#srtuc theories
drawnaghht · 9 months
AHHH YOUR MIND IS SO BIG!!! Thanks for all the input in the answer. I didn't think she could be his grandma, although I love to think she's his Aunt and made a promise to his brother. Now she gets to see him grow and l think "You remind me so much as when we were kids" Or maybe Yuichi asking about his parents, when he's a little older, wondering if he's anything like them.
Also I DIDN'T THINK HE COULD HAVE MORE SIBILINGS!!!! In my mind he loves being an older brother (talking about Hana). Being an only child and then boom you get to have a cool and kinda weird little ninja sister. He would try to train her even if Hana is much more experienced than him.
I love the theory Jei was responsible of Yuichi's parents being dead, I also think his Aunty never told him how they died, Yuichi didn't like to ask either.
And thanks for asking! I don't know how to answer this one bc I've been sitting on my thoughts for 3 days, but basically, yeah, I agree xD
There can be many different backstories for Usagi and auntie, we basically don't know them exactly, but it's easy to take parts of what the tv series does tell and show us, and extrapolate from that hehe x3
Like for example, personally I find that it must have been auntie's younger sister who was the Miyamoto in this case, but I don't remember where I got this theory so it could have been a little brother too, anything's possible x3 The thought that she had seen this young family be created and then promised his parents that she would take care of their son, it has a lot of story potential.
I also really like that theory with Jei, it's a bit extreme perhaps in some sense, but depending on execution, it would be interesting to explore and could be in-line with comic canon too. Jei is a fairly popular character in UY after all and is both dangerous and unpredictable.
Just today, I actually saw one fanartist who has been posting their consistent story explore this a bit :D it is tagged as #srtucthereturnofjei on twitter, tiktok and insta I believe? it's cool that there's slowly been more og usagi chronicles fanfic this year and theories like this one are definitely worth exploring in fanfics like these :D
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drawnaghht · 8 months
auntie’s sister - Usagi’s parents theory
oh yeah, I remembered what I remembered a few days ago: why I think Auntie has a younger sister that's in the Miyamoto family line, instead of younger brother - because of the whole meaning of Yuichi as it is written, as a given name.
Yuichi Usagi is the first son in a while. Maybe even since Auntie's own grandfather?
So this ties back to the whole "What's in a name" theory post I made a while back, where I connected Senso and Samurai Rabbit.
Because Yuichi spelled as both 雄一 and ユウイチ - Yūichi - means “heroic first (son)” - maybe he was named that bc the family hasn't seen a son in a long time? So by that reasoning, it makes even more sense if Yuichi is more like a title or nickname in this case, but Usagi places it in the same way as he would a family name bc their family didn't have a name for a long time as farmers.
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And so, going from that reason, maybe his family line tying him back to Miyamoto Usagi, must be maternal - his mother and grandmother at least, since Auntie mentions his great-grandfather - so for a few generations, the family didn’t have sons at all. Anyway, that’s just a theory I remembered now ^^
As an additional theory/headcanon, maybe even that they were overjoyed to have someone carry a family name but by that time, Neo Edo had changed so much that Miyamoto Usagi had already been branded a traitor in the city, without the family knowing about it. So what do they do? Perhaps they decided not associate with him as openly, to avoid scrutiny because it was hard to change public opinion - and after Usagi’s parents died, Auntie cut off ties from the city entirely. She passes on some of the stories about family history, and Yuichi sticks as a family name to Usagi because that’s the only other name he got.  imo, auntie seemed fairly in the dark about how much Neo Edo had changed while she was away from it, so it’s a possibility that the perception about Miyamoto Usagi changed during her lifetime, e.g. after the war she was in. But that’s backstory we don’t know exactly, so this is just headcanon and fanfic territory for now ^^ 
Anyway, that’s probably why I headcanon that auntie had a younger sister who’s the parent, because the Yuichi name seemed somehow to tie into this family history for me xD even tho the show itself is slightly vague about it (auntie just says “I promised your parents” it does leave this theory open as a possibility.
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drawnaghht · 8 months
I would love to hear more about your Headcanons on Samurai Rabbit.
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haha thank you for being curious! i have a few but they're a bit disorganized still - i write theory way more and like to note when stuff becomes headcanon... it's very messy on paper haha xD
so here's a few random ones!
i headcanon tetsujin and fuwa as toxic gay exes (they didn't know the other was gay and pretending...)
Kitsune! I have a whole unsaved page of headcanons for her but my main one is that Kitsune was also an orphan from early on - why she wanted to come along with Chizu to rescue the orphans (but she would have come along anyway, even she herself hadn't been one) but then, something happens to her orphanage and they all have to stay on the streets, with no room in other orphanages
why Gen comes back to the hospital that reminds him of how their family fell apart - it has his brightest memories with his mom, but also afterwards with the Shiba Inu doctors (this seems more like theory/canon than headcanon, but I'll count it as headcanon for now bc I wanna do a little story later that expands on this xD)
those pants that Usagi wears over his regular pants are chaps, for farmwork (i'm still researching this so maybe this isn't headcanon territory lol, but this makes most sense to me)
So my personal headcanon after finishing s2, was that Kaiyo (Chizu's childhood friend), wasn't actually killed off and survived somehow. She returned to the Neko Ninja dojo some time later undercover, maybe even after more extensive training under a different Neko Ninja branch.... all to keep an eye on her friend Chizu because she still cared for her. I had a whole running theory during s2 that maybe her friend Kaiyo would return in some form and one day I wanna write a longer analysis of these theories I had at the start of last august haha xD
Chizu has a selection of favourite weapons to use, but was never allowed a bow and arrow because she was never put on sentry duty. Picking the bow and arrow at the Ki-Stone temple was her wish fulfilled. She's actually rather good at it, but my headcanon guess here is that besides other things she did to antagonize, Lady Fuwa liked to limit her ninja in somewhat bullying ways :'''D
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drawnaghht · 9 months
I saw your tags in my post!!!! AND I'M SO SURE YUI PARENTS ARE DEAD!!! But they died when he was still really young so he doesn't really remember them. I'm so curious on what other people think about his childhood. In my mind he was a chaotic child who performed tricks for his Aunty.
Oh! I'm glad to hear that bc I had a similar thought over the series ^^
The way Auntie says it in the first episode, it really does sound like... she promised his parents a long time ago, and it is something much-mentioned between the two.
I actually have a theory based on Auntie's appearances and what she says, that she decided to make a kind of larger white lie about herself to Usagi, and that she is actually his grandma and for some reason has asked to be called auntie. So many if us assume that she is literally, his aunt, but the way I understand it as a non-native speaker, auntie in english can mean an elderly woman as well, regardless of actual familial connection.
there's also how the japanese dub has translated her as obaa-chan, grandma, which can be used for any older grandma-age lady too. then also how Stan Sakai calls her Usagi's grandma in interviews.
so where I'm getting to with this is that maybe it's a painful topic for her, whether it was her sibling or her own child who died, but it seems she's gone through a lot and maybe omits details about what happened to Yuichi's parents. In any case, she had made a promise to Usagi's parents and we don't know much beyond that. If we go more into headcanon than theory territory, we could expand on what's implied in the show. What if besides looking after the boy, they also asked her to promise to look after him as her own? And so she became Auntie, instead of only Grandma.
Or it could even just be a personal preference! I have an aunt thru marriage who right-off-the-bat requested to be called by name instead of "aunt" or "auntie" because those monikers felt old to her.
Perhaps for Usagi's auntie, it was similar and she felt that because he couldn't experience having parents, at least he could experience having an auntie, and that's what she asked for him to call. Not an older grandma, but an experienced auntie. Altho that's not what those words have to mean, it is just speculation from me based on how she's written. Also, because she seems to be a war veteran (the prosthetics and experienced skill despite her old age), she might have things to hide. so perhaps she prefers something familial and close what a family member would call her, but not her full or real name, as perhaps the boy's parenrs would have called her.
Just some thoughts!
My theories on what actually happened to his parents range depending on what I take as a jumping-off point for the theory. Easiest and most extreme example; Perhaps the wars were recent and they died there? Maybe they even had more kids before Usagi? Because Usagi's name also includes Yuichi tho, with the meaning of "first-born brave son", perhaps not. Another theory I had earlier in s1, is that they went to the city, related to their farm, perhaps they needed investors or were doing business of some kind. What happens next branches off - it could have been a simple mugging or other crime that left them vulnerable or hurt enough that they couldn't get help anymore.
One of the theories I have is that it is related to some gang wars that took place over 10 years before the events of the series and Usagi's 16th birthday in ep 1. I'm going to use this one in my Neo Edo Idol fanstory because it seems to fit the best there ^^ It's implied by how the three main gangs in the series basically exist in a corrupt way where they can both tell the Shogun what to so, but are also sequestered off into their of territories, that probably things weren't so great before, but under the semi-corrupt Lord Kogane, they exist in a standstill. So maybe Usagi's parents found their ends in whatever went on with the gangs 10+ years ago.
If we tie it with the fact that a big criminal was alao going around the city causing problems, mentioned in Gen and Toshiko's flashbacks about their mom's praxis, we can get another interesting connection. Maybe Usagi's parents were victims of this black wolf. There's even the theory that maybe... this could be related to Jei, known from the comics and that this character is a nod to him. Whether a descendant or a random black wolf possessed by Jei, it is an interesting nod. So 2 things could have happened. Or any number of things really! Mainly I am thinking, maybe Usagi's parents got hurt by Okami, and died then and there; Possibly, they could have been hurt by either Okami or anyone or anything else, but then couldn't get help because the city's only working hospital was closed because of him. It's interesting to think about! I hope someone else makes these connections in their Usagi Chronicles fanstories as well :)
Anyway, this became a whole big tangent answrr lol ^^; but thanks for talking about this! lolol I love talking about this sjow and Usagi's parents and what happened to them, any details about them... they are like one of the biggest unknown mysteries to me haha and it would be really cool to get something like a FAQ or some companion piece/comic where we get more fleshed-out lore for them too ^^
Of course, since the series was made inspired by Senso and Space Usagi, it's likely we'll never find out, but it's fun to think that maybe the writers, storyboarders and showrunners all hax some small ideas about his parents, and that these ideas simply weren't used for time reasons...
Thanks and feel free to ask/talk more!
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drawnaghht · 9 months
a reply to @freakova's tags on this post
#this would be a really nice ending honestly#cause YEAH why happened to his parents what gives they’re Usagi’s too#and the fact that auntie adopts the kids it shows how family can be found#+Yuichi know got lil sisters#He’s all about family (miyamoto and auntie) they could have explored it even further
same! would like to know more!!!
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we never really touched on Usagi's backstory besides that his parents entrusted auntie with taking care of him, so I often wonder, if the show had been given a longer episode run, like maybe 30, 40, maybe even 26 instead of 20 - could we have seen more character backstories in general? Cuz there's also Kitsune, who's backstory we don't know at all, and then Gen and Toshiko, who we see explain their story a bit in bits and pieces through-out the 2 seasons. The fact that Usagi immediately goes back to his auntie, because he knows Hana would be safe from the ninja there, says a lot about how much he trusts his auntie. like the show makes it feel like he might actually be the most fleshed-out of all the characters, but his story is hidden almost as much as Kitsune's. I sorta get the reasoning there - their personalities already serve to tell their story a lot, Usagi is a big fan of his own ancestor and idolizes him, while Kitsune is a street-thief and grifter before we see Usagi bump into her puppet-cart and ruin her evening plans. The audience can get a lot of info out of just context-clues, but Kitsune and Usagi are also characters who are most easy to read at first, so we don't get their backstories really explored or opened the same way as Chizu or Gen, because, I can only guess, those stories don't seem to directly tie into the two larger arcs shown during the 10+10 episodes. But lol, would still like to know more, where are the activity books and character pages? a little side novel maybe? why did the age of flash games with extra info have to end before this show aired lol, if only Netflix spent money on that sort of stuff too, maybe we'd have more info besides just the shows on their own 😂😂😅
More theories and rambling below :D
My theory about Usagi's parents is that they died in one of the wars mentioned by some of the older characters in the show :) Cliche, I know! but it seems to sorta make sense. Could have been many other reasons too of course! Maybe they went to the city to find or do something related to the family business or history, but found their end somehow. One of my other theories is that there were gang wars in Neo Edo, around 10-14 years before the series starts. Maybe they found their end there? We don't even know how old his parents would have been, but judging by auntie's look and how she speaks and acts, maybe she's like, around 60-ish? she has raised her nephew for 15 years, meaning since she was around 45, so maybe her sister/brother would have been around 35-40 something when they died. I personally headcanon that it's his mom, who is the Miyamoto family member here, so maybe his dad really was a farmer by birth and thus, the family did not have a name anymore (they've always preferred staying in hiding after Miyamoto died) and that's why they gave him the name Yuichi Usagi with meaning... related to that earlier Senso-connected theory I had ^^;
The "big" wars, mentioned by Lady Fuwa and Armiral Nochi, being recent makes sense tho. bc even though a 1000 years have gone past and Edo (our real-world Tokyo) in this world has been able to embrace some more advanced tech (courtesy of the Ki-stone), perhaps even alien tech, depending on how you view what happened with Miyamoto Usagi in the show's past, some of the culture and tech has sort of stayed in the Edo period. This is mainly because the show creators and staff wanted to keep both Edo sensibilities as well as modern tech and create an interesting fusion on an artistic and story level. One of the older interviews from last year mentions that the crew was inspired by Stan's 2015 story Senso - that what if Edo got to take all that alien tech and use it for themselves? From one of Stan's answers in this 2022 Popverse interview:
"They took one of my stories – Senso, a miniseries I did where Martians invade feudal Japan – and wondered what if they took some of the technology they got from those Martians, how would it affect their society generations down the line?
That was the premise, with the story taking place in a city called Neo-Edo; with Edo being the old name for Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It also takes a lot from Japanese culture, such as vending machines, pachinko parlors, karaoke bars, and things like that. It integrated everything, the old and the new, and I’m quite happy about that."
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So the wars would make sense to be more recent because to me, it seems that maybe with this tech, from a story-world level, they should be further along the line than having just flying cars and airships, right? But wars are one of those things that always and if Edo didn't have those outside influences that we had, maybe they wouldn't have some things, i.e. we don't see phones or trains on the show vs the phone boom we had in the 1980s in the real world and the hi-speed train rails japan is known for now. So they probably would have also missed out on the 60s Space Race between the US and the Soviet Union, which popularized the 1960s "space age aesthetic" for example, which is what we might think of when trying to remember 60s tech and fashion. So the show creates its own retrofuturism in trying to consider all these different elements.
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(images from Flickr, Lehza Vintage)
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(from The Rake, The Olympians)
I wonder if they even considered some cultural things that stuck and became popular before and after the US occupation, such as baseball Harley Davidsons and jazz - what would those be like in the world they created around the city of Neo Edo?
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(from AnotherDesignBlog, Eiko Hanamura on League of Extraordinary Cosplayers, Sally the Witch on Wikipedia, 60s Vintage MENKO on eBay)
We see some semblances of what we could call western influences in how Gen installs new kitchenware in episode 5, how Kitsune looks like she could be a 1970s Harajuku girl, how Admiral Nochi and the Bat Squadron dress etc. It's an interesting balance throughout the show and thinking about it more just makes me more curious about it haha.
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Maybe what happened with the Makkine a 1000 years ago is that a few sentries arrived with Kagehito's ship. Because of the surprise Kagehito expresses about the makkine warbotto self-replicating in the present (the s2 warbotto ep), we can surmise that they didn't back then, so they didn't replicate. Did they leave any ships? In the first season, Kagehito's ship is underground and covered by hundreds of years of rubble and rock. The Mogura Gang helping him then, actually find gold before they find his ship. So if any ships did come through with him those 1000 years ago, it seems that they did not "park" into the same place, or, likely that whatever happened, they were used up by locals.
The show is also quite fast-paced in reality, as we can see from how each episode jumps from POV to POV, or topic to topic and we get a lot of info in a short time, so to me it seems that the story crew REALLY crunched every bit of important info, story or jokes into the episodes, but just, didn't have more time to show or do anything about Usagi's parents.
lol what I'm doing to avoid more brainworms like this is to.... I guess continue writing my fanfic where I try to solve this (the main storyline from the comic i posted haha), but I also realized while writing this... I am waiting to see if I can get one of the new books coming out this or next year that bridges the stories/worlds between Yokai Hunter and Space Usagi, to see if there might be some new connections to be from there about Space Usagi in general, but maybe there could be something there nodding back to SR as well? maybe the new character is inspired by that or somehow bridges those things? lol a fan can hope ;D
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drawnaghht · 8 months
btw, if you liked my post analysing just the magnet "holsters" in Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, I'm eventually gonna post more outfit description/analysis! just cuz I've already been writing some longer descriptions for a while now - that's one of my fave things to research and write about, since it can be good art reference for my own drawings, and especially since I can go through the episodes looking for anything new to write down or connect :)
Also, thank you so much for the replies on my post! LOVING the reactions I'm seeing on it, I didn't expect this to do numbers at all but I'm pleased people enjoy reading me ramble about details in a show I like haha xD I don't usually get replies on my other fandom posts, so this is very surprising, even here. I'm touched!
Replies below! :)
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@ranarenee - I already replied to you on the original post, but I genuinely just wanted to feature this comment cuz I'm glad ppl are having a positive reaction to this post xD
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I also think it was probably a bit easier to animate them! in addition, because it provides an interesting change of technology in the world of Usagi Chronicles, it means that it might have become more interesting to design this hypothetical descendant-world. I'm sure they might have also just thought it was an interesting and unique element of what they were making, but from Art Director Khang Le and Stan Sakai's CBCC interview, and the SDCC@ Home 2021 panel I remember it was mentioned a few times how many clever things they found to make the production spending smaller on the more trivial things.... so the magnetic holsters feels like a thing that might have hit many birds with one stone, so-to-speak. You have the easier drawing of boards and maybe a few things made lighter for the 3D crew (no extra models or rope to animate, for example), but you also have a pleasing design element to give the main fighters in the cast - Usagi, Gen and Chizu - as well as other characters who would happen to wear weapons on their person aside from Karasu-Tengu. Like mentioned in the post, Kitsune is an interesting exception here, because of course, she's based on UY Kitsune who is also not a direct fighter or anything, but also, the world of SR appears to be at peace of some sort, and it's mentioned several times that there were wars at some point, so not many ordinary citizens of Neo would even have these unless they wanted to use or carry weapons every day. Kitsune wants to blend in with this ordinary citizenry and does so quite well.
I just thought of this today and I guess my post sort of mentioned it, but this existence of the magnets also seems to imply some hierarchy of income or money flow. Kitsune doesn't have any because she doesn't need them and she wouldn't spend money she doesn't have on them anyway. Chizu is Lady Fuwa's favourite student despite how she treats her - and gets the best undercover gear, so like Gen and Usagi, custom magnets. I suspect also that Chizu deliberately somehow got herself assigned to the temple-job (headcanon for now), or perhaps hoped it would be something like that, because she didn't want to get any of the more victim-heavy missions the Neko Ninja do. Gen obviously has spent his own money on the holsters and they are there out of pure practicality - can't be a bounty-hunter without wepons, can you? So the magnets seem more like they're ordinary but custom for the outfit. And Usagi, as discussed before, possibly inherited them because of the clan mon adorning the inlay of the magnet.
@kinokothere - thank you!! I will probably continue making posts like this even if I have no audience! why I made this blog at first was to collect my SRTUC fandom theories and drawings under a more organized platform compared to twitter, where this specific fan-account started. I now write almost explusively about SRTUC so you can bet I have way fewer notes than if I wrote about shipping or something else popular for example xD
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Thank you @0yasumi-0-ya-su-mi! it's a fun little world-building detail that I really liked when I started wtaching and I hope other fans also include it more in their work x3
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@umhuhwellthen x3 thank you!! i love seeing reactiong tags like this one!
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drawnaghht · 9 months
replies @elenorasweet @umhuhwellthen about this post...
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Those are both really nice things!!
i also feel like the characters that SR added next to Usagi, Gen, Kitsune and Chizu, to build more on the family element of the show, were all really interesting. I'm a super slow writer myself but it would be cool to see more of that family element, and those other characters from other fans in general. I feel like this is a constant with SRTUC fans I've seen online who mention the other characters at least once haha x3
@umhuhwellthen those neko ninja designs are cool to see so I'm looking forward to the draw the squads you wanna make for them!
The Neko Ninja crew are ones I also have theories about, but I feel like people will start to write more about thme eventually, so in future fanworks, I would maybe like to just have some extra scenes at the farm, or the Neo Edo crew resting their legs a bit after a tough fight and seeing Auntie, Hana and the other kids again. almost like a vacation even :D
Something else I would also like to explore is how to write Gen and Toshiko, because I thought their sibling dynamic of "elder hypochondriac brother with abandonment issues* who became a bounty hunter" and "younger sister who ran away to the circus and other odd jobs" is interesting for me as an older sibling myself.
*lol that is just what I read into it, but the way his story is framed, with him staying with the Shiba Inu doctors after his family was run out of town, the way he felt emotional after Tetsujin and Chizu gave him a prosthetic horn, sorta makes it feel like it would fit...
I would also maybe like to see more of the Neo Edo crews? Or maybe just more of the 3 crews we see in the show, besides the neko ninja. Like the Mogura have a whole town underground and the Bat Squadron seems to have some sort of recent history with the city, with how they don't have a fleet but their leader is called an admiral... an admiral of what? That's something I'm trying to expand on in "Neo Edo Idol" x3
I'd heard in an interview that the show's crew also had other gangs designed so that seems something fun to tackle with the aesthetic the show has established and how different the three crew's shown are :3
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drawnaghht · 1 year
aghht srtuc posts masterlist
a post with all my longer Samurai Rabbit: the Usagi Chronicles posts! not quite a masterlist, but I wanted to put them all under one list so I can find them later for referencing sake :D 
Yuichi Usagi - what’s in a name? (a lil bit of theory)
keikogi for reference - for Yuichi Usagi’s outfit
random Usagi Chronicles tid-bits
Samurai Rabbit trivia refs
Neo Edo Idol tag (fanart+fanfic combo, about a posessed Usagi, based on a background detail from the show)
Samurai Rabbit w/ Stan Sakai & The Usagi Chronicles Creative Team (interview links)
re-listening to “Samurai Rabbit with Stan Sakai & The Usagi Chronicles Creative Team” (this one is a longer analysis post)
Chizu x Kitsune and why it’s gay
Usagi refs I drew fir myself
Neo Edo and batteries
Usagi Chronicles and reviews
I’ll keep updating this as I go along! Thanks for reading! :)
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