#sorry I don't recognize the noobs
arbitrarygreay · 7 months
MC Highlights from the 25th anniversary evening concert
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swampgallows · 1 year
@anastacialy i get what you're saying but i think the difference between unconventional clothing (like the tiktok is talking about) vs alt subculture is that you are a member of a community rather than just dressing a part. on one level yeah people can dress how they want but it's also setting up for an error in communication (at best) to co-opt certain aspects of a subculture for one's own self-expression with little to no regard for what message it sends to those affiliated with the community. any social situation will have unwritten rules, and people can recognize when someone who is not affiliated with a community is attempting to rewrite the rules from outside of it (e.g. "gays are okay except when they're flamboyant"). it's not gatekeeping to remind someone that they're a noob, especially when they start giving orders. and there's no shame in being a noob either.
regarding the bit about how the internet is curated: exactly. there is a small sample pool to draw from, and by merit of them dedicating time to make meticulously-curated videos of themselves for thousands of viewers, we are already excluding a vast majority of a population of potentially-authentic people in favor of those who make concentrated efforts toward their image. i had this same discussion with my "subcultural" friends many times in the past. the major reason i did not join tiktok despite the pressure of my more "image-centric" raver friends to "bring raving to the new generation" is because i am not the kind of person to get dressed up and dance around in front of my camera.
it doesn't mean that i don't want a new generation of ravers--i do! not being on tiktok does not make me any more or less of a "real raver"; however in the environment of actual physical raves it was obvious how uncomfortable e-girl influencer "Internet Girl" was at an underground rave party, and how vastly different the vibe is at one of the "Insta Raves" or a corporate music festival versus an underground. reflexively, it was always obvious who showed up at the rave looking for drugs, and who was there to check out the music. and no, their outfit (usually*) had nothing to do with it. (*in fact, the people decked out in kandi at their first rave tended to be the biggest tryhards and would "quit" the scene within months).
it's not that these people are necessarily inauthentic in their interests, it's just that they've had to develop their own microcosm in order to adapt to the environment of the subculture they're aping (this is my theory for the development of "scene" as well, as it was essentially mallgoth gone feral--but im not part of that scene so it's all conjecture from my limited exposure). ive mentioned before in my "new to raving" posts that like yeah, you can be a candy kid, but if you roll up to the wrong kind of party dressed like that you could literally get stabbed. (it has happened before.) one can tell when a fish is out of water; one recognizes imitators and mimics. this is knowledge gleaned from participation in the culture. so ultimately what they are actually "part of" is a separate animal entirely, which i think is what the alt post was primarily critiquing. what walks and talks like emo looks like a bodysnatcher from those on the inside.
i had this jarring experience myself toward the end of high school and in college where i would see people wearing kandi, but they were "ragers" and went to "rages", and noticed my kandi too but looked at me with an air of disgust and disapproval, as if -i- were the encroacher. it was a meeting of divergent species. ultimately the misappropriation of these kinds of symbols and totems results in a mirage of common ground.
sorry this is long and sprawling, I'm on my phone lol
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goldenrevelries · 2 years
If it’s alright, maybe Gamma and Aria (khr) for your ship requests? I never see anything for them and they’re just adorable
i hope i did them justice, anon! :3c (i surprisingly enjoyed writing about them omg and please ignore any mistakes/typos!! wrote this on my phone ahaha!)
also, sorry for the late posting, I'm a slow writer 😔
Lichtenberg figures
an Aria x Gamma (KHR) drabble
cw // violence, coarse language, slight mention of alcohol
note: to be expanded and posted to ao3
Gamma isn't sure how he's sitting in the Giglio Nero Famiglia's reception room, clutching a tea cup filled with what he discerns to be Earl Gray and avoiding eye contact with one of her Guardians eyeing him like he was a bug under his shoe.
Sighing, he stares out the floor-to-ceiling window but angles his body so that he can still see the other man in his peripheral vision.
It went like this:
As a freelance assassin, Gamma is free to choose any of the hits his multiple contacts with various Families occasionally put on the table.
And, it just so happens, Gamma chooses the hit of one small Family he barely spares a thought to.
It'll be easy! his contact says.
Half a day, tops! he says.
You'll be a 100,000 richer! he fucking says.
And, like the idiot he is, Gamma shrugs and takes the job.
Once he had enough information to go forward with the assassination, Gamma gets comfortable on his stomach at a rooftop across a quaint café. His target, a woman with a curious tattoo under her left eye, arrives but he hasn't even peered through the scope before he feels the unmistakable press of a barrel against the back of his head.
Biting back a curse, Gamma freezes, mind whirling a mind a minute. He hadn't even heard the bastard move, much less open the door to the roof!
Damn, damn, damn!
"Remove your hands from the sniper rifle. Slowly."
Gamma gives a minute growl and flexes his hands.
The gun presses harder. "Now."
Knowing that he wouldn't survive a point-blank shot to the head, Gamma obeys.
The last thing he sees is the way the woman darts her eyes to lock with his then she grins and waves.
His mouth barely drops into an outraged gasp before the goon behind him raises his gun and clocks Gamma against the back of his head in one smooth motion.
Darkness is a welcome feeling. At least he can inconvenience the fucker in hauling his lax body to wherever they are planning to interrogate him.
He wakes up to a raging headache and, surprisingly, hands and feet not tied to anything.
As he adjusts to being awake, Gamma swears to raze his sleazy as fuck contact to the ground until his Family won't even recognize him. By the rumors he had heard from various credible sources, the jackass won't be missed, what with his... dipping into different pastures, so to speak.
Gamma blinks.
He's on couch?
Alright, either this Family is strong enough to leave a potential threat untied or composed entirely of noobs.
"Believe you me, one Guardian is enough to put you down for even thinking of harming our boss."
Gamma snaps his head up and sees a man glaring at him, arms crossed on his chest. Clenching his jaw, Gamma berates himself once he realizes he had spoken his thought out loud.
He stays silent.
The other man snorts. "Don't worry, Boss will be here shortly." Tilting his head, he moves away from the door he was leaning against. "Hmph, sooner than you think."
The words aren't even completely out of his mouth before the double doors open.
Gamma braces himself.
"Join my Family."
With the image of the Giglio Nero's Boss grinning with a glint in her eyes and her teeth bared too widely to not be considered feral, Gamma promises to buy himself a delectable wine bottle and get absolutely smashed because what. The. Fuck.
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nocturne-sketches · 2 years
A God In Teyvat: Gold
This will be the first time I write something for Genshin and the madness of SAGAU so bear with me! For now I'll leave you a sort of prologue since it felt like a very long post otherwise (plus, I didn't know how to tie the ending scene with something else). Hope you enjoy!
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Warnings: General sagau crazy stuff (isekai, cult behavior, violence towards the reader, all that) but this is more like having fun and surviving while ignoring all the bad stuff. Impostor!Reader. Reader is basically a cover artist, a theater kid if you will. I try to keep the reader gender neutral, but I wrote this in spanish so if a he slips out I'm sorry. Originally I had intended this to be a male reader but take it as you like, other characters see the reader as a he because of this. It's the first time I write something in this format ( 2nd person) so if there's a mistake or something, I'd really appreciate any tips you can give ^^
Part 1: You're here! / Part 2: Coming soon!
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Lately you'd been obsessing over a free video game. It had caught your attention as a noob gamer, a terrible one in your opinion, but the characters seemed so appealing that you decided to give it a try. You had no regrets about it. You may not have been around since day one and maybe your life didn't allow you to play daily, but Genshin Impact had become a little escape from all your daily struggles. After classes, having exhausted your body and voice practicing choreography and singing, your beloved hobbies, playing was what you needed to relax.
Perhaps you weren't the best player in the world, nor did you have that many characters, but you were happy with the ones you had. Your main team did enough damage to make the enemies look easy, sure you were a bit behind in the story, but it didn't matter; you loved exploring and fighting alongside your characters.
You'd swear that, if they existed in real life, they'd be your best friends. Maybe a potential partner for one of them. That's why, as soon as you found yourself waking up under the shade of a large tree, being surrounded by strange flowers, you knew exactly what was going on: Somehow, you had been transported to the world of Genshin.
this was surely a dream, right? You looked down at yourself, thankful that you had fallen asleep in nice clothes and not in your pajamas or underwear. There was no one around you, but you figured that even if someone else saw you, you wouldn't stand out much from the others; you were a bit modern, yes, but Kaeya wore tight leather pants, so yours was fine.
But of course, come to think of it, you didn't have any weapons with you, let alone any combat experience. So when you took a few steps forward to investigate the statue of the seven in front of you (you recognized the place, Windrise if you remember correctly) and ended up coming face to face with a pair of slimes (the two that keep popping up in this part of the map), you couldn't do anything but freeze. What were you supposed to do?
"Uh… Hello?" The pair of hydro slimes stood still, you smiled awkwardly at the situation. "Hey, look I don't have any weapons with me so… could you guys stop- HEY WHY ARE YOU GETTING CLOSER????"
You instinctively backed up a few steps, but the slimes were following you. Taking two steps to the right, two steps to the left, one slip…you were basically dancing and yet, no matter what you did, those adorable little things were following you! Not only were they following you, they seemed to look at you with adoration.
"Okey this is really weird, what's wrong with you guys, aren't you interested in attacking me?"
You knew well they couldn't answer you, but their silence and expressions said it all: they were delighted at the mere sight of you. Letting out a heavy sigh, you finally decided to sit down on the old, broken steps leading up to the statue of the seven, the slimes placing themselves next to you. At least they wouldn't attack you, that was a relief, but you still wondered what else you could do in this dream. Maybe go to Mondstadt? You really wanted to try the food of this land, or at least what your imagination could provide; you usually had to keep fit and eat healthy, so a delicious Sweet Madame or a Hash Brown didn't sound so bad. You didn't have a single coin in your pocket, though.
The slimes seemed to understand, so they just started hopping out to the open field, looking for help. As you were thinking about what else you could do in this strange dream, a few footsteps approached your figure. Suddenly, a strong male voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Hey you! Stop right there!" Before you could register anything, you see the tip of a sword being pointed at your neck, an NPC glaring down at you from above. "How dare you impersonate the appearance of our Creator! By my power as Knight of Favonius, you will be taken before Acting Grandmaster Jean to receive your deserved punishment."
… What?
"Whoa wow hey! Wait a minute!" You say raising your hands as a symbol of peace. "What the hell are you talking about? I just woke up, how can you accuse me of something so-"
Before you could continue speaking, the NPC, a Knight of Favonius you finally noticed, delivered a powerful kick to your chest that quickly sent you crashing to the ground, the blade of his sword was thrust too close to your waist, causing a not so deep cut. You felt the sudden loss of air and the immense pain in your ribs, as well as the sensation of your own blood threatening to run down your waist, what kind of dream was this? How could you feel pain? And, most importantly, why were you being attacked?
The knight had no respect for the one who, in his devoted eyes, was a sinner. That was the only explanation he had; that person usurped the face of his creator, but had no divine air about them. That only fueled his rage. He grabbed him roughly by the collar of their shirt, ignoring the strange fabric and lifted them up again, this time letting the person's feet dangle a few inches off the ground.
"How dare you respond!!!! A filthy creature like you has no right to talk that way, let alone with that face-" Before the knight could let out another punch, the boy decided to take advantage of his short stature and what little strength he had left to let out a kick at the NPC, knocking him down in a loud thud before the supposed sinner shouted, "M- Mitachurl!"
He was about to ignore his words and attack him again when he heard it; a growl and the imposing presence of one of those strange creatures. Right behind him was a group of Hilichurls commanded by a Mitachurl, the latter was holding his axe loaded with a pyro slime.
It happened too fast.
Still recovering from the impact on the soft grass, your heavy breathing and the sound of your heartbeat distracted you from the knight's cries for help, it seemed as if he couldn't stand on his own in front of a group of Hilichurls. You instinctively touched your waist, feeling the place where the sword cut you only to realize that you were indeed bleeding. You brought your hand up to your face unsure, only to check that it was real. Instead of finding the typical red, all you saw was gold; it looked like your hand had touched one of those edible gold sheets or something.
You were too stunned to speak, but managed to get up only to see the knight turn to ashes. You looked in horror at the group of Hilichurls, fearing for your life, but to your surprise they only knelt down in front of you. Rather awkwardly, but they did.
What was this?
Careful not to alter any of them and slowly so as not to hurt you more, you walked to the place where that NPC vanished: from him only the sword with which he wounded you remained, a Dull Blade that you lifted as best you could. It was heavy, you had never held a real weapon, but that was exactly what you feared.
Everything was real.
Still with the sword in hand, you finally passed out. The sound of Hilichurls cries running towards you was the last thing you heard before you lost consciousness...
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