#s2e03 Parabatai Lost
lazinesswrites · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
This isn't technically a WIP yet, as I haven't even decided if I want to write it, but I have Thoughts after I rewatched Shadowhunters s2e03: Parabatai Lost the other day.
Listen. Parabatai Lost is possibly my favorite episode of the entire show. The angst, the Parabatai feels, the Malec feels, the acting - I love it.
At the end of the episode. I know Izzy made a deal with Aldertree that he'd get her a portal so she could get to Jace, if she promised to hand Jace over once he'd saved Alec. But that was Izzy's deal - Magnus could've absolutely refused Aldertree and his people access to his loft. Maybe not forever, but at least long enough for Alec to at least, you know. Be able to sit up properly on his own again. For them all to talk things through, to work out a strategy for what to do next, prepare Jace for what Aldertree might do/ask/etc.
Nevermind that Izzy could've just... called Magnus for a portal? And not had to tell or promise Aldertree anything?
That's not the fic though, or the idea for the fic I don't know if I want to actually write. No, what I've been thinking is, Alec was missing a piece of his soul. Jace brought that piece back by essentially re-doing their Parabatai ceremony. Now, I don't know a lot about the Lore around the Parabatai bond from the books, or of there even is anything that's relevant to this, but. I feel like a newly re-formed/strengthened soul-bond would need some time to solidify. Like it would take a little time for them to be able to be apart from each other without straining the bond again.
And the Parabatai bond is sacred for Shadowhunters. Interfering with the Parabatai bond should, in my opinion (and so is, in my fics) be illegal - it should be considered as treason. And interfering with the Parabatai bond is exactly what Aldertree is doing, when he separates Jace and Alec so soon. Aldertree and his people might not care about that, but the Silent Brothers will, if someone tells them.
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fallenqueen2 · 7 years
Current Status: Dead after watching S2E03 Parabatai Lost of Shadowhunter’s, please carry on with out me.
@stellecraft I think I know why you are freaking out while I was at work lol
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