#self insert: beetle hopper (o.uat)
drjohndisco · 10 months
9 for the voice asks with August? (-@frankmillerturnonyourlocation)
9: Discuss how I feel about my f/o(s)’s family or friends. Or enemies, if the case may be…
(Captions under the cut! Also, I was recording in the lounge (as well as having to majorly compress the audio), so I apologise for the echo. I'm also not sure this actually answers the question - it ended up being more of a family tree diagram, rather than anything else. It's also more repetitive than I realised. Sorry!!)
CC: [Quietly] Hello, you asked, um, 9 for the voice asks. Um, specifically with August, which is like a whole thing. So, I hope you don't mind..like a lore dump.
So, it's like [pause] because there's Rain [Cassidy/Booth]. They've got, um, Archie and Geppetto -- they're both like weird father figures/like kind of father in-laws -- and then, I guess technically Blue? Although she's not their biological mother.
(I don't think, I don't know, I haven't actually worked that out yet in the canon. You'd have thought I'd have figured that out in canon by now, since it's been like..two or three years? But, I have not. Anyway! I don't like her...)
Like...Archie, they're (Rain) pretty much always, like over there [at Archie's house], always talking. Always, consistent. It's consistent. Particular with Lila and Rory [my August/Rain fankids]. So, they're always there.
August, obviously is like, he's probably got a better relationship with the pair of them to [compared to his dynamic with Blue], which is good. And then, through Archie, they're connected to my other insert Beetle.
Beetle's Archie's adopted, um, daughter. Sort of. Daughter's not the right word [re: my trans-ness], I'm just thinking in terms of like curse-terms. I guess, like, they were put together because they were both bugs? I don't know, maybe. 'Cause they, like, canonically would not have interacted, like, pre-curse because of how the timeline worked out and the fact that they were a beetle for, like...the..time when the curse hit. I mean, I don't know.
Probably like if they got sent back in series 3 they definitely go and seek him out at some point, but it didn't work due to where he is. 'Cause he's like nowhere [sighs] near where they end up.
Um, connecting Beetle to Ruby like, canon-verse it's Ruby and the her grandmother and then, like Ruby and Dorothy. 'Cause there's like a little [pause] a little set. And then, non canon-verse, it's like connecting her to Belle and then to like, Gideon. Although I think I made him her adopted son in that au.
I wrote that down in the google doc, but i haven't decided whether, if that's like [pause] actually--I haven't knocked things out yet. Because, again, I'm still only at season two in terms of the writing an planning and stuff. So, I've got like a season and a half to plan out, but I haven't like actually sat down and done it. What I've got is complex. The time-line post is somewhere, I'm sure. (If it's not, I'll post it and send it so that you know what I'm talking about.) So, yeah! I kinda yoinked Gideon from that. Which is a little weird, I guess? But it makes sense in my brain -- since he's not biologically Belle's kid.
Point is, [Rain has] extra sons!! He [Gideon] definitley hangs out with, um, I feel like he probably hangs out more with Lila than he does with Rory. But, they [Gideon and Rory, that is] they get on well. He's just not usually around, 'cause of whatever Ruby's doing. Also, there's sort of, like, an age gap [between Gideon and Rory] since they would have been very small, I think. He's closer in age to Lila. 'Cause there's a five year age gap between Lila and Rory -- by the end of canon Lila's 25 and Rory's 18.
I mean, I guess, canonically if you like, connect Gideon back to Rumple, there's a whole thing..[pause] Rumple's like, kinda, the person who cursed Beetle, like, in the first place because of...[pause] that whole thing...[pause] they went to him to help their parents, and then like, they stole a spellbook and that's what turned them into a beetle. So, they hate his guts.
Rain, fucking [unintelligible] Zelena. For like, both of them [Rain and Beetle, that is] there's literally like, she's my least favourite character in the show. If I could like, kill her I, like, physically would. I want Rain to-- and I like--[unitelligible] I mean, I need to, I just need to write a crack 'fic where Rain murders her and just goes to prison for their crimes. She just--I, uh, it sucks.
I am keeping like-- [cuts self off] and then there's Neal. They're [Rain], is like, also connected to Rumple through Neal. Which, like, should have been the more obvious connection that I should have said first, but I got thrown off because I got mixed up quite a lot. That's canonical to, like, literally all of the versions. He's kind of, like, a weird, like [pause] Neal's like a brother-in-law, kind of? Not literally, there's no actual like, familial, connection there. Just in terms of like, vibes. [pause] Because Rain was like, looking after him when he was small, before all of the, like, the, [pause] before he went to Neverland. One o his, like, first um [pause] his first...what's the word? Fairy guardian? Protectory kinda thing? Like what Blue was like with August, without the weird motherly vibe.
Yeah, there's a lot of technicalities in here. It's messed up - if you add all of the main [Emma-related] stuff. I will probably, like, make this into a diagram at some point. Because. It makes more sense like, physically.
[Exhales] Point is....there's like, Neal and Rumple - canonically - and then to Gideon. And then non-canonically Rain to Archie, to Beetle, and then to Ruby and to Belle. But, canonically, it's just to Beetle -- there's like a weird thing where like not [cuts myself off] I guess that makes them like siblings-in law? Like, technically? Which is weird, since August isn't Archie's kid. But, he kinda, I guess he kind of sees himself as his, like, 30-something year old son anyway? 'Cause that's kind of how it works with Geppetto. [Pause] I..don't know. Point is, they have a complicated relationship.
I also like to think that August actually starts going to therapy at some point, during like seasons 5 or 6. That's what he's doing, just off-screen. He's just, like, hanging around....because he doesn't have a house? Like, I don't think--I think by the end of the show he would have like, lived with Geppetto. Him and Rain do, like, have a--They, they do, like by the end of the show/post canon they do have a house. 'Cause they're a couple [and they have two kids. They need space, was what I was getting at here.] It makes more sense.
Honestly? They wish realm version of-- [the canon] is more straight forward. It's literally just, like, Rain and then August and then The Blue Fairy and the literally just like, well, I guess Geppetto and Archie? I don't know what Archie's actually doing [in the wish realm]. [Pause] ..We don't actually see him in that universe, do we? But he's probably still, like, still around. He'd have to be.
That canon also connects with like, a couple of my other tumblr mutual's and--which that makes--it...counting Nic's canon [@me-myself-and-my-fos]. Nic's with Archie, and then you've got her kids. That...[laughs] that makes it so...[pause] The point is if we're including my, like, my friends' canons, then that's more of a mess than it needs to be because it..[pause] there's like fan-kids and stuff, so..It's uh, it's a whole thing.
Yeah. I will definitely have to make a diagram at some point, because this doesn't make any sense and everyone's age are, like to [pause] to like convoluted. I don't know... I feel like I didn't make any sense, I'm sorry.
Point is, it's like Rain and then Beetle. Then Beetle's parents, like, a mother who I have not named, and then during the curse Archie like adopted her.. [Beetle's mother wasn't taken by the curse.] Their biological dad is just gone. I don't know what happened, maybe he got eaten/killed in the war?
And then, like [sighs] Beetle's parents to Beetle. They don't have any siblings. But then, like during the curse their adopted dad is Archie, which connects them to Archie which connects them to [pause] to Rain. Which connects them to August, which connects them to The Blue Fairy which connects them to Neal, which connects them to Rumple and Belle. Which connects them to Gideon. So, Gideon's like their kind of [confused noise] their...cousin? I guess? That's how that works.
But then with Beetle, you've got Beetle and the Ruby and Dorothy and/or Belle. Depending on the continuity. Also, Mulan's probably somewhere in there, I haven't really thought about her. I was just thinking about that [as a concept] the other day. I haven't decided whether I'll actually commit to it or not.
So! It's actually less complicated when you think about it like that.
Then there's, like, Rain's kids. But like, Lila's only Rain's kid on August's side - because Rain's not her mother. [silence] So, it's--Lila's Rain's adopted kid, on August's side. Rain...they adopted her, but she's biologically August's kid. Because of...pre Storybrooke stuff.
And then...I don't think they have any connection to..[cuts self off] although I was tempted for a Lila/Ivy crack-ship. Which then connects her back to Henry. [Laughs] That connects her back to Henry [pause] I didn't--I don't think I had/have anything...I actually think that's not a bad idea? I am very tempted to make that canon. I'm so tempted--because put that with, like, that'd throw an extra wrench in things. I don't know. I'm just playing around with Lila and some ideas.
Because that connect her to, like, um [lip sounds] to...to Ivy and to Anastasia and Drizella. To..uh what's her mum's name? I don't know, I want to say Catherine. I don't think that's right. [pause] Her cursed name is Catherine!
To Catherine. Who is a Rapunzel. Rapunzel, which connects her to..to,uh, um, Ella's dad [Marcus]. So, technically, like...wait what does that make Henry to Rain? [Confused Laughter] I don't know what that makes Henry to Rain! I am not figuring that out. But, like, oh man.... I guess connecting.. No! Because if you literally connect Ella to Henry and then to Lucy, and then back to Rory.
Which. Platonic, they're not..there's to much of an age gap there. That's be real weird, since she's literally a baby when he's like 16. That's not what I meant. [Groan] That's not what I meant by that.
Literally, like, you connect him to Lucy and then back to Henry, and then you connect Henry to Emma. Then Emma to Killian, or not, depending on - again - what canon continuity/whose ships you're taking into account. (I was referencing @hyperionshipping's canon here.) Or whatever. Point is, it's just--
And then Emma to..no, uh, Henry to Regina and Regina to..to her parents and then her parents to.. [pause] Point is, if you factor in Ivy, that means eventually you'd have to factor in Henry. Which means, technically, all of the main characters in once upon a time are connected to Rain - and also Beetle, by extension.
(But they're more prominently connected to Rain. Even though August is like a side character and he doesn't really interact with anybody.)
...It's so [pause] I don't know what it is, but it's like, it's so confusing. I made it worse!! I literally made ocs and I made it worse (affectionate). I made it so much worse.
(Note: this last part isn't relevant to the question, I'm just complaining.)
Anyway!! Yeah...no, I-I need--I do need to write that Zelena 'fic where Rain runs her over with their car. I need Rain to run her over with her car. Because HOLY FUCK she's so...I hate her. I hate her so much!!! [Groans] She literally should have stayed dead, that's all I'm saying. She should not have been bought back. To be fair, I also think that statement applies to Rumplestiltskin, as by the time you get to season four. I--he should have just..stayed kicked out of Storybrooke. And if he had to come back, I don't think he should have gotten back with Belle.
Do I think she should have been with Will? No. I don't think she should have been with Will. That doesn't make sense because he already has a wife, and they were cute. I like them together. I like the spin-off. Don't know who I would have paired Belle with (again, probably Ruby - had she been on the show and not..whatever they did with her.) The point is, that's fine. just keep her away from Rumple. That's--is that mostly why I made the au? Yes. Because it [rum.belle] is bad.
Point is, I'm just gonna like, I'm not going to kill him off, I will bring him back - but I haven't decided what I'm actually going to do with him. Sorry, this isn't related at all....
If you want all of this lore typed out, or put into like..well I think I've already got it typed up..point is, is you want this lore actually put into a diagram I will attempt to do that.
Because I'm also going to do that with my St.argate stuff, because I'm--
My brain's just like: 'Hey you know what this [canon] needs? a really complicated poycule!!' That's what the shows are. literally, you give me like an ensemble cast of like 5+ people and I'll just make it into a really really complicated polycule. [Laughs]
That's what this comes down to...I think that's what I've discovered, because my Gr.imm ships and my Sta.rgate ships, and my On.ce Up.on a Tim.e ships.. Literally it's just like, two sets of like, everything that could technically be a really really weird polycule if you think about it to long.
Not like, obviously not with their parents and stuff included. I just meant--like--by a technicality. The On.ce Up.on a Ti.me family tress is definitely the messiest. The St.argate one is actually pretty straightforward, it just looks real weird on paper. Not that I've actually..
Sorry!! This isn't relevant again. Anyway, I hope this, like, actually kind of answered your question? I don't know, I was talking for literally 12 minutes. I don't know if any of this made sense. When I type it up, I guess we'll see.
(Spoiler alert: it did not.)
Thanks for your time!!
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drjohndisco · 2 years
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Rain Cassidy (bottom) and Beetle Hopper (top) mood-boards. I haven't attempted to make these in ages, but I think they look okay?
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drjohndisco · 1 year
💕 Beetle Hopper, OUAT? —Nic
Nic, hi!! I don't know how much you're actually aware of Beetle's lore, so (like I did with the Yarrow ask) I'll summarise it here.
Basically, Beetle's family lives by a crop of poppies that grow in the water of the river Lethe (the one which takes your memories.) This field of poppies is close to Oz (though they don't visit much.) The field is protected by a spell, that needs at least 1 of the spell-casters descendants to uphold it. This also means that they go through life invisible (so it's more of a curse, really.)
At on point on one of Beetle's mothers' excursions she gets sick, and the spell starts to break. So, Beetle goes into town and (by talking with Granny Lucas and Ruby*) gets told to go and get help from the dark one (it's Rumplestiltskin, at this point.) This works out, but they take a spell from him -- which, when read, turns them into a beetle. On the way home, Beetle tries the spell and turns into a beetle. They fly to the lake that's next to the poppies and is stuck in beetle form until after the curse is passed. Their mother is cured, but due to the time away from Beetle doesn't remember them.
Later, when the season 3 curse hits Beetle wanders their way to the farm, and falls into a poppy induced sleep. Their mother wakes them up, and Ruby is there to watch (she only got in there as they're true love.) This, however, makes it so that when Beetle crosses the border they lose the memory of their mother (although these memories do come back when they are woken up by Ruby in 5.15**).
*Granny says that there's no hope and Ruby tells them about him.
**This is also canon in the Belle/Beetle/Ruby canon (the evermore au), just in different circumstances (which I haven't figured out yet.)
So, yeah, it's a whole mess (much like the ouat wiki page.)
Other facts and ideas under the cut!
Gideon is adopted by Belle in the canon divergent au, so Beetle is one of Gideon's parents. He calls her B.
Beetle's order at Granny's is a hot chocolate and a muffin or tea. The also come into Granny's to draw, on their breaks.
They are a swim teacher during the curse.
Ruby 100% fell first, but Beetle was the one who initiated the relationship.
After the curse their ability to turn into a beetle came back almost immediately, but they found themselves being tired after the transformation It took a while to regain that control.
Hope this answered your question!
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drjohndisco · 1 year
hm. did i ever say anything about beetle having a slightly dark heart, due to their transforming abilities being from a dark spell?
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drjohndisco · 2 years
Here's Beetle's backstory (...finally):
Beetle is the heir to a farm of poppies that will remove people's memories (since they're near part of the lethe.) They have a healer for a mother, and at one point she fell ill (with no way to save her.)
So, Beetle went with their mother to see Rumplestiltskin to save her. He did so, but while they were at the castle they stole a spell book (which he did notice.) When they attempted to change into a beetle, they couldn't change back and ended up getting stuck by a lake for years. This meant that as a beetle they forgot what they were like as a human, and so they stayed at the lake for years, until the dark curse hit. During The Dark Curse they had a job as a swim instructor.
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drjohndisco · 2 years
Beetle Hopper lore (from November 2021) I never posted:
When Beetle transformed into a bug the first time, after stealing the pages from the spellbook, they migrated to the closest body of water. They are then unable to change back, and get stuck there until the curse hits. When in Storybrooke they are cursed to be a lifeguard.
(The parts under this are in reference to this oneshot.)
Beetle’s story doesn’t have a second part/ending due to the poppy seeds stuck to their clothing. They do end up getting to a small village, where they trade the seeds for some hot soup and lodging (but they do sleep for 3 days due to inhalation of crushed poppy seeds.) 
The seeds are coveted due to being very strong, as they grow directly next to a spring of water from the Lethe, upping their power through the water soaked in via the roots. 
Later the village is then attacked by Zelena’s monkeys and Beetle helps fight them off (as Zelena had been keeping an eye on all the arrivals, and that particular crop of poppies.) Ruby finds them after this and watches as their mother is the one that wakes them up the second time. However this makes them lose their memories of her.
This causes Beetle to have a grudge against Zelena, which is why she teams up with Dorothy later.
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drjohndisco · 3 years
Family Gathering
Pairing(s): n/a
Word Count: 844 words
Summary: It’s Nic and Archie’s anniversary, so they decide to hang out with their family.
Tags: @me-myself-and-my-fos​
Notes: 1) Happy anniversary, Nic!! I hope you have a good day! 2) I adore this small family we’ve created so so much. I hope my characterisation of your kids is correct.
‘So you don’t find it weird?’ Rain asked Beetle as they came out of the flower shop, hands full of the bouquet they’d purchased for Nic.
‘I don’t find what weird, ‘Rin?’ Beetle said, taking the flowers from them and placing them into the basket of Dorothy’s bike (Dorothy had been taking Toto for more walks lately, so she hadn’t had much need of the bike.)
‘The fact that the person that is married to your father only looks a few years older than you. That’s what, Bug.’ Rain replied.
‘You’re one to talk. You’re 150-something years older than your husband.’
Rain choked on air, catching themselves before they face-planted onto the footpath. Beetle grinned smugly, and handed them their bike helmet.
‘Got you there, didn’t I?’ Beetle said.
Rain didn’t respond, content to have them have the victory. They then took their helmet from Beetle and got onto the extra seat.
‘Are you aware if Ruby and Dorothy meeting us there?’ Rain asked, as Beetle pushed the bike off the rail it had been leaning against.
‘They are, Ruby texted me earlier.’ Rain nodded and put their feet into their set of pedals, as Beetle pushed their feet into the pedals at the front. It wouldn’t take long to get to Nic’s house (Rain could only hope that the flowers wouldn’t break apart n the wind.)
When the pair finally got to the home that belonged to the Hopper Family they were welcomed by Nic’s smallest child, Lily. She ran down the steps and attached herself to Beetle’s leg.
‘Oh! Good afternoon, Lily!’ Beetle said, reaching down and ruffling her hair - making Lily giggle.
‘May I have a rock?’ Lily asked. 
‘Yes, you can take one.’ Beetle replied. Lily took a small pink rock - one that Beetle had picked up on their trip to the land of untold stories - and unhooked herself from Beetle’s leg, running into the house; probably heading up to her room.
August waved from where he was sitting in the porch seat. He stood up and walked over to Rain, hooking his arm with theirs. Then together they stepped after Beetle into the house.
It was a cozy scene. Ruby and Dorothy leaning on each others shoulders while seated on the couch, Rory sitting on the chair with Lila standing behind him looking over his shoulder at his phone screen. 
Nic appeared to be working on something in the kitchen, but Archie was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Ichabod and Elizabella were with him?
Rain let go of August’s hand and he took their jacket off, placing it on the coat rack. Rain thanked him and returned the favor before walking with August to join their kids. 
Beetle placed the flowers into the vase sitting on the coffee table and moved into the kitchen to see Nic. Nic was in the process of taking a tray of biscuits out of the oven.
‘Nic, you really didn’t have to. Today is for you, you should relax.’ Beetle said.
‘Baking is a way for me to relax, Bug.’ Nic said, shaking her head at them. 
Beetle smiled and took the tray from her, placing it on the counter. Then, as if she’d been summoned by the presence of food, Lily climbed up onto one of the chairs placed against the counter.
‘That smells delicious, can I eat some?’ Lily asked.
‘No, you’ll have to wait a few minutes dear.’ Nic replied.
‘Aw, man.’ Lily said, pouting.
‘I’m sure you dad will be home soon. You’ll be able to eat then.’ Beetle said, reaching into their pocket and handing her another rock. 
As if he’d heard that sentence spoken Archie, and Lily’s siblings (who were holding bags of groceries), entered the room. Archie waved at the guests and opened his arms for his daughter. 
Lily ran towards her father and siblings, and Archie picked her up smiling. Seeing that they weren’t needed anymore her siblings placed the bags by the door, heading over to sit with the guests.
‘Did you miss me?’ Archie asked, kissing Lily’s head. 
‘I did.’ Lily replied.
Archie carried her over to the kitchen and sat down with her on his knee. Happy that he was home Nic kissed her husband. While this was happening Lily reached over and snatched a biscuit from the tray, stuffing it in her mouth.
‘Lily!’ Nic scolded.
‘What? Beetle said that I’d be able to eat once Dad was home.’ Lily said between bites, looking to her mother. Nic, however, looked over to Beetle, who raised their hands in mock surprise.
‘I will have no part in this conversation, Nic.’ Beetle said, switching into their insect form. They then flew over to where Dorothy and Ruby were seated on the couch, switching back within the blink of an eye so that they could sit between them.
Nic laughed at this unique avoidance tactic, and walked around the counter to sit with her husband and child. 
Oh, she had a lovable mess of a family, and she wouldn’t do anything to change it.
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drjohndisco · 3 years
Kicking Rocks and Accidentally Picking up Poppy Seeds (Or, The Aftermath of Pan’s Curse)
Pairing: n/a
Warnings: swearing
Summary: A short look into what Beetle and Rain face after landing back where they were before the curse. This (unfortunately for them) isn’t very good.
Word Count: 313 words (ish)
Tags: @me-myself-and-my-fos​ + @hyperionshipping​ + @imaginesforallkindoflove​
Note: Beetle is unaware that the curse took them back to where they were when the first curse hit.
(Pleasure Island)
Rain's situation was not ideal. Apparently the curse (at least, that's what Rain assumed the purple cloud had been - nobody told them anything) had placed them back on Pleasure Island. Which meant that they had no magic, and no way to communicate with the rest of Storybrooke.
'Fuck.' Rain cursed, standing up from where they'd fallen and kicking a rock. The rock skittered off in front of them, through the flaps that served as the entrance to the tent.  
‘Ow!’ This cry of pain came from outside the tent. Rain sighed, and went to investigate; after all they had nothing better to do.
(Elsewhere in The Enchanted Forest.)
Beetle was standing in the middle of a clearing of red poppies. Trapped in soaking wet clothes, without a towel to be seen, and with a lack of shoes. 
‘Shit,’ Beetle cursed. ’Guess that’s what I get for taking a swim right before a curse hits. Oh well, it wouldn’t be the first time.’ Then they paused and looked around the field. It bordered on a wood, one which didn’t look very inviting.
‘Archie?’ Beetle called out. ‘Red?’ 
No answer. Typical. Having at least one other person around would be a small mercy but this was, unfortunately, one that she apparently didn’t have.
So, they took a breath to quell their anxiety and began to walk through the field. That, sadly, was their first mistake.
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