#spiraling myself because eddie diaz has a mommy kink and i'm going to shout it from the rooftops
sunshinediaz · 11 months
wip wednesday (except it's not wednesday and i'm impatient)
uhhhh, this is from that fic (series???) where eddie has a mommy kink and buck indulges it because he's a good sub top who wants to fuck eddie pregnant & i cannot be fucking calm right now
Okay, so, it goes like this— Chris starts seventh grade in a couple weeks, something Eddie’s agonizing over because his little boy is going to be a teenager in a matter of months, and so the school is hosting its annual open house where parents and teachers can meet and mingle to learn a little about one another before the chaos of August sets in.  Eddie avoids PTA meetings at all costs and has never cared for the open house events, either, but he makes it a point to go to every single one because Chris enjoys meeting his teachers and classmates before class starts.   Buck tagged alone, of course, and so did Chim since Maddie is out with Linda and May for the day, browsing boutiques and snacking on the warm cinnamon almonds sold from the vendor on the corner of Watson and Hickory that’s been his favorite since he discovered in months ago. Eddie’s a little jealous his invitation got lost in the mail, but Maddie handed him Jee-Yun and promised to bring him back a bag of almonds for his hardship.  He bitched and moaned for all of the two seconds it took Jee to settle against his chest, snuffling and hugging him around his neck, and then sent Maddie off with the guarantee of two bags of almonds.  It can’t be helped, you know. Jee-Yun is his princesita, something Maddie knows and uses to her advantage.  He and Chim have been standing next to the snack table since they arrived, stuffing their faces with mini pigs in blankets and slices of cheesecake; Buck’s off with Chris and his friends, chasing them around in a game of tag with Jee on his shoulders. He’s laughing, bright and deep, and Jee’s giggling maniacally, having the time of her life as she zooms across the expanse of the playground and tugs fitfully on her uncle’s hair.  Eddie crosses his arms over his chest and watches his boyfriend, content and so gloriously, obnoxiously happy it makes him tummy fill and swell and flood his whole body. Buck’s loud and brilliant, shining brighter than the north star; the setting sun paints his honey-blond hair in watercolors of red and orange and pink, fiery and warm.  “He’s so good with them.” 
Eddie looks over his shoulder and sees he’s not the only one observing Buck. A small group of parents stand near the edge of the snack table, picking through bite-size pecan pies and watching the way he plays with the children, darting here and there and allowing himself to be tagged nearly as soon as he passes it off to somebody else.  A mother sighs, and Eddie hates how dreamy it sounds. “They all love him, too,” she comments. “How lucky his children must be to have a father like that.”  Eddie’s gut clenches tight for several reasons all at once. “Are any of the children his?”  Eddie opens his mouth to speak, but before he can another father says, “Chris Diaz,” and throws a glance toward Eddie with a crooked grin and a gleam in his eye. “He’s wearing the red glasses.”    “Oh, he’s so adorable and kind,” the first woman says, pouring another cup of punch. “He made Addison a ‘get well’ card last year when he came down with the flu. It’s still hanging on the wall in his room.”  A couple of the onlookers coo at that. Pride wells up in Eddie’s chest and spills over—goddamn right his kid is adorable and kind, and he’ll never tire of hearing his opinions validated by others. He lucked out with Chris and it’s gratifying to see that others appreciate his son, too.  “I see where he gets it from,” another father quips, gesturing toward Buck once more. Eddie looks over and smiles when he sees Buck offering his hand to help a kid with pigtails up off the ground. “Where’s his mother?”  Startled, Eddie whips his head back around to the group of people. He knows they mean nothing by it—curiosity killed the cat and all that, and he’s found that even in LA quite a few assume mother-father relationships to be simple normalcy—and so when he opens his mouth to correct them, he doesn’t think he’s going to be too harsh, but then Chim steps on his foot and shuts him up.  He looks over at Chim, who smiles goofily and shakes his head. Eddie frowns. Chim shrugs and leans forward, keeping his foot on top of Eddie’s as if he’s a little kid in need of guidance.  “His mother is right here,” Chim calls to the group, laughing a bit too sharply, and pats Eddie’s stomach. Eddie goes hot all over. “And he’s a pretty good mom, too.”  The group stutters, wide-eyed and thoroughly chastised. Several of them open and close their mouths like they’re trying to catch flies, and the few who know the truth—know that Eddie and Buck as Christopher’s parents—roll their eyes and laugh, corralling the others and leading them away.  Eddie watches them go, warm and tingly and red. His stomach still prickles where Chim patted him, low like where a womb would be if he had one.  He spirals. He turns back to look at Buck because Buck has a way of making things make sense. Buck’s grin is huge and his face is flushed and sweaty, not unlike when he’s on top of Eddie, bullying his cock deep in Eddie’s guts, so hard and thick Eddie feels it in his throat, and, oh, when Buck shifts his gaze toward Eddie’s and smiles, dopey and lovely, and Eddie knows. He knows.  Eddie wants Buck to make him a mommy.  Fuck.  —and if anybody asks, it’s all Chim’s goddamn fault. 
hoping to have this up by tomorrow tbh but hmm, we shall see lmao!!
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