#stole that line from yahtzee croshaw
words-and-threads · 4 months
Larian really said "this man wants to be Machiavelli's prince but he has a charisma of 10 and at least one point of that is just because he's pretty."
Tav: how can you be a secret vampire when you're SO BAD AT LYING?
"I'm not a secret vampire," Astarion lies badly.
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The Great Bookshelf Caper: Round Five Wrap Up
Hey friends. You might remember this project from my last post about it, oh, three and a half months ago? Yeah, I'm the worst.
I am still at this, I swear, I am just awful at writing reviews of books as I read them.
When last we spoke of The Great Bookshelf Caper, I was endeavoring to read 20 books before Christmas, which I did not accomplish, though I came close. And now, rather than inundate with THIRTEEN back to back reviews, I'm just gonna sum it all up here, and then hopefully be more on top of my life in 2018.
So! The books from Round 5, and a brief recap of my thoughts and the keeping versus not keeping.
Justina Chen, Chase's couple of books, and the Underland Chronicles I already addressed eons ago. So here's the round starting with Kate Constable.
The Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy: Keeping
The Singer of All Songs by Kate Constable
The Waterless Sea by Kate Constable
The Tenth Power by Kate Constable
I've owned these books since they came out while I was in high school. I loved the series then, and I still enjoyed it immensely on the reread, so I'm keeping these. Also, they're out of print tragically, so if I get rid of them, I might not be able to get them back in the future.
Briar Rose by Brian Coover: Giveaway
I've had this book since my last semester of college, when we read it for my Sleeping Beauty seminar. While it is interesting and thought-provoking as hell, I got about ten pages into before going, Yeah maybe not so much with keeping this one. So it's a giveaway, and I hope its future owner enjoys all my margin notes.
The Suffering Tree by Elle Cosimano: Keeping
My full review of this is up on Teen Lit Rocks. I enjoyed this ARC a lot, and I'm keeping it in my collection.
The Queen's Daughter by Susan Coventry: Giveaway
Eleanor of Aquitaine is always intriguing to me because she's my ancestor. But I just couldn't get into this historical fiction book. I did not finish this title, and I'll be giving it away.
Fortune's Journey by Bruce Coville: Keeping
This book is, like, 39% of my childhood. It's the only historical fiction, non-fantasy book Bruce Coville ever wrote, it's about a traveling theatre troupe going west to find gold, it's cheesy as hell, and I'm FULL OF NOSTALGIA. I've had this book since I was nine, and it's not going anywhere.
The World's Worst Fairy Godmother by Bruce Coville: Giving back
Totally stole this from my parents during college. I've decided to give it back to them.
How to Keep Rolling After a Fall by Karol Cozzo: Keeping
This book was EXCELLENT. Cannot recommend highly enough. I'm going to be writing something on this one for Teen Lit Rocks, because this was a really, really strong YA book about living with disability, being an accessory to bullying through inaction, and overcoming your past.
Bards of Pellinor books: Keeping
The Bone Queen by Allison Croggon
The Naming by Allison Croggon
The Bone Queen is a new edition to the round; it was in my most recent box for Teen Lit Rocks. And since I had to read The Naming anyway... this is a series I've been aware of and put off reading for about fifteen years now. The books are excellent, but very dense, very intellectual. They require a lot of brain power and focus, and after reading both of these back to back, I am ready for something a little lighter before I continue on with the series. But I am keeping both.
Jam by Yahtzee Croshaw: Chase's, and he's keeping it
Mogworld by Yahtzee Croshaw: Chase's, and he's giving it away
Boy by Roald Dahl: Chase's, and he's giving it away
Matilda by Roald Dahl: Keeping
House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski: Chase's, and he's giving it away
Dear America Diaries
Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie - Keeping
The Great Railroad Race - Giveaway
A Journey to the New World - Giveaway
A Line in the Sand - Giveaway
My Secret War - Keeping
Standing in the Light - Keeping
Voyage on the Great Titanic - Giveaway
West to a Land of Plenty - Giveaway
I have owned all of these books for so long. Through probably a dozen moves and bookshelf purges, I have taken them off to give away, then changed my mind and put them back on the shelf. Finally, I reread them. There were three I felt strongly enough about to keep. The rest are finally going to find a new home.
The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo: Keeping
I love this book so much.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip Dick: Chase's, and he's keeping it
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickins: Keeping
I did not make it to this book before Christmas, though I was close. I am keeping it.
And that’s Round Five!
Here are the current numbers:
Books in the project: 496
Books tackled so far: 130
Books left to read: 87
Books giving away: 67
My most recent batch of ARCs gave me, I believe, three titles that fall in the author alphabet of what I've already covered. So just to keep my shelf consistent, I am going to tackle those three Teen Lit Rocks books before I move on to Round 6. When I do tackle Round 6, I SWEAR I will be better about these reviews!
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