zoeythebee · 2 months
Feeling slightly crushed under the reality of living under capitalism right now
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riothrrrrley · 7 months
apparently i should jist give up
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qajuliriv · 2 years
Resun af 2005d mode d'emploi samsung galaxy s6
'on retrouve : la conduite de véhicules, la production d'électricité, le chauffage et la climatisation des bâtiments, l'
Grâce à l'étendue du réseau routier canadien, le transport par camion est le principal mode de transport pour expédier les marchandises partout au Canada.
quelle on détermine, à la suite d'un travail de simula Figure 4.3 Modes d'entrée des eaux de ruissellement urbain avec un mode de drainage conventionnelDW433 Ponceuse à courroie à vitesse variable (7,6 x 53,3 cm ou 3 po x 21 po) scheme; the “D” shaped air intake grill; the array of pyramids on the
</p><br>, , , , .
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sun-and-moon-sb · 2 months
llaW eht no rorriM rorriM- the Muse is stuck on the other side of a mirror, they must find a way to break the curse or get someone on the other side to help them, so long as the reflection doesn’t find their friends first
*Sun was just minding his business coloring when he suddenly was in a dark place, the only light coming from a window back to the daycare, he tried banging on it but it was no use, he tried yelling and screaming for help, which couldn't be heart from the other side of the mirror (He's trapped in the mirror in the Daycare's play house)*
*Meanwhile the reflection of Sun appeared in his room, looking around confused before realizing where he was, he grinned looking around the room seeing a picture of Sun's lovers and family, he broke the picture frame it was in*
//gonna call his reflection ReSun so it's not confusing-
//open rp! You choose which your character notices first!
@gregory-rp @a-different-player @anyone!
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pabs-art · 5 months
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Debuted these on stream yesterday so I figured I'd officially post these Ryzaman refs I've been working on. In order:
Ryzaman's forms
Ryzaboss, the alleged mech
The Resunator, the transformation device.
More details (with commentary) under the cut.
The Forms
The base form is the default.
Ryzarunt, the suppressed form, is a result of deliberately limiting the power received from the sun, thereby also weakening Ryzaman. Counter-intuitive though it may seem, it does provide the benefit of being significantly tougher than the base form, being able to survive physical warping and blunt damage that would tear the base form apart thanks to Ryzarunt's ability to store energy. This also means hot-swapping between the suppressed form and base form releases that energy, creating a snapping effect. Ryzarunt's low energy and color are based on the concept of the blue hour, the time period where the sun is below the horizon but can still provide light.
Leave it to you to figure out how to make the most of being a weakling. - T
I don't get it. You're weaker on purpose? How's that an accomplishment? - S
Ryzachief is the upgrade form. Realized by pushing the power received from the sun into redline, its key effect is a hefty increase in physical power. This is emphasized - or caused - by an accompanying shift in personality supercharged with energy and obsessed with partying, making Ryzachief an unrestrained force. Seems to enjoy dancing. Its yellow highlights and overall personality are based on the concept of the golden hour, the time period just before the sun sets or rises where there's a yellow-reddish hue in the sky.
That's more like it! - S
So that's the name of this ridiculous form. Is the name some kind of reference to an inside joke...?- T
SunRyza, the final form, cannot be accessed the same way as Ryzarunt and Ryzachief; rather than receiving power from the sun, it's closer to say that SunRyza is the power of the sun itself. Because of this, the form's abilities are completely different to those of previous forms, operating on fundamental forces and abstract concepts rather than superhuman feats. It is the unnatural outcome of one of the sun's creations having to supplant it's authority.
If you ever figure out how to achieve this form again, I also want a turn fighting it. I'll show you the moon isn't inferior to the Sun! - T.
... - S
The Mech
Ryzaboss is a mech that's approximately seven meters (7m/23 ft) tall. Much like Ryzaman, it's diminutive compared to most sentai mechs (which usually weigh in at the 50m-70m range) and therefore is not equipped to deal with large-scale threats like giant monsters. Nevertheless, Ryzaman greatly treasures it, having personally worked out an unspecified arrangement with Tul and the Industrial Union of Rice Beasts to construct it. It also has a flight module (not pictured) based on forward-swept wings which allow it to fly. Its engine is designed to be powered by Ryzaman's manipulation of the sun's energy, meaning he's also the only one who can pilot it. Well, him and the sun, but the latter can't fit in the cockpit.
Who says I can't? - S
Go to hell Ryzaman, I only accepted the role of foreman on the Ryzaboss project because I'm using the proprietary secrets to build my own mech. Although I must admit, I didn't expect your beasts to be so capable at industrial construction. - T
Meow. - RB
The Transformation Device
Called the Resunator, this detonator-like object is used to kickstart Pabs's resonance with the sun, triggering the transformation into Ryzaman. In theory, Pabs might be able to initiate transformation on his own, but it would require a large degree of concentration, which is why the Sun granted him this driver. Thanks to the Resunator's sturdy construction and ergonomic shape, Ryzaman uses is like a knuckleduster. It's really quite useful!
I made it that shape to fit your hand comfortably, you brute! Stop hitting people with it! - S
I knew it! It totally felt like you were punching me with something that isn't your fist when we fought! And it's a knuckleduster, too? Are you a gangster!? - T
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yssring · 1 year
acualy i keep stopinf time an ubdresing cinplmetely ad then staring completeylu still for while->dresses back yp again befpre times resunes :does thks all yhe time
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tenzuproductions · 1 year
"Hes the resun turtls are turtls? Wha?"
No, no, I mean why they're like you guys! They were born as normal turtles, ya know, tiny, not able to talk or walk on two legs
Drax mutated them to be like how they are now
Mutated? Dat made them like me? Buh why?
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WA 0822-1036-9354, Tempat Baju Futsal Keren 2022 Hitam Resun Lingga Utara Lingga
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turisiancom · 7 months
TURISIAN.com - Wisawatan yang ingin berkunjung ke kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Salak, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat diminta untuk lebih berhati-hati. Peringatan ini menyusul terjadinya peristiwa kebakaran yang melanda Hutan Gunung pada Senin, 2 Oktober 2023. Meskipun, petugas berhasil memadamkan kobaran api, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan, masih adanta titik api. Informasi terbaru yang diproleh Turisian.com, dari Pusat Data Operasional Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Jawa Barat menyebutkan api sudah bisa dilokalisir  pukul 18.55 WIB, kemarin. Dalam kronologis peristiwa ini, kebakaran hutan seluas 1 hektare pertama kali dilaporkan oleh warga kepada pengurus resor Kawah Ratu pada pukul 13.00. BACA JUGA: Sedang Hits di Mojokerto, Menikmati View Gunung Penanggungan Lewat UTC Setelah mendapatkan laporan tersebut, petugas resor dan para relawan segera meluncur ke lokasi untuk menghadapi tantangan berbahaya ini. Mereka dengan gigih berusaha menjinakkan amarah si jago merah. Dengan upaya keras yang melibatkan kerjasama antara petugas resor, relawan, warga setempat, dan aparat kepolisian dari Polsek Cidahu, pada pukul 14.00 akhirnya api berhasil dipadamkan. Namun, perjuangan belum berakhir. Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) bersama pengurus resor, relawan, warga, dan aparat kepolisian terus menjaga kewaspadaan. BACA JUGA: Desa Wisata Resun, Destinasi Keren dengan Hutan Mangrovenya Blok Pasri Karamat Sementara itu, mereka memantau lokasi, serta berupaya keras untuk menutup potensi munculnya jalur api baru. Lokasi hutan yang menjadi korban terletak di Blok Pasir Karamat, Desa Girijaya, Kecamatan Cidahu. Berita baiknya, dalam insiden tragis ini, tidak ada korban jiwa yang dilaporkan. Sayangnya, penyebab pasti dari kebakaran hutan ini masih belum dapat diungkap hingga saat ini. BACA JUGA: Festival Loksado Bakal Tampilkan Banyak Atraksi Budaya dan Kuliner Kalsel Dalam bencana alam yang merenggut hutan indah ini, berbagai jenis kayu seperti puspa, kisirem, cangkuang, dan andam turut terbakar. Semoga tragedi ini menjadi momentum penting bagi kita semua untuk lebih peduli dan berperan aktif. Khususnya, dalam menjaga kelestarian alam serta mencegah kebakaran hutan di masa depan. Kita patut bersyukur atas upaya pahlawan-pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa yang telah bersatu padu. Mereka bernai mengambil resiko  dalam memadamkan api ini dan menjaga keindahan Gunung Salak tetap lestari. ***
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thefinalvoid · 7 months
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444namesplus · 7 months
Anhi Anin Anmuntsu Annawan Ante Ashin Chiita Chinawon Chinin Chinmihi Chinni Chinrennan Chinyo Chinyora Chiron Chishinhan Eesun Enha Enhenyon Enhote Enme Ennan Enri Enrun Enuo Enwo Eriru Ewa Fuchinwin Fumanwen Fumuwon Funhan Funmin Funnishin Funseon Funten Funteson Fununsu Funwen Fute Fuyami Hame Hanma Hannin Hanwinya Hanwonhi Haren Harinin Hemonse Henhin Henmen Henmimen Hennen Heno Hensan Hensuwi Hentaren Henun Henwan Hewanfun Heya Heyan Himan Himenma Himi Himu Hinhon Hinnen Hintonta Hinunro Hinyu Hirifu Hirinnen Hisure Hiwinwe Hoan Hoe Hohanse Homi Homomen Honfuso Honhafu Honhaha Honhensan Honro Honyuri Hoo Hosonho Hou Howahon Hoyanri Hoyonten Iewa Imusan Inhan Inmen Inonha Inwinyon Itsunmon Maa Maentsu Mafun Manmen Manmonrin Manmushi Manrufun Mantefu Manyun Mehonsa Menmonchin Mennonen Menton Menuri Menwewo Meo Merannin Meri Meteno Meyon Meyonwo Mianyu Minfuho Minshin Minwennun Minwinwa Miren Mirin Misamun Mitsu Miwenru Mohinmon Momena Monhan Mono Mononne Monsoen Monwan Moran Motanyun Motee Mowan Mowonwo Muhan Muhen Muma Munchina Munhean Munmen Munmenwi Munmuu Munwan Munyon Musonmun Muwonwi Muyuho Naenwi Namo Nanfunwin Nanhan Nanhin Nanmonshi Nannon Nanren Nanri Nanru Nantan Nantonte Narewon Natsu Nauhin Neenyon Nehesa Nenmin Nenren Nenrin Nenrusa Nense Nenshinhen Nento Newe Neyayan Nininwe Ninnemo Ninon Ninrenhe Nintonno Ninwani Ninwe Niran Niunson Niweni Niyunson Nohenwo Nonninmu Nonwerin Nonwo Nonya Nunitsu Nunmin Nunnowin Nunon Nunroni Nuntante Nuntonyon Nunyu Nura Nusen Nutehi Nuten Nuyonwi Nuyunre Ofu Onma Onru Onrunyon Onsa Onunshi Onwe Oroo Rahiru Rahorun Rana Ranmo Rannunen Ranrun Ranta Rari Rarien Rarinshin Rawo Remin Rennen Renwa Reronha Resawon Resun Retsuna Rie Rihan Rimin Rinhan Rinmi Rinnante Rinrentsun Rinreyan Rintanfu Rintsute Rinunwi Rinwin Rinya Roenrun Ronrin Ronwan Ronwimi Ronwo Ronya Roshishin Rowe Roweyo Roya Ruhenon Runme Runmi Runtomo Saen Sanaho Sanharin Sanhena Sanhin Sanhinon Sannanto Sannonhi Sanrunme Sanunwon Sao Saranwan Sasunyon Senha Senmamen Sentsumu Serunu Shiemen Shinei Shinhansen Shinnanson Shinnona Shintomin Shinwi Shiru Soawin Sonha Sonhinya Sonmoten Sonse Sori Sotsuna Sotsunsun Soyunwen Suma Sunanmun Sunfunton Sunmenin Sunnente Sunrei Sunto Sunutsu Sunwe Sunwenru Sunyayu Surinen Suyui Taha Tahan Taminha Tanmin Tanonno Tanwan Taonhen Tasoi Tasoson Tatsutsun Tayunwon Teito Tenen Teneshi Tenfun Tewan Teyanton Tohi Tohoyun Tomonme Tonchinri Tone Tonmon Tonon Tonrifun Tonsuin Tonwe Torino Torinre Tosan Tsuan Tsuchin Tsufuun Tsuma Tsumunen Tsunhi Tsunsunsun Tsununchi Tsunwin Tsunwinso Tsunyomon Tsusaru Tsuun Tsuunwin Ua Uan Uhannon Uiun Umamo Unman Unme Unnan Unron Unyanne Urana Urun Uyachi Waen Wahina Waninre Wanri Wantasu Wanyushin Waon Wau Wawamin Weminmen Wenanu Wenhenshi Weno Wenrunnin Wenwa Werau Wesa Wesoron Weton Wewe Wiiho Winen Winenron Winonhan Winsanmen Winwon Wioun Woman Womima Wonchin Wonenra Wonhenhon Wonmesen Wonyahin Woon Woto Yachiwon Yahin Yamenu Yannoma Yannon Yanso Yansoto Yanten Yanyon Yari Yato Yomun Yonan Yonmun Yonnenun Yonnun Yonruni Yonrunnu Yonsen Yorinhan Yoro Yosanya Yowenyu Yueshi Yumuu Yunhiu Yunmun Yunni Yunno Yunnotsun Yunonfu Yunonran Yunron Yunsanyan Yuntonru Yunwinmu Yunwomin Yuso Yutan Yuwan
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updateterbaruterkini · 9 months
Harga Lampu UV Aquarium Berbagai Merek Terbaru Agustus 2023
Harga Lampu UV Aquarium Merk Resun, Aquascare dan Boyu. Menjaga ikan di dalam akuarium, ternyata memerlukan perhatian khusus dan tidak bisa dilakukan secara sembarangan. Selain memiliki akuarium yang kokoh dan tahan pecah, ada beberapa peralatan penting yang perlu Anda persiapkan, seperti filter fisik, busa, dakron, filter biologi, filter kimia, dan bahkan lampu UV yang mencengangkan dengan…
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Máy Sủi Oxy Hồ Cá Resun GF-180 Cực Mạnh Giá Cực Rẻ
Mô tả
Thuận Phát xin gửi đến Quý Khách Hàng thông tin sản phẩm Máy Sủi Oxy Resun GF180. Đây là loại máy sủi Oxy có công suất vừa và lớn, dùng cho những bể cá ngoài trời.
Với công suất 180w, lưu lượng 300L/min giúp khách hàng thổi tốt cho cá bể cá Koi lớn, ao hồ nuôi thủy hải sản.
Mô hình: GF-180
Thương hiệu: Resun
Điện áp: 220V – 240V
Lượng khí: 300L/min
Áp suất: 8kPa
Trọng lượng: 6.5kg
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Xem thêm sản phẩm tại đây: https://bomhoca.com/san-pham/may-sui-oxy-resun-gf180-180w/
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resuncelia · 1 year
Resun brand, RS7I435M, mono panels, 435W, high quality with competitive price. Contact me if you need them.🙌🙌🙌
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tenzuproductions · 1 year
Oooh! You mean Draxum!
Ya know, he's the whole reason the turtles are what they are now
Hes the resun turtls are turtls? Wha?
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kaustubhjagtapblog · 2 years
The Specialty Surfactants Size, Cost, Company Profile, Future Forecast Till 2030
The Specialty Surfactants Market report is latest report published by Fusion Market Research which provides comprehensive information, overview of the demands and describe Impact of Covid-19 on the market during the forecast period 2022–2030.
At the beginning of a recently published report on the global Specialty Surfactants Market, extensive analysis of the industry has been done with an insightful explanation. The overview has explained the potential of the market and the role of key players that have been portrayed in the information that revealed the applications and manufacturing technology required for the growth of the global Specialty Surfactants Market.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Specialty-Surfactants-Market/2249
The report offers detailed coverage of Specialty Surfactants industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Specialty Surfactants by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Specialty Surfactants market for 2016-2025.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Specialty Surfactants according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Specialty Surfactants company.
Leading players of Specialty Surfactants including: BASF Stepan Zanyu Technology Huntsman Solvay Sasol Evonik Lion Resun-Auway Clariant Dow AkzoNobel Kao Croda Sinolight Unger Tianjin Angel Chemicals Aarti Industries Flower’s Song Fine Chemical Guangzhou DX Chemical
Specialty Surfactants Market split by Type, can be divided into: Anionic surfactant Cationic surfactant Amphoteric surfactant Nonionic surfactant
Specialty Surfactants Market split by Application, can be divided into: Detergent Textile Cosmetics Mining Paint & Coating Others
Specialty Surfactants Market Report Scope
Report AttributeDetails
Base year of estimation2021
Historical data2017 – 2020
Forecast period2022 – 2030
Quantitative unitsRevenue in USD million/billion and CAGR from 2022 to 2030
By Type
By Application
By Region/Country
By Type Anionic surfactant, Cationic surfactant, Amphoteric surfactant, Nonionic surfactant
By Application Detergent, Textile, Cosmetics, Mining, Paint & Coating, Others
Report coverageRevenue forecast, company market share, competitive landscape, growth factors, and trends
Key companies profiledBASF, Stepan, Zanyu Technology, Huntsman, Solvay, Sasol, Evonik, Lion, Resun-Auway, Clariant, Dow, AkzoNobel, Kao, Croda, Sinolight, Unger, Tianjin Angel Chemicals, Aarti Industries, Flower’s Song Fine Chemical, Guangzhou DX Chemical
Regional scope
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.)
South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Specialty-Surfactants-Market/2249
What our report offers: – Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments – Strategic recommendations for the new entrants – Covers Market data for the years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2025, and 2030 – Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations) – Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations – Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends – Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments – Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements
Free Customization Offerings: All the customers of this report will be entitled to receive one of the following free customization options: • Company Profiling o Comprehensive profiling of additional market players (up to 3) o SWOT Analysis of key players (up to 3) • Regional Segmentation o Market estimations, Forecasts and CAGR of any prominent country as per the client’s interest (Note: Depends on feasibility check) • Competitive Benchmarking o Benchmarking of key players based on product portfolio, geographical presence, and strategic alliances
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