#sorry for mistakes again I'm french and dyslexic
itsbeaker-bxtch · 3 years
Loki was never evil.
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Ok the title may seem bold, but please keep reading ! When TS3 Aurora Skies came in featuring a child version of Loki Beaker, many of us were surprise regarding his personality traits. 
  In the Sims 2, Loki is known to be this crazy scientist who leads horrible experiments. The bio description of the Beaker family CLEARLY states that he and Circe conduct research on human test subject Nervous, thus his last name. This is confirmed by the PSP version where the couple kidnapped a Strangetown citizen as a new guinea pig. The morally questionable side of Loki's personality is reflected by his points leaning toward grouchy. His name could also be a clue, Loki is the god of mischief in Nordic Mythology after all. We could argue that being grouchy and being mean are two different things, but TS2 personality system is not as in depth as TS3. 
Speaking of TS3, two traits could have fit what we previously knew about Loki's behaviour: 
  1. The description for the Mean trait reads: "Mean Sims love to fight, mostly because they never lose in a brawl, and they take satisfaction with every new enemy made." Well, it could have been a great reference to Loki's name meaning or his disdain towards his future neighbours in Strangetown. In my opinion, the mean trait doesn't really suits him. Yes, he fought with Buzz because, well, everyone did? And his quarrel with the Curious brothers started not because he thought it was fun, but because he was jealous/in love as implied by the screenshots memories. What about the other negative trait?
   2.The description of the Evil trait reads: “Evil Sims love the dark, take great delight in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a life of as far away from goodness as possible”. If we take a look at all the attributes of this trait, we can clearly see that evil sims are cruel. They enjoy others suffering, even as far as inflicting it themselves. I hear you : a perfect trait for mad scientist Loki, who torture his poor subjects right ? Perhaps not ! In TS3 little Loki doesn't have any of this traits. Why ? Maybe something happen while growing up ?
 I have my own theory : Loki wasn't evil in TS3 because he is not evil in TS2. I know, I owe you some explanations.
 Well, of course he's kind of cruel to an extend and I promise I'm not trying to defend my "problematic fave". I think we often forget something about his personality. He was, and his, since childhood, an ambitious sims. This part of him is, for me, far more important than his cruel side. Hell, maybe even before his genius side! It dictated his life, his career, even his marriage.  I think young Loki's traits make perfect sense. He is family-oriented (he's often a 2dn aspiration family Sims in TS2). Above all, Loki is Ambitous and Lucky, and those two traits explain why he grew up into the adult we love (and fear?). Here's my theory. His family oriented trait could indicated that early on he developed an interest in DNA and biology (he will create his own children after all).He wants to succeed in his career.  No, he WILL succeed. Not matter what. And guess what? He's also a LUCKY Sims : “Lucky Sims are more likely to get raises at work and to get good results from career events” (simswiki) .On top of all his hard work (he max out a skill), everything always goes his way. He must and CAN do whatever he feels like need to be done. He never went from "sweet child" to "mad scientist". He went from dedicated over-achiever child to successful scientist.
 If we take a closer look at TS2 descriptions, they refer to Loki's ambition, not his cruelty. His bio reads: "As soon as he perfects his latest invention, Loki is sure to get the recognition he knows he deserves." In this state of mind, moral boundaries are seen as a barrier. Ultimately, those experiments aren't meant to inflect pain, but to further expand his knowledge and get praise for future discoveries. Like a child cutting an insect out of pure curiosity. He has no regard for others well being because they serve a greater purpose: his scientific research, his ambition. His curiosity and quest for recognition know no limits. He has no doubts about being THE best scientist.  And, well, while not have fun while you’re at it? I think Circe may have influenced him a bit. Also, as an ambitious sims herself, she should loves him for it. They really are a perfect match. In the PSP version, Circe dark secret state that she is jealous of her husband "distinction". But I keep that for another essay....Anyway, that further back up this theory about Loki’s need for recognition.
We always depict him as an evil scientist, but I think he is first and foremost an ambitious one.
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