soon-th1n-king · 10 months
hydration during fasts
I was reading this on my fasting app (zero), I'll recap it here
fasting and hydration
20% of our water-intake (normally) comes from food.
we store carbohydrates (as glycogen) attached to water, therefore when you fast or do a keto diet (or otherwise reduce carbs) you will temporarily have a lower bodyweight (specifically waterweight) and it will make it easier to become dehydrated
it's recommended to drink 30-35 mL (AKA 0,3 -0,35 dL or 0,03-0,035 L or 1-1,2 fl oz ) water per kg (ca 2,2 lbs) bodyweight during a fast. (for healthy adults)
you should get them through whole foods, preferably not supplements (unless you're doing prolonged fasts or are prescriped them)
electrolytes include: sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and calcium. you should look up recommend amounts, especially if you have other health concerns
symptoms of a deficiency include: headaches, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, muscle cramps, and fatigue. but there are more.
description of the electrolytes:
too little sodium causes headaches and muscle spasms. with prolonged fasts (3+ days) you should increase intake of sodium
potassium regulates fluid in muscles. it's important for nerves and too little can lead to leg spasms.
magnesium is also important for muscles and nerves. with prolonged fasts (3+ days) you should increase your intake of it.
zinc is important for nerves and testosterone production. (not from this article, but I've read it can regulate progesterone, reducing PMS and PMDD symptoms for anyone struggling with that). upper intake limit is 40 mg for adults, you get bad symptoms if you exceed it
calcium is important for muscles and bones. it helps blood function (heart, clotting). you'll probably be fine with getting it from food.
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soon-th1n-king · 11 months
I'm 19, I'm a trans guy. (minors can interact, I never talk about anything lewd/sexual here)
€d: 4n4/0rth0, some p1ca tendencies. I do a lot of fasting, walking and exercising. I sometimes post coping tools.
I try to stay away from f4tsp0 and m34nsp0 so if that's a primary part of your blog we probably won't be mutuals.
active April 2024
I'm a member of a system, but my headmates usually don't post here (exceptions are tagged 'not marc' or / angel writes). Posts about plurality + ana are tagged plural4n4
I'm open to buds, send asks or dms or replies any time.
cw 145 lbs
gw1 130 lbs
gw2 (lw) 122 lbs
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