#so i though it would be cool if the memories of ashborn died with the soul of human jinwoo
i-bring-crack · 10 months
Where The Dead Live
The House of Death greets lost souls with their awaited appeasement. The Shadows of the new Monarch are truly gone. Sand among outer space, corpses reek of sleep and the one thing that stands tall is the endless void of mountains the size of constellations in the universe. Crystal dark tides wrap on the Emperor’s claws and tail as the lightsource appears on the other side where the water never ends.
Dragons fall to sleep at the mountains, their bodies mixing in with the green mothers dressed in grasslands. The Titans chose to walk afoot through the caves and comfort themselves in the dripping darkness of each burrow. No longer can any feel pain as elves reside in the sand and the beasts keep away their fangs upon gazing at the slow movement of the insects that fly by. 
It is an impossible world to experience, the other monarchs have said the same. They no longer rule even a single entity within the blessed ennui. They have evolved to sleep with no guilt or to search among the asphodels for their apologies when they meet those whom they have wronged. 
If one no longer feels the memories of reality weighing them down like an avalanche of dysphoria then the slow numbs of the air and cycling strikes of the tides manipulate the soul to fall under the spell of endless sleep so as to let the last wave of death consume you elsewhere. Elsewhere no one is yet to have known what it could be for Demons reincarnate with no memories of their past and the Monarchs have never reached it as eons pass. 
The last dragon to have fallen in the great war only contemplates the sight from afar as its wings spring up and elevate it to the highest plains. The meadows never stop. Movement disappears at some point. The meadows always roam. To the edges of the universe the Dragon flies. The light source keeps the same distance from before. Lamellae touch the grass. Scales flutter to the earth similar to autumn leaves dancing towards the water.
The dragon crumbles and its final ecdysis is undergone until a human shape is revealed under layers of crimson. Covered in the silver-red armor of his last demise. The Dragon Emperor walks on tended gardens with loosened steps. The Monster of the Abyss turns towards the sight near the wild fields where dark armor rests.
Shatter. Broken plates of purple and black ooze and dance like the wheat around it.  Ears suddenly perk up at the sound of a lost lullaby sung under a tiny voice that no longer bears resemblance to the rough exterior that Death once wore. 
There is nothing else to do except follow the hums of the ruined house not bigger than a tree. It almost bears pity to touch the door as it creaks upon the opening letting a fine light enter the room. For the first time darkness fills this spot of the world. It is not the darkness anyone is accustomed to though.
This darkness is not real. This darkness is the obscurity of light. Nothing here seems to be remotely real anymore as he looks over the shed and gazes upon brokenly messy pottery. Cups and vases done through trial and error. The once Majesty of the monstrous realms looks in its dark red eyes towards the scraggy table. One wave and it would be enough to fall apart with every single pottery that lays on top of it. 
Just when a humanoid creature passes through the poorly created living room does the cracks of lumber show themselves like a hidden trap and make obtuse sounds throughout the house as a silly little alarm storms in their place. 
Well, the monster did not really hide itself to begin with. One who lurks behind a room is a coward after all and most especially in a world where death and pain are truly meaningless. Powerless. Everyone is as powerless as the worlds they once destroyed. 
Whatever the intentions may be nonetheless have caused the humming to cease. The only sounds are the running water and the set of steps that the Majesty goes through before nothing else but a simple scene of tranquility stops it from going forward. 
That and the being in front stands over the threshold of the last entrance. 
The tiny face contemplates the floor before slowly making their way up to look straight into the Dragon Emperor's eyes. Short black hair moves around in the sweet breeze and for a moment memories resurface stronger than tsunamis as it locks eyes with deep black eyes. THe eyes that hold a million shadows.  The Army of the Dead. 
[Ah.] A smile appears on the young man, tattered in cheap clothes more fit for a goblin or human than for a King like him. 
[I… Well I'm not surprised to meet you again.]
The Emperor sneers at the comment.
[I'm just… ] The head moves to the scenery of the meadows before locking on to the Emperor once more with a calm smile. Those smiles sharing two emotionless eyes. [...Baffled? I don't know anymore. It has been a long time since I've laid eyes upon another soul.]
[You’ve only been dead for 27 years and have become delirious to this extent.]
[Oh. Just 27? Then I must have… Yes I must have…] The small one bobs its head up and down mimicking a drinking bird. [Wait. If you are here, are the others also–]
[Your brothers backed away in the war. No one else is here except the fallen denizens…] One of the lips quirks to the side. [... and you.]
[Oh. Well as long as he is fine.] 
With nothing else to add the Emperor. Dragon. turns on its heel.
[You are going to leave now?]
[There is no reason to be here.] 
[...Suit yourself.]
And for a moment the footsteps change as their pace slows and time grows. The wood cracks again before nevermore. Only the water splashing here and there against shiny rocks with no real treasure in them. Apparent is the dim of the lightsource as another shade of darkness eclipses the world and leaves further up north. 
[It was good to see you again.] An old human phrase that leaves his tongue. The emotions of that old dead heart from a humans’ flesh and blood has attached itself to Ashborn and begun to resurface some inkling manners after so many years in desolation. 
Good to see Death again? Good to see one being that he was meant to kill some day? He feels a twitch of his smile turn up.
Yes. It felt good to see someone again.
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