#soren and chrom? great. hector? what the fuck? they really gave us chrom and robin together
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
engage news sucked, eliwood fans stay losing
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emblemxeno · 1 year
Thoughts on Divine Paralogues
Thought I’d do opinions on each of the throwback paralogues as I do them. It’s been a few weeks since I did the DLC ones, so for better or worse I have a more clear head on them.
The Ancestor: Tiki’s I already gave my opinion on months ago, but something to really note: Doing it after you have both Etie and Alcryst is a blessing since they can near one shot the Ice Dragons, and that makes the whole experience much more bearable. In general, the paralogue is still kind of a slog though. Never played Mystery or New Mystery, but just from playing Shadow Dragon I know that Marth’s games were designed around units, y’know, having more than 4-5 movement at a time. Engage tries to circumvent this with the ice tiles but ehhhh. It’s still not the best. Tiki as an Emblem and access to the Silver Card (which I very much love the easter egg of it being where the hidden shop was in the OG map) is definitely worth it though.
The Brash General: I like Hector’s map! Nothing too complicated, and the poison effect being different from how it was in FE7 means it’s not as much of a hassle. I like how it restricts unit amount a la Hector Mode. Wish I had more to say about it lol, it was just fun. Hector’s a great Emblem too, having another tank Emblem alongside Ike (and Tiki I guess) works wonders.
The Radiant Strategist: Loved this one. Never played FE10, though I’ve watched LPs of it, so I don’t quite know how it really stacks up. But I like the challenge, and the smog and meteors serve as a nice incentive to keep moving forward. Soren’s a fun Emblem, and great at working in tandem with others mainly due to Assign Decoy. Manipulating AI is always busted. Bolting is also a baller tome, and Flare is busted as expected.
The Doting Sister: This was a map that really tested my patience the first time I went through it, but changing my team comp helped significantly. I was originally just using the Divine Paralogues to train up weaker units (false sense of security from Hector and Soren’s maps lol) but that makes it exponentially harder, especially if you did it at the point of the game I did. Thankful that Camilla’s Dragon Vein wasn’t the fire attack like it was in Birthright cuz that would’ve made it unbearable, and overall I’m fine enough with how the map played. Not a favorite, but tough and very clear that I need to manage better. Camilla herself is a good Emblem, if only for Soar and her weapons, but I feel they kind of ran out of ideas for her beyond that. Another Dragon Vein user is great, of course, but... her other skills are kinda meh.
The Sheperd Exalt: Fuck this one, lol. Not because of the gimmick of removing the wall of darkness, but because of Robin’s fucking water trap that gets triggered early if you separate your team into groups. I haaaaate shit like that, where the first valid answer to a map’s puzzle fucks over the player because of something they couldn’t really anticipate. Mind you, as a general liker of Revelation’s map design, it just reminded me of the worst aspects of Mikoto’s and Sumeragi’s maps. Blegh. Many rewinds were used due to this, not a fan. Chrom and Robin are a sleeper hit of an Emblem, though. Surprise Attack, Rally Spectrum, and Other Half are great skills. Plus they were super gay together in their gay little bracelet. Love wins.
The Lonely Heir: Toss up between this and Soren’s being my favorite of the Divine Paralogues. Straightforward, Veronica’s reinforcements are a good push forward, and activating the tiles to reach her isn’t a sneak pain in the ass like Chrom and Robin’s map was. What sets it apart from being just ‘good’ like Hector’s is the general design of the map itself. Clever terrain placement and use of open and narrow spaces, which is an ingenious reference to Aether Raids. Veronica herself is fucking busted. Summoning mooks in FE has always been broken, so it wasn’t a surprise that getting to summon a generic or even an Emblem would be nuts. But every other fucking skill she has is just as crazy. Contract speaks for itself, Book of Worlds gives an insane reward for choosing to Wait, Level Boost and SP Conversion are prime grinding skills, and Reprisal is a reliable damage buff. Her weakest aspects are her weapons, and even those are still pretty good.
Music is peak as always. I expect the same tracks to be used for base game trials (haven’t started any of those yet) that correspond to characters from the same games i.e. Corrin’s probably shares the same track as Camilla’s, mostly because Hector having Winds Across the Plains is... a choice. One that can only be explained by sharing tracks. BIG shoutout to Veronica’s though, the Book 6 map theme will always be fucking amazing.
(Sorry for the absence, finals have been kicking my ass lol)
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