#spiritshipping or jaden x jesse; both see duel spirits
kawaiichibiart · 3 years
One of my favorite things about fanfics is how different ship names are done.
Like, I go to read a YuGiOh (any series) fanfic, and I'm like, ah yes, Puppyshippig (Kaiba x Joey). Heroshipping (Jaden x Aster). Kingcrabshipping (Jack x Yusei).
And then I go to read an Avatar fanfic, and I'm like, ah yes, Zukka. Kataang. Mailee.
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tokikurp · 7 years
the first pairing you ever shipped, multiples of three
Okay I hope this is what you meant _(:3/
First Pairing- SpiritShipping (Jaden Yuki x Jesse Anderson from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?They bathe together because they can lay on top of each other
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?Probably Jesse
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?Jaden would wake up Jesse and tell him about this amazing dueling dream he had! 
As for nightmares, I think Jaden would have the most maybe? But I can’t see Jesse sing him back to sleep, I see more of Yubel.
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?Both
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist?Jaden!
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?They probably end up talking to their duel spirits and think they’re talking to the other.
21) Who cuts the others hair?Lord their hair!
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?Jesse
I think they’re both about the same height? Maybe Jesse is just a bit taller?
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?Both
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?Jesse probably wouldb’t be too thrilled about the fact he has to get glasses but Jaden finds them cute! (They’re also probably purple :P)
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