#mod zhalia
hiiii i was wondering if u can help me find a fic. it’s not places/minds bc i just checked lol and im pretty sure it’s multi chaptered and was completed. ryan and shane are filming for bfu and they like, fall off a cliff onto a ledge, they’re okay just a bit shook and the crew helps lift them and like the next day they wake up in So Much pain and find out they have to be touching each other so they don’t have said pain. so the crew thinks they’re dating now bc they can’t be apart for very long and there’s a scene where they’re at the airport and they kiss to like, power up so they don’t have all the pain when they’re being separated to go through security. thank you!!!
hey there !!
this is genuinely one of my favourite fics in the fandom and I'll literally never shut up about it. you're looking for this one:
darling it's a faded notion || varnes || 28k words || Explicit || completed
The sun is too bright and Ryan’s whole body is alight with something that is eating him all the way up from the inside out, but he keeps his eyes open and he makes himself look, and he tells himself that once he finds Shane, he’ll think about it. Once he finds Shane, they’ll make a plan. Once he finds Shane, and only then, he’ll let himself have the thought he’s been swallowing down like bile since he came to: that they didn’t fall.
They were pushed.
OR: Ryan and Shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can't be not-touching. It's ... not great.
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weirdponytail · 6 years
...Don't ask about the thing. (Huntik Chat/incorrect quote)
(Zhalia passes out shiny new modded phones and brand spankin' new Holotome-Teknomicon-Loreslave hybrids for the team)
Dante: Zhalia, not that I don't apreciate your efforts on getting these but...where did the funding for these come from? The team account is two hundred in debt.
Zhalia: ...I did a thing.
Dante: A thing?
Zhalia: Best not talk about the thing.
Dante: *small smile because honestly Zhalia's giving him the closest thing she has to innocent puppy dog eyes right now* ...We'll talk about the thing later.
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hello and welcome !! the Shyan Shipping Society brings you another fun event, and this one is not just server wide, like our new year's eve or valentine's exchange. this one is for everyone in the Shyan fandom to participate! come join us in a journey of highlighting some more rare kinks, bringing new fics to the fandom for anyone and everyone! do you find it a shame there's only five fics with temperature play? do you long for more fics with mirror play? are you just itching to write a thigh kink fic? well, this is your chance!
What's the Rare Kink Summer Bingo? How does it work?
It's an event running June 21st thru August 31st in which creators of all kinds come together to produce content based on simple kink-based prompts. You'll receive a bingo-style card (through Discord or Tumblr, to be provided in the sign-up link at the bottom of this post) in which each square has a different kink listed. Your challenge is to fill as many squares as you like by creating content based on the prompts. You could set a goal to get bingo, or even to fill the entire card!
All creations are welcome, whether it be fic, art, graphics and moodboards, soundbites, fanvids — it's all up to your imagination. You may use one creation to fill multiple squares if you like.
From the moment you're finished with your work, you can post it on AO3 to the collection linked at the bottom. Post as often as you like!
Do I have to be in the Shyan Shipping Society Discord server to participate?
No, any Shyan shipper can participate! Although you do have to be 18+ and you may want to join the server just to be up to date on all the recent news. You will need to provide either a Discord or a Tumblr account for us to use to communicate with you.
Can I produce works for ships that aren’t Shyan?
Absolutely! Anything that is B-zzfeed/ex-B-zzfeed or W-tcher Entertainment related is fair game. (For example: W-rth It, the Try G-ys, Kelsey D-ngerous, the K-tchen and Jorn Show, etc.). You can write Shyan, Standrew, Steshyan, Colim... whatever ship you feel like creating for!
Can I submit an existing fic to cover squares?
No. It must be written, posted to AO3, and submitted to our collection during the event dates. Fics posted before June 21st or after August 31st will not count.
What do I get if I participate?
To celebrate every creation, each square you fill will get you an entry into our drawing. Each entry sets you toward winning a month of free Discord Nitro, or a month of Witness tier Watcher Patreon subscription, sponsored by the server! If you fill the whole card you'll get an extra three entries. We'll draw two winners. Everyone who fills their whole card will also get an honorary role in the SSS server for their service. (Of course, if you're just in it for the creations, you can always opt out of the drawing and roles if you like.) In order to enter your creation into the drawing you'll need to submit it to our collection on AO3.
What if there's a kink listed that triggers me or squicks me out? I want to have a chance to fill the whole card.
We have set aside some extra "stickers" that we can put over top of any kinks that are triggering or squicky or you. When you receive your card via DM, you can message back with the kink(s) you'd like to be replaced. We'll put the "stickers" over it and return the card to you with new kinks! (Your card will not look any different, but it will have new kinks in place of the old ones, and be numbered a little differently so we can keep track.)
How do I sign up?
Sign up using the Google Forms link below! The event begins on Monday June 21st, when cards first go out, but you can join any time during the course of the event. Sign-ups do not close.
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Love your blog! Y’all know of any good sub!Shane fics? There’s just not enough of them out there and they’re hard to find
hi there! gotta love sub!Shane, and fear not, there's quite a few very good ones out there. here's some recommendations of our members!
fics marked with an '♦️' are written by our server members, can have been written before or after they joined <3
camboy!verse ♡(series) || weakspots || 3 works, 34k || explicit || incomplete
pink_princess92 is now live!
♦️use somebody || bodhirookes || 9,6k words || explicit || complete
“You’re the most obnoxious person I’ve ever met,” Shane says over the sound of Ryan’s workout noises, which are equal parts distracting and hideous. “Why can’t you just be a lazy asshole like the rest of us?”
“I have a figure and reputation to maintain,” Ryan grits out, not even pausing to look at him. “Can’t be a big, bad ghost hunter without my guns.”
Or, Shane has a thing for Ryan's muscles and Ryan has a thing for Shane having a thing.
just wanna feel his hands go down || uneventfulhouses || 23k words || explicit || complete
Ryan’s grin transforms; his eyes go heavy, dark and the edges of his smile sharpen, and Shane’s heart is already beating much too quickly—he breathes in shallow.
“Oh, is it—is it you that likes to get spanked, Shane?”
Without any regard for modesty, Shane leaps off the couch and wrings his hands together. His blood is pumping in the wrong direction, and things are gonna get real weird, real fast.
“It’s getting late,” Shane says, rounding the sofa and walking towards the kitchen, suddenly very, very thirsty.
or; the one where ryan has a heavy hand
Fifty Shades of Gold || beethechange || 21k words || explicit || complete
Shane tires of doing the same bits over and over. He tires of telling the same stories until they all, him and Ryan and the fans, have every beat memorized. Whenever Ryan pulls out his Ricky Goldsworth impression, ah yes, that old chestnut, Shane plays along only begrudgingly. He’s bored.
That’s his official position: he’s over Ricky Goldsworth.
Shane’s unofficial position, regrettably, is that he’d rather be under Ricky Goldsworth.
O Lost || Books in the Blood (WholockHobbit88) || 109k words || explicit || complete
After watching a movie about BDSM a very dominate Ryan finds out that Shane is a Sub. He proposes that they experiment together; what could possibly go wrong?
The Lifetime Achievement Award For Best Supporting Actor (series) || breathtaken || 78k words || explicit || complete
Somehow, his five-nine-and-allegedly-three-quarters, ghost-fearing best bro with a heart of gold has also turned out to be the best damn dominant Shane’s ever had.
♦️a safe pair of hands || ghoulfriends (smolstiel) || 3,5k || explicit || complete
Shane’s been stressed out as all get out lately. Sometimes he gets so wound up that he needs more than just an outlet, even if he's not willing to admit it.
Ryan always seems to know what to do.
♦️The Princess Situation (series) || Artemis, nullvoid (orphan_account) || 20k words || explicit || incomplete
After a seemingly innocent nickname hits a little too close to home, Ryan and Shane delve into kink exploration together.
Or, Steph and Null realized they both love feminized Shane Madej.
♦️Suits and Lace || scallywap || 5,5k words || explicit || complete
“They’re… panties.” Shane said, as if Ryan didn’t already know.
His boyfriend nodded happily, “Sorry I didn’t gift wrap them, I only had Christmas wrapping paper and that doesn’t exactly scream 'anniversary'.”
have fun reading !! be sure to let the author know your thoughts!
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Heya was wondering if you had any ff recommendations for shane x ryan which are set like nowish (so the setting is at buzzfeed unsolved or like watcher?) Tysm, im new to the shyan community !
welcome to the community !! happy to have you <3
our server members recommended these fics, hope you like them!
fics marked with an '♦️' are written by our server members, can have been written before or after they joined <3
♦️Teacher's Pet || chapscher || 25k || explicit || complete
“You aren’t describing a teacher’s pet! You’re describing… I don't know the name for it. Someone who tries to seduce their teacher so they can get a better grade.”
“Isn’t that a teacher’s pet?”
Ryan is tired of losing every episode of Puppet History and asks Shane to tutor him. Shane obliges and tries to keep the tutoring session on track even as they distract each other
♦️Puppet History: Bedroom University || idkspookystuff || 3k || explicit || complete
Ryan doesn't have a thing for the Professor. He might have a thing for being told what to do.
♦️friends kiss too || Zhalia || 10k || explicit || complete
So before his brain can stop him, he hears the sound of his words, “Do you always kiss your friends on their lips?”
Shane finds himself looking down at Ryan, curious about how he’ll respond.
Ryan simply smiles, and shrugs as he says, “It’s an old habit — friends kiss too.” Which explains absolutely nothing.
aka Ryan kisses his friends casually and Shane has only a minor breakdown over it.
blond(e) || drunkkenobi || 15k || explicit || complete
In which Shane is a late bloomer to coloring his hair and his own sexuality. Not necessarily in that order.
I Wanna Give It To You || Fraudgara || 14k || explicit || complete
It was only once Ryan had stared at the cube-shaped thing for a moment that he realized it was a remote control. It had a tiny screen, an on/off button, another button marked "interval", and + and – buttons labeled "vibration".
They hadn’t talked about sex. They hadn’t talked about a lot of stuff. Ryan figured it sort of came with the territory of knowing your best friend in and out and wanting to kiss him so bad your head hurt. It had to come with the territory when you knew said best friend wanted the same thing without his ever really opening his mouth to say it.
Or Ryan receives a butt plug for his birthday which gives him an idea of what to give Shane for Christmas.
as the world caves in || ghoultown || 14k || teen and up || complete
Ryan is stressed. Shane is stressed. They each have their own stressors. They are both more than happy to pick up each other's pieces.
(or a collection of times ryan and shane have been pushed to the limit while prepping for and working at Watcher Entertainment)
Big Apple Steve and That Time He Obliviously Third-Wheeled His Friends All Summer || beethechange || 12k || teen and up || complete
Steven Lim is not a stupid man. Steven Lim is a capable man, an ex-scientist, creator and producer of Buzzfeed’s most popular video series. He helped invent Tide Pods, for Pete’s sake. Tide Pods.
So he knows he’s no idiot. He’s naïve, perhaps. He has blind spots, like anyone, particularly when it comes to relationships, especially when it comes to sex.
Still, when he walks in on Ryan sitting astride Shane’s lap on the sofa, tongue fully in the guy’s mouth, hand fully down his pants, Steven reckons he should probably have seen this one coming.
Like Wildfire || makemadej (santamonicayachtclub) || 20k || explicit || complete
“Is this gonna be a thing with you?” Ryan demands. “You can’t keep committing to stuff that no one else knows about! When people online say they want you to be more open and vulnerable, this is not what they mean.”
“I know!” Shane wails. “I fucked up.”
“Again,” Ryan points out, which is true but really not necessary.
(Or: the one where Shane accidentally tells Ryan's mom they're a couple and they commit to the bit)
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Shyan Shipping Society Monthly Challenge - October 2021
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once again late but oh well - new monthly challenge is here for October! also happy one year to the monthly challenges !! your works have been amazing so far and I'm nothing but honoured to see all of you share your talent with the world. sending love and lots of inspiration <3!
(next month will be a catgara prompt because of this video!)
October 2021
Halloween is all fun and games until a spell you cast for jokes turns out to come true...
collection link right here! FOR MORE make sure you’re aware of the rules have questions about the challenge? send them in our askbox! have fun writing!
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Shyan Shipping Society Monthly Challenge - April 2021
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hello and welcome to our first Tumblr post!
if you follow my blog, then you may have seen me talk about the Monthly Challenge before. this is a challenge where I roll out a new prompt every month for people to write! we've thought about giving ol' Tumblr a piece of it before, but here we are with our official Tumblr blog! on this blog, we'll post about the amazing fics and artworks our members have made, we'll update you all on the daily and monthly challenges and we're here to answer questions and other comments on the server!
if you're reading this and you're like, Shyan Shipping Society? what the fuck is that? well, boy oh boy, have I good news for you! the link is ✨right here✨ and if you have other questions before joining, please check out our FAQ page right here!
now after that brief introduction, onto April's prompt!
april 2021
cheering on the sidelines
Inspired by: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFoRDobn2Vy/?igshid=li3m6x91jke After million debates on who's a better basketball player, Steven and Ryan decide to settle it by playing against each other as a Watcher Weekly segment. The entire Watcher crew joined, some because they had to film, some because they had a bet running. No one expected Shane to join... in his cheerleader outfit.
your submissions will go here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/shippingsocietyworksapr21
FRIENDLY REMINDER whatever you write is your work. you don't have to meet every single word of the prompt, just as much as inspires you. this is your work after all, write whatever you like! if you want to write Shane in his cheerleader outfit, and leave out the basketball game entirely, you do you! if you want to bring in other characters, or remove people, whatever! your work! your choice!
FOR MORE make sure you're aware of the rules have questions about the challenge? send them in our askbox!
have fun writing!
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hello I apologise for I keep forgetting to post the monthly challenge prompt!! one day I'll be on time w this stuff. today is that day!! so we could not pass up this wonderful opportunity given to us by Ryan Bergara himself. he requested the fanfictions, we give it to him.
august 2021
conquer this insanity
Ryan and Shane go back to the Sallie house.
thank you Ryan Bergara for the prompt suggestion <3 (and thank you @mysterywheeze for bringing this to my attention)
collection link right here!
FOR MORE make sure you’re aware of the rules have questions about the challenge? send them in our askbox!
have fun writing!
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do you guys have any favorite fics where ryan is a supernatural creature?
hi there! ahhh, supernatural creature!Ryan my beloved!
we asked our server members their favorites, and here's what they came with! (sfw&nsfw!)
fics marked with an ‘♦️’ are written by our server members, can have been written before or after they joined <3
♦️Just a Low Level Demon || Impala_Chick || Teen and Up || 2k words || complete
Shane never gets freaked out while filming on location. This time is going to be the exception.
a selfish prayer for light || t4tterdemalion || Teen and Up || 2k words || complete
Ryan is left in the wreckage alone.
Opposites Attract || orphan account || Not Rated || 1k words || complete
After a BUN supernatural shoot, something occurs which causes the ghoul boys to reveal who they both truly are to each other, along with some other feelings.
♦️Feathers and Claws || FireflyAndTheStoryJar || Explicit || 3k words || complete
A tall man with a cute smile had caught the eyes of a dark, winged cryptid. After a while of hookups in the woods, they decide to spice up their time together. Tonight, they're playing a game the human is happy to lose.
Or: Shane has the fear kink this time, who would've known?
Tentacle Number Five || breathtaken || Explicit || 13k words || complete
“Born this way, baby. It runs in the family. Mom said my great-grandfather was an octopus, but she might have been making that up.”
hope you enjoy them & be sure to let the author know your thoughts by dropping a comment <3
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Shyan Shipping Society Monthly Challenge - November 2021
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can't believe Ryan canonically turned out to be a poor little meow meow a few days after we announced the October prompt. thank god there's always November - finally you can let all your catgara (or catdej!) thoughts go wild and tell us about life as a cat, a shapeshifter, some weird magic spell, anything!
November 2021
It's way more fun to be a cat than a human...
collection link right here! FOR MORE make sure you’re aware of the rules have questions about the challenge? send them in our askbox!
you can join our discord server for update pings about the challenge!
have fun writing!
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Henlo i have been trying to find two shyan fics that I just can't find cause theyve been keeping away from me by the void. 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
The first one was with steven L. and they were visiting like different haunted houses like what they do in worth it but the boys are there. And in every house it gets scarier and theres some hurt/comfort at the last where its the scariest to ryan
While the second one, i dont remember to clearly but do know its also hurt/comfort where shane and ryan had an argument (??) so when ryan went away from shane he accidentally stepped on ice and it broke on him and ryan almost had hypothermia but at least shane's there to keep him warm.
Hope you guys can find these two, they were so hard to find. Also sending u guys lots of love as well (●♡∀♡)
hello there! with the help of our wonderful librarians, we've been able to find what we think you're looking for!
the first fic is most likely this one:
keep you like an oath || spoopyy || 12k || not rated || complete
"I'm in love with you," Ryan says, desperate.
"No, you're in love with the views."
and the second one can be this one (we've been looking for this one for a long time too! it's a gem that might get lost easily), but there are a lot of hypothermia-related fics. let us know if this is not the one you're looking for. we'll try again!
Tumblr Prompt Collection: Various Shyan Fics || ghoulboyboos || 80k for the entire collection || Mature || incomplete, but the fic is finished
Anonymous asked: How about Ryan wearing Shanes clothes and he looks so adorable. And fluff or smut and fluff occur. Or Hypothermia where Ryan runs onto some thin ice over a pond or something to escape from a ghost or demon and falls through. And needs cuddles and panicked!shane to make him feel better. Great stuff so far! I really like all the prompts you've answered :D
hope these were the ones you were looking for!
in the future, be sure to check out our friends over at the @skepticbeliever-bookclub for other fic finds! they're experts at it. we are always happy to assist where needed, especially when it comes to fics written by our members.
have a good day! have fun reading ✨
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Shyan Shipping Society Monthly Challenge - June 2021
first of all, apologies for not having posted previous prompts to the Tumblr, I honestly forgot I did that, and it was our very first post, can you imagine? anyways!
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june 2021
friends kiss too
Ryan is very easily with touching his bros, rubbing sunscreen on their body is no big deal. But when he touched Shane's hand in the Voodoo episode, all wires in his mind shortcircuited and he said "We're never doing that again". Shane wonders why.
your submissions are due June 30th and will go here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/shyanshippingsocietyworksjun21
FRIENDLY REMINDER whatever you create is your work. you don't have to meet every single word of the prompt, just as much as inspires you. this is your work after all, write whatever you like! if you want to bring in other characters, or remove people, whatever! your work! your choice! and we rebranded slightly since the last few challenges – it’s no longer focusing on writing only, if you wat to make fan art, a playlist, a dance, go wild! be creative! have fun!
FOR MORE make sure you're aware of the rules   have questions about the challenge? send them in our askbox!
have fun writing!
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I've heard some not so nice things about the SSS lately and it's stressing me tf out. I've only been a part of the server for a little while and I've only felt loved and supported. I'm just really confused. I really don't want to leave the server. I've never felt unloved or unwanted but other people apparently have. I just really don't know what to do.
hey there nonnie!
we’re super glad to hear you feel loved and supported in our lil’ server, it means a lot to us. as mod team we try our very best to make the server a safe and open place for all shyan shippers as much as we can, day in day out.
however, people don’t always agree with the choices that we make, or the opinions that we, or other members, have. there’s been some issues in the past with a handful of individuals. we’ve all tried our very best to handle those situations as well as we can, but again, sometimes people disagree. we are also just humans, and we too make mistakes. there are things we’ve done in the past that we’ve learned from. situations we had to deal with that we’ve never dealt with before. in the end, the mod team consists of - currently - eight human beings with their own lives and jobs and responsibilities, and we’re doing discord and tumblr on the side. 
there’s not much I can do other than this: please stick to your own experience. some people have different experiences with the SSS, both positively and negatively. stick to your own! if there’s ever something that makes you feel uncomfortable, then let us know (we’ve an anon survey right here, it may be a bit outdated, or through this askbox, of course). 
it’s really hard for us to make changes in the server if we don’t know what’s actually going on in the server. in the future i would encourage you to send people who feel left out or upset to us, so maybe we can help. there’s some context in some of these cases as well people have decided to leave of their own accord or create their own communities. as with any server of this size we have our share of disagreements but we try to have a variety of staff members so that we have lots of different kinds of opinions and input.
so, long story short, if your experience in the SSS is good (you mentioned feeling loved and supported) then please, by all means, stick to that. because in the end, that’s what matters. hope this helped you some, and if you have more questions please let us know <3
- Zhalia & Sun
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Is there a collection link for the August fic challenge, I can't find where to upload 🥺
apologies for the delay -- the link to the august collection is ✨right here✨
can't wait to look at your work !! <3
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Shyan Shipping Society - 200 Followers!
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the shyan shipping society mods are beyond humbled to have reached 200 followers on our blog within the first few months of its inception! there are now 139 incredible works in our ao3 collection and 267 beautiful members on our discord!
the sss tumblr is about prompting the talents and creative ventures of our beautifully diverse team of visionaries, and we are so honored that you've decided to follow us to support these incredible people as well.
to our members - thank you again for deciding to share your talents, creativity, and incredibly expressive, kind souls with us. we hope that the shyan shipping society is a place where your creativity fosters, you feel loved, accepted, and a member of our second family ♡
here's what you can expect to see from our incredible members in the future!:
Rare Kink Bingo Summer Event!
our summer kink bingo is still ongoing! to read about the event (and maybe join!) click here! you don't have to be a member of our server to join, but we'd love to have you! if you want to read the works created for this event (you should; they're all incredible), check out our collection here!
August Monthly Challenge!
our beautiful mod zhalia is once again hard at work at another monthly writing challenge! it's all about the sallie house! we're so excited to read the works submitted!
More Fic Promo & Daily Prompts!
and, of course, we'll continue to promote works from our members every friday (ish), and new prompts every sunday! we've loved being able to support our members this way, and we hope you've enjoyed reading!
if you have any questions you can check our faq or use our ask box! and if you’d like to join our amazing community, you can follow the link here!
thank you so much for all of your support. whether you're a lurker, follower, or server member, we're thankful for the opportunity you've provided for us to be able to support our beautiful members.
- the mods ♡
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Shyan Shipping Society Daily Prompts - July 4 to July 10
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last week
it was once again another amazing week of writing in our server and i'm so happy to bring you more daily prompts! as always, check out our collection here to read the amazing works by our lovely members! leeeeeet's list!
July 4th (ib: @hailwatcher) It's the 4th of July in the states! How are the boys celebrating? A barbecue?
July 5th (ib: @xandermadej) Write about cars! Are they antique car collectors? Racers?
July 6th (ib: @xandermadej) Medical AU! Are the boys doctors? Nurses? Does one of them have a broken arm?
July 7th (ib: @xandermadej) Write a fic about your favorite Disney movie! What are the boys doing? Which characters are they?
July 8th (ib: @xandermadej) Strip clubs! Does one of the boys work there? Are they rival strippers?
July 9th (ib: @hailwatcher) It's hot as hell. How are Shane & Ryan gonna cool down? Swimming? Other activities?
July 10th (ib: @hailwatcher ) E-sports! What games do the boys play? Are they rivals? On the same team?
July 11th (ib: @xandermadej ) Cat cafe! Does one of the boys work at one? Is one the owner?
it’s not too late to fill a prompt! if you do write something, please add it to our collection here! if you want your work removed from this post, please send us a dm or an ask and we’ll remove it.
questions? check our faq or use our ask box!
we’ll see you next week! happy reading!
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