#special mentions! || abstractreign
hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@strawberry-barista​ replied: {Every time she gets around Espresso it just goes off the charts.}
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I like to think Hope learned her lesson VERY early on thanks to such an early exposure to Composers in multiple universes. 
Folks like Highness (kingsmedley), Aleph (fallen-phxtagrapher), Espresso, Requiem (abstractreign) and Nocturne (the-composer)? She ABSOLUTELY suppresses her aether half on purpose because she knows that’s a more powerful energy that she shouldn’t be purposely absorbing. It can have a HUGE effect on her otherwise.
I can imagine this applies to the angels as well.
Of course for all of these, how much she’s holding back depends on who exactly she’s around. Last thing she wants is for her hair and markings to start lighting up like a glowstick in front of other people after all.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🥚 Points at the Joshuas. Your honor I adore them and I can and will meticulously psychoanalyze them through art and music and I cannot be stopped. Thank you.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🥚 Hope in the group chat this morning, giving wing updates and talking about her adventures here like.
She loves her new friends your honor 🥺🥺🥺 Choice Screenshots from the RP server under the cut.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
can you fight god?
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Looks at the Joshua alts she’s befriended.  “Yeah. Yeah, this tracks. This is accurate.”
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
🥚 Pointing at Hope. Finds comfort in someone who has a crush on her, an estranged uncle and eventually his husband and a man ascending to godhood and his angels.
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
A Masked Stranger asked: Aren’t your kind supposed to be hated and taboo multiverse-wide? You seem to have made a lotta friends, despite that.
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💙 “It appears to entirely depend on the universe’s views on aether and nagete and their propaganda that dictate their views on us specifically. Naturally that is going to vary from place to place and culture to culture.”
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🤍 “I know my home- former timeline could care less about our kind and about aether, at least. I’m not sure about Luna’s or Requiem’s universes, though and I’m... not sure I want to know the opinions there. It feels like the folks in shibuyas are more individual-focused than species-focused though... which is one of the reasons I feel so safe there.”
💙 “Despite it not being safe there at all.”
🤍 “Hush. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
🥚 MUN NOTE: I’d love to flesh out the politics and cultural relationships with Aether, Nagete and other universes. If you’d like to as well PLEASE shoot me a message so we can talk.
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
A Masked Stranger Asked: You’ve run into quite a few Joshua alts at this point. Are you just a magnet for gods or something?
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“Your guess is as good as mine, pal. I know my timeline’s Joshua found me interesting at first and things took off from there... He’s like a sibling to me now. One of his younger alts is someone I met through a chatroom I accidentally made and have been trying my best to help, even if I haven’t been doing the best job... He needs someone there to keep the multiverse from tearing him apart... The one I’ve most recently met, I’ll say was the most amusing one of the bunch. My shenanigans ended up getting his attention clearly, not that I can blame him.”
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“Then there’s the one I originally met to give an update to. The one who’s energy is... vastly different than the others. I can’t quite describe it, but it’s intriguing... Magnetic, if I had to use a word? We’ve only talked once or twice- and incredibly briefly at that- but it’s something I just can’t shake.”
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“I will say one thing. The variety I’ve encountered has been fascinating. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to keep getting to know these alts.”
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
🎄{ melly, fir, hope, teal, and maybe noir?
For every 🎄 (or "X-MAS TREE") I get in my inbox, my muse will tell you one thing they want the most for Christmas. || Accepting
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"Me...? Well... It'd be nice to be able to get a cake for Fir, since her birthday is around Christmas." She shuffles her feet a little, messing with her hands. "I want her to be happy."
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"This is gonna be Melly's first Christmas without Cammy... and she's stuck up at Copper Nine for now. I can't be there for a long time without feelin' pretty sick. Even with my gear." A small pause as Fir leans back against the wall. "I'm... kinda nervous to reach out to her friends about it, especially since N takes everythin' I ask about as an order; no matter how much I say they aren't. I don't wanna stress him out. But it'd be nice if there was a way to make her holidays a little less lonely-feelin'... y'know?"
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"I don't celebrate the holidays. Sorry."
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"I'll certainly never say no to camping supplies. It is something I'm always in need of stuff like that, given the magnitude of travelling I do."
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"Wh- what I want for the holidays?" Cue a long pause.
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"Hilarious, that you think I want or deserve anything at this point in my life! You're better off asking Divo and Ghost, if you want a wishlist. That's where my focus is at."
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hopeful-hugz · 11 months
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“Thinking of getting my things and going camping for a while... whether it’s bare bones or me renting a cabin depends on whether or not people are coming with me, and who.”
Hope’s genuinely thinking about this.
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“One of the Hanekomas, maybe; depends on which... Pretty sure the Joshuas would melt if put in the woods in any capacity... Teal and Cam are busy. Maybe Noir and Divo? The Dragons’d like it out there. Some of my friends from Teyvat perhaps? Kaeya’s probably drowning in work so he’s off the table; Tighnari too... Definitely doubt I could convince Dorian... he’s always busy too. Robin or Akira? Nah, they’re probably busy too... I may just have a week away alone. Not like That’s unusual; I’ve been alone a lot lately and getting outta the city means I’ll just be even moreso. Maybe that’s wat I need...”
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
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“Thanks you guys, that really means a lot. I just wanna... I dunno try it out and see if they fit at all? Finding identity and all that, y’know?”
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
16. someone they used to view negatively, but now view positively  !
Send me a number for my muse to talk about… || Accepting
"...Topaz and Opalite, honestly. The first time I heard of Topaz... it was while healing Pops' wings. I still have the image of that damage in my head... Then I heard more about him and his twin in the chatroom I run and only ended up that much more intimidated. I never wanted to cross paths with them. I wouldn't have even stepped foot in that universe if it weren't for Hikaru and Pops talkin' to me- and if it weren't for that botched co-worker call. Lemme tell ya when my papers scattered and Topaz and I crossed paths for the first time? I was petrified. Took me a while to seek Opalite out on my own for the first time, too..."
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"How wrong my paranoia was about 'em, eh? If I had stayed scared, I woulda missed out on makin' some pretty fucking awesome friends. They've helped me so much and I owe 'em a lot. I'm still trying to figure out how I can repay them for the support they've given me."
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
@abstractreign asked: Talk about one of your favorite threads that started this year. (If you get multiple of this ask, talk about multiple threads!) and/or How have you grown as a rper this year?
End of year asks: RPC Edition! || Accepting
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🥚 Honestly Innocent Blood was a fun one to plan and write out with Salem and Dusty, but it’s an obvious one.
So I’m gonna go with the first proper getting-acquainted thread with Hope and @catncore​ ‘s Hanekoma. It wasn’t a completed thread, but it’s one that the dots are pretty easy to connect as to what happened after it’s stopping point. Hope being willing to make contact again after that initial first meeting and Hanekoma getting to learn a little more about the mystery visitor that had befriended his Composer was really sweet and it paved the way for a friendship that I can’t wait to see develop even more.
Hope really trusts him, nowadays, and really respects his opinions and advice. Even if she is learning to challenge the lighter stuff on occasion for the sake of some interesting chats and learning more about him and his world. He’s very clearly fascinated by her too and the experiences she’s had and the life she leads and it’s just been. Really fun seeing both of them get to know each other and grow to care in such a short time. I’m really excited to see where this leads and more than grateful for how it started out!
🥚 As for how I’ve grown? I like to think I’ve grown more expressive and articulate in my writing, as well as braver as a person too. At the start of this year, you wouldn’t see me even thinking about talking about my original species. Or would have seen me even touching upon more suggestive subjects and talking more OOC about things. You wouldn’t have seen me talking to my role models, heroes and people I look up to either lol I’m becoming a lot more open and mature through RP and as someone who can’t just go out into the world and do that naturally, due to illness, I’m very grateful to get that opportunity here instead.
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@the-composer​ asked: someone who taught them a valuable lesson
send me a number for my muse to talk about someone || Accepting
“Another one I’ve been learning on my travels, recently. One I’m still kinda learning, honestly. Individuality and creativity aren’t something that should be suppressed for the sake of others... If there’s something that you are or want to be, it should be embraced. Within reason of course, there’s still common sense to bring into play as well as. Y’know, not freaking the public out.”
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“But... yeah. There’s several people that fall into this category... Pops and Highness, Joel and my family... Requiem, Hikaru and Espresso- Luna and his Hanekomas, especially- Or well, the one I know and the one I catch the occasional presence of and... prooooooooooooobably should actually talk to more.” A sheepish chuckle. “Dorian’s fallen into this category too, even if we’ve only spoken briefly- There’s just been a lotta people that I’ve gotten bits and pieces of this lesson from, recently.”
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@abstractreign​ asked: “✉”
Text and DM Prompts || Accepting
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
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[ Text ➡ DELETED: ] I don’t think we can meet there... I’m not exactly welcome at home at the moment. It’s a long story...
[ Doctor Raymond is Typing... ]
[ Text ➡ Requiem: ] Sorry Requiem, I’m not able to get over there, right now. I’m in Aleph’s timeline at the moment though if you want to come meet me here. [ Text ➡ Requiem: ] What’d you wanna ask that requires you to see me in-person?
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