#some of u have never practiced curating ur own experience or minding ur own business and it shows
lanshappycorner · 4 years
This is kinda hilarious in its own right but I remember seeing a post once where someone made an analogy about seeing fandom drama they're not aware of and stuff is like them playing in a small sandbox with a couple of their friends and when they look up, students are throwing shit at each other and the building is on fire and ever since then I have not stopped thinking abt this analogy
It is such a Twst-esque experience for me, because every now and then, I'd go to someone's blog to check their tags on their reblog for my post or sumn, and I'd be a little bored and scroll thru their blog in a totally non creepy way and then occasionally I'd see posts like
Why Twst is the worst fandom:
We are all stepping on smaller creators:
Callout post for XXXX:
This anon hate and bullying in this fandom has gone on for too long:
And I'd just be like *pikachu meme face* idk where the fuck you guys have been but this fandom has genuinely been one of the most supportive fandoms I've been in, although I mainly lurk on twitter I still post daily here, and theres been a few bad apples but none that I have not immediately blocked so clearly there is sumn up with our experiences here
I think the key is to simply curate your own experience...like...idk abt you but the moment I find an environment toxic or tiring in any way I get the fuck out, I'm sorry to all my friends in that fandom or space or whatever but if you're my friend in name and yet I still feel uncomfortable when ur there ur probably part of the problem goodbye haha!!
You have to set limits for urself, like if someone has hurt me or made me uncomfortable once, I don't bother talking much to them again if I can help it. People on the internet are all doing their own thing, and sometimes them just being themselves is not something you will vibe with and that is ok. That is not their fault or your fault, but you can choose to not engage with them.
PSA you dont have to be mean for someone to block you or dislike you, half my block list are literally ppl who whose opinions or habits I dont agree with. Artist tags Riddle on an Azul post? Block. Writer puts too much text and doesnt use Read More? Block. Someone makes a slightly creepy comment and I know that we will never cross paths if I dont say anything to them first? Block anyways. Even after I've moved onto another fandom and forgotten why I've blocked them, I keep them blocked.
There's many things to be stressed abt and fandom drama is just not one of them. I feel like everyone has the need to reply to something that bothers them and its tempting to get your shit out there but also it's kinda ur fault when things go south tbh, because they never asked for ur opinion (even IF their post is something you consider morally wrong. If they're a disgusting person to you, all the more reason you should block. By engaging them and making callout posts for them to help others, what kinda savior complex do you even have...). Whenever I see posts I get angry about, I never respond to it. I seethe on my private accs or rant on it in a separate post, and I DON'T tag it so it never reaches the fandom. It is what it is, a passing moment of anger about a 2D character.
At first I started this as a tiny musing but then it got long...oops. Anyways my point isnt to attack any of you guys for doing any of the above, I'm just saying that you seem like you're going through a tough time, it's not mentally good for you, and you should curate your own experience instead of delve yourself deeper into the drama. You're never responsible for someone else's happiness (OR their "cancellation" lmao) so please do yourself a favor and just stay away from it. I promise the twst fandom can be a lovely experience if you just Did Not Bother
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