#sothis goes “fuck them humans” the moment she sees the relics in hopes
deathbirby · 5 months
Something I never see the El stan squad bring up is if it is somehow not that bad for genocide against the Nabateans to be carried out bc some of them did bad things to humans, then by that logic Rhea must be the actual nicest person in all of Fodlan’s history for choosing not to go scorched earth on every human being for *checks notes* killing nearly every single one of her people, mutilating their bodies and drinking their blood. It’s almost like it’s an admirable trait not to equate the actions of a group to the entirety of a race. Funny that
Right?? Rhea not going "fuck dem humans" and blasting Fodlan after getting genocided says a lot about her character. And we know she CAN wipe out life on Fodlan. SS's rampaging Immaculate One has Seteth worried that she will destroy Fodlan!
It's like they think the Nabateans are a hivemind that have the same goal; subjugating humanity. That's the ONLY way they can justify what happened in Zanado because we KNOW they were peaceful in Zanado and did fuck all.
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