#shamelessly pluggin my paypal on my works from now on
papa-rhys · 6 years
First Aid (Jacob Seed X f!deputy)
Anonymous: Can I have a imagine where f!deputy need help to take a shower and Jacob help her and he secretly loves her? It can be noncon if you want 
Note: The tone of this is kinda all over the place because I wrote it over the course of a week and had 2 migraines in the process. BUT I kinda like that it turned out like that? I feel like it reflects the relationship that Jacob and Rook have. Idk, either way: Enjoy!
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The deputy stumbles up the stairs of the Veterans Centre, holding her injured arm tightly. Jacob follows, rolling his eyes each time she trips, though he still instinctively puts out his arm to stop her from tumbling all the way to the bottom.
She was training when it happened. She was running Jacob’s course for the umpteenth time and she knew it fairly well, but unbeknownst to her, Jacob had a surprise for her this time; a curveball in the shape of a new opponent to fight. A fellow prisoner who’d drawn the short straw. Rook had rounded the corner and an unprecedented speed – a corner that was usually empty – and the prisoner had been lying in wait for her. Grabbing Rook’s arm and twisting back with a sickening crunch, the prisoner threw Rook to the floor and began beating her until Jacob finally stepped in.
“I think it’s broken,” Rook had told Jacob, showing him her already bruising arm as the training area was cleared for the next run.
“And whose fault is that?” he’d replied, folding his arms across his chest and looking away from her as she’d burst into tears. He’d pulled her into a hug – not before checking that none of his men were watching, mind you. “It’s okay,” he’d told her, patting her on the back. “You did good.”
See, there was a much softer side to Jacob underneath that tough exterior. He was calloused; hardened by the life he’d lived and although Rook had no real idea of the horrors that Jacob had experienced in his 47 years, she knew that with enough care and treatment, those calluses could be softened.
Reaching the top of the staircase, Rook turns to make sure Jacob is still following.
“I’m still here,” Jacob assures her. “Through there,” he adds, pointing her towards the open door of a bathroom.
She enters the bathroom and stands in the centre of the room, tugging at the bandage on her arm.
“Don’t play with it,” Jacob tells her. “I ain’t changin’ it for you if it falls off.” He walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a raggedy, old towel.
“It’s not helping anyway,” Rook sighs, watching him. “I need painkillers.”
Jacob throws the towel at her and Rook instinctively raises her arms to catch it, crying out in pain as she does so.
“I already told you: painkillers dull your senses. If you’re strong, you’ll pull through without them.”
“It still feels broken,” she states.
“Well the doc said it ain’t, so it ain’t.”
Rook huffs and looks away, folding her arms. Jacob steps forward and holds her chin between his thumb and his forefinger, turning her head to face him.  “You trust me, right?” he asks. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”
Rook sighs. “No, Jacob,” she says, reluctantly.
“Exactly. It’ll be healed in a few days and you’ll be trainin’ again before you know it.”
Rook holds back the urge to roll her eyes. You’ll be trainin’ again before you know it, she repeats in her head. As if she wanted to be trained in the first place. She’s been at the Veterans Centre for so long, she often forgets that she’s here as a prisoner. She’s almost certain she’s developing Stockholm Syndrome, but that’s a problem for another day.
“Now, get those off and get in the damn shower,” Jacob finishes, nodding at her clothes.
Rook looks down briefly before offering Jacob a weak smile. “I, uh… I can’t take them off by myself,” she says, gesturing towards her arm.
Jacob rolls his eyes and grabs her sweatpants, yanking them down – along with her underwear – rather roughly.
“Oh, wow, okay then,” Rook mutters. “Y’know, you could be a little gentler.”
Jacob looks up at her as he crouches at her feet and Rook steps out of her sweatpants and kicks them across the floor.
“What’ve I told you about keepin’ things neat?” Jacob scolds her, moving to pick up the sweatpants and folding them neatly.
“Yeah… Sorry.” Rook awkwardly pulls her shirt over her head with one arm, keeping the injured one close to her chest. As she wriggles and squirms inside the fabric, Jacob’s eyes fall upon the bruised skin that spans from Rook’s hip to the top of her ribs. She’d suffered 2 broken ribs, a sprained arm, and various other cuts and bruises as a result of the beating, and Jacob can’t help but take pity on her as she struggles in front of him, feeling responsible for her suffering.
“Here,” Jacob sighs, helping her pull her other arm out of the shirt and pulling it off over her head, revealing a very flustered deputy with strands of hair going in all the wrong directions.
She now stands completely naked in front of Jacob and although he’s seen her naked once or twice before, she can’t help but feel tiny and weak. She hugs herself as Jacob turns the shower on and heads for the door.
“Wait, where you going?” she asks.
“I’m goin’ for a coffee, why?”
Rook looks at the shower and then back at Jacob. “I can’t… I mean, how am I gonna do everything?”
It takes Jacob a few beats to realise what she’s asking of him. “You want me to help you shower?” he asks, as if it’s the craziest thing someone has ever proposed to him.
“Well… yeah,” Rook replies.
“You know you’re gonna have to do things for yourself at some point, right?”
“Yeah, of course… just not today,” she chirps, sweetly.
Rook can tell Jacob is stifling a smile as he closes the door again and locks it before making his way towards her. She steps into the shower and eases herself into the stream of hot water that pours from the rusty, old showerhead. “Ow, Jesus, that’s hot,” she mutters, turning to Jacob. He’s already pulled his shirt off and is now unzipping his jeans. That’s pretty hot, too, she thinks. “You’re getting naked, too?”
“What, you thought I was gonna get in the shower with all my clothes on?”
“Good point,” Rook shrugs, trying to peel her eyes away from Jacob’s chest. He’s littered with scars – old ones and fresh ones, alike – and he has a wide array of bruises to compliment them. She watches as he drops his jeans, revealing his legs to be covered in a similar variety of old injuries. Jacob looks up, his eyes meeting hers, and she looks away; staring at the tiled wall in front of her as Jacob steps into the shower.
“Okay, whaddya want me to do first?” Jacob asks, standing so close behind Rook that she can feel the body heat radiating from him.
“I usually wash – I usually wash my hair first,” she says, awkwardly clearing her throat halfway through saying it.
“Alright. Hair it is, then.”
Jacob cups his hands, gathering water in them and gently pouring it over Rook’s hair. He slicks her hair back and smoothes it down, carefully brushing it out of her face and pulling it all toward him. He reaches down and grabs a bottle of shampoo, squirting some into his hand and rubbing it into her hair. Rook leans into his touch, tilting her head back and enjoying the sensation of someone running their fingers across her scalp. “That feels so damn good,” she says. She hadn’t meant to say it out loud and she blushes immediately.
“I’m not too rough?” he asks, his voice reflecting his surprise.
“No, no, it’s perfect,” she tells him.
Jacob washes the bubbles from her hair so carefully, you’d think he was washing a newborn baby. As he bends down to close the cap of the shampoo bottle, it slips and falls to the floor with a clatter. Rook reaches for it with her injured arm, wincing at the pain.
“Don’t. I’ll get it,” Jacob insists, bending down for the bottle. Rook turns around to face him, and as he stands straight again, the two of them find themselves incredibly close to one another. Rook stands there, look up at Jacob; the water pouring over her face and dripping from her eyelashes.
“I’m sorry I let you down today, Jake,” she sighs.
In an act of compassion that seemingly came from nowhere, Jacob pulls her forward and plants a kiss on her forehead. “You didn’t,” he tells her, swiping his thumb across her bottom lip. “I put that prisoner in there to throw you off. I pushed you to do too much. I backed you into a corner and I shouldn’t have.”
Rook looks up at him. Her vision is blurred from the water dripping from her lashes, and in the spur of the moment, she stands on her tiptoes and kisses him.
She pulls away from the kiss. “Oh, God… I… Wow, I really shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s okay,” Jacob assures her.
“No, it’s not. I mean, you’re… you… and I’m – oh, God, I’m such a –”
Jacob moves in for another kiss and for a few painful moments, Rook thinks he may be doing it out of pity, but as he places his hands on her hips and pulls her closer, the fog of doubt is cleared from her mind.
She raises her hands and settles them on the back of his neck. The kiss quickly escalates from gentle to passionate; slow to fast-paced. As they kiss, Rook feels Jacob hardening against her lower stomach and she smiles into the kiss.
Jacob takes the lead – as he tends to do in all areas of his life – and spins Rook around to face the wall. She rests her hands against the tiles, letting the wall support her as she bends over.
“You sure you wanna do this?” Jacob asks, leaning forward and purring the question into her ear. His voice is like butter and it sends tingles across Rook’s skin.
“Yeah,” she nods. “Now hurry up before the water runs cold.”
He slides into her, earning a soft moan from Rook. Despite her order to hurry, Jacob takes it nice and slow, savouring the moment and the feeling of her wrapped tightly around the most sensitive part of him. He wasn’t used to being sensual and he found it rather intimidating, but this was a special occasion. The Deputy, with all her capability and independence and strength, was now bent over in front of him, moaning and whimpering as he fucks her agonisingly slowly. This moment had been a long time coming and he gave himself the credit for it. If not for his conditioning, she’d likely still be out there, causing trouble for him and ruining his younger brothers plans.
But now look at her; she belongs to him, now.
Rook reaches back with one hand, grabbing hold of Jacob’s hip and trying to make him go faster. As much as she begs for him to speed up, she has to admit that she enjoys the desperation and the neediness that Jacob has instilled in her. Maybe this was his plan all along: to get her to abandon all of her morals and allegiance to the resistance. To need him as though he were her means to survival. And oh boy, does she need him.
“Please, Jake,” she pleads. “Please go faster.”
Jacob leans forward again. “You want me to go faster?” he asks. “You want me to fuck you like an animal?”
She nods quickly. “Y-yes. Please…”
“And why should I? What’ve you done to earn it?”
“I – I don’t…” Rook stutters, her head swimming. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“I – fuck.”  Rook presses her forehead against the cold tiles. “I’ve been good, Jake. I’ve been a good girl.”
Jacob smiles widely. “That’s right, you have,” he says, smoothing Rook’s hair. “Okay then, I guess you earned it.”
Jacob speeds up, pounding into Rook hard and unapologetically. This was more his forte. Jacob was always much better at rough than he was at sensual.
“Fuck, Jake,” Rook gasps.
“You asked for it, sweetheart,” he tells her. “I coulda carried on takin’ it easy, but no. That ain’t good enough for my little princess, is it?” he grunts.
My little princess. The words drive Rook wild. She stands up straight and Jacob wraps his arms around her middle. She’s tiny compared to him and his arms could wrap around her twice if they were bendy enough.
He buries his face in her neck, kissing and biting at the softest skin he’s ever known. Then, a thought hits him and he’s already verbalised it before he’s had a chance to register it himself.
“I love you so fuckin’ much,” he pants, the words muffled by Rook’s neck.
Rook grabs hold of Jacob’s hands – which still lay across her tummy – and rests her head against his. “I love you, too, “ she confesses, quietly whispering the words as if the resistance could hear them if she spoke too loudly. She can feel Jacob smiling against the crook of her neck, which makes her smile in turn.
As Jacob hugs tighter, something in Rook’s gut begins to flutter. Her legs begin to wobble and she finds it difficult to remain standing. “I think… I think I –“
Jacob holds onto Rook, keeping her from falling. She climaxes, clutching at Jacob’s hands and squeezing them as she goes dizzy. Jacob chuckles in her ear, enjoying the sight of Rook convulsing beneath his embrace.
“Atta girl, atta girl,” he praises, slowing his movements and trailing more kisses down her neck. He slowly reaches his own orgasm soon after, rocking his hips slowly and smoothly until he spills into a worn out Rook, who now leans forward against the wall with her eyes closed.
“Fuck me,” Jacob pants, pulling out and watching his cum drip from her folds and into the drain.
Rook stands up straight and turns around to face him. “I should injure myself more often if this is your idea of first aid,” she says, smiling up at him with tired eyes and rosy red cheeks.
“How’s the pain?” he asks, pushing her soaking wet hair out of her face.
“What pain?” she smiles.
“See; painkillers are overrated.”
As Jacob plants a kiss on Rook’s forehead, the shower begins to spit and judder.
“That’s not a good sign…” Rook states, watching the shower head as it shakes and rumbles.
“Yeah, we should – ah fuck!”
The shower rains freezing cold water down on them, sending them both leaping out of the cubical.
“F – fuckin’ A, I – I told you that’d happen,” Rook breathes, standing in the middle of the room in shock.
Jacob laughs, shaking his hair dry and spraying the room with water in the process. “Here,” he says, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around Rook’s shoulders as she shivers. He grabs another towel, wrapping it around himself. “Maybe next time we should stick to a bedroom; y’know, somewhere we won’t catch hypothermia.”
“It’s cute that you think there’s gonna be a next time,” Rook says.
“It’s cute that you think there won’t be,” Jacob smirks.
Rook laughs – a loud and genuine laugh – and Jacob’s heart flutters in his chest. He watches her with a grin that resembles the Cheshire Cat. “I meant what I said, y’know,” he says, looking down at his feet, still smiling.
“Yeah,” Rook says, stepping closer to him and tugging on his towel to pull him down to her height. “So did I,” she smiles, planting a peck on his lips.
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