#sorry lads ran out of hot water oops guess it stays here
sningo-prompts · 1 year
Emmet Snaps
Emmets up trying to figure out how to get Ingo back to normal when all his doubt consumes him.
‘Its not really Ingo’
‘You are just projecting on a normal pokemon’
‘This sneasel probably thinks your ingo’
‘Just a cruel joke played on you by god’
‘You are a fool’
Till finally he snaps. Tears rolling as a laugh starts to rip out of him. Small at first. He grips his arms, hugging himself. The laughs grow louder and more distressing. What a fool he is indeed. This pokemkn isnt his brother. Hes just being made a fool. For Arceus amusement. What a joke.
Then Sningo walks in clearly seeing his brothers horrid state. How to calm him w? How to help him. Ingo starts to say something but is cut off by the look Emmet sends him. A manic smile, tears streaking his face. Ingo freezes in horror. ‘Em-emmet?’ But he knows his brother only heard the worried cry of a sneasel. And it didnt help. Emmet stands up fully and faces Ingo. That wild look in his eyes. Ingo has never seen such a look on his brothers face. An icy fear courses through him. “You. You had been in on it too hadnt you” his voice level and calm but laced with malice. Ingo went to ask what but Emmet cut him off “So is this fun for you? Hmm did you all get a good little GIGGLE out of me? A fun SHOW for you two??” Emmet was quickly closing the distance. Ingo not liking where this was going started to slowly back up but Emmet slammed the door shut, trapping Ingo. “Oh where are you going ~dear~ brother?” The words spat at Ingo with such sarcasm and hate it made Ingo freeze once again. The way Emmet seemed to growl out the word ‘brother’ made Ingos heart ache. “Did you enjoy your little game?! Did you enjoy watching me stumble!” Now Emmet was hovering right over Ingo a hand placed on either sode of Ingos head as he started to yell right into his face. All Ingo could do was sit there and huddle as close to the door as he could. “DID I MAKE GOOD ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOU! YOU AND THAT MASTER OF YOURS THAT THAT TWISTED GOD!” Emmet now gasping for breath as all his hate and anger flowed through him as he yelled at this-this… finally he looks at who hes yelling at. This small pokemon, cowering in front of him. Shaking as it holds its ears and tries to say something. He realises its repeating something. Over and over. Oh-oh no, what was he doing. A cold stab of shame ran through him. What was he doing. Oh how could he. He went to reach for the small creature and it flinched so violently he quickly pulled his hand back. “This creature “ “this pokemon” “it” what was he talking about. He knew this was Ingo. He knew this was his brother. Hadnt it no he proved it to him. Their computer password. He knew it. Only they knew it. Thats how Ingo had proven himself. What was he thinking. Tears once again fall from his eyes as he stared in horror, frozen in place, as his brother cowered and tried to as small as possible. Away from what? Away from him. Hes the monster here.
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