#she's a cryophile so the cold is her jam
pushing500 · 17 days
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Euclid, that tea is for the psychite-dependant biliog colonis— Oh, who cares? Go ahead. There's plenty to share.
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A Tale of Tea and Tuques. Nothing can stop Euclid from being the best tailor in the rim, not even a mental-break-induced addiction.
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Nobody likes this place
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Sorry you had to become a toddler in a place like this, Bluegum. Hopefully we can figure something out soon.
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Crowded around a fire in our sleeping bags and steel cribs, huddling up with the animals for warmth... What a life.
Now, as I'm posting this, we've still got an hour-and-a-bit on the last poll about the end of the series, but I noticed some people in the comments with some suggestions, so I'm making a new poll here just to gauge people's thoughts:
Thank you for your input! <3
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