#so imo they DO hang out it’s canon fite me
Seeing your most recent art is funny because one of my rare pairs is Arjuna and Osakabehime. It’s because I ship Karna x Jinako and and thought it would be funny is both brothers had a gamer gf.
incredibly funny that you send this to me bc it’s one of MY not so secret rare pairs as well (it’s been vaguely implied once or twice that they’ve spoken off screen at least) bc the dynamic is just this:
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With the joke being that arjuna is ALSO a massive fucking loser nerd he just masks it way better. I think they could have a really really funny dynamic
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stolenparticlesarch · 6 years
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META  001: cassandra lang, and her relationships with the other original members of the young avengers 
“are you a... young avenger, too?” “nope. but i’m gonna be.”
and the rest is history. that is the very moment that cassie and kate’s friendship started, and the two were inseparable after that. kate didn’t hesitate to follow after cassie when she went looking for the young avengers, and didn’t seem to even once underestimate cassie’s abilities or potential as a hero --- despite cassie’s young age. kate and cassie were (and still are, imo) best friends, it’s very clear that cassie’s death deeply affected kate. it’s also telling that kate was the first person to go find cassie down in florida after finding out that cassie had come back to life. kate feels comfortable around cassie despite their age difference, and never looks or talks down to cassie. the two are equals, and would die for each other tbh. especially kate. because kate would probably do anything to make sure that nothing ever happened to cassie again the way things did in children’s crusade.
while kate is cassie’s best friend, the marksman doesn’t have the deepset understanding of what it’s like to carry on your family’s legacy the way eli does. sure, kate took over clint’s superhero name, but it’s not the same when it’s not your family. eli understands cassie at a completely different level, as seen in the special issue when eli was the only one able to snap cassie out of a downward spiral before she went subatomic. eli is someone that cassie can 10000000% confide in about her frustrations and fears about living up to her father’s legacy. when it comes down to it, eli is her big brother. the two of them are family. eli may have started off hesitant to let cassie join the team or trust in her abilities due to her age, but by the end, he had so much faith in her. but at the same time, by the end of children’s crusade, eli probably regrets ever letting cassie join. he possibly even thinks about how if he hadn’t let her join, she’d still be alive. her death may have even affected eli the worst. we see eli leave at the end of children’s crusade, and he has yet to resurface in canon.
it’s not hard to define cassie’s relationship with jonas. though, they were off to a rocky start due to his resemblance to iron lad, she eventually fell in love with jonas for who he was: JONAS. she came to understand that while, yes, a part of him came from nate, he was his own person (or android/whatever) with his own feelings and thoughts. the two of them were very much in love. the two of them knew each other inside and out, and there was no doubt in their minds that they were perfect together. how well jonas knew cassie can be seen after she was killed in children’s crusade. iron lad became enraged and wanted to go back in time to save her, but jonas knew that cassie wouldn’t want them to risk it. she wouldn’t have wanted them to risk any of their lives to bring her back in the same way that them rescuing her father could have been a reason for her death. cassie would never have wanted them to risk themselves for her. ever. i also have a headcanon that when cassie found out that nate killed/destroyed jonas, she was absolutely devastated. jonas’s death is something she will never fully move on from, though she has accepted it. it doesn’t change how she still feels about him to this day.
a relationship we didn’t really see much of in the comics. we do know, however, that cassie and teddy were comfortable around each other rather quickly. in fact, when tony and steve lock the young avengers up in a vault before kang shows up, teddy can be seen casually doing push-ups with cassie sitting on his back. the two of them became quick friends, and they both found the other easy to talk to. in my mind, the two of them could talk to each other about anything and everything. the two of them were definitely much closer than the comics let us see. i feel like both of them suffered after cassie went to join the initiative in civil war, because they both lost that confidant; that person who would listen, and never judge.
another relationship that wasn’t really explored in the comics. it would have been easy for cassie to resent billy for being the son of the woman who killed her father. but despite all the hints, cassie never doubted billy. even after they found out that wanda was still alive, cassie didn’t hesitate to help him seek her out. after all, she knows all about longing for a parent. the really clear indicator that they were closer than the comics showed us was how he was affected by her death. after cassie was killed, billy stopped being a superhero. he made teddy stop being one, too. he couldn’t handle the thought of losing another friend or loved one. cassie’s death shook him to his core, and it shows that the two of them were DEFINITELY close.
though they didn’t spend much time together, they definitely formed a close bond very quickly. the attraction was almost instant, and the two of them even shared at least two or three kisses before nate was forced to leave. but by the time nate returns in children’s crusade, it’s clear that nate’s feelings were much stronger than cassie’s. while cassie has completely moved on and is very much in love with jonas, nate is still completely focused on cassie---to the point of even pointing out to jonas that technically, he’s married to the scarlet witch. and even more so, after cassie’s death, we can see just how toxic nate’s feelings for cassie are, as her death ends up being the catalyst in him becoming kang. determined to go back and save cassie, he goes as far as to kill/destroy jonas for trying to get in his way and stop him from doing so. 
last, but definitely not least, there’s cassie and tommy. it’s definitely the least developed duo in the comics, as the two of them barely even interact at all during the comic run. the comics did them dirty, because they had a lot of potential to be a great duo. both of them have very cheeky personalities, and i feel like they would’ve had a lot of time just hanging out and having fun. they’d probably pull pranks together, and make jokes. they’re both very much ‘fite me’ personalities, and definitely big smartasses. but i think they’d also understand each other, in a way. in a sense, they’re both different from the others; cassie, in that she’s so much younger than the rest of them, and tommy in that he was the last to join, and is so much different from the rest of them. they’d find a comfort in each other, because they’d understand. and i think cassie’s death affected tommy more than he let on to anyone else. after all, tommy isn’t always very often with what he feels, so it’d be understandable if he kept all of that inside.
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