#sorry for making everyone look ar my fuckinh wild force analysis of all things its going to happen again
lunarwolfranger · 2 years
Yet to start my wild force rewatch but writing this down before I forget. I know why Master Org/Dr Adler's dynamic with Cole was the most developed and focused on but I kinda wish the show had explored the parallels between Master Org and Merrick, due to them both being humans who become orgs but for vastly different reasons.
Especially bc of Adler's line to Zen-Aku in Predazord, Awaken. Where he tells him they have other things in common too (his response to Zen-Aku telling him he doesn't seem to fit here, just like Zen-Aku.) Even just a throw away line of Merrick comparing himself to Adler after the reveal, would of been neat. I know why it didn't happen but I can think about it and I'm going to.
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