#revenge babies + mafuyu
happycricketbox · 2 years
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Sakamoto and his adopted children
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themischievousmoose · 2 years
I didn't like the Lost Judgment DLC: The Kaito Files.
I was initially excited because Kaito is one of my FAVOURITE CHARACTERS! He comes off as a himbo at first, but he's so kind, sweet, caring, and would do anything for his friends. He's got Tak's back no matter what!
But oh my god, the DLC was just predictable as HELL and everything was just too perfectly concluded. Oh, his ex-girlfriend is on a revenge rampage for who killed her family? LOL, DON'T WORRY, SHE JUST HAPPENED TO BE AT THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME, SHE'S ACTUALLY DONE NOTHING BAD OR ILLEGAL TEEHEE!!!
Also Kaito isn't taking the money because FEELS, but when "his" innocent baby widdle kid is involved (let's be real, you know he's not Kaito's son if you have EYES), LET'S GO HELP HIM. SCREW THE HUBBY WHO ALSO LOVES HIS WIFE (as far as we know if we can get over how obvious it is he's gonna be the bad guy), KAITO DON'T NEED THE MONEY BC HE'S A GREAT GUY!!!!!!
Also that dumb fight at the end with the guy who took care of Mikiko, and you don't have a TRUE choice on if you get with her or not, it's just there BECAUSE? I liked Mikiko, I thought she was badass and strong (though her being SO GIRLBOSS that no yakuza could take her when Kaito first meets her? YEAH, OKAY.) but it just felt like bad writing in some ways.
Idk, it was just too clean and happy. The Judgment games always end on a vaguely happy note (Tak and crew are usually mad chilling during the credits), but with the traumatic sad stuff having already happened.
I feel like no one learned anything, no one grew as a person, it was just there to vaguely wrap some things up because of the Takuya Kimura stuff. It seemed like it was B-team writing, and I only played through the whole thing for achievements. Truth be told, I was bored an hour in because there was a huge lack of intrigue or mystery. It was a chore to keep going, and I turned the game down to easy at some point just to speed things up.
OBVIOUSLY Mikiko was alive. OBVIOUSLY she is a precious little bean who would never or be in trouble with the law despite her want for revenge. OBVIOUSLY they were always gonna get together. It never felt like anything was at stake, and the whole DLC was just too formulaic that it was a turn-off.
Despite flashbacks to fill us in on Kaito and Mikiko, the chemistry just didn't feel there and I wasn't cheering when they got back together to... what, all live in his shitty apartment? It wasn't Tak/Mafuyu levels of bad (I just never really felt much interest on Tak's side, and he even said he thinks of Mafuyu as a sister, though it could be how I answered Saori's questions. So Saori and Mafuyu going off about it otherwise just got mind-numbing when there was a definitely lack of chemistry and I didn't understand the game trying to push it), but it just seemed so fast? PLUS the trauma of evil dad is just gone? Like, slow down. With how much time passed and how much Kaito and Mikiko changed, it would've made more sense if they took it slow and got to know each other again. But... y'know, the fans TRULY want things as cliche and trope-ridden as possible. Yes, that is what we fans of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio have come to enjoy.
Idk, just seemed like a real crime of a DLC, and DEFINITELY not worth $30. I got it for free for buying the Judgment and Lost Judgment bundle on Steam, and I'm glad because paying money for it would've just felt like a waste. Kaito's fighting was fun, the sniffing part was... fine? I didn't care enough to sniff out memories because I just wanted to get it all over with, truth be told.
The BEST part of the DLC was obviously Higashi in that apron. He's the true hero of the DLC in my book.
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