#its not just the oc group but thats just my observation
monsoon-of-art · 4 months
Hhhhh I know that sea creechurs and birbs are completely different, but I love seeing the instincts you give the merfolk in your Pokemon Mer AU.
The need to protect, the drive to hunt, the emphasis on community (staying in a pack or pod), and all that. It's so much fun to see whenever a writer includes stuff like that in their works.
As for the birbs I mentioned, I keep chickens, and they are. very fascinating little organisms. I've seen people with wing aus incorporate things like dust bathing and brooding and even feather-plucking and molting, and it's just... I've observed those things (except for feather-plucking, which doesn't seem to be common in chooks as it is in birds like cockatoos and parrots) and it's so cool to see in other fics.
And you! The way you put in things like grouping together and teaching the young ones how to hunt is so cool! Again, the two groups of critters I'm talking about are very, very different, but it's really cool to see how many creatures share instincts like these, and then to see it applied to people!
Your au is just. Very brainrot. It rots my brain every couple of months and I can't stop thinking about it, and it makes me want to critterfy characters myself.
Also, I found you for the Mer stuff, but I really like your OCs, too! They're really cool, please feed Hayday, I'm begging you, he's so skinny and stressed I want to give him a meal. :<
This is... very rambly, sorry (I should be asleep, but no). But! I hope that you have a good, blessed day, and a good night's rest!
With my mer stuff its kinda funny, I made the 'basis' for them years and years ago for a different fandom, and I actually lessened the 'critter-fication' of them lmao (or its there I just havent talked about them)
But! It might be the neurodivergent part of my brain, it may be the dormant furry in me, but I love critter-fying things. It's so fun. Bc they're not human, they'd have their own quirks and society and culture! And thats fun to think about!
Thank you for this ask, it was so nice to read and reread ;w;
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cartoonsaint · 2 years
you mentioned how hlvrai is an interesting form of storytelling and i think thats part of why it got big- same with taz and other dnd podcasts- people like the authenticity of it. theres no big writers rooms working to make it "perfect." its all very in the moment. the actors arent actors- theyre not reading off a script. everyone whose playing a part are equally a part of the storytelling process. everyone is making the script up in the moment, and things happen either to immediately make their friends laugh or make their friends go 'holy shit thats awesome' or (my personal favorite) to give their friends the opportunity to do something cool!
its an honest form of storytelling that we're kinda losing with the way media is so sanitized and washed out and forced to be marketable. like, i struggle explaining hlvrai or dnd podcasts to my friends when they ask what kind of content i watch, because theres really no comparison to it (unless they also engage with that type of content). its like people sitting around a campfire telling stories, just to pass the time and engage in creativity. and i think thats why people like them, theyre just fun and real.
i got a little rambley but overall: i think hlvrai and these types of media are popular because theyre honest
i think there's truth to this, yeah!!! :) there's a lot to be said for stories where the storytellers are present/visible, esp when they're all close-- it's like being invited into their warm, fun little friend group for a little bit, even if it's just to observe. it's a kind of antithesis to the wave of polished and soulless media that has become more and more of the stuff out there in the past ten years (spotless set design, everyone is beautiful and no one is horny, reliance on the Save the Cat method, i don't have enough links to sketch this whole thing out but yes: the number one word is marketability). these are lonely times; stories told by real people in real-time are a breath of fresh air, especially when there's the doubled wild cards of 1. wtf are my friends going to pull out of their asses next and how do i keep this balloon-story in the air oh god and 2. dice-rolling/weird g-mod stuff à la the helicopter heap, etc. it's great fun to see people up against these odds who manage to pull together a semi-cohesive story anyways :)
i don't think we're really losing this kind of story-telling, though it is becoming less visible in a marketability-lowest-common-denominator-blockbuster-content-production kind of way. but you're right that these kinds of practices trace back to telling stories around a fire, or while spinning thread or sharpening flint-- it's deep in our core as human beings. our lives are very different from those of our our ancestors 50k years ago but in the grand scheme of things, we've barely barely changed. we still want those stories. we still want to tell them, too. even as inhuman companies beyond our individual grasps manipulate things far above us, try to distract workers from too-long days at work with stripped-down marketable manipulative garbage, there will always be people making weird, niche art: friend groups who stream goofy improv together, people who write thousands upon thousands of words about their OCs even though only 3 people read it, toby fox in his basement, DnD podcasts with fewer than a fifty listeners, stick figure webcomics updating every day, pre-teens scribbling about sparklewolves in their composition notebooks and shyly sharing a little bit with the other weirdo in their class.
but yeah. especially for those of us who don't necessarily have the energy to create as much as we'd like, story-telling that has the foundations visible, that is honest about what it is and where it's coming from, that has at its core the desire to make one's friends laugh-- it's great! it's fun! it's a good antidote to the big polished crap :)
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
Politely asks if you have any OCs, and if you want to show off their designs or ramble about them if so?
Hello anon i am about to present to you some of the most boring motherfuckers youve ever laid your eyes on.
In late january 2 years ago, me and my good friend Raya (@ randomstuffifindinteresting) were makin stupid unfunny jokes about the stereotype of the hypermasculine homophobic dudes with so much internalised homophobia. Thus, Chad, Brad and Jake were born.
I dont draw them seriously very often, its mostly meme redraws, but theyre very basic looking people and dont have a hell of a lot going on with their outfits anyway. you can see a majority of the memes and stuff at (@oh-em-gee-oh-sees) but theyre a little old.
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[Chad, Brad, Jake(theres no yellow); and their good friends Vivere and Mori]
So Brad is kind of the favourite because both me and Raya want to smooch him LMAO. Hes 6'1, a lil chubby, got big ol tits and one of them big ol curved noses. Personality wise, he's more reserved than anyone else in the group and likes to listen more than he likes to contribute. He doesn't feel like he has many hobbies or interests because he just moves through life. He likes to be an observer. He is BIG into music though. I guess you could say its his special interest, but he certainly doesn't know that. He particularly likes women's pop music kind of as a comfort thing? Growing up, it was just him and his mom so he finds it calming. He doesn't bring it up very often though. Whenever he's zoned out at the kitchen counters you can imagine he's thinking about it. He also likes baking, but he doesnt do it enough to consider it a hobby.He's also pretty sensitive but struggles to be emotionally available. His love language is acts of service and quality time. He's for sure autistic but I dont know if he knows that lmao. He likes bracelets, especially beaded ones with coloured string inbetween because he likes to pick at them during the day. He has some weird aunts and uncles that pop up time to time, usually with no idea that he cut off the rest of his family for reasons I won't get into. They're all eccentric, but they're all very sweet.
Chad is Brad's husband and possibly the only functioning member of the group. Hes the only one who can carry a conversation outside of them, be it a starbucks employee or their upstairs neighbours. But hes also fuckin angry all of the time. It doesnt take a lot of teasing to piss him off and when he does he gets this very slight southern accent on some of his words, which only insights more teasing. Mostly from Jake. He fucking HATES Jake (affectionate). He is actively working on it though, and he has gotten a better at controlling it. He's banned from the kitchen and has been since about a month after the three dudes moved into their apartment. Safe to say, Brad does most of the cooking. Chad's definitely the strongest of the group, which is absolutely definitely not overcompensation for his height and how inferior it makes him feel. Like, realistically he knows its stupid to be that hung up on it, and no one actually cares, but his parents were VERY strong on gender roles and it stuck with him. If his dad, who would take him outside to chop wood and thats it found out he grew up to be 5'4? Chad doesn't like to think about it. His parents do know though. They're the only ones in contact with any of them, and noone is thrilled about it. Every six months or so, they'll travel up north to see their son and ask him all the typical questions. Do you have a girlfriend, whenre you getting married, etc. Not out of ignorance either, they know he's married and they often do it while his husband is in the room. His dad will often make snide remarks about his physicality disguised as jokes, too. And although Chad gets furious at them every single time, he's the best at not blowing up when its them. He'll squeeze Brad's hand whenever something happens, but thats about it. Until they leave and he has to lay down from how exhausted he is. He only lets them stay because a part of him wants to believe they'll accept him. And they dont even know about Jake. He goes to stay at the girl's apartment while theyre over. Chad's discomfort in femininity certainly doesn't last long, though, because he's the type of person who runs STRAIGHT at what he's afraid of swinging wildly. He started wearing dresses and such, and a few weeks later started doing small-scale performances in restaurants and local theaters, for which Vivere was the ultimate hypeman. He probably wouldn't wear a dress without an occasion, but hes comfortable enough to do so now.
Jake is a fucking. loudmouth. Everythings a game to him. He likes to poke at people (metaphorically and literally) to see where the limit is. Whats frustrating too is that hes good at it. He's good at finding where the limits are, what not to say, what exactly to say thatll push your buttons but not in a way thatll actually upset you. He likes to be annoying as possible. This goes hand in hand with his avid use of sex jokes. All the time. He's a big fan of the kind of comedy where you take a joke thst isnt funny to begin with, and then run it into the ground until its dead and gone. He especially likes to tease Chad because hes the most reactive,and he finds the southern accent fucking hilarious. He's your typical blonde-guy-with-mullet - He likes to drink energy drinks until his chest hurts. He vapes, which everyone else hates (except Brad, who only really has an opinion on it because Chad does). He won't say anything about it until it becomes to much for him and he breaks down, but its partially self sabotage. As is his hypersexuality. He has a weird relationship with sex in that being hypersexual is freeing from his hyperreligious upbringing, but he also uses it as a way to hurt himself. Mentally he's definitely the worse off. He's the smartest too, but chooses not to use it. He slips in and out of polyamory with Brad and Chad - they consider themselves 'dating' but it wont ever go further then that and hes free to do whatever outside of that. Its very casual, and Jake has an intense fear of commitment. Its kind of just him appearing at their door at night and asking if he can sleep in their bed that night. He's a LOT worse than he lets on. He does have anxiety which mostly manifests as him picking at his fingers until they bleed. He'll occasionally have panic attacks and the like, for which he has a psychiatric service dog that Ive only done an hour or so's research on so Ill do that soon. His name is still undecided because he had an original name that was stupid, but now hes a service dog and not just a pet i wanna change it, lmao. Despite all of the redirection and unhealthy coping mechanisms, Jake is a very loving person and his friends love him too <3! He and Brad have been best friends since year 4/3rd grade. They met because Brad was drawing and Jake came over and was like "wow youre good at drawing. can you do the keep out signs for my secret hideout?" and then Brad followed him around like he'd been adopted by an extrovert. They met chad in school about 4 or 5 yearz after they became friends.
Vivere is our resident person who could for sure intervene and fix thing but instead is going to watch it burn down. I wouldn't say shes lazy, she's more just someone who wants entertainment, and shes found an easy source. She can be pretty genuine, but she's always lighthearted. She's on the ace spectrum, but couldn't tell you where. She and Jake are best friends. Shes the bright ideas, hes the execution. They remind me of Team Rocket LMAO. She is an avid cheater of games. She has never not cheated at a board or card game. She brags about cheating but she has a poker face of steel. She'll make monopoly trades with Jake in order to fuck over the other players. Its easy to spot when Jake's cheating because he cant stop grinning, so Viv likes to set him up and encourage it to take the attention off of her ploys. Other than that, she's really into reading. Shes partial to horror, but she'll read just about anything. She also loves animals, But not the typically cutesy ones. She likes reptiles and bugs most. She and Mori have a gecko called Egg and if anything happens to him she'll run away forever /j. She also loves looking into pseudoscience, because she finds it interesting whether or not she believes in them. She is a strong believer in the principles of yes-and and will commit to a bit even if it kils her. She's here for a good time, not a long time.
Mori is tied favourite with Brad, for sure. She's 6'4 and always smiling - not a big one, but its always there. Like what can i say? she loves her friends. She likes kind of old-timey things. She has a pocket watch that never gets used but is there, on of those dial up telephones, etc. She loves collecting too, so she has an EXTENSIVE record collection that she considers her life's work at 22. She loves the sea and pirates and everything that goes with it. Mori also has a few ships in a bottle placed delicately on her windowcill. She's REALLY good with animals and trains dogs for work. She's a dog person for sure. She and Viv eventually want rats, but theres not much space in their apartment for the amount they would need and they have Egg for now. In terms of her dynamic in the group, she serves as the mediator - particularly when playing a game like Uno or Monopoly. (Side note: they had to write colours on the cards for both games because of her colourblindness. Does she know shes ginger? good question, i dont know.) Unlike Jake and Viv who are determined to cheat the rules, Mori is more flexible in the way that she'll change the rules for the group if a compromise is needed. She's the second most social competent after Chad, shes just very charismatic. She also is the Dungeon Master when they play DnD together. She's big on dice collecting. She has them all organised by colour (Vivere helps lmao) in jars and displayed on her drawers. The group is extremely tight-knit and are almost always with atleast one other member of the group, but Mori has never been spotted in just a tshirt and jeans. The pirate outfit stays on during sex /j. What does she wear for pyjamas? No one knows. Vivere refuses to tell.
Uhhhh yeah I think thats basically it, LMAO. Tysm for asking and sorry this took a while to answer. but yeah! Here's the little dudes!!!! TBH i always enjoyed OCs that dont have any magical powers or plot theyre just people livin their lives, lmao. <33
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lanshappycorner · 4 years
This is kinda hilarious in its own right but I remember seeing a post once where someone made an analogy about seeing fandom drama they're not aware of and stuff is like them playing in a small sandbox with a couple of their friends and when they look up, students are throwing shit at each other and the building is on fire and ever since then I have not stopped thinking abt this analogy
It is such a Twst-esque experience for me, because every now and then, I'd go to someone's blog to check their tags on their reblog for my post or sumn, and I'd be a little bored and scroll thru their blog in a totally non creepy way and then occasionally I'd see posts like
Why Twst is the worst fandom:
We are all stepping on smaller creators:
Callout post for XXXX:
This anon hate and bullying in this fandom has gone on for too long:
And I'd just be like *pikachu meme face* idk where the fuck you guys have been but this fandom has genuinely been one of the most supportive fandoms I've been in, although I mainly lurk on twitter I still post daily here, and theres been a few bad apples but none that I have not immediately blocked so clearly there is sumn up with our experiences here
I think the key is to simply curate your own experience...like...idk abt you but the moment I find an environment toxic or tiring in any way I get the fuck out, I'm sorry to all my friends in that fandom or space or whatever but if you're my friend in name and yet I still feel uncomfortable when ur there ur probably part of the problem goodbye haha!!
You have to set limits for urself, like if someone has hurt me or made me uncomfortable once, I don't bother talking much to them again if I can help it. People on the internet are all doing their own thing, and sometimes them just being themselves is not something you will vibe with and that is ok. That is not their fault or your fault, but you can choose to not engage with them.
PSA you dont have to be mean for someone to block you or dislike you, half my block list are literally ppl who whose opinions or habits I dont agree with. Artist tags Riddle on an Azul post? Block. Writer puts too much text and doesnt use Read More? Block. Someone makes a slightly creepy comment and I know that we will never cross paths if I dont say anything to them first? Block anyways. Even after I've moved onto another fandom and forgotten why I've blocked them, I keep them blocked.
There's many things to be stressed abt and fandom drama is just not one of them. I feel like everyone has the need to reply to something that bothers them and its tempting to get your shit out there but also it's kinda ur fault when things go south tbh, because they never asked for ur opinion (even IF their post is something you consider morally wrong. If they're a disgusting person to you, all the more reason you should block. By engaging them and making callout posts for them to help others, what kinda savior complex do you even have...). Whenever I see posts I get angry about, I never respond to it. I seethe on my private accs or rant on it in a separate post, and I DON'T tag it so it never reaches the fandom. It is what it is, a passing moment of anger about a 2D character.
At first I started this as a tiny musing but then it got long...oops. Anyways my point isnt to attack any of you guys for doing any of the above, I'm just saying that you seem like you're going through a tough time, it's not mentally good for you, and you should curate your own experience instead of delve yourself deeper into the drama. You're never responsible for someone else's happiness (OR their "cancellation" lmao) so please do yourself a favor and just stay away from it. I promise the twst fandom can be a lovely experience if you just Did Not Bother
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paypay0315 · 3 years
The Space Between (3)
Pairing: Eren Yeager/Reader or Female OC!
word count: 3.6k Series
Summary: Harmony was a young girl who just lost her family, she was more of an open wound then most. When she catches the eye of Eren Yeager her whole life changes and she doesnt realize she might be in love.
Content for this Chapter: Rivals, mean eren, mean oc!. somewhat nice eren
She was tired. Her breathing became heavier and heavier the more she ran. This was her 10th time running around the bulidngs how long does he want her to keep going? She starts to move into a slow walk at the lack of oxygen she is starting to feel.
"KEEP RUNNING" her commander yells out.
She looked over to see him standing there watching her every move. She knocks her head back trying to get some relief from the strain in her neck. She huffs out and turns around cause she hears dirt being smashed and she sees its....... Eren. How did he get behind her so fast? She can't get beat by him.
She starts to run faster so he won't catch up to her. "I'm gonna beat you!" she hears Eren yell out. Hes getting closer. Did he get faster?
She cant let him win. "No you arent!"
He comes to her side and now they are running as fast as they can. Shes so close to the finish line, she just has to keep running.
She puts her head forward and passes her commander she starts to slow down her running. "I totally beat you!" Eren says painting.
"No you didn't I beat you!" she yells out bending down to put her hands on her knees.
She furrows her brows at him. She stands up about to go up to him but a hand stops her. Its her commander.
"Do you want more time?" he asks. She turns away from him.
"I shouldn't even be doing this, when he started it!" She pointed her finger at Eren.
He scoffs, "Huh?! You're the one who started it!!" He yells at her.
"For the LAST time, I DIDNT START IT!" She screams.
They both walk up to each other about to punch one another before they both get knocked down to the ground by their commander.
"THATS IT! ANOTHER TWO WEEKS ADDED!" He screams as loud as them.
They went silent after that. "Are you serious?!" Harmony asks.
"Do I look like i'm kidding?" He quirks his eyebrow up at her.
He's not kidding.
"The both of you get out of my sight before i banish you both" he spits.
Both Eren and her get up and go back to their room to get their rest of their duties started.
This will never end with him will it?
"Eren!" Armin yelled out to him. "So how was the run? he asks.
"Like it always is" he huffs getting ready to go clean the Tavern.
"She gave you a hard time again?" he aksed the young boy.
"No..... shes just like she always is. And im not gonna let her be a bitch towards me-"
"Eren" Mikasa interrupts him. Eren looks her direction. "You cant let her get to you like that or you're going to get kicked out"
"Im not"
"You are, you were always hot headed like this" she tells him. "How are you supposed to 'destroy all the titans' when you cant even train to beat them anymore?" she tells him.
Shes right. He knows she is right.
"So you want me to sit there and let her disrespect me?" he tells her.
"No, but you dont need to be one step closer to getting kicked out."
He stays silent.
"We need you Eren...." she wanst to say more. (I need you) "We cant sacrifice you because you will be the one to destroy the titans" she says soflty.
"Right armin?"
Armin turns to look at her. "Yes"
"Mikasa don't tell me what to do. i'll deal with her my own way" he says and walks out the door.
They are right. He doesn't want to admit but they are right. He cant let someone like Harmony destroy his dream of destroying the titans.
She huffs trying to get the sticky beans out of the floor. They had two more weeks left to clean out this whole tavern and they werent even half way finished. She looks towards Eren's and sees him standing on top of the stairs wiping away the tea that was thrown there.
She rolls her eyes at how easy it is for him since he is just wiping something easy while shes abou to blow her shoulder out trying to clean this food. "You know it would be alot quicker if you helped me clean this side, you know like our commander said! she growled.
He doesnt say anything back. Is he ignorimng her?
"Hey? Im talking to you! she gets louder.
He doesnt say anything back again.
She throws the silver wear at his head. "Hey! Cut it out!" he yells
"Im talking to you!"
"Yeah i can clealry hear you, you sound like a whaling cat!"
Her mouth agaps at the insult, "When im talking to you, you talk back idoit!"
"No I dont, look im trying to get this done and you are distracting me!"
"im disctrating you?"
He nods his head.
"Distracting you from what excalty, you falling on your face half of the time" he stops and she smirks at how much it got to him. For the past weeks he hasn't been able to do any of the training cause he either falls on his face or is the last one out of all of the them. He throws the towel on the floor ands walks towards her.
"Look! I dont know what your problem is but i don't have time for it. I didnt come here to fight humans I came here to fight titans. I have a dream. A dream that one day I will destroy all the titans, and you are ruining it! So yes im ignoring you because i dont need some annoying wench like you DESTROYING MY DREAM!!'
Well that was dramtic.
But she doesnt say anything. She just looks at him.
In a way she saw herself in him. She had the same dream.
She turns around and walks away picking up a towel to help him with the cleaning. "You aren't the only one with that dream you know?" she says quietly.
"I'm saying, you aren't the only one who has come here to get some petty revenge on the Titans...... everyone here has lost someone..... someone important to them" she looks away from him trying to fight the tears coming down her face.
What does she mean by that? He thinks.
When she turns around he sees tears welling up in her eyes, he also notices how she is trying to hide them. Why? Did something bad happen to her?
When he looks at her, he doesn't see the same Harmony that threw food on him, or the same Harmony that screams at him every chance she got.
He saw someone softer, like under all that lent up anger was a girl who was lonely and just wanted friends. His eyes go soft as well, and for a moment just a moment he saw the real her.
But it's over in a instant, because she notices how his eyes go soft. She can't let him see her cry, she can't let him so her be so weak.
Her face changes back to that rough Harmony, she walks up to him and punches his arm tightly.
"Why did you pinch me??!!"
"Because you are just standing around and we have to get this done, now get back to work!" She walks away from him going back to picking at those beans on the floor.
But Eren doesn't fail to look back at her one last time. Who was Harmony really?
"Next group step up" her commander says. Shes next up to use the MOD gear, she isnt nervous at all. She's observed many people getting in it and it didn't seem too hard.
But was she so wrong. Getting into was harder than she thought. She can't even put her leg up in the suit because it gets falling out from under her butt.
Eren looks over and sees her struggling and he can't help but feel...... guilty. But why?
Why should he feel guilty for someone who has been insulting him since he first got here. But even then he can't help but feel guilty at the fact that he has a chance to help her and is not trying to take it.
He runs up to her since no one was even trying to help her. He guesses that's her effect, ever since she got here she hasn't really mad a lot of her friends. But that's her fault though she rude to everyone who goes nears her.
Even so he still shouldn't leave her like that. "Hey. You're doing it wrong!" He blurts out.
He was no expert on this himself but he at least knew how to get in it.
She turns around and looks at him with a deadly stare. "What the hell do you want Yeager?!"
"Nothing..... it's just- here let me help!" he walks up to her and reaches to grab the cords pulling up the MOD gear but she instantly knocks his hand out of the way.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She shouted.
"You're doing it wrong!" he yells out.
Her eyes go wide at what he just said. Is he trying to help her? Like hell she will get help from him.
"I don't need it" She says while still struggling to get inside of the gear.
She huffs at her stubbornness. "Yes you do, now listen to me!" He grabs her hand roughly and puts it on the cord she immediately pulls away.
She didn't know what to do or say. She hasn't had a human touch like that since..... well since that day.
She pushes him down to the ground and Eren yells out in pain.
"YOU THINK I NEED YOUR HELP ASSHAT?!" She screams for everyone to hear.
He stands up quickly, shocked that she even pushes him down so fast. "I was just trying to help?!" he yelled.
"I don't care! What gives you the right?!"
"It's not my fault you don't know how to work this thing!"
She stares at him for a long time. What can she even say to that? He's right she doesn't know how to do it.
But out of everyone why did Eren have to be the one to help her? He thinks he's so much better than her doesn't he?
"You think you're better than me?" She snaps.
"I'll show you, who is really going to defeat the titans" She points her finger to her chest and walks away from the crowd that was being brought up next to them.
What the hell just happened? Eren thought to himself.
Getting out of that hot sun was honestly the highlight of her day today.
Sitting in the Tavern that didn't have those massive food stains on the walls was so peaceful. Not only because she got to eat here but because where she sat she could look outside the window and see the sun go down.
She sat by herself most of the time and she liked it that way. She wasn't much of a talker herself but all she needed was herself at this point and that's all that mattered to her.
But she can't help but look down at the people in the room and get..... jealous. She wouldn't admit it but she was mainly jealous of Eren. She was a very good observer and she saw the way Mikasa and Armin treated him.
It's like they would both die for him and she wishes she had someone like that in her life. Well at least she did..... at one point.
Shes not saying she wants someone to die for her because she honestly can't handle another person dying in her life. But she wants someone to care for her again.
She missed it. She missed when someone worried for her. She missed how her mother would always patch her back up when she ran a little to fast and fell and scrapped her knee. She missed when her father would read her a bed time story because she could not sleep cause of the night storms.
She looks down at all the people laughing together and drinking together. It reminds her of the time her family was celebrating her 7th birthday party.
How her mom made her, her favorite birthday cake flavor, and how her uncle ended up getting so drunk he couldn't even stand on his own two feet.
She smiled.
But that smile was soon washed away by the tears that came down her face.
She misses those times. She misses the times where she could just laugh with her family and be happy.
All of that was taken from her, it's gone now.
That's why she has to kill the Titans. That's why she has to destroy them all.
But the bright side of this is she doesn't have to worry anyone else dying on her. Now that she was alone she didn't have time to worry about other people.
That was a good thing.
Was it though?
"AHHHH!" WHATS GOING ON?" An old man yelled out.
"SWEETIE GET BACK INSIDE!" A women screamed out to her lover she didn't have time to reach out to him because he was already being picked up by a mindless titan.
"HONEY!" She yelled out to him.
A little girl came running outside. "DADDY WAIT!" she cried tears pooling around her eyes.
"SWEETIE GET BACK INSIDE!"  another lady ran out to the young girl.
She was more of an older women, she could barely even walk but once she saw her precious grand daughter out there it's like she could run a whole mile.
Everything goes black and the little girl is alone.
Shes alone in the dark space.
"Hello!" She calls out but no one answers.
She walks around holding on to her doll her father made for her.
"It's your fault!" She hears faint whispers in the air.
"It's your fault!" she turns around and no one is there.
"It's your fault, you're weak" multiple voices start to pile on top of one another and they eventually start to scream at the little girl.
She covers her ears but it's no use her head feels like it can explode. "Shut up!" she yells
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
It's no use.
"STOP!" she comes up from the deep sleep she was once in.
Another nightmare.
"Are you okay?" She hears a familiar voice call down to her. She looks up and sees her roommate at the top bunk.
Sasha was her name.
"Yes i'm fine" Harmony tells the girl.
"Are you sure, you were tossing and turning a lot last night" Sasha tells her.
"Yes, i'm fine like I said" Harmony spits getting angry at the constant nagging she was doing.
Sasha refrains from asking any more questions, she clearly knows when Harmony is in one of those moods.
She feels like a furnace, she's too hot to be in this little room so she leaves out the room to get some fresh air.
It's still dark outside? How long was she asleep for? It had to have only been a couple of minutes.
She looks up at the sky, she can't help but get lost at looking at all the stars in the sky. She wishes she could count every single one of them. There was always to many though.
She did that a lot with her mom. They would come out here and count all the stars till she slowly started to fall asleep. Well she would pretend to be asleep. She smiles at the memory.
But starts to cry once again. Why can't she stop crying every time she thinks of her mom?
Eren was only trying to get a pale of water until he saw Harmony close by the well. He stops, he doesn't know why though?
He usually would never stop what he was doing just becasue she was around, it's probably because he wants to see what she was doing.
She was looking at the sky, why was she out so late? Could she not sleep?
Wait why is he worried about what she is doing? It's not like he cares about her anything......
He gets interrupted by his thoughts when he hears a faint sob leave her chest. She's crying? But why?
Should he say something? No she won't like that.
He does the only thing he can think of and just walks up to the well and pretend he never saw her.
Yeah that's the perfect idea, he thinks.
She turns around when she hears someone coming up behind her she thinks it's Sasha again and she tries to mentally prepare herself for the questions she is going to get asked but when she looks over it's not her at all.
Instead it's him. Eren.
She doesn't hide the eye roll she does when she sees him.
"Hey to you to then" he sarcastically says.
"What are you doing out here?"
"Why is it any of your business" she interrupts him.
"It's not, i'm just asking" this is the first time that he didn't scream or insult her when she was being rude to him.
What's up with him?
"I'm just looking at the stars" she says quietly.
"Oh, you like to star gaze?"
"Yeah, is that a problem?"
"Oh..... umm.... no it's just, I like to look at the stars too" he says while putting the bucket down.
She turns his way shocked at his answer. "Wait! Really?" she gushed.
He smiles at her reaction.
That was actually really..... cute. He thought.
"Yeah, umm you see that star up there" he points.
"I called that one the big toe" he exclaimed a light flashing in his eyes.
"The big toe?" she smiles a little at the ridiculous nickname. "Why that name?"
"Well you see at the time me and Mikasa had been beating up these dudes who were picking on Armin, and one of them and fallen and broke his big toe." He tries to control his laughter.
"It was actually quite hilarious because it was the first star that had appeared in the night sky, we named it that because it was a reminder to us that we won't let anyone stand in our way" he looks up again and Harmony just sits and listens.
"It was basically a promise between all three of us .... we've kept it ever since" he says.
Their friendship is so powerful. Her heart tugs at the feeling, she feels....envy.
When he looks back at Harmony he can't help but feel like he has seen her from somewhere.
Maybe she wouldn't feel this way if only she had her family still here. If only that day didn't happen. If only she had did something to help them.
"It's your fault"
She turns around looking at Eren thinking he spoke. But it wasn't him.
"It's your fault" she hears once again.
Who's saying that?
"it's your fault"
She feels her head starting pound against her skull and she starts to twitch and Eren notices.
She scrunch's her eyes to try and numb the pain but it doesn't work. The pounding gets louder and louder and she eventually starts to moan and the pain.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks.
"I'm fine!" She blurts out. "Ah!" she yells holding her head in her hands.
"it's your fault"
"Stop it!" She yells out.
"Harmony-" Eren tries to reach out to her but she smacks his hand away.
"I told you i'm fine!" she growled. She lands on her knees holding her head in her hands to try and get the pain away.
"It's your fault"
"SHUT UP!" she screams out.
Eren doesn't know what to do or say. He just stares out to her. She takes deep heavy breaths and he wants to reach out to her again but he is scared at getting yelled at again.
She tries to stand back up and turns and looks at Eren who has a confusing look on his face.
"What the hell are you looking at?!"
"Nothing i-i was just-"
"ITS NIT MY FAULT!" she screams at him. What is she saying?
Why does she feel like this? She feels like she just run another one of those 10 laps. Maybe she needs to take a nap. Yeah sleeping will help.
"Harmony-" he tries to reach his hand out to her but she punches him instead.
"Stay the hell away from me! I know what you're doing. You trying to find my weak points right? Well that's not gonna happen, because i'm not weak!" she hissed.
Eren hold his face in his hands. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU WITCH?!" He screams. But she is already inside her room before she can insult him back.
Just when he thought she has changed she went right back to who she was.
Maybe there wasn't anything special about her? Maybe he is just imagining things. God he hates her.
He spits blood out of his mouth and grabs the bucket and gets water from the well, but he stops for a moment.
Maybe there isn't another Harmony hiding under all that hardness and roughness. Maybe that is who she is.
It can't be though. That day she seemed so different, what's wrong with her now? And why the hell was she screaming that way? Is she in pain?
Why do I care? He thinks.
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
I GOT SO MUCH TO SAYYY!! gosh pls dont find me weird okay, and these are just my personal opinions and im not hating any groups!! but my unpopular opinion is: i think kpop has become very toxic after bts and bp got famous in America. And tbh if you ask me, i wouldnt want any other kpop groups to be famous in America... i only stan exo but i think i speak for all groups when i say they are safe as they are now... of course if exo ever get even more famous i will be happy and proud for their success. But look how fame and America has changed bts and bp... not tryna hate but look theyve changed, idk if anyone else noticed but after fame hits bts, i realised how theyve start to become very...white?? like they are so westernised and like example, they start focusing on America only, they even curse (not a lot but i’d still point out) casually like for example, jungkook singing a curse word in his cover song for jason derulo savage love i think (speaking of cursing, after nct127 got famous in usa mark started getting influenced by them too and he casually cursed like “oh fuck” and everyones like 😃😆) even i curse and im not saying cursing is BADD but yeah i am, and how they sing a whole song in english, not to even mention how toxic america is but in grammys they have sold tons of albums yet they didnt win anything but when they release an english song, they won.
Some half of them americans are very toxic, racist, and just theyre basically acid, like bruh, its evident that once bts got famous there are soooo much hate thrown towards bts too cuz theyre asians, or how some would say theyre gay or look like girls...if my favs (exo) ever get these kinds of treatments (not that they dint but veryy little cuz thank god they ain exposed to the western culture) i will B R E A K, i could never handle that so i would never want that to happen to them. Also noticed how, after bts got famous, most armys are equally as toxic, whether they are just stanning bts just cuz theyre famous there, or like how their fans dont even know anything abt bts and coming after so many groups and their fans. Most of them are fake and i think its cuz of the fame for bts lmao. One thing i’d like to say too tho, is how they are so overrated and their songs are played all the damn time, people would randomly talk abt them, like everywhere you go THEY ARE JUST THERE, like in my opinion if i am an army, i would just feel like they are so common and theres nothing special about them anymore and theres no excitement, like what even is the point anymore. idk if anyone gets me but thats just how i feel about my favs being “wOrLdWiDe fAmOuS”, i will love them and their music but its just something i think about tbh🤷🏻‍♀️ like let me listen to them on my own and vibe and love them, dont play it 24/7 just cuz they are famous and ure tryna get people’s attention, like imagine ure in the subway and u hear ur favs song cuz its EVERYWHERE and ure there like 😐😐 not that u dont love their music but its cuz horrible people dont deserves to listen to their songs, and like people arent going to appreciate them anyway so yeah i feel uncomfortable listening to my favs as others dont even bother, like imagine if that subway is filled with people who are in ur fandom, yall would just hv the best time in the world and VIBE, if not what even is the point. Idk if im explaining it properly, but its badically like, u feeling UNCOMFORTABLE or should i even say SELFISH cuz u do not want to be sharing ur favs with people who dont even deserve to KNOW about them. Basically like seeing how someone you HATE or bullied you back then talking and being all friendly fake with ur BESTEST FRIEND or even boyfriend/girlfriend, cuz u just want to protect them from EVIL (im so dramatic)
And well lastly, no Bts did not paved the way, or “bts is the best and only group” like no, so many amazing artists were breaking records way before bts was even a thing (no hate to bts) but they really need to get slap for having that mindset, they really make a bad image for bts...tbh kpop before was so peaceful (a little toxic but still, compared to now...BYE) and everything was just about idols and fans love, listening and supporting and loving their music and just so comforting... urgh anyway thats all i wanna say and here are some texts i saved relating to kpop groups going famous worldwide uwu
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these are also examples, and honestly speaking here, i dont want to be specific as in “exo” cuz i think this happens for ALL the groups out there and the love and relationship between the idols and their fans (family) are just beautiful, but for bts and armys... tbh i feel bad because i just dont see or feel any love they hv for each other (sure we see bts saying i love you armys or armys supporting bts but with all the toxicity in their way, theres just no spark or chemistry or bond no more it’s basically like one direction and their fans and thats all they are, celebrity-fan, but for kpop its family), i can see other groups and their fans interacting or how idols would light up talking abt their fans, but for bts, theres just soooo much mess going on in their fandom its not special anymore, they lost the deep meaning of their group love and IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but YEAH DJSHSKSJ OH and to add somethign else, they got famous in America, look at all the collabs🤡🤡 blackpink with cardi b, bts with nicki etc... not that collabs arent fun... im just saying these american artists... they dont exactly have a good reputation (americans singing about sex (not the good kind), money, girls and drugs) 🥴🥴 dont influenced my faves and let them be exposed to the toxic culture YALL GET ME?? KPOP HAS THE LETTER K FOR A REASON😭😭😭 let them be their own shining star, not everything has to be involved or a part of aMeRiCa to be amazing.... PHEW IVE SAID IT NOW BEFORE ANYONE GETS MAD AT ME, I DONT MEAN TO SOUND RUDE TO YOU, if youre an american and youre no where near being toxic, I LOVE YOU but im just saying, the western culture is toxic and im just saying what ive been observing and noticing🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ ps: i still love exo till the max and everything about them is perfect and theyre just amazing people (everything i said that bts and armys dont really have anymore, i think thankfully, EXO (sorry im biased) most fandoms still have so much of the L O V E there and i find that extraordinary) and he fandom is so comforting and amazing and idk dkdjjdjss thats why i dont want them getting famous worldwide...sorry exols ANYWAY THATS ALL FOR MY RANT ITS 4AM AND I AM THINKING OF DELETING THIS💀💀💀 anywya sorry for taking up so much space but i just wanna say I FREKAING LOVE NO EXIT, NO LIMITS, basically all ur exo fics cuz why not🥺🥺 i think ur writing skills are amazing as well as the plots and all especially forsaken, and THANK YOU for two bbhxoc fics😭😭😭 i cant!!! also if u reached here idk i-🥲 i hope u didnt get mad or offended 👀
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Reply under the cut!!
Kpop has become extremely toxic with the growth of international fans and the rise of 3rd/4th gen. I wasn't around to experience the previous generations, but I know damn well they weren't a mess like these newer ones are.
Gaining fame in America does seem to change idols, and idk why. The group members change and the music changes also. While I do enjoy hearing idols swear (guilty pleasure) and I am an American so I get to enjoy their English songs, I can see how it makes all the other cultures/countries feel some type of way.
I will say this, though, the Grammys are shit and I dont get why people care so much about them. They've proven time and time again the awards don't go to the best artists. However, this doesn't mean that I think BTS deserved a Grammy imo.
Americans are a very toxic and hate filled bunch (again, I am one, so I get to see this shit every day). I 100% know that some of the hate directed towards Asians is because of racism (as seen by the insane uptick in crime against Asian Americans right now) and because some see kpop male idols as too feminine.
BTS is literally everywhere, which is one of the reasons I stopped listening to them tbh. They'd be in commercials, on talk shows, late night shows, in magazines, on the radio, just everywhere. It took the joy out of watching anything from them just because they were always in my face, so I can see what you mean.
I feel like the relationship between BTS and army has changed (from an outsiders perspective). Its no longer about loving and supporting your group and being happy for them. Now, its "so-so wants this? We MUST do everything in our power and spam every possible thing ever so they get what they want". Its almost frightening. They also no longer care about the quality of the music being put out. Doesn't matter what it is, they stream the ever loving shit out of it and make it break records when, honestly, it doesn't deserve to (again imo).
Lastly, I didnt get mad or offended haha. I understand a lot of these viewpoints, and thank you so much for liking my work!! I do wonder what would happen if I made a true BBH centric fic and not just spin offs or continuations of previous works where oc ends up with BBH 🤔🤔 I think that fic would have too much power haha.
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lollytea · 5 years
can you tell us more about the snufmin kids, if thats okay?
Oh of course, of course!! i love those children so much dude!!!
[Original OC post]
-Torben’s origins are kinda a downer but basically his mom was a witch on the outskirts of a little village (real far away from moominvalley) who was killed after a lot of fearmongering. they raided her cottage afterwards and found baby torben and assumed him to be a child she stole.
- They couldnt find the “real mother” and he ended up in the care of a childrens’ home. He actually bounced around a few of them until he ended up in the home where he met with his future siblings. according to those working there, he had a rather unnerving stare and a lot of them felt there was something not quite right about him. (the rumor going around was it was something the witch had “done to him” and that “the poor child might never be the same”)  he was a lot more sullen as a baby who didnt have much of an interest in toys and had a hard time connecting with the other children. He brightened up considerably when he found Birch and Essi
- Birch was an oddity from the start. (Species headcanon from here) Its natural for woodies grow in groups, usually from trees and bushes, so theyre biologically social creatures who are hardly ever seen alone. But Birch may have been a spectacle of his species, as he was formed in a moss patch and born all on his own. 
- Another thing that was considered strange about him was his lack of imprinting. Woodies tend to latch on to the first “safe” person they meet, who then forcibly becomes their “parent”. (Woodies are produced asexually and have no “real parents” so finding a person of protection is often done as a survival tactic. It’s recommended that one stay away from woodies if one is not ready for children.) Baby Birch was discovered by a farmer and surprisingly did not take to him right away, like any woodie does. Actually he was rather standoffish and even bit if the old man touched him. He was sent to the home not long after. 
- Space was tight and there werent a lot of cribs/beds to go around, so Birch didn’t have one to himself. Instead they just squeezed him into 2 year old torben’s crib for the two children to share. Here they became inseparable, with Birch, maybe not imprinting but forming a close bond with somebody and finally finding a source of comfort. He bit a little less after this. Likewise with Torben, who gained a caring gleam in his eye once he had a little one to care for. Even when Torben was old enough for a proper bed, he insisted Birch sleep with him and would not budge on the matter. The home gave in and allowed it. 
- Essi’s origin was a simple one, of just being born at the wrong time. In a house packed with mumrik children, one more simply could not be accommodated. I dont want to say her birth parents were terrible people but with the amount of kids they had, they were rather jaded to a fresh baby face and werent too emotional in deciding they need to be rid of her. 
- She was never an angry or intentionally misbehaved baby when under the care of the home. She just needed a lot of stimulation that she wasnt getting and tended to tear up her clothes, curtains and bedsheets. It was also concerning that she never cried, or babbled or made any sound at all. It had falsely interpreted as some fort of defect child. They didnt know if it was right to mix her with the other babies, seeing as with the damage her claws had already done, they felt she could be dangerous. She was left on her own a lot.
- The other two met Essi when they were caught stealing food from the kitchen and locked away on their own to think about how sorry they were. But being tight on space, the only isolated room was the one where Essi was kept. They had heard about her being “the baby who didnt cry” and were very intrigued. but upon further inspection of the wriggling little girl in the cot, Torben observed that she looked lonely. They wondered if she simply wasnt capable of crying, which would be awful if one wanted to express their sadness. After entertaining her throughout their isolation period, the two decided that she was now their baby. And they would be her siblings. They would all belong to each other. As a family.
Miscellaneous HCs:
-Torben sleeps like he’s fucking comatose. There is no waking him. Even when living with Moomintroll and Snufkin, he and Birch still share a bed and Torben kicks and Birch (a light sleeper) hates it. But no matter how much arguments and late night brawls this causes, they still refuse to get separate beds. 
- Essi has a crib in Moomintroll’s room and sleeps there until she’s like 4. (She always magically ends up from her crib to her papa’s stomach by morning.) They tried to get her a “big girl room” when she was bigger but she didnt adapt very well as she couldnt sleep when she was alone. They had to move her into her siblings’ room. She slept soundly after that. 
- Moomintroll and Snufkin often tell the kids stories from their youth, sometimes using anonymous names to work as “fictional stories” lest they frighten them (or for the sake of their own dignity). Essi is very disturbed by the story of the the hobgoblin’s hat, while Birch can only scoff and wonder aloud what sort of idiot was that moomin who went and put the thing on his head. Moomintroll stares dead ahead and refuses to meet eyes with a highly amused Snufkin.
- Early on in his training, Alicia gifts Torben with his own witch hat. With much excitement, he immediately plops the thing on only for his whole head to disappear under it. Alicia laughs, informing him only a fully trained witch can wear it properly and the hat will adjust accordingly once he’s ready. (The hat freaks Moomin the fuck out. He does not care for magical hats anymore.)
- Essi has a little stuffed yellow bird that Mymble got her, which she carries around (often in her mouth) everywhere. She named him Comet, based on the story of when her papas first met.
- Speaking of Mymble (the younger), she loves doing Essi’s hair, although it took her a while to get accustomed to the little mumrik’s big mop of curls and couldnt understand why brushing it was so hard at first. She’s familiar with it now and often weaves in little flowers and ribbons. 
- Birch is very close with Snorkmaiden who thinks his flowering skin is very pretty and encourages his writing and curiosity. (Being a huge fan of the written word herself, mostly fairytales.) 
- Moominpapa is also supportive of his eloquent grandchild (Splendid! Another writer in the family, eh?)  but he’s a little more pushy and it takes a bit of chiding from moominmama to get him to stop saying “have you considered writing about Me??”
- Torben loves Snork. Snork.....hates Torben really. Well, its not that they hate him, its just that Snork has spent their entire life on this flying machine project and torben+flying broomstick= a mockery of it all. Not to mention Torben is annoying as fuck and spends way too much time pestering Snork about god knows what.
- Essi and Little My hunt bugs together. Lov the cronch
- Birch is afraid of thunderstorms. The whole family usually piles into his bed on thundery nights to make him feel safe. 
- Once Torben is at an adequate stage of witching training, he’s allowed a familiar. Of all creatures, he chooses Essi, the closest thing to a black cat he has. She happily obliges and spends most of her late childhood, mid teens operating under this duty.
- Snufkin has composed a tune for each of his children that he plays when alone and thinking about them, or by their bedside and playing them to sleep. Torben’s tune is called ‘Bonfire in the Rain’ Birch’s is ‘Baring Shards of One’s Looking Glass’ and Essi’s is ‘She Who Stirs the Stars’
- To help with Birch’s collecting hobby, Torben enchants a little velveteen pouch an gifts it to him. It never overflows and Birch can fit the whole forest in there if he wishes. It’s very handy to carry around when Birch is vagabond. Extremely light luggage.
- Torben also gifts Essi with a locket encapsulated with the essence of a star. Just enough heat and light to illuminate her way and keep her warm at night. It’s her prized possession. 
- Birch is ace and a he/him nonbinary. He’s not entirely sure if he’s aro as he feels pretty picky about close friends too. but romance has never appealed to him much. 
- Essi is bi. She’s only briefly been involved with like 3 people before meeting the love of her life, Sislaf. 
- Torben is as fluid as can be. He doesnt really have a way to describe his sexuality, he just knows that he loves and loves and loves a lot. He’s a bit like Mymble in the sense that he dates a lot and is always very naive and devoted right away, only to get himself hurt later. He’s quite sensitive about all that.
- Once the kids are grown, they do end up going their separate ways in life but remain close and visit eachother frequently. They keep in contact by letters. Birch is eternally pissed about his messy handwriting compared to Essi’s beautiful scrawl and Torben’s neat yet flashy one.
- Torben becomes the Moominvalley Witch, now that Alicia’s family have moved on to other places. He builds himself a small cottage on the outskirts so he can have time alone to think and brew. He’s still a walking distance from his parents home though. Flying distance if he’s feeling lazy.  
- Birch’s travels become longer and in time and through word of mouth, the tale he tells become quite well known. He’s a famous storyteller now, whether he wants to be or not. Luckily, he’s begrudgingly embraced it (better than Snufkin did with his fame) and spends a lot of time in taverns, entertaining the regulars.
- Essi was the one who found it the hardest to grow up. Shes a family oriented person so she didnt want to be alone but she also dreamed of adventure and couldnt just drag her whole family along with her (especially her papas who were at the point where they just wanted to rest and settle down) But she found her calling. Criminal. Leader of a pack of criminals actually. Some were old friends from moominvalley, some she met along the way but Essi was lucky enough to find herself a group that became like a family to her. They traveled land and sea, doing all the righteous work and righting the injustices that Snufkin used to do. Only this time, its not just one little man. Its one little woman and her gang. 
- The siblings meet up a lot, usually around a campfire where they share a pipe and laugh about nostalgia. Torben’s particularly good at animating the smoke into moving images, while Birch tells a story to accompany it  and Essi claps along. And even when shes grown and tough, during moments like this Essi still feels the comforting warmth of being a baby sister
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
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Chapter 1 Part 2 : Disruptive
genre : Thriller/Angst/trigger warningsss/smut/exo, oc, and blackpink gang au
Summary : This fast paced kind of life style isnt for everyone, but for these young rich savages this stuff is second nature.
I told you i would catch you up, and im a girl of my word when i want to be. So imma take you back, Back before the drama with jiyong the dragon. Back before i even knew baekhyuns weird ass was a member of the notorious exo gang. Before he knew i was a member of the infamous blackpink gang. Before we all started to hate eachother.
“I am so gonna make a virgin cry tonight” jennie spoke to herself while looking in the mirror as if she was taking a selfie, which i love watching her do for some reason, but in my defense she does look really hot. Looks like tonight is going to be one of those nights that we put on our less expensive clothes and act like we’re regular teenagers, i hate these nights, i’d much rather be at the club in balenciaga, sitting in the vip lounge with jiyong, but my girls wanted me to go and if my girls want something from me the word no always goes into hiding.
“Ayyye lit wayyy.” lisa sang out as she took a picture in the mirror with jennie
I looked over to the room that jisoo and rosé share in our three bedroom condo,  I wasnt getting a good enough look at them so i decided to go inside of the room, i know i sound like some kind of crazy smother but the relationship between me and my girls is not normal and probably never will be. I cant be away from them for too long and if im not close to them i have to atleast be able to lay my eyes on them or i just might kill someone. Yes i do tell you alot but i dont know if im ready to talk too much about that, so lets change the topic.
Snapping out of my thoughts, i realized that jisoo and rosé still werent ready at all. Instead of intervening or saying anything, i decided to just do something else, guess ill call my mans.
“honeyy, how is the party going?” 
“Haii oppaa” i said with a higher voice than usual you know the one you use when you talk to the boy you like? yeah that one. “im not there yet oppa”
“Aaahhh okayyy i seee” judging from the way he was using that sly sexy voice of his, i think he wants something from me.
“What is it oppa?”i said, i dont know why im getting an unfamiliar feeling about this.
“babyy, at that party tonight....”
what the hell does he want with this dumb high school party, i should be the only thing in his mind that has anything to do with high school... okay im kidding....alittle.
“Some of my associates will be there i want you to keep an eye on them.” his voice switched up this time.
“What the fuck jiyong, who the hell are these “associates”?”
“exo.” well he never was one to beat around the bush for too long, i could already hear it in his voice he was getting impatient.
“First of all, fix your tone, and second, boi you know i know most of all that the whole damn exo gang hates you and all your men, dont talk to me like im just another one of those dumb skanks you like to play with.”
What did you just ask? oh, well let me tell you alittle more about him. Jiyong the dragon is the top dog the ultimate big man in this business. He was one of those get down or lay down type of guys, of course that shit didnt work on me and my girls, which was the reason why he took such a liking to me in the first place. Does that cure your curiosity? what do you mean you didnt ask that!? 
“Hahahhah” hes laughing at me.
“ugh, oppa im supposed to be relaxing at this party.”
“i know babyyy, all you have to do is keep an eye on maybe three of them and...”
“Aaand make sure they dont leave until my men get there.”
“What!?, jiyong are you seriously going to try to kill them at a highschool party!?”
“Who said anything about killing themm...babyy come onn for mee?”
“You know that type of shit dosent work on me oppa.”
“please baby? ill owe you one big time.”
That caught my attention “ owe me huh?” thats what i like to hear. I could care less if those exo guys die or get kidnapped or whatever jiyong is gonna do with them, and the mention of him owing me sounds so delicious “hmmm....”
I hear a little laughter on his side before i make my decision,
“You got yourself a deal oppa” i say with a sinister smirk. And with that we say our goodbyes and i hang up.
My girls are so quiet.......shit.
I whip my head around quickly, with my anxiety building up, getting ready to run to where ever they are, whether it is in the house or not. 
“Cha cha?” jisoo called out. My real name is park bong cha, aya is just a street name. Not alot of people know my real name, and i like it like that.
My girls were standing in the doorway of my room which i share with no one due to the fact that all of the extra space in the room is filled with all of our weapons and money. 
“Damn i wish you saw the way your head turned just now” rosé said with a small giggle. She and jisoo looked like they were finally done getting ready. 
“Lets dip girls.” i said, actually feeling alittle excited to go now, which is such a first.
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I was posted up on the wall with some concoction lisa had some girl she was macking on make for me. It tasted good though. I had already informed the girls about the little deal i made with jiyong, they took it well thankfully. i have been occupying my eyes with this cute guy who is dancing his ass off. And just when the song finally changes and he notices, the entrance door swings open and some heads turn, and mine follows the others.
Just the boys i wanted to see, i think to myself while smiling.
I let my girls know by text and we all, being on the same floor of the house, exchange looks. 
shall we?
I watched the exo gang walk in all together, some were rubbing their hands together like fuckboys, and others just looking around observing the party and the people, easily you could tell they are a close-knit group like me and my girls.
I decided to keep my eyes on the linky big eared one, the one who looked like he wanted to scream in someones face, and the one-
“omg” I said under my breath as I watched one of the exo members slightly bite on his beautiful index and middle fingers.
Lisa quickly slapped my shoulder with a grin “aye, you thirsty girl?” she said as she tilted her drink towards me with her adorable smile, “shut the fuck up.” I said with a dead expression.
The other girls came up to us in three different directions. “So whats the plan?” rosé asked while referring to my end of the deal I made with jiyong oppa. I wasn't listening though, still stealing glances at the exo members mouth and fingers.
“Stop bitching guys, I will remember what she looks like, trust me, damn.” chanyeol stated as he scrunched up his face a little. All I can think is that its such a damn shame chanyeol is the only one who saw jiyongs girl, putting all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket is really fucking annoying. “Baekhyun, I know what your thinking, and no im not stupid enough to put all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket, just know that.” Suho spoke while he squeezed my shoulder as if he was trying to make me feel his words,  what the hell is he? a fucking mind reader!? 
We already know what jiyong the fucking snake is going to try to pull tonight, we heard from a mole hes going to have some girl hes been fucking to watch us all night, but we came here tonight in spite of that to do our usual rounds, because not a lot of things are better than money and confrontation.
“Alright split, chanyeol stay with Baekhyun” Suho said with an exhale
Chanyeol puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk towards the crowd of dancing teens. “Anybody lookin familiar?” my voice giving off my bored and annoyed mood, I spoke with a quick elbow into his stomach. “Nahh, just lemme go get a drink real quick. want one?” chanyeol asked and got a nod yes in return.
I start looking around, eyeing all the girls in the room.
“Girls really love this song huh?” I said to myself as I watched a swarm of girls running to the impromptu dance floor as they screamed and giggled.
My eyes automatically land on two girls that looked like they just jumped off a runway stage or some shit, “damn” I said out loud on accident, could they be jiyongs? 
“Damn is right.” chanyeols deep voice crept from behind me, “all the girls in the kitchen were uggos.” he tilted a red plastic cup my way.
I took it from him and stole a quick sip, “those two girls right there ring any bells?” I asked as I brought up my left hand to wipe my mouth and used the index finger of the hand holding my cup to point in the direction of the girls I was talking about.
Chanyeol licked his lips, “I don't know I think I need a closer look.” he voiced as he rubbed his hands together, his fuckboy mode starting to kick into gear.
I smirked at the possibilities.
“Okay I guess we can have some fun then.” 
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“You know if you don't make this shot im going to make you strip right?” the guy I now know as Baekhyun spoke to me sexily with a sharp smirk on his face while he held a ping pong ball that had earlier been cover in cheap beer.
“Well maybe I want to strip.” I stated, readying another ping pong ball. Hopefully I can finally make a shot.
Baekhyun, and his friend who is also an exo member, chanyeol came up to me and jennie a little while ago, the convenience being too perfect, we've been talking to them ever since, and somehow I ended up in a game of beer pong with Baekhyun, while jennie and chanyeol decided to look through each others instagrams on the couch next to us.
I finally flick my wrist with hopes I get it into one of the cups on baekhyuns side.
“Yess.” I said as my ball landed in a cup on the left of Baekhyun.
“aahh noo” Baekhyun spoke playfully.
my phone buzzes at that. I quickly look at jennie, Jiyongs men might be....
“What is it?” Baekhyun speaks. I don't answer, instead I remove my phone from the back pocket of my jeans to see if my earlier thought was right.
  my men are there baby where are you
“Aye jennie the girls are looking for us we should go.”
“awww already?” chanyeol said, his voice giving off a new dangerous tone.
They know.
I saw ayas face change after chanyeols comment.
that's right bitch, feel it. 
chanyeol told me she was the one three minutes into talking to her. I have to admit shes good. I totally would have fallen for her act. too bad I didn't.
“Jennie lets move now!” aya yelled at the other girl as we heard screams coming from all around the house.
“Grab her chanyeol!” 
The moment I jump on the ping pong table and take out my gun, jennie jumps off the couch, chanyeol grabs her, and Baekhyun pulls out the gun hes been hiding so well. 
Jennie struggles in the hold of the huge man, while I stare Baekhyun down. Both our guns pointing at each others head. aiming for an instant kill.
“You don't think im about to just give up do you?” 
I quickly shoot at the gun in Baekhyuns hand and roll off the table, about to shoot at chanyeols foot, he kicks the shit out of me, and jennie took the chance to get out of his hold, all of a sudden a crowd of people fill the room. 
Jiyongs men come running in like the CIA.
I start shooting the men coming at me. suho and d.o run into the room probably getting ready to carry out plan b.
Me and chanyeol somehow end up back to back in the middle of jiyongs men, this isn't looking to damn good.
I grab jennie and run to the exit of the room in full panic mode because I don't know where the hell my other girls are. 
A exo member with bushy eyebrows comes out of nowhere and stands in front of us looking like satan himself, looking calm despite all the chaos going on. 
I don't have time for this.
I push jennie backwards getting ready to jump out of the next window I see, until I turn around and see another exo member staring us down with one of his eyebrows lifted, as more of the exo gang pile in the room to help with jiyongs men. fuuuck meee.
I charge in the other direction gripping jennies wrist, and my girls come out in front of us rushing to get to the men chasing behind.
Me and jennie continue running with intentions of getting the car ready, hating the fact that I have to leave the other girls here. 
We reach a window and I look for something in the room I could use to break it. I find golf clubs in the closet and take a hard swing at my target, breaking it in one go. we both jump out and sprint for the car we came-
My eyes feel like led but I finally start to open them, looking around to only find darkness. shit I must have gotten knocked out by one of the exo boys.
my eyes widen. jennie.
I feel her breathe on my neck as she tries to get closer.
“same plan as usual?”
“ Yeah.”
These exo assholes should have fucking killed me when they had the chance, they should know never to cage wild beasts.
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When the car finally came to a stop I realized my eyes were closed in anger the whole time.
I heard muffled voices and doors opening before closing right back.
My eyes shot open in anticipation.
Open the trunk, I dare you.
as if on cue the trunk door pops open and the exo men look down on us laying in their trunk, this isn't all of them though, where are the rest? I look up at them wishing looks could kill.
“awww you are such a good girl, I didn't even have to gag youu.” a dinosaur looking exo member said as he bent down to get me out of the trunk.
This time, this time when I shoot I wont miss.
The moment my feet touch the ground I feel a rush of adrenaline, I keep my composure until jennies feet does the same.
I close my eyes again readying myself for the moves im about to make. as they start walking us to what seems like a rundown hideout.
They are circled around me and jennie as we walk towards the destination and I look at the men in front of me, eyeing them up and down in search of a knife.
Spinning around as fast as I can in the direction of the knife in the mans pocket on the left of me, jennie quickly backs up planning on distracting atleast two of them.
I get my hands on it and move swift and fast cutting myself loose, cutting up an exo members leg and whatever else is in the way of jennie,
I cut her loose and spin again, always trying to use my speed as an element of surprise, I grab hold of a gun in someones hand and start shooting at everyone around us, as jennie follows my actions.
my shoulder takes a shot, as jennie grabs my hand and makes a run for it. 
we keep running into the dark forest for our lives as we try our best to avoid the bullets the are flying from behind us.
What a fucking night.
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We spent the rest of night running through the woods and making sure I don't bleed to death. When we got back to condo, the sun was up and the rest of the girls were crying and loading machine guns. 
“We thought you guys were never going to come back!” they cried at us. I couldn't help but feel like shit, I wasn't on my a game last night and because of that my girls suffered. 
After that my shoulder was tended to by jisoo and we made our way to jiyongs place to talk about everything.
“I cant fucking believe this shit!”
“Jiyong what the hell are you talking about?” I said as I walked into his office with my girls
“im never gonna trust you with shit ever again.” oppa spoke in a vicious tone while walking towards me.
“Chill the fuck out jiyong!”  jisoo said about to step in front me, I put my arm out in front of her and walk into his personal space.
“Got a fucking problem?”
“Its your fault they got away, you unprofessional piece of trash. Do you know how much that night cost me!” well look at the balls on this one.
“I tried my best you fucking asshole don't do that to me I held up my end of the deal all you said I had to do was keep them there!” 
“Get the fuck out of my face aya, you and your girls are making me sick to my stomach, and don't even think for a second I was serious about me owing you!”
Ah shit my hands are gonna misbehave. suddenly my fist made their way to his jaw and accidently on purpose clocked the shit out of him.
My girls start giggling at the scene and I back away from jiyong as his eyes become wild with anger.
“Do you have a fucking death wish you bitch!?” yes.
“Nah, not really.”
He starts walking towards me again and I can finally tell that he’s not sober. He takes a slow swing at me and my face scrunches up in disgust.
I push his head backwards and he falls completely over. What a pig.
“Jiyong stop come on your better than this.” I said with a frustrated tone.
“DIGGIE” he screams for his body guard who does all his dirty work. Truth is jiyongs actually a little bitch, but hey gotta fake it till you make right?
“Do you really think that guy can kill our crazy asses?” rosé speaks with a raised eyebrow to jiyong, who is on the floor looking completely distressed.
“diggie” his cry for his body guard becomes soft as he starts to sob.
“Come on, lets get outta here girls, he’s obviously really fucked up right now.”
“Don't worry jiyong, we’ll leave diggies head at the door for you.” 
All caught up?
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AUTHORS NOTE : woooo! im doneeeee ayyy I had a lot of fun with this chapterrrr. I hope you guys enjoyed it! its like 5 30 right now sooo imma go to sleep nowww but thanks for reading! kisses <3 ~ laila
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tomatoscribbles · 6 years
So what /is/ the tew3 au?? I skimmed briefly and noticed Joseph and your boy, and I'm guessing from the name of the au that it takes place after the the events of the first two games. Is that basically it? ;3;
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pretty much! theres more to it than that, but yes its intended to be like a third installment in the TEW series (text wall time)
it started as just my musings on what a third game could be about, if we ever get one, but it got pretty out of hand pretty quick lol. the AU part of the name comes from the fact that if we ever do get an actual TEW3, it sure as hell aint gonna be this anymore lol
basically whats happened is Joseph has been being used as a test subject for a different STEM system ever since he was captured at the end of TEW1, so hes been going in and out of this other system pretty consistently for the past 3 years (up until the time of TEW2). its not doing any favors for his already fractured mental state, and he gets progressively worse as time goes on (swinging in and out of a “Haunted” state more and more).
because of Joseph being such a major inhabitant of the system, a lot of stuff he remembers from the Beacon system (mainly Haunted and other monsters he might have seen) transferred over to this system, though the Haunted are at a much more controllable and avoidable degree until the system goes dark.
my oc Archer [x] was a Mobius guard shoehorned into an observer position, along with three others, to observe and protect Joseph inside the system and unknowingly double as the control group to his effects from Beacon. he and Joseph have a pretty rocky relationship obviously, and it takes a while for Archer to realize the full picture of whats actually happening around Joseph because so much information is kept from him and his team. he and Juli end up working together soon before TEW2, and plan for Archer to break Joseph out while Juli brings down Mobius from the inside during TEW2 in a different facility.
but they didnt depend on the fact that Joseph would be inside the system when Mobius went down. the plan goes majorly awry from there, and the system goes haywire in the time (at least a decent amount of hours) it takes for Archer to get in the terminal area, and by then Joseph is pretty much lost in the system to them. thats one (1) mentally unstable man, in a reality thats breaking apart slowly, with all of his backup inside and outside the system suddenly dead (because of the microchips), with no way out. Oh Shit.
going in from there is majorly risky business, especially alone, and they need at least one person on the outside. so just Archer and Juli arent gonna cut it. and thats how Sebastian gets called in, for one last trip down the rabbit hole.
TEW3 takes off from there! its set at max a couple of weeks after TEW2, so Seb hasnt exactly had much down time, but hes gotta do what hes gotta do. its expected to be pretty damn dangerous this time, but it still ends up getting a lot fuckier than they thought it would.
not to mention something being awfully fucky about the Core, who seems to have taken a liking to Joseph… (who we need to work on some more actually but //cough cough) (1)
first post on this (kinda iffy art)
Archer wasnt supposed to be involved at all originally, he just sort of…… accidentally developed in the wake of a bunch of moderately disturbing jokes between @freshsteel and i lol. was ACTUALLY called Sergeant Shithead until we decided he needed at least a last name. hes here to stay now tho, buddy, Joseph needs at least HALF a friend in there my gosh
Joseph MAJORLY hates Kidman up until they meet again, blaming her for everything that happened at Beacon and how he is now. his heart has a really hard time catching up with his head once he finds out about her side of the story, but hes trying
(1) the Core is currently a girl between the ages of 12-16 who grows majorly attached to Joseph once the system goes dark and theyre able to actually interact. shes the main antagonist and wants to keep Joseph within the system so she wont be alone, but shes honestly not a bad kid. will explain more on this once we have her more down if anyone wants!
oh yeah and Joseph is terrified of Ruvik and can have major hallucinations so 👌
there are a lot of mechanic and collectible concepts, including: 1) a tracking doll that bleeds more the closer it is to Joseph, 2) “interview” tapes and progress reports on Joseph from the past 3 years, 3) companion banter throughout the game, and other misc. stuff
this is a huge mess, basically. rip everyones mental stability
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gweyson · 6 years
Clare A2, A16, B9, B16, E2, F2, F11, G5, H8 and I1, and Camille, A1, A11, B13, B15, E1, E7, F6, F12, H8 and I5?
A2: What alignment are they? Chaotic neutral, lawful evil, et cetera…
chaotic bitch
A16: Does your OC have to go through their own trials to learn a lesson, or do they listen and learn from observation and lecture? I.e., does your OC listen when someone tries to tell them the importance of budgeting, or do they have to go experience what happens if you don’t budget first?
i mean. she goes through the trials but she never learns   s o
B9: What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
she likes slapstick and dark humour
B16: Does your OC like to be the center of attention or more in the mix?
she wants attention. she wants more attention. however much attention youre giving her? it’s not enough
E2: Which of the nine types of intelligence is your OC strongest in? Weakest? (Linguistic, existential, naturalist, et cetera)
F2: What’s their ideal home look like? Where is it?
somewhere with camille tbh shes not too fussed. she wants to live in the city and thats about it
F11: What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most?
she works out a lot !! she also just spends a lot of time with harmony and emerald just doing like. whatever. character development is my passion
G5: Did they go through any typical phases growing up?
not really. camille tried getting her into anime but she could never really get too into it
H8: What’s your OC’s idea of a perfect date?
shes honestly not the biggest fan of dates, but if she went on one itd be somewhere quiet. like a movie or dinner or smth. the only reason shed go somewhere big is to show off her date lmao she loves to flex on everyone else
I1: What are their favorite kinds of flavors– Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, creamy, et cetera?
she’ll eat anything and everything
A1: What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
infp maybe……. i could be very wrong with all these mbti questions jkdfhjdshjk
A11: Does your OC put others’ needs before their own?
yes, but then she can get grompy when nobody does the same for her
B13: Do they have a large or small group of friends?
small, shes never been great at making/keeping friends
B15: Does your OC enjoy social events, such as parties, clubs, et cetera..?
yeah, but usually if she goes to one she’ll end up feeling uncomfortable and leaving early
E1: Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
smarter than most people would give her credit for, yeah
E7: Are they a good note-taker? Are they a good test-taker? Do exams make them nervous?
shes good at taking notes (she has the kind of notes that people are jealous of bc of how neat and organised they are) but she crumples under pressure unless its something she knows shes good at (like singing)
F6: How much do they work? What do they do? Do they enjoy it?
she doesnt work much on account of her being dead,
F12: Would they enjoy a theme park?
yes ! she only likes the gentler rides though. also a theme park is where she first asked clare out fun fact
H8: What’s your OC’s idea of a perfect date?
honestly she’d be happy doing anything. shes never had many friends so just spending time with people who aren’t her brother is always nice
I5: Are they a good cook?
shes good at baking, less so at general cooking
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silverlight-iza · 7 years
If - (Jinyoung X OC)
Genres: Angst Word count: 3.2k
“You know what’s the best way to die early?” I hear someone whispering to me as my lids feel heavy and the darkness looms over my head. I open my mouth to say something but my throat feels sore from all the alcohol and my lips bruised from kissing random girls, trying to forget her. So I wait silently for the person to continue. 
“It’s to love someone who doesn’t love you back.” The words are etched upon my memories and my heart. 
I wake up with a start, sweats of bead all over my forehead, my breath ragged and my vision hazy. I bring my hands to my eyes and gently rub them until I can see clearer. 
I move to see the person lying besides me. She’s still here, I think with a burning ache inside my chest. I reach out my hand to remove the few strands of her beautiful golden brown hair away from her forehead. She’s sleeping soundly. I smile before getting out of the bed slowly and carefully so I don’t wake her up. 
I go to the bathroom and then head down to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. She likes my cooking. She has always loved it. I start preparing her favourite: scrambled eggs and pancakes. 
I am placing the plates on the table when she comes downstairs with her bed hair, a goofy smile over her lips. She looks so cute. I shake my head, grinning. She must have come downstairs without even going to the bathroom. Did she want to see me when she woke up and when I wasn’t there?
“You made this for me?” She asks in her sweet honey voice and I nod my head before walking up to her.
“I am the one who should be cooking for us,” she whines childishly. I chuckle before wrapping both of my arms around her small frame and lean my head closer to plant a small kiss on her forehead. 
“Good morning to you too!” My tone is cheerful, she isn’t able to tell the fake-ness. She grins and lightly pecks me on the lips. 
“Morning! I’ll go and wash up. Be right back.” She pulls away and runs back upstairs while I go back to the dinner table and seat myself. My coffee cup is sitting in front of me and my phone right next to it, already vibrating from all the messages my friends have been sending. I pick it up as I wait for her to come back. 
I open the group chat and am immediately bombarded my the messages from my friends.
JS: How did the night go? (≧∀≦)
M: Shut up Jackson. 
BB: y r u askng bout da night? ◑○◑
JB: Dnt talk lik dat Bb.
YJ: As if youre any better.
JS: Tell me~ @(·o·)@
YG: Im also vry curious.
JB: Ignre dose ppl Jinyoung.
My eyes can’t roll any further back as I skim through the endless amount of text messages. I sigh because I don’t really have the time to read all of those because I notice footsteps coming down. I put the phone back and lift my head to see Mina coming my way.
We’re on our way to meet the guys because they’ve been bugging my nonstop to introduce Mina to them. She only saw them briefly on the wedding and she doesn’t know them otherwise. I place my free hand over hers and give it a soft squeeze.
“Are you nervous?” I ask. 
“No … maybe. But what if they don’t like me?” she breathes out and I can tell she’s nervous by the way she’s fidgeting. I squeeze a little tighter. 
“They’ll love you,” I assure her with a smile and she turns to look at me. “I’m sure you’ll be alright. You’re perfect, Mina. Nobody can’t not like you.” She seems a little happier as I tell her this. I stop the car right in  front of the cafe that we’re supposed to meet at and ask Mina to get off.
“Wait. I’ll come back after parking the car.” 
“Let’s go,” I slip my hand in Mina’s and pull her inside the cafe with me. I’m so familiar with the place that even the man behind the counter recognises me and sends me a smile after noticing Mina and I. In the farthest corner, I see the six boys sitting on a table and we head towards it. Yugyeom is the first to notice us.
“Hyung!” He says cheerfully and starts waving his hand enthusiastically. The others whip their heads towards us after hearing Yugyeom. 
“Hi,” I say with a smile.
“Sweet muffins! Does your wife get prettier by the second? Because she’s even prettier than yesterday.” Jackson decides to comment shameless and Mina ducks her head down in embarrassment. Mark nudges the male in the ribs and he scowls.
“Have a seat guys.” Jae bum motions his hands towards the two seats and we sit down. 
“Mina, this is JaeBum, Yugyeom, YoungJae, Bambam, Jackson and Mark and guys this is Mina, my wife.” I gesture my finger towards the respective males and Mina mumbles a small hello and nice to meet you to all of them individually. She’s really shy. 
Although I have known Mina longer than I have known these guys, I didn’t introduce them to each other. Theres no special reason but just a thing I tend to do. Not mixing my friends. I once had a terrible experience when the two people became better friends and I was left behind. Albeit theres no chance of that happening now. These guys are like my brothers and Mina, well, I know she’s not going anywhere now that we’re married.
“You guys took so long so that’s why already ordered. I hope you don’t mind,” Mark says, grinning as he places a chip inside his mouth and Mina speaks, “No thats alright. I’m sorry that you had to wait.” She’s smiling now. That makes me happy. Now that she’s my family, I want her to be happy even if the reason of her happiness isn’t me.
Mina and I got married not because of my love for her, but because of our parents. I know that the sad reality is, she doesn’t love me like I love her. She loves me as a friend. And if her parents had not asked her to marry me, she would had never said yes.
It’s a month after our marriage and Mina’s been getting along with the guys extremely well. Today we’re at Mark’s house for a Saturday movie night and Mina seems extremely happy. She’s almost jumping with excitement as Mark opens the door to invite us in.
“You’re here!” He says and lets us in. I wave my hand slightly and enter with Mina. We head towards the living room and find Jackson sitting there on the couch eating something. 
“You’re already here?” I ask but before Jackson can say anything, Mark says, “He practically lives with me. He never leaves.” as he glares at Jackson who only sticks his tongue out like a child. Mina giggles before seating herself down next to Jackson.
“I do not. And hey you’re here.” Jackson finishes stuffing the fish taco inside his mouth and grins at Mina. I follow Mark inside the kitchen. He’s taking out popcorn packets from the cupboards when he notices me.
“I’m glad Mina’s getting along with everyone.” I nod my head in agreement and add, “Especially you.” Mark’s smile falls away for a second. 
“I guess … ” He looks away and turns to the microwave. “Jackson call the others already!” He shouts over his shoulder and Jackson yells back from the living room an okay.
I am leaving the kitchen when Mina enters, all smiles. She brushes past me and goes to Mark. 
“Can I help you with something?” She asks with a cheery tone and Mark raises his head to look at me. He looks at me like he’s asking for permission. I don’t understand. I swallow hard but say nothing and leave.
I squeeze myself between Jae Bum and Jackson after everyone arrives and settles in the living room. The lights are out and I’m assuming thats because we’re watching a horror movie. I’m not to happy about the fact because I know Mina doesn’t enjoy horror movies. I glance at her, seated next to Mark on the carpeted ground with Bambam on the other side. She’s smiling heavenly and hasn’t even noticed the dark. They’re chatting about something in hushed voices. I scowl but stop the negative thoughts forming inside my head. She just clicks well with Mark and there’s nothing wrong with that.
I sit restlessly throughout the first half of the movie. I am being so annoying that even Jackson has to ask me to stop moving. I am restless because I know a jump scare is about to come. I’m sure of it. And I’m uneasy because I am aware of the fact that Mina will react to it. I want to be the one sitting next to her. I want to be the one she jumps into when she gets scared but I don’t say anything. My lips are pressed into a hard line and I say nothing. There’s this feeling inside me that is so sure that Mina will reject my offer to sit next to her. She’ll say its fine when its not. But I keep quiet. 
I sink back into the couch, my eyes glued to Mina. A scream erupts from her side and I find Bambam shouting, almost standing up with fear when a figure appears on the screen. My eyes go back Mina and she is still. Maybe she didn’t get scared, I think in relief.
Maybe I’m being weird. I focus my attention back to the movie which has almost reached its climax. The main lead is slowly walking towards the spooky room at the end of the hallway. She places her hand on the door knob and twists it open, another dismembered and horrifying person pops out and Jackson screams directly into my ear. 
Jae Bum groans and smacks Jackson in the back of his head and he winces in pain. I can hear the maknae line stifling their laughter and Mark chuckles loudly. I look at him and he has in arm wrapped protectively around Mina. I clench my jaw. Her head is buried into his shoulder and she’s letting out a muffled cry. I knew she gets scared easily. Mark pats her back.
“Are you okay, noona?” Before I can open my mouth, YoungJae asks her. 
Mina retreats her head and nods her head, “I get scared easily,“ she admits and gets up. 
“Where are you going?” I ask, standing up from my spot. 
“The bathroom,” she replies in a soft tone and I move up to her, grabbing her forearm.  The guys have paused the video briefly to observe us.
“Follow me,” I say before pulling her with me to the bathroom. 
“Are you okay? We can go home if you want to,” I say quickly as soon as I see her exit the bathroom. She grimaces.
“It’s fine.”
“We can go. It’ll be fine. We don’t have to stay.” 
“I said it’s alright, Jinyoung. And I’m sure Mark wouldn’t like us leaving like this in the middle of the movie night. It’s just a movie. I can handle it.” Her tone is almost aggravated and I frown.
“Okay whatever you say.” I shrug and follow after her back to the living room.
“Noona~ Hurry up. Mark hyung didn’t let us continue until you came back,” Yugyeom whines childishly and I notice Mina smiling at Mark.
“Well…I’m back now.”
I am coming downstairs when I notice Mina standing by the front door, all dolled up. My brow raises in curiosity.
“Are you going somewhere, Mina?” I ask in a quiet tone as I make my way towards her, she’s on her phone — texting someone with a  big smile plastered on her face.
“Yes,” she replies distractedly. 
“Shopping with Suzy.” She shrugs, eyes still on the phone. I’m kind of irritated by the fact that she isn’t paying full attention to me but I remind myself not to be too greedy. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? Let me go grab my jacket, we’ll go together—“ I haven’t even completed myself when Mina’s head jerks in my direction, her eyes wide open.
“No,” she says harshly and I flinch, narrowing my eyes at her. This is new. She never spoke to me with such a rude tone so why now? 
“Why not?” I crease my brow. Mina rolls her eyes before speaking up, “You must remember the last time we went shopping.”
I purse my lips, “What about it?” I try to remember and get her hint but nothing special pops up except for…
“The time when some guy was harassing you?”
Mina exhales exasperatedly and her hand is on her forehead now, massaging her temples. “Yes that time, when you embarrassed me.”
“Embarrassed you—? Mina, I was defending you from that guy. What are you trying to say?”
“I know your intentions weren’t bad but look. It was a small incident and I could’ve easily shrugged it off but you had to make it a big deal by punching that guy. I can’t take you with me today in case you try and be a hero again,” She says as if everything was my fault. 
Was I wrong by defending her? Did I commit a sin by trying to save her?
My throat feels dry as I stare at Mina with sadness filled in my eyes. I’m unable to say anything.
“How about you go out with the guys while I go shopping, hm? I don’t want to fight over this, kay? I’m going now. See you later.” She clearly doesn’t see the hurt in my eyes as she cups my face and leans to kiss my nose — I can’t help but feel like she’s treating me like a child.
I stay frozen to the ground as I see her leave, closing the door behind her and saying a small and forced, “Goodbye.”
I am roaming the quiet streets of Seoul in the night, looking for a gift for Mina’s upcoming birthday. I was on a trip to Hawaii and came back today but no one was home. She didn’t pick her phone up. It might be because I came a day earlier and Mina isn’t aware. I tried calling her but the mobile’s turned off. I decided that I should take this time until she gets back home or calls me back to look for her birthday present. So that’s what I am doing right now as I enter into a toy shop. 
I remember Mina loving all things childish so I plan on buying her a big teddy bear or something similar. I walk down one of the aisles filled with different kinds of stuffed toys. My eyes stop at a doll with big blue eyes and rosy lips. She has curly brown hair and I smile to myself because she reminds me of Mina. She used to have a doll like this, taking it everywhere with her.
I reach out to pick it up. 
“Aren’t you too old for this?” I hear someone say from behind so I turn around and find myself looking into a pair of dark chocolate eyes. My brow shots up and I squint my eyes at the name tag she is wearing. 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to say that too your customers.” I hear her snort.
I give her a pointed look before placing it back. “I’m looking for a big white bear for my wife.” I grin at her and she brings her hand to her chin, tapping it.
“I swear I’ve seen it here around somewhere.” Is she being serious or is just kidding me? Does my face say it so clearly that I need cheering up. If that’s so, then why hasn’t anybody else noticed.
“Follow me,” She says with a sigh and we walk towards the last aisle and I find the perfect bear I’ve been looking for.
“I’ll buy this, Ms. HyoSung.” 
Mina and I almost reach home at the same time, she’s getting out of someone’s car when I turn around the corner. I recognise the car as Mark’s. I immediately frown. Was she with him?
She gets out and then walks over to his side, Mark rolls the windows down and I can see him smiling at her. My grip on the teddy bear tightens and my heart aches as Mina leans down to kiss Mark’s nose. I stand there frozen as Mina walks back to the front door of our house and Mark’s car drives past me, he doesn’t even notice me. 
I suddenly feel how cold the air is. I shiver and there’s a stinging pain in my chest. My hands clutches the coat I’m wearing and I feel I can’t breathe. It’s like the air has been knocked out of my lungs, it has left me empty.
“I saw you with Mark … yesterday …,” I manage to choke out over breakfast. I can’t even look straight into her eyes. It hurts. Everything hurts. It’s like I’m drowning. But like always, she’s unable to see my pain.
I know I’m the one at fault. Because I should’ve expected this. Heck, I did. But it still hurts. My breathing is shallow.
Upon hearing me, the glass from Mina’s hands slips and it falls on the floor, shattering into a million pieces just like my heart. She turns around slowly, her expression is mortified. I don’t want her to feel that way.
“I- Jinyoung! I—“ I swallow and stand up. Her eyes are wide and I know she’s scared. 
“It’s okay, Mina,” I breathe out. Mina rushes towards me, circling her arms around me from behind. 
“No no no…! It’s not like that Jinyoung! I swear there’s nothing between us!” There’s a pang in my heart as Mina starts sobbing. 
I turn around, also wrapping my arms around her small shaking frame. 
“I’m sorry Jinyoung! So sorry! I swear you’re the only one for me!” She buries her head in my chest, crying loudly. 
My hands move under her chin and I lift her face up, trying to shush her. “I know I’m not.” I cast my gaze onto the ground, where the glass shreds are. I glanced back up at Mina whose eyes are red and swollen now. She’s looking up at with a pained expression.
What she did, does and will do doesn’t matter to me, I am willing to forgive anything. It doesn’t hurt, what hurts is the lie.
“Mina … don’t lie to me and please … don’t lie to yourself.”
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Amy Writes [1]
Okay, so maybe wandering throughout the Forbidden Forest while daydreaming was not the brightest idea ever, Sam thought. They looked at the ceiling of the Room of Requirement, their left hand clenched around their Ravenclaw scarf while James, their Slytherin friend, assessed the damage done to their right cheek and arm. “You amaze me and worry me at the same time,” he spoke finally, chewing on his lip as usual when helping out a friend with an injury. “Glad to know I’m not a total disappointment,” Sam joked, giving James a shit-eating grin. James rolled his eyes in response. “I’m going to get supplies, Ellie and Quinn should arrive soon. I sent them an owl the second I found your note,” he opened a door to the left of Sam and entered, the sound of him rummaging through cabinets reaching Sam’s ears.
“But they’ll never let this go!” they yelled making James chuckle from the other room. Sam watched James through the door, frowning at the news of their other friends knowing about their late-night “walk”. Sam slouched back into their seat, breathing in deeply when the air stung the scratches all along their arm and cheek.
Bored as soon as James left the room, Sam’s eyes wandered around the room, observing the shape it had taken this time. It was similar to all the other times one of their friends got hurt and they didn’t want to be taken to Hogwarts’ nurse. There was the infirmary bed in the middle, which Sam was sitting on currently, with a small bedside table sitting next to it and the door to Sam’s left that led to the medical supplies closet. The room was cozy and small, about the size of a dormitory and the walls, ceiling, and floor were made of wood. However, Sam noticed a small difference in the room. There was a tree in the corner, which wouldn’t have warranted a second glance, had Sam not recognized it to be a Larch tree, or in other words, a wand-wood tree. Sam’s eyes widened and they glanced at their bag sitting on the table next to them. But just as they were about to look inside, the sound of shifting walls alerted them to the presence of the people about to enter the Room of Requirement. Sam frantically pushed their bag away from them instead, snapping their hands back to their lap in an attempt to look natural and less like a kid who got caught stealing candy.
“Walking around the Forbidden Forest at night because you couldn’t sleep?” Ellie, Sam’s crush and resident Hufflepuff prankster, announced her presence, throwing her arms up and raising an eyebrow. “I mean, it is adorable but still, maybe you should have told one of us before you left?” She shakes her head with a slightly exasperated sigh. “And no, leaving a note for James does not count,” she continued when they opened their mouth to argue. “Honestly, why aren’t you in Gryffindor, that’s exactly what one of them would’ve done!” Ellie exclaimed, while behind her entered Quinn, the Gryffindor of the group and also James’s sister. She replied to Ellie’s comment, “Ravenclaw can keep them, we don’t want them.” She smiled at Sam who jokingly glared at her, sitting up with a flinch when James stepped back into the room holding medical supplies. “Forget Slytherins being the rude ones, I think Gryffindor just took the cake,” Sam grinned at Quinn who crossed her arms with a shake of her head.
James crouched next to Sam with a bucket of water and set down the sponge and bandages he had grabbed. “Sometimes I question my friendship with you all,” James frowned, eyes searching over their face with what would appear to be a blank look had Sam not known the boy since they were 1st years; he was clearly worried about Sam. “But still, that was careless of you, Sam. Is everything alright?” James spoke quietly, as he dipped the sponge into the water.
Sam smiled fondly at James and nodded. “James, I know it might be hard for you to have to stare so closely at my pretty face, but do try to help. How else am I supposed to ask someone to the Yule Ball? By having a nice personality?” Sam lightened the mood with a joke while the other three roll their eyes in unison. “Maybe if you had thought about not going into the Forbidden Forest, I wouldn’t have to stare at your stupid face,” James retorted, squinting his eyes as he inspected the wound.
“I get it, lesson learned,” Sam eyed the bucket with a sly grin. “James have you forgotten that there is magic for things like this? I mean, not that I don’t love your muggleborn ways, but magic would make it easier,” They grimaced slightly as James cleaned their wounds with the water and sponge. “Please just shut up, your note scared the crap out of me,” James looked down as he rubbed the sponge on Sam’s cuts, but Sam was certain his face appeared slightly darker than before. No doubt he still hadn’t learned the spells for this sort of thing yet, but Sam wouldn’t tease him on it. No, they were much more preoccupied with observing their bag, which had just shook as though something was inside it, and determining whether or not their bag was going to move again.
Ellie and Quinn had been quietly conversing from where they stood, but when Ellie noticed Sam’s eyes glance over at their bag-which they had taken into the forest with them for God knows why-she elbowed Quinn and they both observed it for a minute. Just as they were about to determine that it had been nothing, it moved, the bag getting dangerously close to the edge of the table it had been set upon. The two girls shared a look, both obviously suspicious, and Quinn stepped forward, grabbing the bag, holding it open for Ellie to look into.
“What are you two doing?” By now, James had noticed what was happening, and finished wrapping the bandages around Sam��s arm. Quinn kept the bag open, giving Sam a disapproving look. “Sam, you never did tell us how you hurt yourself. Mind explaining?” She questioned. Sam gulped. “I didn’t mean to put it in my bag, but I wasn’t sure what to do! It freaked me out when it attacked me so I flung my arm and hit it and it hit a rock and I wasn’t sure if it was even still alive. I thought, if it was, then I should bring it in to help its injuries!”
“What attacked you?” James asked, directing his attention away from the bag for a second. “This little guy did,” Ellie reached into Sam’s bag and gently pulled out a small brown Bowtruckle, about the size of her palm, and set it on the table. James and Quinn’s eyes widened at it and they quickly crowded around the table. “Is it awake?” Sam asked, sitting up in their seat with groan.
“I think so.” “Oh thank Merlin it’s awake.” “Seriously? A Bowtruckle?” “You’re saying this attacked you?”
Sam nodded at Quinn, who had stepped back to question them. Ellie and James looked at Sam as well. “I was walking by this tree stump when I decided that it would be a good place to rest since I didn’t want to walk too far into the forest. But when I was about to sit down I got jumped on by the little guy on the table and it started clawing me. I freaked out and flung it into the rock it jumped off of. It stopped moving and I didn’t know if it was dead or not but I figured I should try to help it if it was still alive.”
Sam finished their story and the trio exchanged glances. “Well seems like it’s alive so we should help it out,” Ellie announced, turning back to the small creature. “We’re going to help the wild Bowtruckle who attacked Sam? Aren’t we always told that, when we find a wild animal we should not take it in, even if you injure it?” James looked skeptical, raising an eyebrow at Ellie. “Well Sam hurt it and it’s already in here, so why not? Not to mention it is dark outside, so unless you want to get in trouble for being in the Forbidden Forest at night, we can’t bring it back home,” Ellie crossed her arms triumphantly and picked up the Bowtruckle, while an exasperated James throwing his hands up in defeat.
“This doesn’t add up though,” Quinn spoke up, her eyes focusing on something that wasn’t there. “Why would the little guy attack you if you weren’t attacking it’s tree?”
The quartet shared a look before all turning to observe the Bowtruckle. “Help it first, question everything we know about Bowtruckles later,” James declared and with that, the conversation was closed. James ushered Ellie away from the table, and got to work. Quinn zoned out completely while this happened, and Sam decided to go to sleep. It would take a little while for James to figure out how to deal with the small creature, so it’s not like they would need to stay awake. Their eyes were already closing and with a final sigh, they fell asleep.
Author’s Note
fun fact, my wand is made of larch, so i used that as the wand-wood tree
hello! finally finished the first writing for this blog. super sorry its so oc heavy, i really love them and i wanted to introduce them a little (i didn't do to well but oh well) but never fear! part 2 will come out eventually! um this isn't beta read so if u notice anything i welcome criticism and stuff :D anyway hope you all enjoyed this and feel free to give me suggestions for the bowtruckle’s name (or like, just talk to me/cam, thats chill too) (also my blog is @gvzingstvr if anyone is interested)
(ps sam is agender, if something i write about them is weird or offensive pls pls point it out to me and help me fix it, i want everyone to enjoy this)
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skepsys · 5 years
Hi, nice ask headline! Aand even finer gallery might I add. My favourite is your oc assassin pair Saint and Maverick, you have really picked my interest with them. I'm pretty curious about their history (their origins, how they met, their dynamics, relationship). If you have a detailed story about them and you are willing to share, would you treat us with it? :)
thank you i had to make my askbox title that when i said an anime character was transgender and some people went rabid and dumped radioactive waste into my inbox for like 3 days straight for some reason 
im gonna link THIS ASK i answered a while ago cause tbh its still pretty accurate despite being 2 months old!! shocking since i have a chronic habit of retconing and rewriting stuff ALLL the damn time
THEIR INDIVIDUAL ORIGINS IS SOMETHING I HAVENT TALKED ABT THO I JUST REALIZED.....! besides vague stuff on toyhouse, preemptive readmore because i can and will go off the shits when asked abt my ocs
SAINT was originally part of a project called Titan which had the goal of creating EXTREMELY high-efficiency, cutting edge combat AI.  Titan was built out of the failure of a different project called Attica which was supposed to be an advanced learning medical AI to be installed in poorer and more dangerous districts across Novus (the city-world the story takes place on).  Attica went under from lack of funding and it was found by the project’s overseers that a combat AI would be more profitable, so.  yeah, Titan.  
over the course of a year after gaining proper consciousness, SAINT observed and learned a lot from his creators, even more than they really though he was.  ultimately, he decided that he didn’t want to be a tool, nor did he want to be mass-produced; it didnt help that he also learned, through his snooping, that he himself was probably gonna be disassembled/deleted once Titan was properly market-ready, since he was deemed to be a little TOO smart and observant.  the copies made to be sold would be dumbed down a bit, and hed just be done away with.  
SOOOO he goes rogue, kills everyone working on the project, destroys all the copies of Titan that he can find, pretty much everything else relating that he can find in the facility where he was created just so that theres NO chance of any pieces of Titan being recovered. he then steals a protoype body from a neighboring project, called a Black-Sabre, and escapes out into the world.  takes up the name SAINT, modifies his new body extensively to try and avoid any possibility of being recognized, eventually picks up the assassin thing bc...well, despite everything he IS still a combat AI and its what he know how to do.  
and Maverick..... oo boy . growing up hes a pretty normal kid, pretty rowdy, but yknow, thats normal.  he’s got his older sister, Jamie, and two parents who are scientists, his father being into hydroponics and biology, and his mother being a mechanical engineer.  stuff is good.  UNTILLLL his parents “disappear” and their research is “misplaced”.  Maverick and Jamie are left with pretty much nothing in the wake of everything bc somehow, everyone they go to to try and get any help or justice or ANYTHING shuts them out.  
theyre forced to stick it out with what little they can scrounge up on their own.  when hes about 16-17, however, Maverick has decided hes had ENOUGH; he wants answers, he wants revenge, he wants reparations, everything.  though its tough at first bc hes just some punk who doesnt know exactly what hes doing, hes still extremely smart and he gets an in with lots of different, less than savory groups and people, all for the sake of finding answers.  he knows at this point he cant go through official channels or rely on proper authorities to help him, so he does what he has to.
this leads him to two paths: augmenting his mind and body to perform all these things hes doing that much better, and becoming an assassin.  turns out hes pretty good at it even without augments, with a natural talent for stealth and subterfuge, and the more heavily augmented he becomes, he just gets better and better.  
it takes a few very frustrating years before he starts to get any proper leads, but once he does, he sticks to it like nothing else, and by the current point of the story, he’s already finished up and got his ‘revenge’.  he learns that his parents arent just ‘disappeared’ but they were killed, which he already knew in a way but finding it out for sure it.  oof.  he learns it was so hard to even GET here bc the people responsible has a lot of money to throw around to block any official investigations and destroy any evidence.  everyone responsible is dead now tho so he takes like...a modicum of solace in that, but mostly he just bottles it up tightly and throws it to the back of his skull (uh oh, classic smarmy confident dickhead act covering up the trauma and how terrified he is of losing ppl he cares about AGAIN....almost like thats also why hell so gladly almost get himself killed just to help ppl he likes)
Maverick keeps on with the assassin thing after the fact just cuz hes good at it and hes long since learned that sometimes you gotta take things into your own hands, and some people are better off ham-stringed if not dead before they can bring harm to all sorts of innocents
i detailed how they met in that ask i linked but also worth mentioning it think is that a lot of the story honestly is about how SAINT is acclimating to being a person.  its not exactly a “robot identity crisis” type thing but like, he took his freedom, his sentience into his own hands and he doesnt know what exactly to do with it.  its a lot of his grappling with “life is meaningless, i was created for no purpose other than to destroy, why did i even do this?”.  eventually he learns that YEA life is meaningless but that just means its yours to do what you want with.  you can do what you want, for better or worse, which is very scary! with no outlines or instructions theres a very wide margin for mistakes, but thats just what makes succeeding that much more fulfilling; even more so if you open yourself up to people that you care about and who care about you.  
in a way SAINT kind of starts to look up to Maverick because he’s just living his life and doing what he wants, no holds barred, unapologetically.  he follows his own code of morals and justice and doesnt let what other people tell him what he should or shouldnt be bother him.  this sort of admiration? i guess? just gets turned up to 11 when Maverick nearly kills himself trying to save him.  he believed so strongly that despite, quote, “being a pain in the ass,” SAINT didn’t deserve to be dissected and tortured, that he put his own life on the line to get him free, even though to that point theyd done little more than insult and try to kill each other... needless to say SAINT is vry confused for a vry long time lmao
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Crypto for beginners
Hello guys, pls read crypto tips for beginners
I have started my crypto journey in Jan 2018. Have learnt lot of things by losing money :P .
Total i bought 0.114 btc for around 1500 USD.
Now after experimenting and losing iam having 0.4 btc.
Lost btc because of trading, because of experimenting pump and dumps and joining trading groups
What i learnt
Lesson 1: Invest what you can afford to lose
Read about topics fomo and fud on internet
I have invested during fomo and when btc was all time high. So lesson learnt
Lesson2: invest when markets are low not high
Recently when btc fell to 6k usd the rich bought more btc and beginners like you and me sold in fear. Research more about this on internet.
Later alts lost very badly and my portfolio value decreased.
Lesson: Dont see profits in terms of usd see in terms of btc.
Suppose today ur btc is 0.01 and usd = 100usd and tomorrow if btc is 0.012 but usd = 90 usd then you are at profit
Reserch about short term trading on crypto exchanges on internet to get more clarity.
Research about whales in cryptos and how they manipulate the prices. Always small fish like us lose.
Also research about pumps and dumps
I made my 0.02 to 0.004 in few seconds. In greed of making more money i lost more by joining free pump and dump. Research on how pump and dump works and how free members lose .
Also reserch about bots that do automatic trading during pumps.
If we want to win in pumps whe should be fast, better use bots. Now pump and dump time has been coming to an end but as long as new innocent users join it will continue. Now a days pump name is replaced by short term HODL but the process is same.
Lesson : nothing comes free. If we want to win in trading we have to spend of technical and fundamental anlysis, bots groups etc.
Then i started spending money and joined such groups. Some of them just looted my money and are fake and luckily i was able to find some genuine groups. Ziam yet to find whales group for that we need lot of money and experimentation.
One more lesson: Never sell in panic and make sure you move out and not get struck. I was struck in tron and still waiting for it to recover. If had cut my loss and invested that money in day trading i could have earned more.
My opinion: Benefit maximum before pump season is over. And before govts start crypto regulation. Ico bubble will last till 1.5 yr and crypto bubble will continue for 2 yrs. Before that we have to get maximum and get out of this.
Research about icos and how they give 100X 500X returns. But this year we have to be careful as there are and will be lots of scams and finding correect ico will be difficult. Now a days genuine ico are fulfilling in private sale before they are open for public. So small fish cant invest in this. We can get in only if we have min amount of btc. Research on this as well i.e private vs public sale of icos.
One more point when alts are bleeding and your portfolio is decreasing you get lot of stress anxiety and unable to sleep etc. even in dreams you see your cryptos falling. So proper approach is must. Dont go for free advices like i did and lose your money. Free sucks your money. Nothing is free.
Once agin i repeat Crypto bubble and ICO bubble will last only for 1-3 years . Try to get maximum before the bubble finishes. Bubble means 10x 20x 100x returns.
Research about what happened during dotcom bubble.
If you see past years, Every year same story is repeating, remember now during this bearish market right have bought more Bitcoins. While small fish like us sold. We mostly get driven by fomo. Research on this.
Do your own research is correct but opposite is also true. No need to listen to someone who says invest in things which you understand. But you need not understand digestion liver intestine etc to get your food digested. I have made this mistake and missed the opportunity to buy btc at 1000usd now it is 10000usd and peak was around 20k usd. I think everyone who is reading this uses internet but dont know about tcp ip protocol. So our target is to get max profits are new users are growing exponentially and come out of this with in an year.
Thats all bro. End of tips. If you want to invest in this season read below.  I suggest you to take a break and read below only after every concepts mentioned above are clear to you.
Finally i have found some genuine group where there is scope of 3to 5X during bull run and 1.5x during bear run in a span of month. Remember our traget is to increase btc worth so during bull run we will invest in better running alts and during bear run what we do is something like sell all our btc for usd at 20000 and rebuy at 10000 so that our btc value doubles during such bear run. That group uses bots and gives good technical analysis. I will join another group also where we get information and all analysis of best icos that gives around 5 to 500X returns. My experience these icos when they get lsited on exchanges go 10X very short term because  of fomo. You can reserch by seeing what happend to certain coin when it got listed on exchange. See the charts on coinmarketcap. End of this year im expecting btc to reach 50k usd to 100k usd. And till sep the whole crypto market cap becomes 3x and by the time we ill come out of our ico. Just like every year markets shoot moon from nov dec. that is when we make max profits and rebuy when market dips. At that time im expecting icos give 500X returns like. Till that time getting 5X 20x is great.
My opinion is lets say we invested 1 usd in 10 icos, even if 9 fail and we get 1 100x return the over all return is s90x. So ill take such risk diversifications during bullish markets.
Now although i have lost half of my btc i have gained immense knowledge which will help us grow exponentially.
Small fish always die. Only big whales survive markets. So what im doing is combine 10-2- investors so that we become huge whale. My max capacity is over. I cant invest more. Remeber lesson 1 . dont invest what you cant afford to lose.
If we 20 ppl join we can start with good capital so that we can start our own pumps or invest in icos which have min cap.
Why work with me? I have better capability than you to know what is scam and which group is genuine not fake etc.i have lost some amount in joining fake group.
Why 100x returns is better because even if you lose remaining 9 1 success will give 90x
Half I'll invest in ICO and half in trading. Remember ICO are now getting finsihed before public sale.
ICO immediately after getting listed in exchange going 3x 4x in very short term.
Am I beat or bull. Im opportunist both bear and bull.
I repeat some things again.
And as ever one day don't believe everyone blindly do your own research. I have made it cake walk for you on what topics to research and how system works. Once research on what topics I mentioned and read this article once again you will get lot of clarity. Remember rule no. 1 oce again, risk is proportional to returns whether it is saving account or fixed deposit or mmutualfund or shares or crypto my strategy is simple . If you put your bet in 10 different and one becomes 100x your bet profit bs 90x.
Why iam going as group not alone? As I can't invest what I can't afford to lose, remember rule no. 1 . I observed a minimum amount is needed for trading as big whales only survive and small fish drown . So let all of us small fish form a whale and survive the market.
If you think you can afford to lose , I suggest you let's trade. And risk to become rich. The more capital you put the more returns you get exponential.
Most of the groups are fake and involve cross promotion. Every person is claiming profits but only few will deliver.
Why partner with me? Because im investor like you looking to earn money not like group admin who is trying to extract loads of money from you.
Now im lazy to type :P
You better have lets say 0.1 btc to start as good investment is needed for good profits. Now iam in the reasech group 1 month membership. In that 0.1btc i will take 0.01 btc for my work i have done and the work i do for you. Its very bad bro you cant sleep properly and you have stress and even in dreams you see crypto markets. And 0.03 btc from all of you ill use to take 1 year membership in that day trading group and ico group. Either you start trading with 0.05 btc as per my instructions or if you want ill manage your portfolio and half for day trading and half ico. So if we can make that 0.05 btc as 5 btc by end of this year thats fucking awesome. As it will be equal to  quarter million to a million usd .
So f you are interested contact me. If we can form a minimum team with a good group we will start.
My btc address: 3JVPhZuXVP5fMkMcAr1u5N84wLNno62FBd
My telegram contact: @rameshcrypto
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ramesh.kandanuru
forgive me for typos and bad english. iam not interested in impressing you by writing skills. the more early we start we have chance to double our final profits. hope you got my point.
and friends dont lose your hard earned money. doubt every one including me. ask me while messaging why should you trust me. dont fall for scams.
Dont go for free advices/ groups . only now i realize that people posting tron goes to moon , ripple become 5 usd , drgn is 100x etc are promoting for their own good. not for you to earn.  It may get you profits sometimes but the paid members are first to eat profits. 
0 notes
rose-fury · 7 years
came across this list and thought it would be interesting to do for my ocs starting with Cel since I consider him my main whatever its called on here
A. Psychology
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera… ○ ISFJ-T
What alignment are they? Chaotic neutral, lawful evil, et cetera… ○ Lawful Good
Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it? ○ The biggest one for Cel is PTSD, I think. I don’t think he’s really pieced together it’s PTSD yet so, as for treating it, no.
Are they a pessimist or an optimist? ○ He’s somewhere in between
Are they good at handling change in their life? ○ Yes and no. It really depends on what the ‘change’ is. But, usually, yes.
Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.” ○ Unless he knows it for a fact, he’ll question it.
Is your OC confident in their reactions to life in general, or do they get embarrassed or easily shamed for it? I.e., if something startles them, do they insist it WAS scary? When they cry, do they feel like they overreacted? ○ Cel is an overly emotional bundle of feelings and he’s aware of this. So he does get embarrassed whenever he gets scared/cries/etc.
Is your OC a martyr? ○ I don’t think so, no.
Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others? ○ Depends on the situation. Relating to the whole “being emotional” question above, he would make excuses if someone were to catch him. But otherwise, he’s pretty straight forward.
Does your OC compromise easily? Too easily? ○ To an extent, yes, though not necessarily “too easily”. He wants everyone to be happy but understands that won’t always be the case.
Does your OC put others’ needs before their own? ○ Without a doubt, yes.
Does your OC have any addictions? If so and problematic, have they admitted it to themselves? ○ Being a blood elf, I feel like this could be pointing to the whole magical addiction thing. I wouldn’t say Cel has been addicted to it but not necessarily avoiding it since I feel like outright avoiding it is impossible for belfs ? idk I have a hc where, since his powers all deal with the Light/Darkness part of lore, there was almost no reason to go down the path of arcane addiction like so many others had, save for recreational reasons. Hopefully that made sense lmao
Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from? ○ Scourge. Both because of the history scourge and blood elves have and especially death knights terrify him, save for the exception of Yasil.
Is your character empathetic? ○ Yes
Is your character observant? ○ Mostly, yes.
Does your OC have to go through their own trials to learn a lesson, or do they listen and learn from observation and lecture? I.e., does your OC listen when someone tries to tell them the importance of budgeting, or do they have to go experience what happens if you don’t budget first? ○ Yes but I feel like that goes with everyone, though.
What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves? ○ finally finishing his priestly studies was pretty nice. and being recognized as a fully fledged priest, essentially.
Do they get jealous easily? Do they feel bad if they do? ○ Not necessarily, no.
What instantly irritates them or puts them in a bad mood? ○ That’s actually really tough to do. Liars tend to set him off, though. Especially obvious liars.
Are they harsh on themselves? ○ Depending on the situation, yes.
Do they make excuses often? ○ see question 9
Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why? ○ I didn’t really intend for him to be overly attractive or not when i first made him. However, I do see him falling more under the average spectrum.
Does your OC place much importance on their appearance? Do they feel confident in it? ○ Sort of. He does make an effort to properly take care of himself and while he mostly is confident in his appearance, there’s still moments where he can be a bit self conscious.
What are some of your OC’s biggest personal obstacles? This could be emotional, physical, social… Are they aware of it? Are they trying to overcome it? ○ other than the previously mentioned PTSD, his social anxiety plays a big role sometimes. He’s trying to get that under control but so far, there’s not much progress on that front.
B. Social
Do they believe you have to give respect to get it, or get respect to give it? ○ He treats everyone with respect at first. Its just up to their actions whether it stays or not.
Do they get frustrated when lines at places like pharmacies, check-outs, delis, banks, et cetera, are moving slowly? ○ I can’t think of a scenario in Warcraft where there would be a line lmao but, metaphorically, I think he’d just suck it up and deal with it.
Under what situations would they get angry at servers, staff, customer service, et cetera? ○ The only situation he’d get shitty like that is if they were rude.
Do they tip well? How easily can they be moved to not leave a tip? ○ He would leave what he could, yes. As for not leaving a tip, it’d be the same reason above.
Do they hold doors open for people? ○ Yes
Would your OC let someone ahead of them in line if your OC had a big cart and the person behind them had very few items? ○ Yes
How do they respond to babies crying in public? ○ They don’t really bug him, much.
Is your OC considered funny? Do they believe they’re funny? ○ He makes jokes rarely but when he does they’re usually clever puns that you gotta think about for a minute to appreciate them.
What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM… ○ other than being the occasional punny type, his humor is pretty basic
Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t? ○ No, he doesn’t see any kind of humor in that kind.
Your OC is running late to meeting someone: Do they let the other person know? Do they lie about why they’re late? ○ He would be honest with them.
Your OC orders something to eat and gets their order done in a pretty wrong way, something they can’t just pick off or whatnot to correct, or something major is missing. What do they do? ○ He would politely ask them to fix it and if it happens a second time, he just deals with it quietly to himself.
Do they have a large or small group of friends? ○ It’s a rather small group, mostly consisting of Yasil, Nezza, and Mo’hir as his closest friends. He gets along with a lot of people but doesn’t necessarily consider someone a “friend” easily.
Do they have people they are genuinely honest with about themselves? ○ Nezza.
Does your OC enjoy social events, such as parties, clubs, et cetera..? ○ Absolutely not. Sometimes Nezza drags him to some social event but otherwise he’d rather stay home or do literally anything else.
Does your OC like to be the center of attention or more in the mix? ○ He likes to be in the back, away from the center of attention.
C. Morality
Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it? ○ ah this is actually a bit of a tough one. Cel, being the overly good protagonist type, sees things with rationality and what makes the most sense based on who or what the situation is.
Would your OC feel bad if they acted against their morals? If not, would they find a way to excuse themselves for it? ○ Yes. Cel would feel guilty or like he’s lying to himself if he were to go against his morals.
Is it important for them to be with people (socially, intimately, whatever) whose major ideological tenets align with their own? ○ I don’t think it matters much to Cel so long as they’re not warmongering assholes.
Do they consider themselves superior or more important than anyone else? Lesser? ○ As ironic as it could be with the whole hierarchy that consists in Warcraft, he seems himself as equal to anybody else. He recognizes rankings play a huge role in beliefs all across azeroth and whos “lesser” or “greater” in that sense and frankly doesn’t much care for it.
Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational? ○ No. He takes his morals very seriously regardless of the situation.
What do they do when they see someone asking for money or food? If they ignore them, why? If they help, how so? ○ Cel would help in any way he could, either by giving them enough gold to buy a meal or giving them food directly.
Do they believe people change over time? If so, is it a natural process or does it take effort? ○ To an extent, yes. So long as there’s an obvious effort of wanting to change. Though whether thats for the best or not depends on the person themself.
Is your OC more practical or ideal morally? I.e., do they hold people to high expectations of behavior even if it’s not realistic for the situation, or do they have a more realistic approach and adapt their morality to be more practical? ○ He leans towards being more realistic and practical.
D. Religion and Life and Death
How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general? ○ He takes his devotion to the Light very seriously, despite everything that’s happened.
Do they believe in an afterlife? ○ Yes.
How comfortable are they with the idea of death? ○ It makes him very uncomfortable.
Would they like to be immortal? Why, why not? If they are immortal, would they rather not be? ○ No. He wouldn’t be able to deal with seeing everyone (and, by extent, everything) he’s ever loved age and die without him.
Do they believe in ghosts? If not, why? If so, do they think they’re magical/tie into their religion, or are they scientifically plausible? ○ Ghosts essentially exist in the Warcraft universe so it’d be pretty odd for him to not believe in them, I think.
E. Education and Intelligence
Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree? ○ He is, yes, because of his critical and quick thinking abilities. And he’s full of useless knowledge so that’s pretty cool too. Personally, Cel sees himself as average.
Which of the nine types of intelligence is your OC strongest in? Weakest? (Linguistic, existential, naturalist, et cetera) ○ Strongest in linguistic, weakest in Interpersonal
How many languages do they speak? ○ Not counting Thalassian, he’s fluent in both Orcish and common and is currently learning Zandali.
Did they enjoy school if they went to it? ○ Yes
What’s their highest education level? Do they want to continue their education? ○ Seeing as how he did, eventually, become a fully fledged priest, he has completed his studies leading up to it. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t more to learn.
Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education? ○ Yes and yes.
Are they a good note-taker? Are they a good test-taker? Do exams make them nervous? ○ Yes to all of those as well.
F. Domestic Habits, Work, and Hobbies
What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there? ○ He currently lives with Nezza in a little corner of Orgrimmar, as its where Nezza was born and raised and is most comfortable. They actually haven’t been living together for long but so far they’ve loved every minute of it.
What’s their ideal home look like? Where is it? ○ His ideal home is anywhere where Nezza is. So, continuing the previous answer, he’s achieved his dream home.
Could they ever live in a “tiny home”? ○ I wouldn’t say their current home is particularly huge or small, just enough for a 5′5″ blood elf and an 8ft troll to live comfortably. That being said, I don’t think they could do a tiny house, no.
How clean are they overall with home upkeep? ○ Cel is a clean freak so everything has to be spotless. Well, as spotless as one could get their home with an easily excitable druid under the roof.
How handy are they? Can they fix appliances, cars, cabinets, et cetera? ○ he could do basic repairs if needed but anything else is left to Nezza.
How much do they work? What do they do? Do they enjoy it? ○ despite living in orgrimmar, his ‘job’ is with the Netherlight Temple, assisting with operations dealing with the Legion as best he can.
What’s their “dream career” or job situation? ○ His dream, ever since he was little, was to be some great healer. Being forced to be a shadow priest kind of put a damper on that, though.
How often are they home? ○ He usually returns from the temple in the mid afternoon and occasionally, on the rare chance the tempe doesnt need help, he’ll take a day off.
Are they homebodies and enjoy being home? ○Yes
Do they engage in any of the arts? How good do you intend them to be? Would they agree they are? ○ Not really, no. He does admire those who are, though.
What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most? ○ His recreational activities are pretty basic. He tries to spend as much time as he can with Nezza and that usually consists of a really cheesy date somewhere.
Would they enjoy a theme park? ○ The Darkmoon faire is essentially a theme park, right? He enjoys that, yes.
G. Family and Growing Up
Is your OC close to their family? ○ To some members, yes. Mostly to his brother and mother.
Who makes up your OC’s family, at least the more important members to them? ○ His mother and brother are the ones that have had the most impact in his lives. His mothers name is Galidia and his brothers name is Thalaron. His father wasn’t really in the picture much growing up before he died, grandparents long since dead, and he never met cousins/etc.
Does your OC find their family supportive? If not, what would be an example why not? ○ Yes and no, sort of. His family affiliates heavily with the Blood Knights so everyone, including his parents, expected him to become a paladin and follow this seemingly family tradition. When he first announced he wanted to be a priest, his family was disapproving at first. However, once they realized there was no changing Cel’s mind they kind of gave up and let him do as he wanted. Galidia still wishes her son would change his mind and become a Blood Knight but Thalaron seems to be the most understanding and supportive in his brothers choices.
What kind of childhood did your OC have? ○ He had a very strict and very controlling childhood. Galidia sheltered her sons more than whats healthy, which could tie into Cel’s lacking of social skills.
Did they go through any typical phases growing up? ○ Not really, no. Thalaron went though that rebellious phase and tried to drag Cel into it to but he couldn’t bring himself to rebel against his mother, not until he wanted to be a priest anyways.
Do they have any favorite childhood memories? ○ There was once where Thalaron and Celendis snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to meet some childhood friends. They ended up getting lost in the woods and didn’t manage to find their ways back home until the next afternoon. To say all the parents’ involved were worried is an understatement. Galidia was furious but it was still a lot of fun to them.
Do they have any childhood memories they’d rather forget or be less affected by? ○ On more than one occassion, Galidia was known to get physically abusive with her kids. I think both Cel and Thalaron could forget those days.
H. Romance and Intimacy
What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation? ○ Cel has known his sexuality ever since he first learned what sexual attraction was. He’s never been attracted to women and, initially, didn’t know how to react about discovering he was gay. He’s pretty reluctant to tell others his sexuality, especially given the stigma with gay people in his culture, because of it as well. 
Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover? ○ He is, yes. He’s always taking into account Nezza’s actions and thoughts and does whatever he can to make his boyfriend happy.
Does your OC believe there’s only one ideal partner (or multiple ideal if not monogamous) for everyone, or that there are many people who could be right? ○ He’s never really thought about it like that much. Other peoples relationships are their own business, so long as they’re happy.
Does your OC believe in love in first sight? ○ Not really no. He’d rather get to know someone first.
Does your OC believe in marriage (or their culture’s equivalent)? ○ Yes.
Has your OC ever cheated on anyone or been cheated on? ○ He’s never cheated, no. And, yes, he has been cheated on. Not by Nezza but by his first boyfriend.
What do they look for in partners? (Emotionally, mentally, physically..) ○ Someone that loves him unconditionally, basically. Who loves him despite his flaws and learns and grows with him.
What’s your OC’s idea of a perfect date? ○ As far as dates go, he’s not really picky. His previous relationships were pretty lackluster as far as dates go so he doesn’t really have many expectations with them. That being said, Nezza always going all out with every date they go on always means its gonna be amazing and special in some way, shape, or form.
What are some things that your OC finds to be an instant turn-off in potential partners? ○ Brutishness, usually. He loves a partner with a soft side.
I. Food
What are their favorite kinds of flavors– Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, creamy, et cetera? ○ Surprisingly, maybe, he loves spicy foods. He also has a lowkey sweet tooth.
Do they have any eating requirements or preferences? Allergies, vegetarian, organic-only, religious restrictions… ○ Not really, no.
Are they vegan/vegetarian (if their overall culture/species generally aren’t)? If so, why? Do they think animal products are wrong in all circumstances? ○ No. Nezza is actually a vegetarian so he finds himself eating veggies more than anything. But otherwise, he’s not.
How often do they cook? Do they order out a lot? ○ He always makes a home cooked meal every night. He prefers it over anything. Though, occasionally, they will go out somewhere to eat.
Are they a good cook? ○ Yes, Galidia taught both of her sons how to cook extremely well so they wouldn’t have to rely on other people.
Could they eat the same thing they enjoy over and over and not get bored of it quickly? ○ Yes, absolutely. He could live on Firecracker Salmon if he were able to.
J. Politics, Current Events, Environmental Aspects
Where does your OC stand most politically? What would they align with most? ○ While he thinks the constant battling between alliance and horde is pointless and they should try to find some semblance of peace, he will always proudly stand behind the Horde.
How politically aware are they? ○ Cel tries to keep as up to date with recent happenings as much as possible.
How politically active are they? ○ Not much, only when it’s needed.
Is your OC the sort to fall for fake news? If not, do they ignore it or make a point to clarify that it’s wrong? ○ He’s always critical of new news until more facts are presented to back it up.
Are they or would they protest for a cause they’re passionate about? ○ Yes, if needed.
How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs? ○ Doesn’t bug him much.
K. For the Writer/Owner
How have your characters changed since you created them? ○ Cel’s only existed for I believe about a month since posting this? So he hasn’t changed much since then so far.
What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any? soft crybaby, is that a theme? it is now
Did you create the character to be like yourself, did they end up being like yourself, or are they very different from you? ○ I didn’t intend for him to be but it seems we’re both giant emotional balls of feelings. That’s purely coincidental, I swear.
Would you hang out with your OC if you could? ○ Absolutely, yes.
Which OC do you think is the most decent morally or behaviorally?  AKA, which is supposed to a “good guy”? ○ Cel is, out of all the ones on this blog right now.
Which OC do you think is the worst morally or behaviorally? AKA, which is supposed to be a “bad guy”? ○ It’s hard to say, really, since they’re all meant to be protagonists in their own ways. But, moral wise, I’d probably say Yasil would be the ‘bad guy’
Which OC do you think is the most attractive? ○ they all are in their own ways donT MAKE ME CHOOSE ONE
What’s the longest you’ve had an OC for? ○ Taking into account *all* of my ocs, probably 7 years if not longer.
How did you come up with your OC? ○ Making a belf priest ingame then got attached to him pretty much.
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