#sophie and midori as sisters is very good and i think more people should agree with that
moonstoneraven · 2 years
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fates kids sprite edits part 3 :D
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 50: Oops! All Supports Volume #8
The portal babies are going to be weird. Most of their Supports are going to come from the OAS entries. Add it onto the pile of close to thirty Birthright Supports I didn’t get to. Also, because this is Entry 50 and I hate myself, I’m doing twenty different Supports today instead of ten. God help me. I’m already a few days behind and this won’t help.
Support: Mana/Sophie
C: Kana manages to befriend Sophie's horse Avel, despite Avel normally being horrible.
B: Kana and Sophie see a burning building and Avel happily allows Sophie to ride him so she can save people.
A: Kana and Sophie discuss how Avel is loyal to Sophie, despite his assholeness, and will follow only her into battle.
S: Kana gets friendzoned.
Review: Not bad. Avel being a good horse when the chips are down is great. Also, this is the second time Kana’s been friendzoned. Poor kid.
Support: Corrin/Hinata 
C: Corrin finds Hinata training. Corrin is surprised, because they heard Hinata was lazy.
B: Hinata beats Corrin in a duel, so Corrin runs laps to get stronger.
A: Hinata reveals that he trains so hard because he lost a fight to Takumi once and wants to beat him.
S: Hinata does the promise to protect blah blah blah I like you blah blah thing.
Review: Not necessarily awful, but very generic and lacking any spark to make it stand out.
Support: Mitama/Shiro
C: Shiro finds Mitama sleeping outside. He wakes her and she heads to her room so she can take another nap.
B: Shiro explains that falling asleep on a battlefield is dangerous, Mitama explains that she's ensuring she's fully rested for battle.
A: Shiro takes a nap outside. Mitama agrees to stop sleeping outside as much.
S: Shiro asks Mitama to be his girlfriend.
Review: Very shallow. Mitama is somewhat amusing, but other than that this is completely forgettable.
Support: Dwyer/Selkie
C: Dwyer is woken up by Selkie chasing a bird.
B: Selkie gurts herself climbing a tree. Dwyer, not wanting to ignore a not-ugly lady in distress, tends her wounds.
A: Dwyer tries to convince Selkie to stop hurting herself. Selkie drags him off to go frolic.
S: Dwyer decides to tend to Selkie's wounds for the rest of his life. Selkie decides they should get married and claims she planned this from the beginning.
Review: A fun, cute fluff Support.
Support: Azura/Saizo
C: Saizo tells Azura that she doesn't trust her because she's from Nohr.
B: Saizo injures himself protecting Azura. Azura tends to his wounds. Saizo notices a scar on Azura and Azura explains that some noble children beat the shit out of her when she was a kid. Again, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bully the violent sadistic king's stepdaughter?
A: Saizo apologizes for forcing Azura to relive painful memories. Azura says he only has to say thank you and that she wants him to be her ally.
S: Saizo offers Azura a magic salve that can heal any scar. He doesn't use it because his scar is important and also HE'S A MANY MAN AND NOT A DELICATE LADY. Azura says she loves him despite the sexism.
Review: A very good Support that gives good characterization to both Azura and Saizo.
Support: Felicia/Takumi
C: Felicia runs into Takumi while carrying the laundry. Literally. Takumi grumpily helps her clean it up.
B: Takumi tries to yell at Felicia to be careful, she ignores him and talks about her hometown. Takumi insinuates there's a problem with how Felicia was raised and apologizes when she calls him out.
A: Takumi keeps an eye on Felicia to keep her from messing everything up. Felicia cries. Takumi praises her for being a hard worker.
S: Takumi asks Felicia to tell him about her village, because he likes her and she cares about it.
Review: Not bad, but could have had a bit more lore about Felicia’s village or had Takumi play a more active role.
Support: Kaden/Mozu
C: Kaden has a fatty piece of meat, which he doesn't want to eat because it's unhealthy. Mozu offers to cook the fat off. Kaden offers to split it.
B: Mozu makes a really good soup. She compares Kaden to a little kid for being impatient.
A: Kaden guts a fish, which makes Mozu think he's wise and mature. Sure, why not. Mozu says he's like a brother to her, because this game didn't have enough pseudo-sibling fucking.
S: Mozu says Kaden is everything she wants in a man.
Review: Overall, a fairly mediocre Support lacking a consistent throughline.
Support: Kagero/Setsuna
C: Setsuna is tasked with delivering important messages during a battle and forgets them, so Kagero is ordered to help Setsuna become a better messenger.
B: Kagero gives Setsuna sentences to repeat back to her. Setsuna forgets them immediately because she has the memory of a goldfish.
A: Kagero comes up with a better solution: babysitting Setsuna to make sure she doesn't fuck up.
Review: An overall decent Support. Although it raises one big question: who the hell thought it was a good idea to make Setsuna a messenger? They’re the real idiot in this army.
Support: Azama/Subaki
C: People have begun saying Azama and Subaki are training together. This angers Azama, who hates Subaki for pretending to be perfect. Subaki doesn't mind.
B: Azama goes on a hike and finds Subaki training alone so other people won't see him get tired.
A: Azama explains that the difference between them is that Subaki cares what other people think about him and Azama just doesn't give a shit.
Review: Overall a bit bland. Also how did the training rumors start? Part of me feels like this is an “oh my god they were roommates” scenario.
Support: Hinoka/Jakob
C: Jakob finds Hinoka training and praises her courage and fighting skill. Hinoka says she used to be trained in formal princess behavior, but through all that away to spend more time training. B: Jakob offers to train Hinoka in etiquette again. Hinoka ends up remembering everything anyway. A: Jakob explains that war is more than battle and courtly training is just as important. S: Jakob says he loves Hinoka. Hinoka points out how sudden this is, and Jakob offers to leave and come back later. They get together.
Review: Wow that romance came out of nowhere. They even point it out! Aside from that, this Support is very lackluster. It avoids all conflict by having Hinoka not have anything to learn and leaves Jakob without any development.
Support: Hisame/Kiragi
C: Hisame acts subservient and loyal to Kiragi. Kiragi asks him to treat him like a friend, similar to how Takumi and Hinata act. Hisame rejects this, saying Hinata should treat his betters with respect. Also they mention that Takumi and Hinata bathe together, which is interesting.
B: Kiragi says that they don't have to be master/servant just because their fathers are. Hisame suggests that they play shogi to become friends.
A: The two of them have fun playing shogi. Hisame acknowledges they're friends now.
Review: This one is interesting, analyzing that Hinata doesn’t really act like the retainer of a prince. Kiragi just wanting to be friends with Hisame is nice, and Hisame acting like an actual medieval person is interesting. I do wish this Support, and the game as a whole, had more analysis of class divides, though.
Support: Setsuna/Silas
C: Silas is attacked by an enemy archer. By an enemy archer, I mean Setsuna, who fell into a pit and fired arrows out to get his attention.
B: Setsuna does it again, almost injuring her fellow soldiers. Setsuna blushes while talking to Silas for...some reason.
A: Setsuna falls in a pit and accidentally kills a bunch of enemies while firing arrows.
S: Silas proposes. Halfway through the proposal, Setsuna falls into a pit. Silas rescues her and she immediately does it again.
Review: This is a fun Support. Setsuna being more willing to shoot Silas than ask for help is relatable. Setsuna taking out enemies by accident and wandering off in the middle of a confession is hilarious. Also, between this and the Kagero Support, I’m starting to think Setsuna is a liability.
Support: Midori/Shigure
C: Midori shows Shigure her herb garden. In the middle of it is a pretty flower bub that Midori likes.
B: Shigure helps Midori garden.
A: The flower blooms; Midori says it's a rare flower that is a symbol of happiness.
S: Shigure tells Midori to stay out of battle because he can't bear to see her hurt. When Midori refuses, Shigure instead vows to protect her throughout the war and after.
Review: This one had a surprisingly good S-Rank. I like the idea of Shigure being paranoid about his loved ones getting hurt because he’s already lost his entire village. Unfortunately, other than that, this Support is fairly bland.
Support: Asugi/Dwyer
C: Dwyer somehow manages to beat Asugi in a fight. Asugi challenges him to a rematch and Dwyer leaves to take a nap.
B: Asugi spies on Dwyer all day to find out how he trains. Dwyer does nothing but nap. Dwyer reveals that Jakob beat fighting skills into him as a kid so he doesn't have to train anymore.
A: Asugi challenges Dwyer to a baking contest. Dwyer forfeits before it even begins.
Review: Not bad. Dwyer completely shutting Asugi down out of laziness is fun.
Support: Hinata/Rinkah
C: Rinkah watches Hinata fight. She tells him it's a miracle he isn't dead, considering how sloppy he fights.
B: The two of them spar. Hinata is surprisingly powerful, but Rinkah matches him hit for hit. Rinkah decides to mix Hinata's moves into her one fighting style. A: Hinata and Rinkah fight again, drawing.
S: Hinata asks Runkah to take him to the Flame Tribe...as her husband.
Review: Fairly mediocre. I’ve seen a dozen sparring Supports already and this one lacks anything new.
Support: Jakob/Takumi
C: Takumi asks Jakob to help him train in secret. Jakob says no.
B: Corrin orders Jakob to help Takumi. Takumi snipes arrows off Jakob's head like William Tell.
A: Jakob tells Takumi that his need for others to recognize his skill is immaturity.
Review: Goddamn, Takumi. There are better ways to train than accidentally killing your sister’s retainer! Other than that this is mediocre; Jakob calling out Takumi’s immaturity is nice, but it isn’t built up properly.
Support: Caeldori/Hisame
C: Caeldori and Hisame are tasked with cleaning a shed together because they're the only competent soldiers. Caeldori brings up her respect for her father and Hisame changes the conversation.
B: Hisame explains that he doesn't respect Hinata because Hinata is a moron. Caeldori is disgusted by the idea of not respecting her father.
A: Caeldori apologizes for being forceful. Hisame says that he actually hates Hinata because he's jealous of Hinata's laid-back attitude.
S: Caeldori and Hisame get together because they're smarter than everyone else.
Review: Contrasting their differing views towards their fathers is nice, but the idea that Hisame is jealous of Hinata is ridiculous.
Support: Kiragi/Selkie
C: Kiragi and Selkie race through the woods and notice a group of suspicious men hanging around.
B: Kiragi saves Selkie from the men, who are poachers.
A: Selkie criticizes herself for being too trusting. Kiragi it wasn't her fault and that her kindness is one of her best traits.
S: Kiragi apologizes for allowing Selkie to be captured in the first place and asks Selkie to date him so he can protect her.
Review: Look, follow up to Selkie’s Paralogue! Kiragi being heroic is nice, but Selkie is a bit of a damsel in distress in this one.
Support: Fana/Midori
C: Kana has a sore throat. Midori's medicine doesn't work.
B: Midori tries new medicine. It still doesn't work.
A: Midori realizes Kana needs dragon medicine.
Review: That was a bunch of nothing. I think this is the shortest Support line I’ve read, and damn is it forgettable.
Support: Corrin/Hana
C: Hana is mean to Corrin because Corrin made Sakura sad by being kidnapped. Sakura isn't very smart.
B: Corrin asks about Hana's family, who are also Samurai, and says they apreciate Hana's ambition because they didn't have any when isolated. Hana mentions that her inspiration is her father, a samurai who prerished honorably protecting Sumeragi. Corrin says that dying in and of itself shouldn't be respected. Hana gets mad and storms off.
A: Corrin explains that Hana shouldn't throw her life away because it would make Sakura sad.
S: Corrin says he actually wants Hana to keep living because he has feelings for her. Protect eachother yada yada yada.
Review: I’m torn on this one. It gives backstory for Hana and at least tries to say something meaningful about dying in battle, but the C-Rank has Hana act ridiculous.
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