#sincerely someone who has missed so many awesome fic because people don’t tag as linked universe
minty-mumbles · 10 months
*Flops onto your dash like an uncoordinated fish*
Please, please tag your LU fics as linked universe, both here and on ao3
Not tagging your fics annoys people who have linked universe blocked/don’t want to see it, but also people who DO want to read LU fics can’t find them if they’re not tagged!!
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sweeethinny · 3 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Thank you so much @lumos-solemn and @theroomofreq for tagging me! 
Hard to think of 5 fanfic, because I like several hahahahaha
1. HARRY IS THE BEST FATHER  -  I love to write about the relationship between James and Harry, and I already said here once about how I think James was an important key to forming Harry as a father.  James was his first son, the certainty that: yes, it was over and they were alive. Teddy lost his parents in the war, and Harry had to look after an orphaned boy who, like him, would never know what it was like to have a father or a mother. James didn't. Harry can give James - as well as others - what he and Teddy did not have; a father. He can take James to parties, listen to him talking about girls, see him getting into trouble, take care of him the way Harry always wanted someone to take care of him. Give him a father figure. And I think there are very few works by James / Harry or James / Ginny, that don't just show him being a smartass, or just a replica of James + Sirius. So just as I love my boy so much, I love this Harry and James fanfic over the years.
2. TEDDY IS DISCOVERED: That was SO fun to write, really. As much as I think it is a little .. old, the idea of 'father who gets angry with his daughter's courtship', I loved writing that. Write about Ginny defending Teddy from her brother, and then fighting with Teddy for being an idiot when she had alerted him of the times Bill was coming home. I love this idea that Bill always took care of Teddy as a son, when Ginny and Harry couldn't, and that he and Victorie were friends when they were kids, but now that they are dating, Bill is losing his mind because '' NO. WAY '' And I love even more that Ginny is all protective of Teddy (and that she delegates the role of "how to learn to sneak" to Harry, who was clearly never very good at it)
3.  LILY DENYING SHE FANCIES JAMES: This was by far the best thing I wrote at Jilytober - which I know, sorry, didn't last long. Writing about Lily denying I like James because, my God, I don't fit in with them, while we all know that James loves her ... I love it. I like the idea that Lily really thinks James' friends hate her for ignoring him, and all of her concern ... I love it. It was great to write this, mainly because there is a subject that I know well, it's about a broken heart. (At least every time I got bad for a boy, it was worth something)
4.  EVEN AFTER THE END: Wow, this one I cried. Writing about the 31st was something I always ran away from, even reading, but when I ventured into this one and wrote about James’s feelings, and he being a great father to Harry, I think I put everything I always I thought; James also sacrificed himself for those he loves. People usually see talking about how stupid James was to go up on Voldemort without a wand, but there was no chance, if he ran with Lily, Voldemort would catch her, and he would never see his wife and son die. He went on top of the greatest Dark Wizard, with nothing, only with the intention of dying and delaying a few seconds so that Lily had a chance. And if Harry's last thought before he died was Ginny, James's would be when he first met his son. And I know, it could very well be Lily, but Harry is part of Lily, it was something that Lily generated and brought to life. I love this fanfic, and honestly, my babies deserved to survive.
5.SIRIUS AND HESTIA: Sirius and Hestia ... I know, few people like it (thanks to @scriibble-fics , who introduced me to this amazing couple), and that's fine, but I sincerely LOVE them together. The idea of Sirius dating someone calm and quieter - i’m sorry but >my< Remus doesn't work right with Sirius ahahhaa - and the idea of being someone who has always been there, next to Lily ... I love. Writing about Sirius in love is perfect, and I remember that whenever the Voyeur chapter came out and they showed up together or there was some mention of them together, I went crazy. I love them. Only that.
A special part for my two WIPs, because they deserve it.
REPUTATION: When I thought about Reputation, I sent a message to my friend that said exactly ''do I hate myself to the point of making a fanfic where each chapter is a Reputation song?’' And hours later, when she replied: ''Yes, you hate yourself and I'm sure you're already writing'' I was already writing. Reputation is so fun to write and think, to fit the scenarios with the songs, to think of it as a movie where the soundtrack is and the scene runs in my mind ... It's like Ariana says, just like magic. I love this album, and I love this fanfic, and I love exploring the sides of Hinny even more than I usually wouldn't.
THE DUKE: I love romances that take place in aristocratic times. They are my favorites. And I always wanted to write one, and I even started, but I didn't go ahead. The Duke's idea was born mixed with other 8562150 books I had read, thinking of a rich girl falling in love with the employee, then I thought of her falling in love with the bodyguard, and finally, him being a missing child. When I put this inside Hinny, everything seemed to fit perfectly, and I admit, that I love writing this fanfic. I think about all the details, and sometimes I even think I'm going to go crazy, but I love this fanfic. Writing about soul mates has never been more fun than it is in this story, and even though I always feel a little bit afraid of writing this story - for various reasons - I keep writing. And as long as I have my 5 fans reading, I will continue ahahhha
I tag: @midnightelite @ginnympotter @jilyss @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world @thedistantdusk and everyone who wants to do it too!
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