kind of cereal did you go for?”
“Ciddamond Toast Crundch,” Brad garbles out through his first bite. Patrice thinks the congestion makes him sound adorable.
“An old favorite?” Brad nods and takes another bite. “Isn’t that what you ate out of the cup for your cup day?”
“MmHmm.” Brad sniffs again in a futile attempt to clear some of the congestion from his sinuses. “Whend I was little, I used to sidt on the couch and watch Saturday borning cartoonds and eat it, and dream aboutd widding the Standley Cup.” He pauses a beat, remembering. “And I promised byself thad if I ever gotd the cup, I’d eatd cereal out of it and watch my Saturday borning cartoons.”
He tips his bowl and drinks the last of the milk from it. When he finishes and turns to Patrice, he notices the other man looking at him with a soft expression. Patrice smiles at him. “I bet you were so cute.”
“Ha,” Brad smirks, “I was a demon.” He leans back on the couch, settling in. Patrice scooches closer and reaches out to run a hand up Brad’s shoulder to the back of his neck, stopping to gently massage the tense muscles there as best he can.
“Mmm. Thatd feels abazing.” Brad says, his stuffy nose forcing him to breathe through his mouth. They sit in silence for a moment, broken only when Brad’s nose starts to twitch. He rubs the tip of it with the back of his hand, furiously trying to quell the itch. “Shi-ihh-it…Bergy-”  Patrice pulls his hand away and sits back a bit. 
Brad opens his eyes and grabs for the tissue box, managing to get one out and covering his face just in time. “Ha-RSSSHHH! Itt-CHHOO! Uhh..heh-TSSSHH! Ughhh…” He holds the abused tissue under his nose for a moment, waiting to see if more are on their way. When it seems like he has the all-clear, he tosses it aside and grabs a new one to blow his nose, now an even more impressive shade of red. “Fucgk. I’b so over this.”
Patrice gives him a pitying look and a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll get the decongestants; see if that will help.” Brad watches him stand, eyes peeking out over another tissue.
“Thagg youuu- aaahh’AETSCHHHH!” He falls back on the couch again, defeated. When he goes to pull another tissue from the box, his hand turns up empty. “Oh, shit,” he mumbles, “Patrice! Cand you – haaESSSHHH! TSSHHH! ehh-ittSHHH!  Fugk! Cand you brigg be adoth- hah’ETCCCH! Adother box of tissues?! haRRSSSHHH!”
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
May I request a character analysis on Timmy's Parents, Crocker, and Jorgen Von Strangle?
Hhhh. I’m gonna… pass on this one for now. Maybe later, but not… now.
The problem is, these characters are all very “out there” in terms of personality, and they’re among the most skewed when it comes to my portrayals. I aim to write “FOP but with realistic magic / biology / culture / psychology”, so by necessity, my take on all of these guys has to be scaled back a lot. I don’t like to use them too much because I don’t like contradicting canon, but these guys, Vicky, Trixie, Tootie, and Sparky push my abilities to the limit. If I waver too much from their canon selves, what’s the point? Then I’m just writing OCs, and not even OCs I like. I’ve got better things to do. They’re someone’s favorite character and I don’t want to portray them wrong. But I can’t portray them in my ‘fics exactly as they are in the show, because they don’t fit. It’s just not worth it.
I’m starting to get the hang of Jorgen, though. Much happier with his portrayal in “Think Positive” than “Anti-Cosma v. Adelinda von Strangle”. I was amused by BookwormGal’s review of, “Hi, Jorgen. Bye, Jorgen” on that chapter, since. That is basically what happened. Moved way too fast. Not very happy with it. “Think Positive” was much better. But we’ll see him a few times throughout the 130.
There’s a Timmy’s Dad-centric Prompt coming up too. Would you believe it, but it was supposed to be out ten months ago, ahaha… It’s called “Refusal”, and it’s about him and the rest of his Squirrely Scout troop as kids- including Sheldon Dinkleberg. I’ve also got a Prompt about Timmy’s Mom musing on how her son talks to his fish and inanimate objects, but there’s not a lot of plot in it so it hasn’t gone anywhere yet. Especially because I started to get a nagging feeling that I had read a similar scene in a ‘fic elsewhere and I’ve been trying to find it. I could have sworn it was in “Never Had a Friend Like Me”, but I recently reread the thing and it was not there. Maybe it’s in “Tales As Old As Time”. Hmm…
Crocker is fast becoming important in the 130. I didn’t mean to push him this far back. He was supposed to appear in Arc 1, but I decided to end the arc earlier than planned so I would have an excuse to put the project on hiatus during the summer because it mattered to me for some reason. 
I promise, he’s on his way, but I keep scrapping things and starting over. I had a nice clean schedule of all the prompts in the order I was going to post them, but then I thought “That Was Then” was so “out there” compared to the others that it should be the first prompt of Arc 2, and then I got super into “Think Positive” and wanted to finish it off, and then “Minion” was really exciting for me and I wanted to post it on my birthday, and then I posted “Grooming” to split up those two since they are both 20k+ words and I didn’t want them both in a row, and “Watch and Learn” is totally ready to go at any time but I’m saving it for winter because it takes place just before Christmas, and “This Is Halloween” was just made to be posted on Halloween and…
Crocker is coming is what I am saying here. We’re actually going to get to see him a lot. I’m just still trying to settle into my portrayal of him. Maybe instead of introducing him with “Do the Math”, it would be better to introduce him in “Naptime”. Because I’m here for Foop inviting Crocker and Dark Laser to the Blue Castle for a sleepover any day. Wooboy, I haven’t read that one in a year… I remember Anti-Cosmo continuously feeding everyone because he doesn’t know how else to be a good host besides feeding people.
Oh look, I found it: 
The plastic toy in his hand barked without moving its little mouth and performed a backflip.
“Don’t ask about the dog,” Denzel muttered to Anti-Cosmo. “We’ve been trying to wean him off that thing for months.”
Anti-Cosmo’s eye twitched. “Can I get you lads some snacks?”
Also, I was kind of waiting for Season 10 to be over. We got lots of pixie prompts while Season 10 was airing, because I was 99% sure there wouldn’t be any pixies in it, so I didn’t have to worry much about contradicting things. But we were still getting new stories about the main cast and Crocker, so they got put on hold in my writings.
And now we have KEVIN to play with! You guys may not know I love Kevin, but I do. We’ll definitely be seeing him soon. I’m just. Trying to make everything fit in the order I need it to. Skipping forward in the timeline without revealing spoilers. Keeping everything consistent. Finding the right time to introduce new characters and plot lines without over-complicating things. That sort of stuff.
I’ve actually written Crocker a lot. I just keep forgetting that it doesn’t seem that way to y’all because I’ve been working things out later in the timeline so I’ll know how to set up for him. Oh man, I’m so excited for you guys. You get to watch the stories unfold step by step instead of already knowing how everything ends before it’s even written. How cool is that? There’s so much you don’t know! Be sure to do plenty of freaking out for me. It’s not quite the same if I do it myself.
Crocker is coming. I promise. But I’d rather not reveal spoilers about my take on him or the plans I have right now. Since his plot really takes off during Arc 3, we’ll definitely be laying groundwork with him in Arc 2. He’s coming soon.
I will say that there is definitely a story coming about Jorgen and the fact that he’s getting older and the von Strangle line needs an heir. Some hints about that were dropped in “Think Positive” just recently, actually! Jorgen’s stuff is mostly set-up for Devil’s Backbone though, so I was trying to push it later in the Prompts because of reasons. We’ll get to him later. “Falling action”, so to speak.
Timmy’s parents are sketch. They’re amusing for the show, but they don’t fit my writing style very well. I obviously favor the Fairykind because I love animal behavior and magic, but I’ll try to work humans in there more often for you guys.
Humans besides the obvious, I mean. Humans like Timmy. Not like… Yeah.
Once we start seeing these guys in the Prompts more, and time permitting, I’d probably be willing to do some analyses. Let’s put a pin in it for now.
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