#sorry for any typos im on desktop and never learned how to type
lesbiangemma · 4 years
Hi Im going to rant about nostalgia for a bit because im experiencing Emotions and I dont have anyone to talk to about it. 
I think the memory that started this was this camp I went to when I was 12. It was in the middle of a quiet forest with about 50 kids from school. We had little cabins and a big area in the middle with a campfire. This was when I was first discovering that I was a lesbian and I felt so alone and scared and confused. We did an activity where we stood in a big circle, the camp leader would say something and if we related to it, we step in the circle. Everyone would hold up their hands and do the sign for “I love you” in sign language to show their love and support. 
Anyways, this went on for a little bit, and then the leader said “step in the circle if you are part of the LGBTQ community” and I was like, oh shit thats me. I was so scared I didnt want people to know, I felt like they would be against me and I was so alone. A couple kids stepped in and after a moment of hesitation I followed. I looked around and everyone in the circle raised their hands in support, showing they loved me for who I am. I immediately broke down in tears, I really wasnt alone. I felt loved
That night we walked to the campfire around 10;00 pm, and people sang songs around the fire. I stared up at the stars, there were so many, I heard the fire, the singing, the crickets, the breeze. The girl I liked at the time came and sat next to me, we watched the stars together before returning to our cabins. 
The next night we got on the bus and headed home around 7:00 om, and two hours in the girl I liked put her head on my shoulder and we both fell asleep the whole ride home.
Another thing I remember was the Halloween events we would have in elementary school. We would be there until around 10:00 pm which was so exciting because I was never allowed to stay up that late. Me and my friends dressed up, and we all hung out on the swings together. I did the cake walk and won a delicious angel food cake with strawberry frosting, and fell asleep on the car ride home. 
I miss when almost every friday nearly in 9th grade I believe, my best friend at the time would come over and we would play super paper mario together, he had to play most of it cuz I sucked at it. We ate cheese dip and drank arizona tea. We have drifted away because he got popular and I somehow got less popular than I already was. I miss it a lot and I really hope he doesnt read this. 
I miss two years ago, my brother and I began to become friends as I got out of my depression and we talked for the first time in at least a year. The first time we really talked was when we went camping and two moths got into the tent and I started having a panic attack. My parents didnt understand my phobia and he immediately came to my defense, he looked out for me the rest of the trip and he still does. 
I remember being at my grandmas old apartment, we would sleep there every saturday and binge TV shows with her for hours, and then I would stay up half the night playing tomodachi life and octopath traveler. I went to see my brother in the other room, and he told me that he wants me to play kid icarus, he really liked it and thought I would too. He got it for my birthday and we started playing it together. He had to beat most of it for me.
We went to this hotel with my parents, and when we werent doing much we would sit in the room and play kid icarus together. We started developing inside jokes, we started getting along well, I always laughed so much around him, I felt like for the first time we were really becoming friends. I miss sitting in his room and watching him play outer wilds for hours. He let me play at first, but i couldnt stop crashing like a dumbass so of course, he had to beat it for me. I remember crying my eyes out at the ending. 
I miss playing minecraft with him, he was pit and i was tressa and we mostly messed around. I miss playing stardew valley with him too, all he did was fish but it worked. I miss playing raft with him and some of his friends occasionally, i miss playing octopath traveler with him. for once i had to beat the game because he sucked at it, sorry dude. 
I dont know, Im listening to minecraft music and just really miss this. Maybe its because everything is so shitty right now that I wish I could go back to these happier, simpler times. But even if things are fucked up or not, I wish I could experience those again. I think I miss a lot of people that used to be in my life, it almost hurts to look back at, but at the same time I’m glad I experienced these things. 
I think I’m scared for life to go on. 
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Bro I love your writing! I’m a new fanfic writer and was wondering if you can pass down your knowledge on writing lol
LISTEN, I LOVE YOU AND I’LL GLADLY PASS DOWN SOME KNOWLEDGE. I may not be the best writer, but it’s honest work ok dhusihncs
keep reading under the cut bcs Long Post
Some time ago, someone asked me to share some tips, and to this day, I still agree/follow the tips I posted back then. You can read them here. 
There’ this post I once reblogged some time ago, and I do this SO MUCH like, no kidding. There’s this fic Im currently writing (surprise ruined uhdfciusfc dont ask me when, I am half way through, my writing speed is UNPREDICTABLE even for me) and it looks like this (parts blurred out bcs spoilers, and I dont wanna spoil who is this about)
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[fun fact: I almost spoil who this is about, I forgot to blurr out the last patch of purple, I dare you all to guess who this is about ecughishc hint: is a fandom I recently joined]
Something specifically I do, i don’t know if others writers do it to, is start with the dialogue (pretty much like you see in the screenshot above) mostly because most of my stores start with dialogue. I write the main dialogue alone, and then add details as who said what, how they said it and details like describing actions and places.
(it’s also important to figure out how your writing process flows. I varies from writer to writer. Mostly bcs you understand how you work, and you stress less about your writing bcs you understand how it works.  My writing process is basically:
can’t sleep bcs of idea
write down dialogue
add details as to who said what, how they said it
add paragraphs describing the setting (sometimes this one comes first, then the dialogue)
contemplating how good this is, maybe suffer a little
post it 
BONUS: my quality standard is: if I were a random reader, would I like this story? if the answer is FUCK YES then I post it. If it’s nope, or eeeeh, or its a pretty ok story, then no. If it’s good but not the best, most likely, I’ll post it. This also can happen at any time in my writing process. 
Its  not necessary to have a quality standard kinda checklist like I do. I’m just very strict with my work :( this is why about 10% of everything I write ends up being posted, and why I take ages to post something in this blog. 
I’m gonna add a few ss from a conversation I once had with a friend here on tumblr, where I mentioned some things about writing details without cluttering the text and make it sound robotic/boring. (please ignore the typos, I type v fast on my phone and ALWAYS have typos)
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this is an example of what I mean (bellow the red line is a different way of writing the first paragraph)
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note how I also managed to mention another details about the weather. 
Another tip I have, and I think I mentioned it in the ask I linked in the beginning is to read other people’s work. Not only you’ll learn new words, you’ll learn ways of describing things. 
Each writer has a unique style and voice, and most of it comes from writers absorbing little things from other writers. I hope I am making sense hcksfhcs like, there are 3 writers I read a lot when I’m trying to write smut bcs I love how they write it. I don’t straight up copy what they write bcs thats not cool, but not only they inspire me, I’m like: ooooh, this phrase in particular sounds very cool. Or “the way they describe this action is real spicy” and so on. 
Even the wording of things. I once read in some fanfic I can’t remember, but I read the phrase “[piece of clothing] hung from [their] waist” its a pretty simple phrase, but by how it’s written, I swear to god, it immediately presses buttons in my brain that make me go:
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and since I first read that phrase I was like “OHOHOHO I HAVETO INCORPORATE THIS INTO MY WRITING” and stuff like that. 
Tiny details you can add into your style. And if its coming from several writers, in the end, your style is defined by the writers you like and read. And its not bad, every artist style comes from the influence of all those people the artist looks up to. 
And that’s about all I can think of right now. I might as well make a masterpost with all the posts I find with writing tips, and my own writing tips. bvfsdvbhsfj
Thank you for dropping by, and I’m sorry this turned out very long, and so late fichighvshs BUT BETTER LATE THAN NEVER ANSWERING RIGHT
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