#shyan shipping society rare kink bingo 2021
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hello and welcome !! the Shyan Shipping Society brings you another fun event, and this one is not just server wide, like our new year's eve or valentine's exchange. this one is for everyone in the Shyan fandom to participate! come join us in a journey of highlighting some more rare kinks, bringing new fics to the fandom for anyone and everyone! do you find it a shame there's only five fics with temperature play? do you long for more fics with mirror play? are you just itching to write a thigh kink fic? well, this is your chance!
What's the Rare Kink Summer Bingo? How does it work?
It's an event running June 21st thru August 31st in which creators of all kinds come together to produce content based on simple kink-based prompts. You'll receive a bingo-style card (through Discord or Tumblr, to be provided in the sign-up link at the bottom of this post) in which each square has a different kink listed. Your challenge is to fill as many squares as you like by creating content based on the prompts. You could set a goal to get bingo, or even to fill the entire card!
All creations are welcome, whether it be fic, art, graphics and moodboards, soundbites, fanvids — it's all up to your imagination. You may use one creation to fill multiple squares if you like.
From the moment you're finished with your work, you can post it on AO3 to the collection linked at the bottom. Post as often as you like!
Do I have to be in the Shyan Shipping Society Discord server to participate?
No, any Shyan shipper can participate! Although you do have to be 18+ and you may want to join the server just to be up to date on all the recent news. You will need to provide either a Discord or a Tumblr account for us to use to communicate with you.
Can I produce works for ships that aren’t Shyan?
Absolutely! Anything that is B-zzfeed/ex-B-zzfeed or W-tcher Entertainment related is fair game. (For example: W-rth It, the Try G-ys, Kelsey D-ngerous, the K-tchen and Jorn Show, etc.). You can write Shyan, Standrew, Steshyan, Colim... whatever ship you feel like creating for!
Can I submit an existing fic to cover squares?
No. It must be written, posted to AO3, and submitted to our collection during the event dates. Fics posted before June 21st or after August 31st will not count.
What do I get if I participate?
To celebrate every creation, each square you fill will get you an entry into our drawing. Each entry sets you toward winning a month of free Discord Nitro, or a month of Witness tier Watcher Patreon subscription, sponsored by the server! If you fill the whole card you'll get an extra three entries. We'll draw two winners. Everyone who fills their whole card will also get an honorary role in the SSS server for their service. (Of course, if you're just in it for the creations, you can always opt out of the drawing and roles if you like.) In order to enter your creation into the drawing you'll need to submit it to our collection on AO3.
What if there's a kink listed that triggers me or squicks me out? I want to have a chance to fill the whole card.
We have set aside some extra "stickers" that we can put over top of any kinks that are triggering or squicky or you. When you receive your card via DM, you can message back with the kink(s) you'd like to be replaced. We'll put the "stickers" over it and return the card to you with new kinks! (Your card will not look any different, but it will have new kinks in place of the old ones, and be numbered a little differently so we can keep track.)
How do I sign up?
Sign up using the Google Forms link below! The event begins on Monday June 21st, when cards first go out, but you can join any time during the course of the event. Sign-ups do not close.
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Hey everyone! Wow, this month has just flown by! The end of this month means that we're coming up to the deadline for your Kink Bingo works! The last day is on August 31st, so be sure to wrap up your works before that date!
We've already had some absolutely amazing submissions so far, and we can't wait to see what the rest of you have planned!
So, put pens to paper, fingers to keyboards and let do this thing!
- Mod Pip
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Shyan Shipping Society Fic Promo - June 19 to June 26 2021
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last week
listen ... the entire mod team are himbos i don't know what to tell you
June 19
How to Befriend the Monster in Your Closet by Golden4278 | G, 128K, incomplete
Ryan: Hi God, it's me again. I just moved to LA and I'm really lonely. I need someone to be my friend, someone who understands me. Maybe... you could send me an angel? Yeah! The nicest angel you have.
June 20
Gumdrop by Dippingmytoesindreams | T, 1.6K, complete
It’s Shane’s first Father’s Day in the Bergara Household and Ryan is determined to make it special. If only his daughter shares the same desire.
A Deal with a Vampire by Impala_Chick | T, 2.3K, complete
If the legend is true, there’s a vampire who escaped purgatory and fought off leviathans to do it. And he lives in New Orleans.
Shane sets up a meeting in order to protect Ryan. There's only one issue. Ryan doesn't know he's a demon.
June 21
To Unkick a Bucket by denimwrapped | T, 800, complete
Being a medical examiner exposes you to a lot of stuff, from the grisly to the sad to the downright strange. Of course, nothing there goes against the laws of science as we know them.
At least, not until Ryan Bergara comes along.
Indoor Boys by idkspookystuff | T, 5.2K, incomplete
“Holy. Fucking. Shit.”
“What?” Ryan asks, breathless.
“Melissa Joan Hart just followed me on Twitter,” Shane answers. "You know-"
“Sorry,” Ryan interrupts. “I just thought we were gonna have sex so.”
it's ryan's apartment that he's letting shane stay in for a bit while he looks for a place of his own. the only issue is that shane's hot and it's giving ryan a complex.
June 22
Gunhounds by Dippingmytoesindreams | M, 10K, complete
Big Apple Steve is back in town
June 23
A Trophy Father’s Trophy Son by JackiIDK912 | E, 10K, incomplete
“Detective C.C. Tinsley speaking.”
“Detective, I want you to be completely honest with me.”
“Who is this?”
“You’ll find out soon enough, but first off I need you to confirm something for me. Is it true what they've said about you?" ---- Or: Tinsley is hired to find a notorious mobster's missing father.
Bingo Collection! by Dippingmytoesindreams | E, 3K, incomplete
My submissions for the SSS rare kink summer bingo collection.
June 25
test drive by Zhalia | E, 3.5K, complet
Ryan shrugs, but the crinkles around his eyes are undeniable, “‘S nothing. Just happy with you, man. This. Us.”
Shane smiles back, all teeth and eye crinkles. Today is a perfect day. He had pole position, then got the fastest lap and won the race. There was nothing more for him to win, and now he’s here with Ryan in his arms too. He circles his finger on Ryan’s hip. Before he says something embarrassing like I love you or I have never in my life felt this strongly for anyone, this love consumes my every thought and swirls around all of my senses, it’s encompassing every last bit of me and I wouldn’t want it any other way, he takes a breath.
Shane is euphoric about winning the French Grand Prix, Ryan is right there to celebrate with him
June 26
Liminal Spaces by szandor | T, 1.6K, complete
Ryan has to go to the Laundromat, but his luck runs out when the machine there breaks down… but is it so unlucky when someone as captivating as Shane comes through the door to fix the darn machine?
if you want to read some more fics, you can always check out our ao3 collection! see you soon, we hope!
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Shyan Shipping Society Fic Promo - July 3 to July 8 2021
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last week
fic friday on friday this time???? incredible work mods!
get ready to read some fics by our incredible members! works marked with a ☼ have been created for our kink bingo! to learn more about the event (and to participate!!) click here!
July 5
It's Bloody and Raw (But I Swear It Is Sweet) by JackiIDK912 | E, 4K, complete
"It says here that intercourse is a sin and sinning is bad. But, if it's so bad.... why does it.... why does it feel... good?" Ryan asked.
The way you're looking at me through your lashes should be a sin
When the priest didn't respond, the student continued. "If it's bad, then you would think that God wouldn't make it feel so good."
With these shocking sentences finally processing in Shane's mind, the priest covered his mouth with his hand and closed his eyes, the other hand desperately gripping onto the back of his chair in a white knuckle grip. Ryan was so innocent looking, the face of an angel, yet his words were that of the devil.
It was exactly what his darkest fantasies conjured up in his mind.
July 6
gold and complemental by idkspookystuff ☼ | E, 2K, complete
Shane is not a prude. He just furrows his brows because he’s not sure Ryan, laying in his lap, has even just suggested a kink.
why have sex with your boyfriend when you can fall asleep inside him?
Coming Home by sequence_fairy | T, 3K, complete
“I did, you know,” he offers, because most of the time Ryan is the brave one and Shane’s just along for the ride, but he figures he can take his turn now.
“Did what?”
“Miss you.”
“Me too, buddy, me too.”
Or: We all wanted the reunions to happen on camera, here are some options.
July 8
Bingo Collection! by Dippingmytoesindreams ☼ | E, 4K, incomplete
My submissions for the SSS rare kink summer bingo collection.
if you want to read some more fics, you can always check out our ao3 collection! see you next friday! <3
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