#rrverse Athena is sooo interesting to me. I like to rotate her in my mind. insecure queen <333
iwoulddieforienzo · 4 months
I do not like Frederick Chase in the slightest, don’t get me wrong, but I do sympathize with him and other Athena mortal parents. I mean, with the other gods, there’s usually some kind of relationship beforehand - even if it’s just a one-night stand, there’s still some kind of situation that could, feasibly, result in a kid. Dropping single parenthood on someone is an absolute dick move, obviously, with little to no support and a child who will likely die before they hit 25 making the whole deal extra rotten, but there is, if nothing else, the knowledge that what you are doing could result in a kid. Like if you had a one night stand with some lady and a kid shows up on your doorstep then you’re at least aware that this was a possible consequence, even if you don’t know about the god thing.
Athena doesn’t do that. Athena doesn’t date or have sex with anyone. She meets a mortal who she likes the brain of and just… makes them a kid?? With supposedly no prior knowledge or consent from the other party. They have no way of knowing that their 3-hour debate with Some Smart Lady will make them a single parent. What’s crazier is that Annabeth says Athena kids are claimed from BIRTH. Which means they’re attacked by monsters from birth.
So like, imagine you’re a college-aged kid and you meet some lady that you enjoy being around and debating with. You have a nice, solid relationship that sort of resembles a couple but is solidly platonic. She helps you get into University and pass your classes. You have never done anything romantic, and she was very clear on her status as ace/aro (not in those exact words). Then she reveals her status as a God, drops a kid on your front door, tells you that she is yours to deal with and she will NOT be taking her back because she has to be raised by her mortal parent, who is you, by the way, congratulations, (don’t ask how she has half of your genetic material despite never having sex with this woman) oh and also monsters will be attacking her (and by extension, you) literally from the moment she opens her eyes. (They are already open, by the way.) Then she dips, never to be seen again, no child support in sight, and now everyone thinks you knocked up some poor woman who couldn’t handle the pressure. You Did Not. Also the kid is smarter than you and you’re like 23. Like Frederick is an absolute DICK, don’t get me wrong, but I do sympathize with him.
Of course, it’s possible that she informs her chosen mortals about her status as a god, as well as the children they will be receiving. But considering Frederick is said to have begged her to take Annabeth back, this implies that she either didn’t tell him about Annabeth, OR she DID tell him about her, he said no, and then she made Annabeth anyway and forced him to take her even though he didn’t want her. She definitely told him about being a god eventually, but we have no way of knowing if she was upfront about it or waited for who knows how long. (Considering her rrverse personality, I’d assume she’d tell him - and by extent, the other mortals - early on, but there really isn’t any way to know)
….yes I know about Darren and Apollo. Who knows how that went down, honestly. I like to think Apollo at least told this guy about the kid beforehand. I’m curious why he did that in the first place, honestly?? What is it about this Specific Guy that made him be like “yeah I need to have a kid with this dude.” Does he do this to all his male lovers?? Was Darren Informed?? Mr Riordan I have Questions
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