sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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sgn task #01 — general full questionnaire here.
— what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent? danbi » you want the ones with wings?? should I get the overnight ones too? baekso » hyung THANK YOU 😭 you’re a godsend I swear seokwoo » hi do you want to watch howl’s moving castle with me tonight hahha
— are you apart of any group chats? with who? quite a number of them. a few friend group ones like one with sunwoo and danbi, some school-related group chats with the cinths, photography club members and project group members. oh and there’s a family group chat that we hardly ever use, it’s basically just my mom sending pictures of herself.
— do you customize contact names or enter as given names? mostly given names, unless they change it themselves (in this case, danbi changed hers herself). at most, I’ll give them an emoji or two, especially if I relate a certain emoji to them.
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sgntaejoo · 4 years
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬
                                                  ✶  ━━━  ( @sgnsunwoo )
the great outdoors -- scenery’s amazing, sure, but what taejoo’s really after is within the woods themselves. the birds chirping and the sun shining down through the leaves of the trees is just the setting to the detective movie playing in his mind. and now that he knows the basics to riding an atv, he’s starting to see himself more as the protagonist in this story, the enthusiastic boy next door whose just itching for excitement. he feels unstoppable, like he can find whatever he’s looking for.
what he’s looking for is an answer to a myth -- an urban legend. taejoo has a reason to believe that there’s some haunting afoot in these woods -- water ghosts that inhabit ponds, taking unassuming young people down to a watery grave. his reason? a campfire story that he had heard last night. now, he’s normally not one to investigate legends, but it just sounded too juicy not to go out and try to either debunk or prove this myth. truth or not, taejoo’s always down for a juicy scoop.
and this time, he’s not alone -- he’s accompanied by another member of the seongnam tribune, sunwoo. well, accompanied is a stretch -- more dragged to accompany him. they had both heard the story together and thought it a good idea to hunt this myth down, whether it was true or not. if there’s anything taejoo loves more than getting the scoop, it’s getting the scoop with others in tow. it’s like a fun hangout to him, like going to the movies or eating at a favorite restaurant together -- only far away from things like that, conceptually.
“do you think it’s just... any pond that they come out of?” taejoo asks, removing his helmet and observing the surroundings -- his atv is parked nearby and had hauled him all the way to a part of the wilderness that sounds somewhere near a pond. “i hear water, do you think that’s a river? or a pond?”
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sgnjiah · 4 years
— ‘ gone in a flash
 « @sgnsunwoo​ »
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 after observing the little first year for a few minutes, jiah determined that it would be amusing to mess with him, but she pushed down the urge quickly enough and turned her focus to the more important matter at hand: gathering information. journalism and tribune did not often have overlapping stories; with one being the weekly newspaper while the other was for seongnam’s yearbook and other matters. she’s an observant person, she wouldn’t be the sole person who uncovers all the university’s juicy secrets if she wasn’t, so she immediately noticed how often she saw the younger male when she was out on duty.
kindness is not a word that she would ever use to describe herself. perhaps the façade that she put up around all her peers, but when all her masks have been taken off and when the walls around her are broken down, kindness is not something that can be found. so, despite the voice in her head telling her to leave it be (evidently, she does not care for her conscience), jiah finds herself borrowing the shiny new camera that he so lovingly set down on the bench. it had taken only a five second distraction for the camera to be taken from right under his nose.
she’s no stranger to sabotage, especially when it benefits her. she ignored it the first two times she noticed them covering the same story, but now, after a month of being followed around by the first year, she knew it was time to get him off her back. (she doesn’t care that it’s not his fault that he’s assigned to the same stories as she is). yoo jiah is going to make sure that she is the first person to break the latest news, and if that so happens to include hiding a camera behind rose bushes, then so be it.
and after seeing the panicked expression on his face when he realized his camera disappeared? she thinks she made the right decision.
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sgnjiyul · 4 years
mentha spicata
living alone in a rather spacious dorm seemed like a blessing at first, but it almost feels too big for one person these days. he’s too much of a stickler for rules to really challenge himself to bring home any of the animals from the shelter he’s been volunteering at, but plants seem like the closest alternative he can manage. 
jiyul doesn’t know a lot about taking care of plants, but the lady at the nursery seemed pretty enthusiastic about this specific spearmint plant as a stepping stone—so he’s optimistic. plus, it’s kind of nice seeing so much green. maybe he’s a little fond of it already. should he name it?
he’s a little distracted as he walks across campus, gaze flickering from the path in front of him and back to his plant (still thinking of names—is it weird to name plants, he wonders?). it’s not surprise that at some point, jiyul’s attention focuses for too long on the plant, and whether it looks like it might be wilting already. the tip of his shoe catches on an uneven edge of the pavement and he stumbles forward.
thankfully, he barely catches himself. not so thankfully, the tiny mint plant goes flying—and flying until it starts falling, and falling, landing upside down, almost completely upturned, on some poor, unsuspecting student ( @sgnsunwoo ).
jiyul freezes, eyes widening ever-so-slightly. he feels paralyzed, isn’t sure where to begin with damage control. he’s bad with strangers as is, but when a disaster’s struck?
he rushes forward, busying his hands with brushing the dirt off of the stranger’s shoulders and picking up the remnants of his poor, unnamed plant. “i—i’m so sorry. i wasn’t watching where i was going, and i—i’m sorry. can i... ah, pay for your laundry?”
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sgnhoetaek · 4 years
If you had to remove one color from the world forever, which would it be?
“ this is an impossible question. there’s no way I can answer this. I mean some colours are better than others, sure, but every colour has it’s place. I mean if I can remove an individual shade then I suppose I’d go with pantone 448 c, since that’s generally regarded as the ugliest colour (it’s a gross shade of brown), but something has to exist as the worst colour, and I’m not removing brown as a whole, there are some beautiful shades of brown. ”
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vivisgn · 4 years
* - electric summer
“so i’m moving into gangjeon this upcoming semester, right? i'm donating all of my furniture because i want to start fresh with everything, so i’ll only keep my personal items... and my babies, of course.” and by babies, she means plants. anyone who has stepped foot inside her (soon to be former) dorm has commented on the amount of greenery that she managed to fit into the room, from the marigolds that line her windowsill to the swiss cheese plant that stands tall beside her bed in lieu of a table. in fact, it has even become a running joke between her neighbours that if a fire were to break out in gong hall, she would try to save her plants first before anything else. she laughs it off, not taking offence at all because she knows it’s mostly true.
“the best part about me moving, though? i get a much bigger space, which means more room for new babies!” if there’s one person who matches her passion for all things plant-related, it’s the boy taking up the space on her passenger seat. she briefly takes her eyes off the road to glance at sunwoo, eyes crinkling at the corners from the smile that spreads automatically at the sight of him. in all honesty, she’s still jetlagged having just arrived from the netherlands the other day, but they have been planning this trip over messages since they discovered the place online, and it’s also her that insisted to do it before classes start again. 
she doesn’t feel any of the exhaustion at that moment. how can she, when she’s driving drown a rural road with the windows down, letting in sunlight and breeze and the feeling of summer? one hand is steady on the wheel, the other tapping on her thigh to the beat of the song playing through the speakers. they should be getting near to their destination, which means they’ll have to get out of the car to continue the rest of the journey on foot. “okay, i think we’re nearly there. you ready?”
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for @sgnsunwoo​
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sgndaeun · 4 years
‘ what did you dream of? ’
                                ✧・゚ ——————————— now broadcasting with @sgnsunwoo !
she raises her head from where it rests on her enclosed fist, elbow perched upon the armrest of her chair. she feels lightheaded and disoriented, and images of a swampy forest and otherworldly monsters fade into darkness, replaced by the overly familiar surroundings of the lecture hall. she blinks once, twice, attempting to find her bearings, making the leap from an imagined setting back into reality. the process is slow and drawn out, eyes dry and still heavy, but she makes the transition, finally realizing what’s transpired.
“how long was i asleep?” she asks, a sudden dive off the deep end and into panic, alert in a split second as she straightens her spine, looking around once again to realize that the room is empty now save for the two of them. finally, sunwoo’s question registers, and a barely sheepish grin crosses her features.
“you know the witcher video games, yeah?” she says, packing up her things now that class has officially ended an unknown amount of time ago. really, all she has to do is close her laptop and slide it into her backpack, which she does with ease. “it was kind of like that. except, you know, cooler, because i was the protagonist and, thus, infinitely more badass.”
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ninasgn · 4 years
source / accepting !! 🍎 - for something they secretly wish did exist
super powers. not that nina would use her super powers for the greater good and rather than that actually abuse them for the latter. her insecurities would take over and she would abuse the powers she possessed to get what she wanted rather than accomplishing things in her own way, and by using her own skill. the super power nina most likely would enjoy possessing is super speed, or perhaps something like elasta girl in the incredibles, maybe that would even help her out with cheerleading, or super-speed, that would be something useful in track!
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sgnsian · 4 years
🍻 - for something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
“something bad as a kid? mmh, i didn’t really do much -- i didn’t have time to. i was always so busy. aside from the usual sneaking out when you weren’t supposed to, eating things when you weren’t supposed to ... i think i was fine. there was a member of mine who liked to dabble in ... uhm, illicit things, but i never said anything about that ... to anyone who could do anything. so see! i was always so good and nice. but on top of that, i don’t think my parents would have cared what i did as long as i continued to make money, so ... that says a lot.”
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sgnxgikwang · 4 years
If you could build anything you want, what would it be?
this was quite the interesting question and gikwang had to think about it for a moment. there were so many things that could be of use, but what he had actually thought about several times before, while working in the hospital. when playing an active role in the clinical daily life, ways to improve the health system tended to pop up in his mind.
"if i could built anything i wanted, then it would be some kind of universal imaging maschine that combines mri and ct scans. one that would make it possible to switch between both imagining techniques, depending on the indication. would be quite practical, if you could add a few mri phases to the ct scan without having to switch the location. oh and it would be awesome if it would work with a sliding gantry as well, since currently patients have to be moved into mri scanners, but i think at times it would make sense if the scanner could move around the patient. and if that is not possible, as mri tomographs use magnetic waves and ct tomographs use x-rays, then i would go with building patient beds that have x-ray detectors integrated and can be moved according to their bodily features." his eyes were bright, as he told him about his visions he had, after facing the difficulties of a working routine of radiologist assistants and nurses.
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
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sgn task #01 — general  a look inside junhyung’s phone!
— what kind of cell phone do you have? iphone 11 pro max in midnight green (512 gb). for the camera, of course.
— how often do you use your cell phone? an average screen time of 7h 13m. I text girls and use social media a lot.
— what is your phone’s lock screen photo? a picture of an alien someone sent to me. something about how I look like that when I get wasted at parties. I thought it was pretty funny and accurate so I made that my lock screen.
— what is your phone’s home screen photo? a picture I took of the sunset and city skyline, my favourite view. 
— how many contacts do you have in your phone? 1034. probably should stop asking girls for their number.
— do you customize contact names or enter as given names? mostly given names, unless they change it themselves. at most, I’ll give them an emoji or two, especially if I relate a certain emoji to them.
— do you have personalized ringtones for your contacts or does everyone use the default ringtone? default ringtone for everyone but my ex. I haven’t changed it back but I guess there’s no need to either.
— how many alarms do you have set and why? one. because I abuse the snooze button instead of setting multiple alarms.
— what are your top 3 most used apps? 1. instagram 2. imessage 3. spotify
— what are your favorite apps? fimo — you can try out different film filters with this app and its pretty close to the real thing. artemis pro — recommended by baekso hyung! he knows the best video apps, really. spotify — can’t go a day without listening to music.
— what are your last 3 google searches or the last 3 things you’ve asked your built in ai? 1. funniest tinder pick up lines 2. why does my dog keep humping the cushion 3. portrait photography classes near me
— do you delete your internet search history or use incognito mode? if so, how often, and why? no, I don’t bother to, which is also why I have way too many tabs. as for incognito mode, I only use it when I’m browsing material that isn’t... family friendly.
— do you download music or use a streaming app? if so, which one and why? I stream on spotify. one of my exes used spotify and I wanted to make a playlist for her so I started using it too and haven’t stopped since then.
— what are the last 3 songs you’ve listen to on your phone? 1. silvertongue — young the giant 2. chelsea dagger — the fratellis 3. why’d you only call me when you’re high — arctic monkeys
— what does your photo album consist of? a whole lot of sunsets, skylines, scenery, pictures of my dog, screenshots that I don’t clear, pictures of lecture slides from classes because I’m too lazy to write notes and some photos of my family, friends and myself.
— what is your texting style? do you reply quickly or are you a slow texter? do you send several messages at a time or paragraphs? I’m either extreme ends, if I’m interested in you or our conversation then I reply really fast and isn’t afraid to double text but if I’m not then I either reply really slowly or just ghost entirely. I usually send several messages at a time unless I’m talking to someone I’m not close to like a professor or distant relative. 
— what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent? danbi » you want the ones with wings?? should I get the overnight ones too? baekso » hyung THANK YOU 😭 you’re a godsend I swear seokwoo » hi do you want to watch howl’s moving castle with me tonight hahha
— who do you text the most? it’s a tie between danbi and whichever girl I’m interested in that week month.
— what are your top 6 used emojis?  😏😍🤤🔥😤🤪
— how often do you call others? hardly ever, unless it’s for something urgent.
— who were the last 3 calls made to and why? 1. a photography school — to enquire about their portrait photography summer classes. 2. my grandpa — to ask him if he prefers seolleongtang or samgyetang so I can get it for him on my way to his house.  3. riya —got in trouble and needed her to get me out of it again.
— who do you call the most? I don’t even know myself. there’s no fixed person since I don’t call people very often.
— do you have someone blocked? if so, who and why? a few. usually clingy and overly-attached exes when they spam call or text me. otherwise, I don’t bother enough to block anyone else.
— are you apart of any group chats? with who? quite a number of them. a few friend group ones like one with sunwoo and danbi, some school-related group chats with the cinths, photography club members and project group members. oh and there’s a family group chat that we hardly ever use, it’s basically just my mom sending pictures of herself.
— do you use the notes app? occasionally, to jot down random things like phone numbers, passwords etc. but because of how random and disorganised they are, I tend to forget what most of my notes are about.
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sgnserena · 4 years
Would you rather own a dragon or be a dragon?
“own a dragon. who’d fuck with a bitch with a dragon? it’d be so nice to just be able to burn all the fuckers that annoy you with a snap of your fingers. or just feed them to it. also, easier to travel. probably more sustainable and economical riding a dragon than a car.”
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sgnjiah · 4 years
‘ do you feel alright? ’
— ‘ ⋆ ˚。 « of course i'm alright. why wouldn’t i be? » she keeps her voice sounding calm and collected, though the smile on her lips that is growing strained betray the image she is trying to portray. jiah does not care how many people saw her crash into the wall from her sudden dizzy spell, no, she’s incredibly stubborn and refuses to acknowledge what had just happened. she stares at the male, her usually calm expression blank, as if she were challenging the younger male to bring up how she stumbled. but he better not, because jiah is set on vehemently denying anything. 
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sgndaisy · 4 years
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
“ oh I love this question! okay. I would sneak into places and hide flowers in all these different spots for people to find and hopefully smile at. like, I’d sneak into offices, or classrooms, or just anywhere people are working or living out their daily lives, and put flowers in draws or tucked into door frames, anywhere I could hide it that wasn’t obvious but where people would still find them. just, you know, spread some joy around. ” 
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sgnyooa · 4 years
If you were a street fighter, what would your theme song be and why?
‼ honesty hour ‼
— [ ♡ ]  ❝ hmmm. honestly this is a tough question. my first reaction is to say power by little mix, but recently i’ve been enjoying a different song more. ❞
 ❝ it’s 게릴라 (Guerilla) from a group called oh my girl. i definitely recommend it! so that would be my song if i were a street fighter.❞
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sgnsunisa · 4 years
If you could make a rule everyone would have to follow, what would it be?
❝ okay, this gives me so much power. well, let’s see, first rule of fight club, don’t leave your bag on the floor for someone to trip over at five am in the morning. seriously, little ol’ unsuspecting me just tried to go about my morning, and right outside of my door someone left a bag. i didn’t see it, i fell and woke up half of the second floor, and it just wasn’t a fun time. keep traffic areas clean ladies and germs. ❞
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