#so here have a little fun trivia about greaves
waveringiridescence · 3 months
Have you drank and eaten enough today?
“I believe I did.”
Greaves tries his best to have three meals a day, though he is prone to skip either lunch or dinner, depending on his days. He usually cooks at home when he can, otherwise he would stop at a street shot, where he enjoys either ramen, soba, udon with tempura, since he rarely cooks those kinds of meals at home unless he has guests. Most of his diet revolves around fish, tofu, seaweed and rice.
He enjoys drinking sake, good whisky and umeshu (prune liquor) when he is in good company.
A regular three meal day menu when he cooks would look like this:
朝ごはん (asagohan, breakfast): a bowl of rice, with tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette) and a hijiki (dark brown seaweed) salad. Accompany by a bowl of matcha.
昼ごはん (hirugohan, lunch): a bowl of rice with either fish or meat, with tamagoyaki and a miso soup. And he takes a dessert, either green tea mochi, purin or dorayaki. If alone, he usually drinks water or a hot cup of hojicha (roasted green tea).
晩ごはん (bangohan, dinner): a bowl of rice with tofu, seaweed salad and miso soup. He usually drinks water at night.
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