#sooo apparently i actually got my covid test results back the same day that i got tested and thankfully i am negitive
opens-up-4-nobody · 3 years
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ablednt · 2 years
One of your symptoms might be acid reflux? I've heard acidic things like orange juice don't help... hope your doctor's office does something to help it's really concerning they gave you so many vaccines at once without informing you of the risks... didn't you say you were getting tested for immunodeficiency on the same day in that office, too? Hope you feel better soon.
It could be yeah! I get acid reflux enough normally I've considered I might have GERD so that's part of the reason I'm not freaking out too much ty!
And yeah it's really irresponsible? They have a policy to just ask if you want to get any vaccines you don't have on record every visit and normally it's just one or two so it's not a Huge Deal but they really just gave me five and though I agreed to this (without being given much information at all, also the 5th one was added last second and I still can't find the paperwork I should have telling me what it IS so I have...no idea lmfao.) it was before the appointment where I repeated that I was possibly diabetic and wanted to test both for that and for my iron levels which apparently included an immunodeficiency test bc that was part of the results I got back.
Moreover I've had a huge track record of reacting badly to medications, vaccines haven't particularly been a problem but I've never had a flu vaccine (the parents are adamantly against getting it and though I think they're a little paranoid over it despite being very pro vax normally I def don't think I'm ever going to get another one since the effect shouldn't be this bad) or a pneumonia vaccine and again they gave me HPV and something else I forgot and all of that was on TOP of the covid booster which I really should just be taking on it's own to make sure everything goes okay.
So yeah, basically, due to standard procedure and not remembering that I am not a statistic but a human being with specific needs and issues they gave me 5 different moderate risk vaccines on the same day they tested me for a bunch of things that definitely would put me at risk. My doctor didn't question me about this or warn me about any of the potential side effects or concerns but she was definitely aware of it all and authorized it sooo yeah lmfao
I really do blame my being on state healthcare for this though since I'm not benefiting and insurance companies at all/am "leeching" off the healthcare system it's really fucking rare that anyone acknowledges me as human. It's less anger at my specific doctors and nurses and more a deep concern for how overworked everyone is we need free standardized healthcare in this country so fucking badly lmfao I'm tired of people who can afford actual insurance having a much lower risk of malpractice than me.
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