#rosette: kassi
soulventure91 · 1 month
10 and 18 for kassi, and 1 for trin?
oh wait i need to know trin's soft spot headcanons also! i missed that one
headcanons galore! |
Kassi Physical Appearance - Kassi loves how metal jewelry sounds, and before leaving her clan tended to collect metal bits found or traded to fashion her piercings and decorations for her locs! Of course she doesn't have much, but if given a chance she would be so jingly. It wouldn't surprise me if over the course of her novel Kassi managed to pick up enough bits to completely encase one of her locs in metal charms (and it becomes a bludgeoning weapon in its own right, or grants her hair extra protection, or something). Favorite Possession - HM. Kassi doesn't have much she'd explicitly call hers, but the one thing she does have as Hers And Hers Alone is her scythe! It's silly and unwieldy of course, but the utter impracticality is part of why Kassi likes it so. Plus it's also the focus for some of her special spells thanks to the spirit that's sort-of inhabiting it (long story), so the scythe is uniquely bound to Kassi via the magic of her world.
Trin Holidays - Trin and holidays, especially family-related ones, are not exactly compatible. Being abandoned as a very young child (now confirmed in-game as approximately 1 yo) and raised as a librarian-spy keeps her a bit on the outside of any adopted cultural traditions. I think she'd be more drawn to contemplative/penitential holidays than celebratory ones, but any holiday interest she'd ever demonstrate will typically be academic at first, then 'I would Rather Not'. Soft Spots - As spiny and prickly as Trin can often be, she does have a few soft spots! The main one that keeps getting touched on in her campaign are innocents and outsiders (children, social outcasts); seeing as she's been both of these, Trin has intense but subtle sympathy for such. She also has a small romantic streak, so people that have lost love or are seeking it ( @bladeverbena 's Happenstance I am LOOKING AT YOU -) can quickly get Trin's gentle side. Just watch out, as she might get some feelings in return even if they're never going to be reciprocated.
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velowri · 7 months
DotR NaNoWriMo2023 - 11/1
2567 total words for today; I only have a sketch outline so I'm going to play around with POV and narrative voices for a bit and see what voices click. I may even have to redownload Diablo 4 to properly get Kassi back into my head x_x But! Lil snippet from Kassi POV 1; attempting to enter her first city -
“She with you?” The guard huffed. Kassi was now close enough to see the guard’s face under a leather cap: reddened cheeks from the winds and warmth, pale hair stuck to his forehead by sweat. As his watery eyes widened, Kassi was certain the foreign guard had never seen someone like her before – even if she was trying to pretend she was part of this tribe. It didn’t help that the war leader had turned to face her and didn’t seem thrilled at Kassi’s accidental interruption. Kassi was certain he was doing his best to place her: a scrawny woman of about twenty summers in traditional lightweight leathers suited for trekking across the Cursed Lands, much of her visible skin tattooed with runes and rites that any southerner – hopefully – would recognize as those connected to a dead-speaker. Kassi tugged awkwardly on one of the thick twists of hair that escaped the carefully piled stack on the top of her head, mustering an apologetic smile to the war leader.
“Unfortunately,” the war leader conceded, looking away from Kassi though she was certain he didn’t appreciate her tagging along. But the first rule of the Cursed Lands was to survive; if the war leader turned her away, it was possible the guard would block his tribe from entering. “A recent adoptee. Our dead-speaker is figuring out what to do.”
It was a kinder lie than Kassi expected, but when the war leader tried to pass the guard, he was blocked. Not good.
“Maybe. But she needs to be checked over first,” the guard insisted. The war leader stepped out of the guard’s way, and Kassi felt her mind churning in panic.
“Checked? Me? But I – I’ve got nothing to hide, certainly, just –“ she spluttered. “It’s not like I have fleas!”
“Be that as it may,” the guard huffed as he took one of her arms to pull her aside. “You’re not one of the usuals coming to trade, so you need to get inspected and questioned. Companies here aren’t fond of unexpected disruptions.”
That was the problem with foreigners – just no leeway for understanding.
Kassi inhaled carefully, feeling her body warm with the familiar rush of magic. The arm currently in the guard’s grip turned just enough for Kassi’s eyes to trace the runes on the underside of her wrist. With her next exhale, her form inverted from solid to air, momentarily whisking away from the guard and managing to reform a short distance past the gate. Kassi heard her stomach rumble in protest as her feet returned to solid earth, but there was no time to refuel from the momentary burst of power and subsequent physical drain. The guard was already shouting, and Kassi sprinted into a labyrinth of stone that swallowed her whole.
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greateventsrent · 7 years
Napkin Folds, vol. 2
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Photocredit: Filipek Photography Models: Kassi and Megan 
Napkins offer a pop of colour, a touch of elegance and act as a place holder at your seated event. This series aims to teach a few easy, moderate and difficult folds to polish off your place settings.
The following napkin folds will be covered in this post:
The Diagonal Pocket The Tulip The Silverware Pocket The Envelope 
Check out future posts for these napkin folds and more!
The Rosette The Cummerbund The Cummerbund with a Dual-Textured Napkin The Cummerbund with a Charger Plate The Hanging Fold The Hanging Cummerbund The Bow Tie The Bow with a Charger Plate The Fancy Bow Tie
Check out Napkin Folds, vol. 1 for these napkin folds!
The Pyramid Fluer de Lis The Butterfly The Pocket Square
Napkin Folding Fundamentals
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The Diagonal Pocket
This is a cute, easy fold that works great with a square menu card or other decorative trinkets and flowers.
Start with a diamond.
Fold each of the side corners into the center.
Fold the bottom corner up to the top. It will now be house-shaped.
Fold one of the top corners down to the bottom edge.
Flip the whole thing over.
Fold the other top corner down to the bottom edge.
Unfold the whole thing from top to bottom so the it’s now a square. The side corners will be folded into the center and the top and bottom corners are folded underneath. Rotate 90 degrees.
Fold the bottom up to the top.
Fold it in half sideways. Flip it over so that the nicest part is showing and the edge of the pocket runs diagonal from one corner to the other.
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The Tulip
This is a great fold for spring parties. It’s fairly easy, but a bit time consuming.
Start with a diamond.
Fold the bottom corner up to the top for a triangle.
Fold the apex of the triangle down to the base.
Fold one corner diagonally across beyond the base.
Repeat with the other corner.
Rotate 180 degrees and fluff the little bulb at the apex.
Fold the bottom up so the petals frame the bulb.
Fold the excess on either side.
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The Silverware Pocket
This one is great for casual settings, like picnic-style events, but also works great for restaurant settings and buffet events where there is less focus on the décor. It looks smart and functional. You can add a ribbon or twine at the end to dress it up. Here are two variations, neither is very time-consuming.
Casual Variation
Start with a square.
Fold the top left corner diagonally to the bottom right for a triangle.
Fold the bottom left corner straight across to the bottom right.
Flip the whole thing over.
Fold the top left corner straight down to the bottom left.
Fold in half from right to left to create a diagonal pocket on the top half of the fold.
Optional: You can add a ribbon or twine for decoration.
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Fancy Variation
 Start with a square.
Fold the bottom edge up one inch.
Fold the right edge in one inch.
Fold the top left corner diagonally to the bottom right for a triangle.
Fold the bottom left corner straight across to the bottom right.
Flip the whole thing over.
Fold the top left corner straight down to the bottom left.
Fold in half from right to left to create a diagonal pocket on the top half of the fold.
Optional: You can add a ribbon or twine for decoration.
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The Envelope
This one is super easy, quick and elegant. You can add a charm at the end to dress it up, or tuck a menu card inside.
Fold the left corner two thirds into the center.
Fold the right corner to the edge you just made with the first fold. Make sure the top is even (both sides that create the apex are level with each other).
Fold the bottom corner up so that it creates a triangle within the shape. If the napkin is not exactly even, you can compensate for it at this step.
Fold the bottom up about the height of the triangle you created in the last step. You’ll now have a rectangle within the shape at the bottom.
Fold the bottom up again the height of the rectangle you created in the last step. This should leave only the triangle left at the top.
Fold the triangle down for the flap of the envelope.
Optional: Add a charm at the apex of the flap or tuck a menu under the flap
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Words: Kasia Gorski
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soulventure91 · 1 month
✈️🐈🍎🤔 for kassi and diric?
oc details! | TWO-FER!
Kassi - ✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?: Kassi actually grew up in a nomadic tribe, so for her home is wherever her tribe is! Kassi loves roaming and traveling, so when she does end up leaving her tribe the travel is less impactful on her than the culture shift (nomadic -> sedentary, first city, the whole shebang). I don't think she'd ever want to settle in one place, since wandering is too ingrained in her. 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?: Oh I think Kassi would love to have a massive social circle, as she loves interacting with new people and learning about them! It's also her primary method of getting information: look sweet and harmless then get all the juicy intel. It sometimes backfires since she's. Yanno. Scrawny-skinny-twitchy necromancer. But Kassi doesn't let that stop her! 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?: Kassi was born in a region of the world called the Cursed Lands; they're called cursed bc many years before, the growing civilization of necromancers ended up in the middle of a civil war where a little planar rip spilled demons out into their main settlements (it also triggered a firestorm in the further-north nations, good times) and reduced them to the roaming tribes of the present day. Aside from the occasional demon strike, Kassi does love her homeland: broad sweeping steppes and rolling plains, horizon from end to end until you reach the (explosive crater!) mountains to the north. If she wasn't sent north, Kassi would absolutely still be in the Cursed Lands. That whole region is big enough, most of her people never leave. 🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms?: Aside from little recognition for personal space/property, Kassi is exceptionally fidgety. Hand her something to crinkle, it'll be crunched within a few minutes; if she doesn't have anything, she could start biting her nails and cuticles or rub at some of her spell/invocation tattoos. If she has to be still, Kassi will have some twitches and flinches just completely instinctively. Her brain runs fast and her body always tries to keep up.
Diric - ✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?: Diric doesn't mind traveling but deep down he wants to Settle Down. Trick is where; he's got no interest in returning to his mother's household (since he was basically locked up in his room until he became legal) so part of traveling is finding where he can set up for himself. He'd like to be settled on the surface near the ocean, close to a city but not in it. 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?: Few close friends, absolutely. Diric is very charismatic when he wants to be, but his social skills outside of to-the-point soldiering and more relaxed socializing are not very good. (Please don't ask him to go into politics. Never a good sign if he has to make a Big Speech.) But he's most comfortable with a few people he knows he can trust completely so he can be open with his thought processes and any emotional strife he might be going through. This has, of course, gotten him burned so there may be times where he ends up intensely solitary. 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?: (setting some re-generalizing as the campaign Dir was in has been suspended) Diric was born in a major Drow city where Lolth's influence is limited (yay), though his father was a surfacer and he was forced to grow up in hiding as his mother, Alyrinda Kilvajon, has some rank within the city as an ambassador to some of the surface areas. Diric hates his birth city. Hates it hates it. Hates the politics, hates that he had to be hidden for no reason he's aware of, hates that when he did get the freedom to try and establish his own life he was assigned to the army unit full of society's dregs and was told to go into the Underdark and die. He doesn't live there and has no intention of returning unless there is literally nowhere else that will take him. 🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms?: God I've been playing him for nearly five years and this is HARD. Dir's a broody-brooder so 90% of the time if he's just listening to something he's got a brood on (it's very sexy). He also likes to do a combination yoga/sword drill workout in the mornings so he can get his headspace right and wake up his body, which is especially useful when his body got stretched an extra foot thanks to Bahamut deciding he was a good boy.
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soulventure91 · 1 month
Kassi pls 👀
Ok so Kassi's problematic meter is fairly low (she has been professionally reviewed as An Interesting Character even!!) BUT.
1) No concept of personal space tbh. She will get up in your face without ill intent but it will be very uncomfortable esp if you're just meeting her. Big eyes, twitchy frame. All of it.
2) ZERO FILTER. AT ALL. well 80% of the time maybe there's one. but Kassi is far more likely to blurt out some weird necromantic-related factoid if she finds it pertinent to the situation. In fact when I first created her after a dip into D4 and tossed her into Thedas legit the first thing she mentioned to a set of Templars in the Kirkwall Chantry was that she was a necromancer.
She didn't die bc she remained Cute And Innocent and befriended them. Those two have been translated into her besties and co-main characters Dylen Halloran and Jerrik Valcio-Kane (who are Married but No One Mentions It bc they just. Are.)
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velowri · 7 months
DotR NaNoWriMo 2023 - 11/2
total today: 4218! Not as big of a push today, but still glad to have hit 4k, meaning 5k should be easily reached tomorrow!
Snippet from today - Kassi wakes in a cell! And hungry. Please someone feed this hungry wandering lass.
The chill ache of stone under her body was what finally woke Kassi – that, and a tremendous growl from her stomach. She groaned and forced her eyes open to find herself no longer in the larger temple space. A set of guards in the robes she had noticed before watched her as Kassi slowly sat up. There were bars, of course, meaning Kassi had ended up in a prison, but a wary sniff suggested that there was some kind of magical protection as well. Her stomach growled again, and Kassi mustered a shy grin as she settled on her knees and looked toward her overseers.
“Any chance of something to eat? Ideally…a lot to eat. Maybe two plates worth?” she asked them. The only immediate reply was a traded glance between them, which didn’t give Kassi much hope in the moment. She distracted herself by starting to examine the magical barrier reinforcing the bars. Kassi was grateful that the runes etched into the floor to activate the barrier were at least strongly similar to the runes she’d learned for warding against demons and powerfully unsettled spirits. The downside – and probably for the best – was that Kassi couldn’t parse out where the anchor of the warding could be, meaning she probably couldn’t deactivate the ward.
Her stomach growled again as a reminder that deactivating the ward herself was probably a bad idea.
Of course the wards were the only truly interesting thing about her cell, and there was no opening to the outside that let Kassi see the sky, let alone mark how long she’d been in here. She eventually got to her feet, stomach still growling and starting to suck inward, and tried to distract herself with stretches and exercises that brought feeling back to her limbs after her long nap. After stretching, she paced the shape of her cell and measured each step accordingly – and then sat against the wall for as long as she could muster the strength –
“Remembering why I hate, hate, hate enclosed spaces,” Kassi sighed into the silence of the room before looking to her guards again. “You two sure I can’t eat? I mean sure, I look like a corpse but I do need to eat…”
“Lieutenant Kane’s said he or Novitiate Halloran are feeding you,” one of the guards finally spoke – a feminine voice to Kassi’s right facing toward the obvious exit from her cell. “Shouldn’t be long, though much longer and I might go look for Kane myself.”
“Well no shit – he hates necromancers,” the other guard, masculine on Kassi’s left, chimed in. “Nothin’ personal, Kane’s just got experience that don’t put him on friendly terms with…your type. No offense.”
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soulventure91 · 1 year
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Got into the D4 Server slam beta and now ALL THE ROSETTE KIDS HAVE REFS YAYYYYY \o/
Kassi (necromancer), Dylen (rogue), and Jerrik (barbarian in lieu of crusader) from top to bottom
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soulventure91 · 8 months
emoji asks for u:👑,🙈 (esp for dir) and i'd love to know 🌌 -- for as many of ur blorbos as you see fit!
emojis bb! |
Diric Vajon 👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why? I think I answered this one in the last round doing this, BUT. If he's to be remembered, Dir would like it to be as a protector, someone that could be counted on when he was needed. He grew up believing that being a soldier, a fighter - someone able to stand up for himself and others - was how he was going to make it out of Blackthorn and make a difference in the world. He's not as sure now as he's been in the past whether that's how he'll be remembered - if he'll be remembered at all.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people? It's peeked out a bit since he's come back from Tsenden, and it's a side he is trying to be more comfortable with letting out: being playful, not being wound up in his armor all the time. Diric's never felt comfortable letting down all his walls and allowing himself to have fun. He's going to make an attempt once we get out of the Shadowfell, though - day at the spa, do some frivolous shopping and maybe some new piercings, and get down some dancing if he finds a good place. Dir needs something to help his soul heal and stabilize his broken heart at the very least.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? So when I fist started playing a ttrpg in uni, I was able to get my hands on a HeroLab license (that group was running a heavily modified Pathfinder 1e game, hence HL) and started working with a few different concepts. Around the same time as I was starting to read up on Drow (since I wanted to play one and my DM wanted to ensure I didn't accidentally make a Drizzt), I also discovered mind flayers! There's actually a sequence in the second Homeland Trilogy book where Drizzt is! Briefly captured and enthralled by mind flayers! And part of that stuck with me enough that when I was passing time doing concepts and inspired by art on Pinterest, I created a psionic dhampir ranger - a man that had been captured and enthralled by mind flayers and escaped, but was forever changed by the experience. I then shelved that concept and that character sheet has since been lost to time - sometimes I'd think about it again, though, and the thought came on strongly after Tac died and Tez was spiraling rapidly out of the party. Of course at the time 5e didn't have dhampir or psionics, but I could still have the mind flayers in the background - and I could play not a full Drow (at the time that PF1e Drow had gotten kinda shafted in terms of chardev so playing full Drow some years later had left a bad taste in my mouth, and something similar happened in an in-person game I'd been in while also playing a full Drow) but a partial Drow, who would be outside the dangerous society and more easily exit onto the surface. And that's how you get to Diric!
Rosette Gang 🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? So for the Rosette kids, it began with Kassi and playing the first open beta of Diablo 4. The opening intrigued me, and Diablo being a dark fantasy universe the idea of playing a necromancer seemed like a cool, lore-infused place to start. Of course though the necromancer's body model was bony and starved-looking - but that just set my creative juices turning. Necros in Diablo are sort of a combo class of D&D wizard and warlock - sturdier than a sorcerer but still a solid magical cannon, if restricted in some ways compared to a magic-heavier class. Building from there I could reckon Kassi as someone that tried to be the full-wiz style of necromancer - but can't. So she needed a more warlock-esque arc - leaning again into Diablo and the character of Rathma, born of an angel and a demon and known as the First Necromancer. So of course with most things when I want to develop further, I turned to my bestie @tatooine92 and said 'hey what if some portal magic went wrong and this skinny little necromancer that actually has 15 STR landed in Thedas'. She followed it up with 'what if she landed in Kirkwall??' This is how we get to Dylen and Jerrik - originally two nobody Templars guarding the Kirkwall Chantry when the Veil gets popped open briefly and this maybe-demon person falls right out in from of the Grand Cleric. Jerrik was the Quiet Stoic Protector, while Dylen was the Curious-But-Wary-And-Witty Newbie (and yes they're husbands, we knew this immediately). Kassi immediately bonded to them, and when I started developing her original world Steph agreed that I could port Dylen and Jerrik in as well - which meant I had to figure out "Templars" without actually having Templars. Cue D&D again and the Eberron setting with dragonmarks - just altered and made rarer! That's how you get the most sunshiney-yet-goth necromancer who can bench press you while still grinning; an ex-con who suddenly has magic that lets him be EVEN SNEAKIER; and a very tired sword-and-board-plus-protection-magic man who really doesn't like necromancers for Deeply Personal Reasons \o/
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soulventure91 · 1 year
building up from this meme, just a handful for the Rosette Trio -
Kassi - are they quick to anger? what sets them off?: Kassi doesn't have much of a temper, tbh; she's a lot more open to learning and fixing her behavior if she accidentally causes offense, and since she is the outsider Kassi doesn't see a point in getting mad if she's offended by something. Maybe it's normal for these people!! their favorite place to be?: Kassi loves to be under the stars, thanks to growing up on the wide-open wastes of the Cursed Lands. As she gets more exposed to towns and cities, I think she'd love to set up on rooftops or in open squares so she doesn't feel cramped in by buildings. Doesn't mean she can't enjoy the lap of luxury (eg, a real bed with lots of blankets) but so long as she can see the sky she's happy happy. how would you describe their voice? can they sing?: Kassi's voice is surprisingly alto, though there's still some girlish tones that come out when she's stressed or excited. Her voice does tend toward the smooth-and-silky texture, which probably masks the relative depth of her voice. I think she can sing but not with any great skill. Don't ask her to sing up high or in a solo though. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?: Kassi generally loves food - no clear favorite, no least favorite, not picky and relatively no restrictions. Part of it is simply because she's a necromancer; the version of necromantic magic she's particularly good at is drawn from her own life energy, so despite only being in her 20s Kassi looks a few hard hits away from dying. She can eat three full meals in one sitting and probably still ask for more.
Jerrik - what languages do they speak? how fluently?: Jerrik is fluent in both the Alanarri and Menegran dialects (though technically they are the same language; think European Spanish vs. Latin American Spanish) with a functional knowledge of the tribal trade language from the Cursed Lands. That functional knowledge is mostly derived from his familiarity with the necromantic tongues - the specific language tied to the use of necromancy. His father was a necromancer in Menegro (I mentioned in a previous ask the necromancy of the Cursed Lands is the only variant of that magic not corrupted by demonic influence; any Alanarri or Menegran necromancers are, technically, agents of demons) and Jerrik himself was very nearly sacrificed in a ritual his father was conducting. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don’t like someone?: Jerrik showing his cares is very tricky; ultimately, though, the fact he pays attention to someone and quietly tending to their needs is his best way to show affection. In particular, Jerrik will show affection to his partner Dylen by ensuring Dylen recovers all right from using his divine mark, whether that's making sure he's sitting down after enacting a ritual, fed and watered on the regular, or even squeezing Dylen's shoulder or arm. Jerrik's disfavor, though, is very easy to catch; he's naturally very cold to strangers, and if Jerrik develops a dislike he'll eventually get to fully ignoring someone. The most extreme version is any open defiance; for example, in his Dragon Age self as a Templar under Meredith's command, Jerrik does not like Meredith's treatment of regular Circle mages and, when push comes to shove, he'd stand against her if it meant protecting his intended charges.
Dylen - do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it’s not derived from their real name, what’s the story behind it?: Dylen doesn't really have a nickname that I've thought of yet, though I'm certain he's got some he'd invented for himself during his thieving days. Anything that would speak to his deft fingers and speedy movement he'd approve! do they smell like anything notable?: Sunlight and a forest breeze; maybe a little bit of whatever soap Jerrik uses, which would add a little spice as well! do they have any habits that aren’t particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?: Not odd to him per se, but I'm fairly sure Dylen vexes (or at least concerns) Jerrik by teasing at some cultural quirk or offering an offbeat idea to handle a difficult situation. Dylen and Kassi together mean they feed off each other, whether that's building it up or Kassi finding an innuendo where one was not intended.
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